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一Could you please teach me how to "red envelops(红包)" on WeChat?

一Sure. Let me show you.

A. give away B. give up

C. give back D. give out

D 【解析】句意:-请你教我怎样在微信上发红包好吗?-当然可以,让我给你展示一下。give away捐赠;泄露;give up放弃;give back归还;反射;give out分发,精疲力竭。根据空后red envelopes可知,这里是发红包的意思,故应选D。

科目:初中英语 来源:江苏省无锡市2017-2018学年七年级下学期第一次月考英语试卷(含听力) 题型:单选题

—___________ go fishing after school? — Good idea.

A. Why not B. Let’s C. How about D. Why don’t

A 【解析】句意:------为什么放学后不去钓鱼呢?------好主意。Let’s do sth.:让我们做…,表示提议句型,陈述句,本句是问号,故排除B;How about doing sth.?:做某事怎么样?about是介词,后面跟动词时用动名词,本句go是动词原形,故排除C;Why don’t you/we do sth.?=Why not do sth.:为什么不做某事呢?表示建...


科目:初中英语 来源:四川省岳池县2018届九年级阶段检测(二)英语试卷 题型:听句子或对话选择图片

What does the boy’s mother do?

A. B. C.

C 【解析】W:What does your mother do, Tony? M:She teaches English in a middle school. 句意:W :你妈妈是干什么的Tony? M:她在一所中学教英语。 根据图片知,A是厨师,B是警察,C是英语老师。故选C。


科目:初中英语 来源:2018年徐州市中考总复习八上Unit1单元过关测试(含答案) 题型:单词填空


This term, there is a new student called Wu Hong in my class. She comes from Wuxi. Now,

she is my good friend. She has long s1. hair and big eyes. She often smiles and that makes

her very s2. . She is a little fat so she is trying to lose w3. . She is very h4.so she is good at all her lessons. She is really an e5. student.

She is p6. and helpful. She often helps me with my homework. She has a good s 7.of humour and she is good at telling j 8. . When she is with me, I never t~el sari. Do you want to know about her future p9. ? She wants to be a s 10. worker.

1.straight 2.sweet 3.weight 4.hard-working 5.excellent 6.polite 7.sense 8.jokes 9.plan 10.social 【解析】文章介绍了我的好朋友吴红。 1.句意:她有长长的直发。根据She comes from Wuxi.可知是中国女孩,根据中国人的特征,...


科目:初中英语 来源:江苏省苏州市2018年中考英语语法专题练习9《动词和动词短语》 题型:单选题

一Jane her mother.

一Yes, they just look the same, like sisters.

A. looks after B. runs after

C. takes after D. makes after

C 【解析】句意:-Jane和她的妈妈很像。-是的,他们看起来是一样的,像姐妹。looks after照顾;runs after追赶,追求;takes after与…相像;makes after追随,跟随。根据句意they just look the same, like sisters可知,Jane和她的妈妈很像,故应选C。


科目:初中英语 来源:江苏省苏州市2018年中考英语语法专题练习9《动词和动词短语》 题型:单选题

(2017广西贵港)I’m going to Hong Kong next month.What about you,Jenny?

—I will social practice.

A. take part in

B. take place

C. take off

D. take action

A 【解析】句意:—我下个月要去香港。你呢,詹妮? —我将参加社会实践。A. take part in参加;B. take place发生;C. take off起飞;D. take action采取行动。由句意可知A正确。


科目:初中英语 来源:江苏省苏州市2018年中考英语语法专题练习9《动词和动词短语》 题型:单选题

Although Yang Liping is a well-known dancer, she still a simple country life.

A. hopes to B. holds on to

C. used to D. leads to

B 【解析】句意:虽然杨丽萍是一个著名的舞蹈家,但她仍然坚守着简单的乡村生活。hopes to希望去…,后面跟动词原形;holds on to坚持,坚守;used to过去常常,后面跟动词原形;leads to导致。根据句意可知,这句话和前面是转折的关系,杨丽萍虽然出名,但依然坚守着乡村生活,符合句意,故应选B。


科目:初中英语 来源:江苏省苏州市2018年中考英语语法专题练习9《动词和动词短语》 题型:单选题

As soon as she at home, Sally knew she had bought the wrong dress.

A. handed it in B. tried it on

C. cut it out D. made it up

B 【解析】句意:在家里Sally一试穿上这条裙子,她就知道她买错了。handed it in把它上交;tried it on试穿;cut it out删去;made it up编造,弥补。根据句意可知,这里说的是Sally试穿了裙子发现买错了,故应选B。


科目:初中英语 来源:江苏省苏州市2018年中考英语语法专题练习9《动词和动词短语》 题型:单选题

The newly-opened company the local people with more chances to work.

A. gives B. provides

C. offers D. shows

B 【解析】句意:这家新开的公司为当地人提供了更多的工作机会。A. gives给;B. provides提供,peovide sb with sth固定搭配,为某人提供某物;C. offers提供,offer sb sth或offer sth to sb,固定搭配,提供某物给某人;D. shows展示,演出。根据题干The newly-opened company _____the loca...

