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Tigers are terrible animals, but a cat is a cute animal.    As a mother, the Chinese-American writer Amy Chua is just a tiger . Her book, Battle Hymn of the Tiger Mother (《虎妈战歌》), tells us how she gives her two children education.    She says that being strict is the only way to train a child’s talent. Her kids had to obey the following rules. To begin with, her kids weren’t allowed to watch TV or play computer games. Then, they were not allowed to “ hang out ” with other kids after school. They had to be the top students in their class. And they had to practice the piano and the violin for hours every day. Of course, she believes this has brought a lot of problems for herself and her kids. But she doesn’t mind because her kids have become great. Chua says, like her, most Asian mothers are tigers because they believe their children can achieve a lot if they’re pushed hard enough. She says American mothers are really cats. They care more about their children’s self-respect (自尊). They don’t want to be strict with their kids because this may hurt their feelings. With soft words and understanding, they encourage their children to choose for themselves. So is a tiger mom better than a cat mom? It may also depend on the child.
小题1:The writer of this passage wants to  _________.
A.tell that Tigers are terrible animals, but a cat is a cute animal.
B.tell us Amy Chua how to give children education.
C.tell the book Battle Hymn of the Tiger Mother is about animals.
D.tell that most Asian mothers are cats
小题2:What does Amy Chua think of training a child’s talent?
A.She says that being strict is the only way to train a child’s talent
B.She says that being soft is the best way to train a child’s talent
C.She says that teaching is the only way to train a child’s talent
D.She says that making the rules is the only way to train a child’s talent
小题3:To begin with, her kids weren’t allowed to
A.watch TV.
B. play computer games
C.“ hang out ” with other kids after school.
D. Above of all
小题4:She doesn’t mind because her kids have become great.  does  she?
A.Yes, she doesB.No, she doesn’t
C.Yes, she doesn’tD.No, she does.
小题5:From the passage, we can know which one is Not true
A.most Asian mothers are tigers because they believe their children can achieve a lot.
B.American mothers don’t want to be strict with their kids because this may hurt their feelings
C.So is a tiger mom better than a cat mom? It may also depend on the child.
D.American mothers are like cats. They care less about their children’s self-respect (自尊).


小题2:细节理解题。根据短文She says that being strict is the only way to train a child’s talent的描述可知应选A。
小题3:细节理解题。根据短文To begin with, her kids weren’t allowed to watch TV or play computer games. Then, they were not allowed to “ hang out ” with other kids after school的描述可知,A、B、C选项都符合短文内容,故选D,即以上选项都是。
小题4:细节理解题。根据短文she doesn’t mind because her kids have become great的描述可知,本句说的是事实。对反意疑问句的回答,无论问题的提法如何,如果事实是肯定的,就用yes+简短肯定句,事实是否定的,就要用no+简短否定句。如果陈述句部分是否定结构,反意疑问句部分用肯定式提问时,回答yes或no与汉语正好相反。故选B。
小题5:细节理解题。通读短文,根据American mothers are really cats. They care more about their children’s self-respect的描述可知,D选项不符合短文内容,故应选D。

科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

Hello, everyone. Because of the high rate of school violence (暴力) in some areas, teenagers’ safety becomes a serious problem. We are planning to set up an organization, or you can call it a group --- School Watch. It makes sure that students have a safe school environment. Please be part of our plan!
What is School Watch?
School Watch is a volunteer project in our school. It helps us stop violence and improve the quality of school life. It will keep yourself and your schoolmates safe. The other members of School Watch care for you and your classroom, and you do the same for them.
Is it for everyone?
Anybody can become a member of School Watch because everyone has something to offer.
What else can it do?
School Watch makes it possible for us not only to help each other but also to make friends with each other. Some members may offer to help the schoolmates who have problems with their homework.
Who will be the School Watcher?
Our school will look for the School  Watcher and give him or her lots of prizes. You could be the one!
How do you join it?
To be part of this plan, the only thing you need to do is to talk to the director of School Watch in your grade. You can check the official website at www.schoolwatch.com if you want to get more information.
小题1:What is School Watch?
小题2: Where is the School Watch?
小题3: Who can join School Watch?
小题4: How do you join it?
小题5: What does the passage tell us?


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

GIY stands for “grow it yourself” and is about a new fashion for growing your own food.
There are a lot of reasons why growing your own food is a good idea. GIY helps reduce carbon dioxide(CO2) emissions(排放物). Food in supermarkets travels a long way and that produces a lot of CO2. If you grow as many vegetables as you can at home, you can help save the earth.
Vegetables you grow are also good for your health because they have more nutrients than supermarket vegetables and they don’t have chemicals.
How much money can you save? First of all, seeds are a lot of cheaper than vegetables, and secondly, you can save more by planting the most expensive and the most productive(多产的) vegetables. You can give your vegetables to fiends and neighbors. It can make you very popular.
Don’t worry if you don’t have much space. To GIY, you don’t even need a garden. You can use pots on your balconies(阳台). And don’t worry if your space doesn’t get much sun. You can plant vegetables that don’t need a lot of sun to grow.
Grow your own vegetables now. You will have both a healthier body and a healthier social life.
小题1:During the course of _______, food in supermarkets produces a lot of CO2.
小题2:How many reasons do people have to grow their own food?
小题3:What do people mostly need if they want to grow their own vegetables?
A.Some seeds. B.A garden.
C.Some chemicals.D.A pot.
小题4:From the passage, we can learn that _________.
A.all vegetables need a lot of sun to grow
B.we can plant vegetables on our balconies
C.vegetables from supermarkets must be a little cheaper
D.we need much space to plant vegetables
小题5:Where is the passage probably taken from?
A.An advertisement. B.A science fiction.
C.A story book.D.A newspaper.


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

There is an old saying in English, “Laughter is the best medicine”. Until recently, few people took the saying very seriously. Now however, doctors have begun to study laughter and the effects (作用) it has on the human body. They have found evidence that laughter really can improve people’s health.
Tests were carried out to study the effects of laughter on the body. People watched funny films while doctors checked their heart rate, blood pressure, breathing and muscles. It was found that laughter has similar effects to physical exercise. It increases blood pressure, the heart rate and the rate of breathing. It also works several groups of muscles in the face, the stomach and even the feet. If laughter exercises the body, it must be helpful.
Other tests have shown that laughter appears to make the effect of pain on the body less. In one experiment doctors produced pain in groups of students who listened to different radio programs. The group which could bear the pain for the longest time was the group which listened to a funny program. The reason why laughter can make pain less seems to be that it helps to produce endorphins (内啡肽) in the brain. These are natural chemicals which make both stress and pain less.
There is also some evidence to suggest that laughter helps the body’s immune system that is the system which fights infection (感染). In an experiment, one group of students watched a funny video while another group served as the control group — in other words, a group with which to compare the first group. Doctors checked the blood of the students in both groups and found that the people in the group that watched the video had an increase in the activity of their white blood cells that is the cells which fight infection.
As a result of these discoveries, some doctors and psychiatrists (精神病学) in the United States now hold laughter clinics, in which they try to improve their patients’ condition by encouraging them to laugh. They have found that even if their patients do not really feel like laughing, making them smile is enough to produce good effects similar to those caused by laughter.
小题1: We learn from the first paragraph that laughter           .
A.is good for one’s health
B.has strong effects to do with some illness
C.has been studied long since
D.has no effect on the body
小题2: Doctors have found that laughter           .
A.keeps down blood pressure
B.has similar effects to physical exercise
C.decreases the heart rate
D.increases stress and pain
小题3:Which of the following statements is NOT true of laughter according to the passage?
A.It makes pain less.
B.It exercises the body.
C.It improves the body’s immune system.
D.It can cure cancer.
小题4: Smiling can produce _________.
A.about the same effects as laughter
B.more effects than laughter
C.fewer effects on the human body
D.no effects on the human body
小题5: The main idea of this passage is that _________.
A.the doctors should learn how to make people laugh
B.there are several ways of studying the advantages of laughter
C.tests show that laughter can produce positive effects on human body
D.laughter and physical exercise have the same effects on human body


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

March 21 is World Sleep Day. How’s your sleep recently?
The Chinese Medical Doctor Association asked 8,200 people in China about their sleep. More than 36.3 percent of them said they often sleep badly. The study also finds that many students have only 5 hours of sleep a day. According to the US National Sleep Foundation, teenagers need 8.5 to 9 hours of sleep every night. What cuts into their sleeping time? Homework. Also, school starts early in the morning.
But bad sleeping habits also play a role. Do you like to have a look at your mobile phone before going to bed? The survey finds that 60 percent of people check their phones before they sleep. They read news, check their WeChat (微信) or chat with QQ friends.
It’s important for us to get enough sleep. We feel tired and think slowly. Besides, sleepy kids are often unhappy, says a study by the US National Sleep Foundation.
We can’t change our school time. But there are still ways to get better sleep. Stay away from coke, coffee and tea at night. They make it hard to fall asleep. Watch less television. Leave your mobile phone and tablet computer (平板电脑) on your desk.
小题1:What cuts into students’ sleeping time?
A.Students like reading in bed before they sleep.
B.Students have got too much homework and school starts early in the morning..
C.Students often drink coke, coffee and tea at night.
D.Students check their WeChat or chat with QQ friends at night.
小题2:How do students behave in class when they don’t get enough sleep?
A.They don’t want to do their homework.
B.They sleep in class.
C.They feel excited.
D.They not only feel tired and unhappy but also think slowly.
小题3:How many hours should teenagers sleep every night according to the US National Sleep Foundation?
A.5 to 6 hours.B.6 to 8 hours.
C.8.5 to 9 hours.D.9 to 10 hours.
小题4:Which of the following is NOT true?
A.Drinking coke, coffee and tea at night is good for our sleep.
B.We can’t change everything but we can find many ways to get better sleep.
C.Bad sleeping habits aren’t good for us.
D.We should stay away from bad sleeping habits.
小题5:In this passage, the writer is mainly trying to make the readers realize__________.
A.March 21 is World Sleep Day
B.homework makes students have no enough time to sleep
C.we feel tired and think slowly because we have bad sleeping habits
D.good sleeping habits can help us stay healthy


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

Over 30% of the natural world has been seriously destroyed by humans (人类) over the last 30 years. This is because the number of people living on Earth is nearly six billion (十亿). All of these people need food, space and energy. As a result, lots of Earth’s natural resources will be used up. When we destroy our earth to get natural resources such as wood or oil, animals often lose their living space. They cannot have enough food, and they will get hurt or die.
The World Wide Fund for Nature (WWF) is an international charity. It tries to prevent humans from destroying more of nature than is necessary. For example, in China WWF is working with the local government to reconnect (重新连接) some small lakes in Anhui Province to the Yangtze River and to create(创造) more protected areas so that China’s natural beauty will not be lost in the future. WWF works in more than 50 countries, saving rainforests and stopping hunters from killing rare animals and protecting traditional ways of life in areas where they are in danger of being lost. WWF’s main goal is to encourage development that does not harm the environment and the animals that live in it. Even though the charity is known all over the world, and a lot of people support the goals of WWF, not so many donate money often. This makes it difficult for the charity to do all the things it wants to do.
小题1:Why has over 30% of the natural world been destroyed?
A.Because hunters are killing rare animals.
B.Because not enough people help WWF.
C.Because WWF does not have enough money.
D.Because there are so many people living on Earth.
小题2: How has WWF helped in China?
A.They have protected traditional ways of life.
B.They have helped to protect China’s natural beauty.
C.They have saved many rainforests in Anhui Province.
D.They have built some bridges over the Yangtze River.
小题3:What is WWF’s main goal?
A.To save rainforests.
B.To stop hunters killing rare animals.
C.To get more people to donate money.
D.To protect the environment while developing.
小题4:Why is it difficult for WWF to do all the things they want to?
A.Because too many people do not know WWF.
B.Because WWF doesn’t have enough money from donations
C.Because there are too many problems for them to solve.
D.Because WWF doesn’t encourage development.


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

Children today would rather read, do housework or even do homework than play outside--- and they get out half as much as their parents did when they were young.
According to a UK study, those growing up during the 1970s and 1980s enjoying more than two hours of outdoor activities each weekday, and nine hours on weekends—whatever the weather is. But their children play outside for just over one hour each weekday, and fewer than five hours on Saturdays and Sundays.
So, the UK started an activity to encourage children to give up 30 minutes of screen time a day to play outdoors.
The Wild Network, born on September 25, 2013, is joined by more than 300 organizations, large or small. It tries to attract children away from television and computer screen and into woods and parks.
It is the biggest ever activity to reconnect children with nature and outdoor activities, and it plans to help improve children’s health.
Suggestions on how to get more time in nature including collecting fruits, camping, watching autumn colour on trees and so on.
This is not the first time the message of less screen, more play has been brought up. Children in the 1980s were encouraged to do the same by BBC TV show Why Don’t You, which encouraged children to “turn off your TV set, and go to do something less boring instead”.
You can learn more about the activity by visiting Http://www. Projectwildthing.com.
小题1: We can learn from the second paragraph that _______.
A.today’s children have more free time
B.today’s children spend more time outdoors
C.the parents had more free time when they were young
D.The parents spent more time outdoors when they were young
小题2:The Wild Network was started to __________.
A.encourage children to spend more time outdoors
B.encourage children to play with their parents outdoors
C.encourage children to spend more time on their studies
D.encourage parents to spend more time with their children
小题3:What can we learn about the Wild Network?
A.It was set up this year
B.It was the best ever activity
C.Both large organizations or small can join it
D.You can learn about it from the show Why Don’t You
小题4: Which of the following activities is not mentioned?
A.CampingB.Collecting fruits
C.Bird watchingD.Autumn clour watching
小题5:The underlined part “do the same” can be replaced by _______.
A.start an activityB.play outdoors
C.do homeworkD.do housework


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

You may not have heard the words “freshman fifteen” before, but they are very important for students who are entering university(大学). A freshman is a first-year college student. “Fifteen” means fifteen pounds---the fifteen pounds added to a student’s weight in his or her first year. There are a number of reasons why first-year university students gain(增加) weight; but it’s encouraging to know that freshmen don’t have to add these harmful fifteen pounds.
Mistakes choosing food
University kitchens serve(供应) many kinds of food. Some students choose unhealthy food, because now their patents are not nearby to help them choose. Some students visit the kitchen many times while studying. Late at night, some students get harmful fast food such as fish and chips with Coke to drink. Students also have less time for walking, running, and doing sports because of their schoolwork.
Eating right
If you’re careful, you don’t have to add fifteen pounds. Here are some ideas:
Think more about what you eat.
Eat plenty of vegetables and healthy meats.
Don’t eat desserts full of sugar; have fruit after dinner.
Try not to eat so much unhealthy food while you study.
It’s all right to have a little fast food sometimes---but not often.
Write down the foods you eat.
Walk, run, do sports---move and you will feel better!
Remember that the “freshman fifteen” can happen to anyone. Talk to your friends about it. Together, try to eat healthy food and not to eat unhealthy food. Walking, running, and playing sports is always more fun with friends. Help each other and you can have a healthy and happy freshman year.
小题1:The “freshman fifteen” is _______.
A.weight that high school students gain
B.weight that first-year university students can gain
C.fifteen pounds of food that first-year students eat
D.fifteen students who eat unhealthy food
小题2:Which of these mistakes is not mentioned(提及)in the passage?
A.Choosing unhealthy food.B.Visiting the kitchen while studying.
C.Getting fast food at night.D.Eating too much chocolate.
小题3: Which of these ideas would the writer probably agree with?
A.You’d better not eat unhealthy food.
B.Not eating unhealthy foods is easier with friends’ help.
C.Gaining fifteen pounds can help you study better.
D.Some students can eat anything they want.


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

Many of us don’t pay attention to the importance of eye care. It’s said that if you take care of your body, then you can be healthy. That is why our eyes should be given a lot of care. Natural eye care should be put in a number one place.
There are several causes leading to poor eyesight like not enough food, gene(基因) and aging(年龄增长). Televisions, computers and reading are also the causes of having poor eyesight.
If you happen to work in front of the computer, it is best to take a rest every once in a while. Something dirty can cause redness and they will make you feel uncomfortable. It is bad for your eyes, too. If this happens, the best way is to clean your eyes by using cold water. You must also try your best to protect your eyes from harmful thing. For example, sunglasses are not just fashion but they can also serve as a great way to protect your eyesight from UV rays.
Eating healthy foods will do good to your eyesight. Remember that vitamins(维生素) A、C and E are good for eyes. Try to eat food groups that have these vitamins. And you should do eye exercises because exercise protects your eyesight, too. If a person exercises regularly(规律地) and eats the right kind of food, his eyes will stay in good condition for a long time.
All above are natural ways of eye care that help us keep healthy eyes. Being happy all the time can be helpful to a person’s eyesight, too. In a word, eye care is very important, no matter how old a person is.
小题1: __________ is the most important way to protect our eyes.
A.Natural eye careB.Taking medicine
C.Seeing the doctorD.Being happy all the time
小题2:All the following causes can lead to bad eyesight except _________.
小题3: What should you do if you have to work in front of the computer?
A.Eat healthy foods.B.Clean the eyes by using cold water.
C.Wear a pair of sunglasses.D.Have a rest after working for a while.
小题4: What do the under words “UV rays” mean?
小题5:Which is the best title of the passage?
A.Ways of Eye CareB.Ways of Eye Exercises
C.Way of Being be HappyD.Way of Being Healthy

