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What’s the difference(区别) between studies and life in primary schools and middle schools? Here, two students give you        ideas.
Wang Junli, 14, Chongqing
In the primary school, I walked to school every day because it is not far        my home. But in the middle school, I should live at school because our school tells us to do so. After two        middle school life, I learn a lot. That is, you need to learn to        yourself(你自己) and learn to do things by yourself.
Huang Lu, 14, Chengdu
My name is Huang Lu. I had(有) only 4 subjects        they were very easy to learn in the primary school. When I        to the middle school, I find that there are more subjects        history and geography. They are        to learn so I don’t know how to learn them well. Every day I        to be interested in all subjects. Listen to the teachers and take notes carefully. They are my       .
A.our B.theirC.yourD.my
A.look outB.look atC.look afterD.look for
A.because B.butC.soD.and
A.amB.comeC.want D.hope
A.like B.likesC.is likeD.are like


小题1:考查代词及语境的理解。A. our我们的; B. their他们的; C. your你的,你们的; D. my我的。两个学生给出他们的观点。这里的形容词性物主代词应该与句子的主语一致,所以这里指学生的,用代词就是他们的,故选B。
小题2:考查介词及语境的理解。A. near附近;   B. in  在……里面;C. at在; D. from从。这里是短语be far from离……远。故选D。
小题3:考查名词及语境的理解。A. years’几年的; B. years几年; C. weeks’几周的; D. weeks几周。因为这里空格后有life,所以这里应该用所有格的形式,根据常识可知中学是大约三年的时间,故选A。
小题4:考查动词短语及语境的理解。A. look out小心; B. look at看; C. look after 照顾;D. look for寻找。你需要学会照顾自己并且学会自己做事情。根据learn to do things by yourself.可知故选C。
小题5:考查连词及语境的理解。A. because因为; B. but但是; C. so因此; D. and和。我仅仅有4门功课并且这些功课是很容易在小学学会的。因为这里表示前后是并列关系,故选D。
小题6:考查动词及语境的理解。A. am是; B. come来; C. want想要; D. hope希望。当我来到中学,我发现有更多的功课如历史和地理。因为上文叙述的是小学的事情,所以这里叙述的是来到中学的情况。故选B。
小题7:考查动词及语境的理解。 A. like像,介词; B. likes 喜欢;C. is like像,做谓语动词; D. are like像,做谓语动词。当我来到中学,我发现有更多的功课如历史和地理。因为空格前是总的是subjects,空格后是举例,故选A
小题8:考查形容词及语境的理解。 A. easy容易的; B. fun有趣; C. difficult 困难的; D. bad坏的;它们是很难学会的所以我不知道如何把它们学好。根据I don’t know how to learn them well可知这里指的是功课是难的,故选C。
小题9:考查动词及语境的理解。 A. have有; B. try尝试; C. dislike不喜欢; D. ask问。每天我都试图对所有的功课感兴趣。根据Listen to the teachers and take notes carefully.黄璐试图喜欢所有的功课,故选B。
小题10:考查名词及语境的理解。 A. notes  笔记;B. subjects 功课; C. schools学校;D. ideas注意,想法。这些都是我的想法。根据上文可知上面叙述的黄璐的想法,故选D。

科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

Long long ago, an elephant and a monkey lived in the same forest. They were good friends, but both of them were very proud. The elephant thought of himself strong, and the monkey felt himself quick.

One day they went to ask the old bird, “Can you tell us which one of us is more important?” The old bird didn't give them the answer at once.  However, he asked them to get some bananas on the other side of the river and bring them to him.
So the elephant and the monkey went to the river, but the water ran so fast that the monkey was afraid.
“Get on my back, Monkey,” said the elephant, “I shall take you there. I'm big and strong, and I can swim across the river.”
Soon they got to the other side. The elephant tried to reach the bananas, but they were too high. “Wait a minute, please. I can climb,” said the monkey. He quickly ran up the tree and gave the bananas to the elephant.
Then they came back happily to the old bird and showed him the bananas. “Now, you see, the elephant is strong,” said the old bird with a smile, “but he couldn't get the bananas; the monkey is quick, but he couldn't, either. Only you two could do the work well when you helped each other.” 
小题1:Both the elephant and the monkey are ______ in the story.
A. quick                        B. proud                   C. strong
小题2:According to the story, ______ is more important.
A. the monkey               B. the elephant                C. neither
小题3:Picture ______ shows the right position of the banana tree.

A.                        B.                         C.
小题4:They should ______ to get the bananas.
A. first swim across the river and then come back
B. first climb up the tree and then swim across the river
C. first swim across the river and then climb up the tree
小题5:The best title for the story is “______”.
A. Teamwork is important       B. An elephant and a monkey      C. Strong or quick


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

It's a fine day. The White family gets up at seven o'clock. They have breakfast at seven forty. And then they go to the park. They take a basket of food and a carpet (地毯). The park is not far from their home, so they ride bikes there. When they get to the park, it’s half past eight. Mr. and Mrs. White are talking with each other. Their son, Ted, is playing with a ball. Their daughter, Jenny, is taking photos.
After about an hour, Ted and Jenny sit down to relax. At that time, they see a squirrel eating a pine nut (松子) in a big tree. When they see the squirrel eating, they feel hungry. They go to help their parents take the food out of the basket. Ted has a hamburger. Hamburgers are his favorite food. Jenny has an apple. Mr. and Mrs. White have some bread. They have a great time in the park.
小题1:What do the family take to the park?
A.A basket of food and a book.B.A carpet and a dog.
C.A basket of food and a carpet.D.Food and clothes.
小题2:When do they get to the park?
A.At 8:30 a.m.B.At 8:00 a.m.
C.At 7:40 a.m.D.At 7:00 a.m.
小题3:What is Jenny doing in the park?
A.She is reading a book.B.She is taking photos.
C.She is playing with a ball.D.She is drawing pictures.
小题4:What does the underlined word “squirrel” refer to (指)?
A.A kind of fruit.B.A kind of sport.
C.A kind of drink.D.A kind of animal.


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:完形填空

Once in a small village faraway, there was a place known as the House of 1000 Mirrors.
A happy little dog learned about this place and decided to visit. When he arrived, he bounced (蹦跳) happily up the stairs to the doorway of the house. He looked through the doorway h his     lifted high and his tail wagging as fast as it could. To his great      , he found himself staring at 1000 other happy little dogs with their tails wagging just as fast as his. He smiled a great smile, and was      with 1000 great smiles. As he left the House, he thought to himself, “This is a very      place. I will come back and visit it       .”
In the same village, another little dog, who was not quite as      as the first one, decided to visit the house. He slowly climbed the stairs and hung his head low as he     into the door. When he saw the 1000 unfriendly-looking dogs staring back at him , he growled at them and was horrified to see 1000 little dogs growling back at him. As he left, he thought to himself, “That is a horrible place, and It will never go back      again.”    
All the      in the world are mirrors. What kinds of reflectios do you see in the faces of people you     .
A.joyB.disappointmentC.surprise D.sadness
A.thereB.hereC.the mirrorsD.the House
A.knowB.meetC.talk toD.make friends with


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:完形填空

At Life’s Crossroads
Leaving high school, I had to choose a career path—medicine or business—before college started in three months, but I couldn’t decide. Both my uncles suggested I work for a month in a         followed by a month in a hospital before I could know what to do. It seemed like a good idea.
Then near the end of two months, I began thinking about my two         . The bank had offered better working conditions. The hospital was full of excitement, but the training was hard. It seemed that the choices of        was going to run out.
The Last day of my work at the hospital, I was         home when I saw a boy hit by a bus and lie in the road as the bus run away.        stopped. I know if the boy stayed there, he would die very soon. So, without help, I lifted him into my car.
The next day, I went to see him. His family were sitting around his bed. The doctor introduced me as “the person who saved the boy’s life”.Everyone got up, with        smiles on their faces. The mother held my hands to her face, repeating again and again, “See, you are an angel!”
What a feeling this was, to help save the life of another person!         , I knew I wanted to do for the rest of my life. I went to college for my medical studies.
We may spend a lot of time wondering about what         to take in our lives, but sometimes you don’t really have to worry about your       decisions. They are made for you by some quality(品质) in you—by what you’re        to do when necessary.
A.unclesB.hobbiesC.colleges D.experiences
A.All B.FewC.NobodyD.Someone
A.gentleB.weak C.pleasant D.grateful
A.pathB.actionC.interest D.advice
A.big B.personalC.quickD.fair


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:完形填空

I began to play the piano four years ago,I always remember my first piano performance.I remember that year,I was only nine years old,and but just     to lean to play the piano a few months before.
One day,my teacher told me there was ging to be a piano performance     three weeks.When I heard the news,I felt very   .But the teacher said,“You can make it.You have     this piece of music many times,so you’ll play it well.And when the performance comes,I’am sure you’ll   .”After hearing the teacher’s words,I felt confident about myself.
After three weeks of hard practicing,the piece for the performance was fianlly   .The night before the performance,I was so excited that I couldn’t stand still or sit down.When it was my    to perform,I held my head high,went onto the stage,sat on the chair,quickly    the song in my head,and lifted up my hands to play.In one breath,I played the piece from beginning to end and played it very pleasantly.Soon,a thunter of applause(雷鸣般的掌声)      out in the concert hall.I felt very happy,and proud of    ,yoo.
That was my first piano performance and I will never forget it.
A.went throughB.made upC.came up withD.went off


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

When you exercise, it is really important to drink lots of water because you lose (失去) water quickly at this time. Also, when your muscles (肌肉) work hard, they need water. When the weather is hot and you are going to do sports for a long time, you need more water. When should you drink water?
An hour before the games or “high-energy” activities
1 glass
Every 20 minutes in the games
1 glass
After the games
2 glasses
  After you finish doing sports, it can also be a good idea to have some juice or other drinks with sugar in it, and you can recover quickly. A sports drink is good if you are going to exercise more than an hour.
It is not a good idea to drink water until (直到) you’re thirsty.
小题1:Why do we need to drink water when we exercise?
A.Because it is too hot.B.Because we feel tired.
C.Because we lose water quickly.D.Because the muscles like water.
小题2:What does “recover” mean here in Chinese?
小题3:What can be the best title (标题) for the passage?
A.Exercise and HealthB.Hot Weather and Sports
C.How to ExerciseD.Exercise and Drinking Water


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:完形填空

One day I was putting some donated tents into my truck when something sharp(尖锐的) got into my left eye. Immediately I fell down and knew it was      
I was taken to a        and the doctors there operated on me but couldn't        my eye. When they told me the news, I really wanted to die. Everything seemed    in front of me.
Even after I got my man-made eye, I still felt very sad. To make things worse, I lost my      as a transportation officer because of worries about my driving ability.
But one morning, I woke up and the       was on, and there was a 16-year-old girl. She had been seriously burned on her legs and was learning to     again. She wore a big smile, saying, "You can never give up. " It seemed that she said this specially to     _ . At that moment, I felt        and thought," This is just an eye. Get over it."
Soon I really got over it and       myself. It's almost 12 years since my accident, and now I can do anything that I used to do. No one can even       I have a man-made eye, because the new one is so good. And     I haven't got my old job back, I've got my driving license again.
So be cheerful in face of any bad       . You will never truly know yourself until you have been tested by a very difficult situation. No matter how        your problem is, just keep up. Now I have only one eye, but I see things a lot more     


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

Dear editor,
My English teacher is very strict with us. Several days ago, when we were in class, Tom asked me a question. But my English teacher thought we were speaking in class. She asked us to stand at the back of the classroom for a few minutes. This made me unfair. After that, I feel nervous in her class, so I don’t like her class. However, I really want to learn English well. What should I do?
Dear Mike,
I am sorry you are having difficulty with your English class. Every teacher wants his or her students to study hard. So I think you should have a talk with your English teacher and tell her what you were doing with Tom that day. If she knows your worries, maybe she will help you with your English. And she will be pleased to hear you want to learn English well. Of course, you should know that what your teacher did was good for you. When you are not trying as hard as you can, she has to stop it and try to help you. Wish you have a better life!
小题1:What’s wrong with Mike?
A.He doesn’t like learning English.
B.He meets trouble with his English teacher.
C.He doesn’t know how to get on well with his English teacher.
D.He doesn’t like English any longer.
小题2:Mike feels nervous in English classes because ____.
A.he doesn’t like his English teacher
B.he can’t speak in class
C.his English teacher punished(惩罚) him
D.his English is poor
小题3:In the editor’s opinion, the English teacher asked Mike to stand for a while because _____.
A.she didn’t like him
B.she didn’t think Mike was learning English hard at that time
C.Mike was bad at English
D.Mike was making much noise
小题4:The teacher will _____ if Mike has a talk with her.
A.be even angrier
B.ask him to stand for some time once again
C.be pleased
D.say sorry to him
小题5:Which of the following sentences is TRUE according to(根据) the passage?
A.Mike dislikes English classes, but he wants to learn English well.
B.Mike wants the editor to tell his English teacher the truth.
C.The editor gave Mike some advice, but it didn’t work.
D.The teacher hates Mike much more than before.

