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科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

A young boy was hungry for success. For him, winning was everything.
One day, the boy was preparing himself for a running competition in his small village. He was to compete with two other young boys. A large crowd gathered(聚集)there to watch, including a wise old man.
The race began. With strength and power (力量), the boy easily took the lead. The crowd cheered and waved(挥手).The little boy felt proud and important. However, the wise man remained still and calm.
“Another race, another race!” yelled(大喊)the little boy. The wise old man stepped forward and presented the little boy with two new challengers: an old lady and a blind man.
The second race started and the boy was the only one to cross the line. The little boy raised his arms happily. The crowd, however, was silent.
“Race again,” said the wise man. “This time, all three of you finish together.”
The little boy thought a little, stood in between the blind man and the old lady, and then took them by the hand. The race began and the little boy walked slowly to the finishing line and crossed it. The crowd cheered and waved. The wise man smiled, too.
“Which one of us three are the crowd cheering for?” asked the little boy.
“For this race, you have won much more than in any other race you’ve ever run before.” said the wise man. “For this race, the crowd cheered not for any winner!”
【小题1】How did the boy feel after the first race?
A. Still and calm.             
B. Sad and silent.            
C. Proud and important.
【小题2】What does the underlined word “challengers” mean in this passage?
A. 残疾人                     B. 挑战者                       C. 裁判
【小题3】In the second race, who won the match?
A. the wise old man         
B. the blind man          
C. the boy
【小题4】The crowd cheered for _______ in the third race.
A. the little boy             
B. their spirit               
C. the blind man and the old lady
【小题5】What is the best title of this passage?
A. Win the race of kindness
B. Winning is everything
C. Never compete with old people


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

Your junior high school years are coming to an end. After the big exam, most of you will go on to study in a senior school. What are you expecting from senior high school? Let’s hear some teen readers talk about it.
Zhou Zhijie, 15, from Shanghai:
I have heard that although Senior 3 is a hard year, Senior 1 and Senior 2 are less stressful. I hope there’ll be time then to enjoy sports. There will be plenty to see. Especially, the World Cup in Brazil is coming. We can watch football matches. I’m sure I’ll really enjoy it.
Jin Xi, 16, from Harbin, Heilongjiang:
I really enjoy science. I visit many science exhibitions. I am interested in UFOs, too. I’m crazy about making model planes, although I’m not very good at it because I don’t really have enough scientific knowledge. I’ll be learning more science in senior high school. In a word, sometime in the future I’m going to build an excellent model plane!
Wang Yaling, 15, from Xiamen, Fujian:
I hope I can be taller in senior high school. I’m only 155cm. Many people grow faster in senior and I hope I will, too. I want to be 162cm. But I’m not sure about that, since most girls in my family don’t grow taller than 160cm. I hope I’m different.
Zhang Fang, 15, from Hebi, Henan:
I expect that I’ll make more friends in senior high school. I study in a middle school in the country. Most of my classmates live nearby. In senior high school, I’ll meet different people from different areas. I hope I can learn new things from them.
【小题1】It seems that ______ has a special interest in sports.

A.Zhou Zhijie B.Jin Xi C.Wang Yaling D.Zhang Fang 
【小题2】Jin Xi believes that it needs ______ to make an excellent model plane.
A.a quite long time B.a lot of scientific knowledge 
C.knowledge of UFOs D.help from senior teachers 
【小题3】Wang Yaling and Zhang Fang ______.
A.are from one city B.have a similar dream 
C.have the same age D.have a similar problem 
【小题4】The underlined word “stressful” in the first talk probably means “making one feel______.”
A.busy and nervous B.free and easy 
C.unsuccessful and nervous D.safe and happy 
【小题5】The students in the passage are talking about______.
A.their hobbies B.their experiences 
C.their schools D.their wishes 


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

              Information Card

The full marks of a P.E. test for Junior 3 students
The month for the P.E. test for students in Nanjing
The two sports all the boy students in Nanjing must do in the P.E. test
The result of a research on children health
The reason for students’ good performance in the P.E. test 


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

One day, a little monkey and a little fox went out to play. They saw an apple tree on the other side of the river. There were many big and red apples on it. But there was no bridge over the river. The monkey thought hard and had an idea. They pulled down(推倒) a tree and put it over the river as a bridge.
The monkey said, “My old friend, you go there first.” But after the fox went to the other side, he kicked(踢) the tree into the river and ran to the apple tree. “How can I get there without the tree?” cried the monkey. The fox laughed and said, “You just stand there and watch me eating the apples.” The monkey was very angry.
Suddenly it began to rain. The water level(水位) in the river rose(上涨) and the tree flew away with the water.
“You can eat all the apples. But you can’t come back,” shouted the monkey.
The fox stopped eating and looked at the monkey sadly.
【小题1】The little monkey and the little fox wanted to        on the other side of the river.

A.build a bridgeB.eat the applesC.pull down a treeD.play games
【小题2】The fox kicked the tree into the river because he wanted to            .
A.eat all the apples by himself
B.share the apples with the monkey
C.get the apples first
D.play a joke on the monkey
【小题3】 The fox could not come back because             .
A.the monkey had taken away the tree
B.the tree had been flown away
C.it began to rain
D.he was angry with the monkey
【小题4】The fox was sad because               .
A. the monkey was laughing             B. he couldn’t reach the apples
C he couldn’t come back                  D. the monkey went home first
【小题5】The story tells us that                 .
A.the fox shouldn’t go first
B.the fox was cleverer than the monkey
C.the monkey should go first
D.one shouldn’t care only about himself


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

Can you swim? Do you like swimming? Yes? Well, how can you learn to swim? I think the best way is to go into the water and learn. I’m afraid you’ll never learn to swim just by reading books about swimming or looking at others’ swimming. It’s the same with the English study. We must practice, practice and practice.
Listening and speaking are very important for beginners. The children in English-speaking countries first listen to others. Then they try to imitate and speak. We can listen to English programs on the radio or watch them on TV. You may just understand a few words. It doesn’t matter. Just be relaxed, try to catch every word.
Somebody may be a good listener. But he doesn’t speak. He’s afraid of making mistakes. You know we sometimes make mistakes when we speak Chinese. Don’t be afraid. We must be brave. If you really want to learn English well, you must try to speak with everyone so long as he knows English. Whether you know him or not is not important. When there’s nobody to talk with, you can talk to yourself in English. It’s interesting and also a good way to practice your spoken English. Remember, the more you speak, the fewer mistakes you’ll make.
Reading and writing are more important for senior school students. First we must choose the books we’re interested in. A lot of reading will improve your language sense. This is the most important.
Keep writing English diaries. We can also write English articles. You may even post them to English magazines. Don’t be afraid of failure. Failure is the mother of success.
Easier said than done. Well, let’s do more practice from now on. I’m sure you’ll learn English well in this way.
【小题1】You can learn to swim by_________.

A.reading books about itB.looking at others’ swimming
C.having lessons on itD.going into the river to learn
【小题2】We should learn English by__________.
A.listening and speakingB.reading and writing
C. A and BD.swimming
【小题3】 What will you do with mistakes when you speak?
A.Don’t make mistakes.B.Study hard
C.Try not to speak EnglishD.Don’t be afraid.
【小题4】What’s important for senior school students?
A.ListeningB.SpeakingC.Reading and writingD.Learning
【小题5】 We can listen to English __________, according to the passage.
A.for beginners.B.on the radio
C.by writing English diariesD.in English-speaking countries


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

A school for stars
In this school, most students come from rich families and some of them have famous parents. People from Hollywood sometimes go to Beverly Hills High School to look for future actors.
School life
There are lots of good things about going to this school: There are two theatres, a television studio(演播室) and a radio station. The students make TV programmes and films in their drama(戏剧) classes. The biggest activity of the school year is the school dance.
Travelling to school
In California, children can learn to drive three months before their sixteenth birthday. Lots of students in Beverly Hills High School have their own cars, but they have to pay a lot of money to park(停) their cars in the school parking area.
What the children think
Most children enjoy going to Beverly Hills High School because it is fun and there is much to do. But some children do not like the school if their parents don’t have enough money to buy them a fast car or expensive clothes.
【小题1】From the first paragraph, we can know that_________.

A.some students in Beverly Hills High School may become actors in the future
B.all the students in Beverly Hills High School come from the USA
C.the parents of the students in Beverly Hills High School are usually very common
D.the students in Beverly Hills High School are poor
【小题2】The students make TV programmes and films ___________.
A.in a theatreB.in a television studio
C.in a radio stationD.in their drama classes
【小题3】Lots of students in this school come to school ___________.
A.by bikeB.by carC.by planeD.on foot
【小题4】Why do most children enjoy going to Beverly Hills High School?
A.Because they will be actors in the school.
B.Because they will have a fast car and expensive clothes
C.Because they can make TV programmes and films in their drama classes.
D.Because it is fun and there is much to do in the school.
【小题5】Which of the following is NOT true according to the passage?
A.Not all the students like the school.
B.The biggest activity of the school year is the school dance.
C.In California, children can learn to drive three months before their fifteenth birthday
D.Lots of students have to spend much money parking their cars in the school parking area.


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

There are over 800 boarding (寄宿) schools in the UK with students from home and foreign countries. Boarding schools started hundreds of years ago in the country. But the earliest boarding schools were set up for white, rich boys only. Now both boys and girls can go to boarding schools from the age of 7 to 18.
What to do
In the UK, boarding schools have three terms in a school year, with about 13 weeks in each term. Students study and live together. They can’t go outside if they are not allowed to. In some schools, each student has his or her subject plan. Besides the usual classrooms and laboratories, the boarding schools have lots of other facilities for their students, including music rooms, boats, swimming pools, cinemas and theatres. Most boarding schools have a “light out” time. So when it’s time to go to bed, all the lights in the bedrooms are turned off. There are house-masters to take care of students all the time, especially after school hours.
What to wear                                                                            
Nearly all students at boarding schools wear a school uniform. Boys usually wear a shirt and a tie, and girls wear a white blouse, sometimes also a tie and a skirt. As students get older, the rules become less strict.
In the UK, boarding schools provide students with delicious food. They can choose to have a full English breakfast or simply bread. They can also choose between a meal with no meat and another meal at lunch and dinner. And there is always self-service for salad (沙拉), other side dishes and a dessert. Students can also make themselves something to eat at any time in a kitchen, or drink tea or have a snack between meals.
【小题1】Which of the following is TRUE according to (根据) the passage?

A.Only white children were allowed to attend the earliest boarding schools.
B.Students in a boarding school are looked after only after school hours.
C.As students get older, the rules about wearing school uniforms become stricter.
D.Students can have different activities in a boarding school.
【小题2】Which is the best title for the last paragraph?
A.What to eat B.When to eat C.Where to eat D.How to eat
【小题3】The underlined word ‘facilities’ means _____________.
A.教师 B.设施 C.活动 D.课程


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

Most adults once studied at school, had classes and did their homework every day. The same ______ is going on at school now. _______ it seems that doing weekend homework is _______ problem for the modern students.
All the students should agree that weekend homework should be abolished(取消). It's _______ for them studying at school five days a week. They have a lot of interests. With homework to do on Saturday and Sunday, when can they find _______ to help around the house, go and see a football or basketball game or a good film, join in family recreations(娱乐), or just have ______ at home? Because of these other activities, the homework can't be finished until _______. So their weekend homework is usually done in such a hurry that on Monday teachers are ________ and often threaten(威胁) to fail whole class of students because they know nothing about the ______. If there were no weekend homework for the students to do, they would be happy to go to school on Monday ______ having a good rest and to learn what the teachers teach.

A.thing B.school C.class D.homework
A.Also B.But C.Still D.Though
A.no B.another C.one D.other
A.not enough B.enough C.no good D.no use
A.friends B.time C.places D.money
A.a rest B.an exam C.a lesson D.a picnic
A.Monday afternoon B.Saturday afternoon C.Friday night D.Sunday night
A.pleased B.sorry C.unhappy D.not worried
A.lesson B.games C.interests D.activities
A.until B.when C.before D.after

