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5.Reading Oliver James'Affluenza,I thought about what often happens at home.My 12-year-ole daughter is in tears."I have so take a test tomorrow.I don't understand any of it,"she cries out.After shouting and shutting her door,she calms down enough to go through her notes.The following dry I ask her how the test went and the just says"OK,I got a nine".
"Wow.well done!"I say,before she finishes with"But I never get a ten!"
According to James,this obsession with getting top marks has been a bad development,which encourages people to think of education in terms of work and money.To test this,I asked my daughter why she was so worried about her tests.She looked at me as if I was thick."Well,if I don't get good grades,I won't be able to afford nice things like a car and stuff."
  I was quite surprised,because I don't consider myself a pushy parent.But James suggests and it leaves students feeling failures even if they are very bright.He points to the Danish system(体制)of education as a better model.Creating happy citizens who have good social skills is seen as more important than high achievements at school or the needs of business.
  For me,I cannot remember the last time I had to work out the area of a circle,recite a Shakespeare poem or grammar rules,yet I have lived a happy life.What I really needed to learn at school was how to make polite conversations,or how to avoid getting into debt or how to develop good personality.
  This is in fact similar to what Oliver James really has in mind.And he is looking for schools where students are encouraged to find and follow their own interests,something more like Tongjon.Tongjon has been developed in some Korean private schools.It is quite different from the more rigid system of learning things by heart that is used in Korea,and indeed in many other school systems around the world.
  As the Russian poet Pushkin said,"Inspiration(灵感)is needed in geometry(几何学)just as much as in poetry",and inspiration does not come from endlessly revising for tests or getting worried about them.

56.What does the writer probably think of his/her daughter?D
A.She sets herself a goal too high to reach.
B.She should be more polite to her parents.
C.Sheis hard-working but not very bright.
D.She takes her grades much too seriously.
57.What does the word"obsession"in paragraph 3mean?D
A.A plain and unavoidable fact.
B.A satisfied and very proud state.
C.A practical and widely-used way.
D.A fixed and often unreasonable idea.
58.What can we infer from the passage?B
A.Social skills are as important as high grades.
B.Interest in grades can shake self-confidence.
C.The writer regrets not having studied hard at school.
D.Danish educational system is for very smart students.
59.The writer wants to tell us thatA.
A.learning happily is the key to self-development.
B.top marks may be helpful to increase one's interest.
C.tests should be improved to give children inspiration.
D.education should meet one's needs for word and money.

分析 本文主要向我们讲述了愉快学习是自我发展的关键所在:不要过分在意高分的成绩,因为它鼓励人们从工作和金钱的角度来考虑教育.而创造具有良好社交技能的快乐公民,被视为比在学校或商业需要更高的成就更重要.

解答 56、D 细节理解题,根据文中第二段语句"To test this,I asked my daughter why she was so worried about her tests.She looked at me as if I was thick."Well,if I don't get good grades,I won't be able to afford nice things like a car and stuff."为了测试这一点,我问女儿为什么她如此担心她的测试.她看着我,好像我很胖."好吧,如果我得不到好的成绩,我就买不起像汽车这样的好东西"理解可知.女儿对她的学习成绩非常敏感.故选D.
57、D 词义理解题,根据文中第二段语句"According to James,this obsession with getting top marks has been a bad development,which encourages people to think of education in terms of work and money.据杰姆斯说,这种因痴迷获得高分是一个坏的发展,因为它鼓励人们从工作和金钱的角度来考虑教育".故此词的含义是迷恋,故选D.
58、B 理解归纳题,根据文中第五段语句And he is looking for schools where students are encouraged to find and follow their own interests他寻找鼓励学生发现并追随自己兴趣的学校,即过于注重成绩会影响自信,故选B.
59、A 理解归纳题,根据文中第五段语句And he is looking for schools where students are encouraged to find and follow their own interests他寻找鼓励学生发现并追随自己兴趣的学校,即作者想告诉我们开心的学习对培养自信心很有益处,故选A.

点评 这类文章经常会有较多的生词,但是这些生词对文章并没有实质的影响,考生要抓住主要的细节要点进行分析.


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:填空题

Somebooks  are  in thelibrary.


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:填空题

14.in fact事实上.


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:填空题

13.第二节 英汉互译 阅读下面的短文,将划线部分的句子译成汉语或英语.
Rich or poor,young or old,we all have problems.(70)我们应该学会怎样处理问题.We should learn how to deal with our problems.Here are some ways.
Firstly,we should learn to forget.(71)Sometimes we are/have been/get/become/feel/angry with our friends./Something we may be mad at our friends.有时我们会生朋友的气.Good friendships may be lost.Sometimes children have disagreements and decide not to talk to each other.(72)然而,这种情况通常不会持续很久.However,this usually does not last for long.This is an important lesson for us:we can solve a problem by learning to forget.
Secondly,we should regard problems as challenges.Many students often complain about school.(73)They have too much work/homework (to do).他们有太多的作业要做.They think the rules are too strict.Education is an important part of our development.As young people,it is our duty to try our best to deal with each challenge with the help of our teachers.
Don't worry about our problems.(74)让我们面对挑战.Let's face the challenges.


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

20.In many high schools,there are strict rules about using mobile phones.If your phone rings in class,for example,the teacher will be very angry.
Every mobile phone has a ringtone (铃声).It tells you that someone is calling you.Now,there is a ringtone called"mosquitotone (蚊子铃声)".Using it,students can receive calls and text messages (短信) in class but the teacher will not realize what is happening.How?
Mosquitotone has a special sound.Only children and teenagers can hear it.As we get older,we are unable to hear some sounds with high frequencies (频率).As a result,a child or teenager can hear the mosquitotone ringtone,but it's_inaudible_to  someone 20or older.
But sometimes,people over 20can hear the ringtone.One British student's phone uses mosquitotone.In class,the student's phone rang.The 32yearold teacher looked at the student and became unhappy."I heard that.You know the rule:no mobile phone in class."
Not all the students are interested in mosquitotone.Jerry Jones,a high school student of 17,says,"Using mosquitotone too often is bad for our hearing.I may use it for pleasure,but not in class.It's unfair to the teachers!"
What do parents think of mosquitotone?"I think it is perfect for places like movie theaters,"says Connie Neeson,44."Think about it.Yon're watching a film and someone's mobile phone rings.Mosquitotone is good because many people don't hear it.However,it also has a bad influence on their study if students use it in class."

48.Mosquitotone works becauseD.
A.it is very loud                    B.it has no sound
C.it has a beautiful sound           D.it uses high frequencies
49.The under lined part"it's_inaudible_to"means"B".
A.it can't be seen by                B.it can't be heard by
C.it isn't popular with              D.it isn't healthy for
50.The 32yearold teacher felt unhappy because the studentD.
A.was late for class B.didn't do his homework
C.couldn't answer her question D.was using a mobile phone in class
51.Connie Neeson thinks that mosquitotoneC.
A.has no bad influence                B.is unfair to the teachers
C.has its advantage and disadvantage  D.can't be used in any public place.


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:完形填空

10.Everyone wants to have healthy teeth.When you laugh,you will(41)D your mouth and show your teeth.The healthier your teeth are,the happier you feel.Why is that?It's(42)Byour teeth are important in many ways.Take care of them,and they'll help to take care of you.Strong,(43)Cteeth help you grow.They also help you speak clearly.You can take care of your teeth by doing like these:
Brush your teeth (44)B a day,after getting up and before bedtime.And you brush all of your teeth,not just the front ones.Spend some time (45)Athe teeth along the sides and in the back.Take your time while brushing.Spend at(46)B three minutes each time you brush.Be sure your toothbrush is soft.Ask your parents to help you get a new toothbrush(47)A three months.Clean between your teeth with dental floss(牙线).It feels strange when you do it at first,but soon you'll get used to (48)Dit.Brushing(49)C your teeth healthy.You also need to care about what you eat and drink.Eat(50)B fruits and vegetables and drink water instead of drinks.
Do you want to have white and healthy teeth?Please brush your teeth!

44.A.onceB.twiceC.three timesD.four times
50.A.a lotB.lots ofC.fewD.a little.


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

17.Every day we use money to buy what we want.But have you ever really noticed the bill in your hand?There are different pictures on both sides of banknotes(纸币) and interesting stories behind them.
Most banknotes have famous people on the front,such as a country's leader or a great scientist,while on the back of the paper note there are usually some well-known scenes or national buildings.
The latest editions of Chinese banknotes use the picture of Mao Zedong,founding father of People's Republic of China,on the front of all yuan bills.However,the backs of the bills are different.The Great Hall of the People,on the 100-yuan note,is a landmark(地标) in Beijing.Important meetings are always held there.The Lijiang River in Guilin,on the 20-yuan note,is one of the most beautiful scenes in the world.
The US 1-dollar bill has the first president,George Washington,on the front side.A 13-level pyramid is on the back.Benjamin Franklin,a great scientist and politician(政治家) from the US,appears on the front of 100-dollar bill.You can see the White House,where the presidents live,on the back of the 20-dollar bill.

26.Which of the following probably appears on the back of the banknote?C
A.Elizabeth II.
B.Abraham Lincoln.
C.Taishan Mountain.
27.On the front of the 100-dollar bill,we can seeB.
A.George Washington
B.Benjamin Franklin
C.a 13-level pyramid
D.the White House
28.The best title for the article isC.
A.Chinese banknotes
B.American banknotes
C.Pictures on both sides of banknotes
D.Famous people on banknotes.


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

14.Now students'English handwriting gets worse and worse,which makes their teachers feel worried.Is your English handwriting beautiful?If not,here are four steps that really work!
•Use paper that has lines
Using paper that has lines can keep you writing well when you write English words or sentences.Those lines on the paper can help you to write words in the right size.Be sure to fill the lined space completely.And make sure those capital letters (大写字母) are written properly.
•Slow down
If your writing is hard to read,try slowing down a little.For some kids,writing slowly makes handwriting clear.If you write too fast,it's hard for you to stop where you should,and even worse,you may make more mistakes.
•Hold your pen right
When you hold your pen in the correct way,writing is much easier.Some students press down really hard when they write.That makes the handwriting not nice.Try to relax yourself and don't hold the pen so hard.Let your writing appear nice and clean.If you do so,people will guess you are a student with a good habit.
•Draw more pictures
Drawing can improve your handwriting.You need to use the skills to control your pencil better when you are drawing pictures.Even though you have no chance to draw at school,you can practice by yourself at home.
Handwriting is very important.Imagine you are a world-famous movie star or a well-known sports player,what do you do when your fans run up to you?Give them your autographs(亲笔签名),of course!

66.A can help you to write words in the right size.
A.Using paper with lines
B.Holding your pen right
C.Practicing drawing pictures
D.Writing carefully on the paper
67.If you write too fast,it's easy toB.
A.make the words clear
B.make more mistakes
C.write the words smoothly
D.write the words nicely
68.Some students'handwriting is not nice because theyC.
A.write too slowly    
B.relax themselves when writing
C.press down really hard
D.don't pay attention to their spelling
69.According to the passage,we knowC is helpful to improve your handwriting.
A.holding your pen hard
B.copying more words
C.drawing pictures
D.looking at words carefully
70.What's the best title for the passage?D
A.How to Write Quickly  
B.Giving Your Autographs
C.Getting the Good Writing Habits
D.How to Improve Your Handwriting.


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:选择题

15.-What's your plan for the summer holiday?
-I decide _________at home and have a good rest.(  )
A.stayB.stayedC.stayingD.to stay

