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Children’s Training Center


Learn more about how to protect yourself when an earthquake comes.

Time:10:00a.m.~11:00 a.m.(Monday &Tuesday)

Room: 201

Teacher: Wang Yang from Nanjing


Learn a lot about how to get away from accidents.

Time:2:00 p.m.~4:00 p.m.(Wednesday & Friday)

Room: 503

Teacher: Huang Bo from Suzhou


Your life in art is going to start here!

Time:9:00 a.m. ~11:00 a.m.(Thursday)

Room: 307

Teacher: Sun Yong from Yangzhou


See yourself in the magic water land!

Time:3:00 p.m. ~5:00 p.m.(Sunday)

Place:Swimming pool

Teacher: Mr Zhang from Changzhou Sports School

1.. You may know more about the earthquakes in ________.

A. Room 503 B. Room 307

C. Room 207 D. Room 201

2. The person who gives talks about accidents is from ________.

A. Yangzhou B. Suzhou

C. Nanjing D. Changzhou

3. You may learn about Chinese painting from ________.

A.Wang Yang B. Mr Zhang

C. Sun Yong D. Huang Bo

4. In hot summer, you can have a good time in water from ________ on Sunday.

A.3:00 p.m.~5:00 p.m. B.2:00 p.m.~4:00 p.m.

C.9:00 a.m.~11:00 a.m. D.10:00 a.m.~11:00 a.m.

5. When is the Children’s Training Center not open?

A. On Thursday. B. On Tuesday.

C. On Friday. D. On Saturday.















科目:初中英语 来源:2014-2015学年江苏扬州江都市八年级上期末英语试卷(解析版) 题型:单项填空

My father bought a new bike for me yesterday. It’s a structure of__________.




科目:初中英语 来源:2014-2015学年江苏兴化顾庄等三校七年级上期末英语试卷(解析版) 题型:完形填空


I am an apple. I'm a kind of sweet .You can find me grow in many places of the world, but I can't grow well in very hot places very cold places.

I am not like my cousins - and bananas. I am rounder than a pear and bananas are than me. I am delicious, people all over the world like to eat me. They can usually eat me washing me. They can also cook me to all kinds of food, sometimes they put me in cans(罐头)to send me to other places of the world. Almost everyone can have to buy me because I cost very little.

I can also help people get . There is a saying English: An apple a day keeps the doctor away. Don't you think that I'm very great? I have many vitamins(维生素) inside, they are for you. I really wish to make you happy and healthy. so don’t forget to me as often as possible(尽可能经常地).

But I also need your , if you want to make me taste better,. you must me well. Thank you for your love. I'll try to grow well and sweeter. Then you will like to eat me a lot more.

1.A. vegetable B. fruit C. drink D. snack

2.A. but B. and C. or D. as

3.A. lemons B. tomatoes C. pears D. oranges

4.A.shorter B. longer C. fatter D. older

5.A. and B. so C. but D. or

6.A.after B. before C. for D. with

7.A. let B. have C. take D. make

8.A. time B. money C. energy D. food

9.A. happy B. smart C .comfortable D. healthy

10.A. in B. with C. for D. of

11.A. good B. bad C. ready D. different

12.A. eat B. drink C. find D. cook

13.A. energy B. vitamin C. love D. calorie

14.A. look for B. look after C. look up D. look out

15.A. become(变得···)B. feel C. sound D. look


科目:初中英语 来源:2014-2015学年江苏兴化顾庄等三校七年级上期末英语试卷(解析版) 题型:单项填空

—Good afternoon! Millie. Welcome to our library. Which book would you like?

—I’d like books about animals. Can I ______ some, Mrs. Yang?

A. take B. bring C. borrow D. buy


科目:初中英语 来源:2014-2015学年江苏兴化顾庄等三校八年级上期末英语试卷(解析版) 题型:单词拼写


1.David and his______________(妻子)have taught English in this school for many years.

2.The wind is_______________ (吹) hard outside now. The sound "wuwu" makes us feel afraid.

3.Wei Hua didn’t go to school because she had a bad _______________ (头痛) yesterday.

4.It snowed heavily last night. The ground is _______________( 覆盖) with deep snow.

5.They all think it's_______________(不可能的)to finish the work in such a short time.


科目:初中英语 来源:2014-2015学年江苏兴化顾庄等三校八年级上期末英语试卷(解析版) 题型:单项填空

The old granny lives _______, but she never feels ________.

A. lonely; lonely B. alone; lonely

C. alone; alonel D. lonely; alone


科目:初中英语 来源:2014-2015学年江苏兴化顾庄等三校八年级上期末英语试卷(解析版) 题型:单项填空

________ animals are in danger and there will be ________ space for them if we don’t take any actions.

A.More and more, more and more

B. Less and less, less and less

C. More and more, less and less

D. Less and less, more and more


科目:初中英语 来源:2014-2015学年江苏南新初级中学七年级上第二次独立作业英语试卷(解析版) 题型:阅读理解

A car stops at a small bus stop. A man is hungry and he wants to buy some cakes. It’s raining hard, he doesn’t want to go out in the rain. He sees a boy. “Come here, boy!” he cries. “Do you know how much the cakes are?” The boy says yes. The man gives the boy four dollars(美元) and asks him to buy two cakes. “One is for you and one is for me.” Three minutes later, the boy comes back. He’s eating a cake. He gives the man two dollars and says: “Sorry, there is only one cake left.”

1.Where is the man?

A. He’s near the bus. B. He is at home.

C. He’s on the bus. D. He is in the car.

2.The man doesn’t want to go out because______________.

A. he is tired B. he doesn’t like rain

C. he is hungry D. it’s raining hard

3.How many cakes does the boy get?

A. One. B. Two. C. Three. D. Four.

4.How much are they if(假如)we buy four cakes?

A. Five dollars. B. eight dollars.

C. Ten dollars. D. Fifteen dollars.

5.What’s the result (结果)?

A. The man eats the cake.

B. The boy eats the cake.

C. The boy doesn’t eat the cake.

D. The boy and the man both eat the cakes.


科目:初中英语 来源:2014-2015学年江苏靖江七年级上期末英语试卷(解析版) 题型:单项填空

Our school library ____________ from 8 a.m to 5:30 p.m., but the reading room _____________ only in the afternoon.

A. opens; opens B. is open; is open

C. opens; is open D. is open; opens

