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【题目】I know it will be difficult for me ______ her.

A.winB.beatC.to winD.to beat




考查it作形式主语和动词辨析。根据句子结构,I know是主句,后面的it will be difficult for me ______ her是由that引导的宾语从句,但that被省略了。而宾语从句中,it作形式主语,可以代替不定式、动名词或主语从句,AB选项可排除。winbeat都可用作及物动词,意为“战胜”时,其具体区别在于所接的宾语。win的宾语是比赛、战争、奖品、金钱等名词,beat的宾语是比赛、竞争的对手,即指人或球队的名词或代词。空格处后接人称代词宾格her,故应用beat,故选D


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:


Mr Li: Sam, did you enjoy your first Spring Festival in China?

Sam: Yes, I did. During this festival, many family members get together.

Mr Li: Yes, I hear that at Thanksgiving Americans also get together for a special meal. It sounds similar.

Sam: Yes. It's similar. During these holidays, both the Chinese and Americans come home and have a big dinner. It's great fun.

Mr Li: What do you think are the main differences between the Spring Festival and Thanksgiving?

Sam: Well, we take part in different activities and eat different kinds of food. In China, people usually set off fireworks and eat dumplings. In the US, we usually watch a Thanksgiving parade and an American football game on TV. We also eat turkey.

Mr Li: That's interesting.

1Who spent the first Spring Festival in China, Sam or Mr Li?

A.Sam.B.Mr Li.C.Both.D.Neither.

2Which of the following do you think the Chinese do during the Spring Festival?

a. set off fireworks b. watch a Thanksgiving parade

c. enjoy a football game on TV d. get together for a special meal

A.a; bB.c; dC.a; dD.b; c

3What does Mr Li think of Thanksgiving?



科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

【题目】 The traditional Chinese lunar calendar(农历) divides the year into 24 solar terms. Grain Rain (谷雨), as the last term in spring, starts on April 19 and ends on May 4.

Grain Rain comes from the old saying, “Rain brings up the growth of hundreds of grains”, which shows that this period of rainfall is very important for the growth of crops. Here’s something that you may not know about the Grain Rain.

Grain Rain falls between the end of spring and the beginning of summer, and the temperature rises much higher than it does in March. With dry soil and heavy winds, sandstorms may happen more often.

There is an old custom in southern China that people drink tea on the day of Grain Rain. Spring tea during Grain Rain is good for the eyes. It is also said that drinking tea on this day would prevent bad luck.

People in northern China have the tradition to eat the vegetable toona sinensis during Grain Rain. An old Chinese saying goes “toona sinensis before the rain is as tender as silk (嫩如丝)”. The vegetable is good for the stomach and skin.

The Grain Rain Festival is celebrated by fishing villages in northern China. Grain Rain marks the start of the fishermen’s first voyage (航行) of the year. The custom dates back to more than 2000 years ago.

1When Grain Rain ends, ________starts.


2The underlined word “crops” refers to ________.

A.birds in the skyB.trees in the forestC.fishes in the seaD.plants in the field

3The people in southern China________ on the day of Grain Rain.

A.drink teaB.eat toona sinensisC.start the first voyageD.eat fish

4We can infer that “toona sinensis” must be a kind of vegetable which ________.

A.can bring good luckB.is delicious and healthy

C.grows at the seasideD.is good for the eyes


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:


1invite, dinner, my friends, for, I


2doing, he, homework, is, busy, his


3gift, my, for, bought, me, mother, a


4reading, have, fun, books, of, we, lots


5for, you, the, are, exam, ready, coming



科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

【题目】 Long long ago, in a small, lonely village, there was a place known as the House of 1,000 Mirrors. A happy little dog heard of this place and decided to pay a ______ there. He ran all the way with a happy heart. When he ______ the place, he jumped happily up the stairs to the doorway of the house. There was a hole in the door. He looked through the hole with his ears lifting high and his tail ______ as fast as it could. To his great surprise, he found himself looking at 1,000 other happy little dogs ______ their tails shaking just as fast as he did. He smiled, and was answered with 1,000 great smiles just as warm and ______ as his. As he left the house, he said to himself, "This is a ______ place. I will come back and visit it often."

In the same village, ______ little dog, who was sad and in blue all the day, decided to visit the house, too. He ______ climbed the stairs and hung his head low as he looked into the hole in the door. To his great ______, he saw 1,000 unfriendly dogs looking at him, so he barked at them right away. Then he was ______ to see 1,000 little dogs barking back at him. As he left, he said to himself, "This is a terrible place, and I will never come back and visit it."

All the faces in the world are mirrors. What kind of reflections do you see in the faces of the people you meet?







7A.the otherB.otherC.another





科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

【题目】通读下面的短文, 掌握其大意, 然后从各个小题所给的ABC三个选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳答案。并在答题卡上将该编号字母涂黑。

My son lived in New York. Last winter my husband and I _____ him there. One day, while we were walking down the street, my son went to a store to see if there was a coat he wanted.

It was very cold. I went over to a supermarket to buy some chocolate, but my husband waited outside alone. When I came out, my husband was talking to a _______man. I saw my husband take off his gloves and hat and pass them to Frank, the homeless man.

Frank said he had been living in New York before a heavy rainstorm hit the city in the autumn of the year. He lost his _____ in the rainstorm, so he had no place to sleep. He was begging and trying to get $25 to find a cheap_____ where he could sleep for some hours. All he owned to keep _____ was a jacket. My husband's gloves and hat were surprising gifts for him.

After a while, my son came out of the store, and a new coat was in his hand. I asked him what he was going to do with the old one. He said he would _____ keep it. I told him the story and suggested leaving it to Frank. To our great surprise, my son walked up to Frank and _____ the new coat to him. Frank asked, "Did you buy this for me?" My son said no, but he wanted Frank to have it. Frank stood there ____ the coat, with something wet in his eyes. He_____ us with his whole heart. He said he would try to find a job as soon as possible to support himself.

My son couldn't get the picture of Frank out of his mind. He went home, took out all his clothes that didn't _____ him, and posted them to a shelter(避难所). He has done this a few times since then.












科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:


1Where is the new library?

A.On New Street.B.On Red Street.C.On Green Street.

2When did John go to the new library?

A.Last Wednesday.B.Last Tuesday.C.Last Monday.

3What can they do in the video reading room?

A.Buy books.B.Search the Internet.C.Borrow books.

4When can they see a free movie?

A.On Mondays.B.On Saturdays.C.On Sundays.

5Who will go to the new library this weekend?

A.Only Mary.B.Mary and John.C.Only John.


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

【题目】 Josette Duran was surprised when her son Dylan, 14, asked her to pack him a(n) ________ snack in his school lunch. When she asked him why, his reply was truly touching.

“I asked, ‘Why? Are you not getting full? What's going on?’ And he said, ‘No, I want to take one for my friend,’” Duran remembered.

It turned out that Dylan had a classmate whose family_________ needed help. The boy’s single mother had recently lost her job and could no longer afford her son's lunches. After learning this, Duran was even willing to reach out to them.

“I was homeless years ago. I know how__________ it is to ask for help. You get sad and feel embarrassed(尴尬的),” said Duran.

When the young boy's mother learned of Duran's warm heart, she called her up and_________ to pay her back for everything, but Duran couldn’t accept it. “I don't think I did anything_________ ,” Duran said, “I just think I did what a human being is _________to do.”

The _________doesn’t stop there. Duran is the coach of the girls’ volleyball team of the local school. Her team raised $400 to cover the cost of all the extra lunches Duran had made out of her own pocket. Duran refused to keep the money, and__________, donated it to the snack bar at her son's school. “Now everyone can eat,” Duran said, “What makes me especially _________is that it all started with my son. Being kind doesn’t have to come in the form of money; just know that if you're having a good day__________ someone else is having a bad day, you should remember that.”












科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

【题目】—I feel stressed at times, but I don’t know________about it.—You can come to me whenever you need.

A.whom to talkB.when to talkC.who to talk toD.when to talk to

