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The size of animals is directly connected(联系)to the Earth's temperature.The hotter it gets,the smaller animals become.It suggests that humans could shrink(缩小)if the Earth continues its warmer steps.
Scientists studied Sifrhippus,a 56-million-year-old ancestor of the modern-day horse.When Sifrhippus first appeared,he weighed only 12 pounds.Scientists used the teeth of the Sifrhippus fossils (化石)to judge its size over time.Then they compared its change of size with climate(气候)changes.
What did the study show?During a period of 175 000 years,Sifrhippus shrank to about 8.5 pounds (just the weight of a little dog) before it increased to its original 12-pound size.Its funny change in size was well connected with the great changes of the Earth's temperature.The horse shrank as the Earth heated up by 5°C to 10°C,and grew as the Earth cooled again.
Why did heat cause the horse to shrink?Scientists think that smaller animals can throw off their body heat more easily.So they can live more successfully in warm climates.That shows a rule known as Bergmann,s rule(伯格曼定律),which says that animals of the same kind are smaller in warmer climates and larger in colder climates.(The polar bear,for example,is the largest member of the bear family.) Scientists also believe that global warming makes it difficult for animals to get enough food,which makes animals live in smaller size.
Could humans shrink,too?Quite possibly.But scientists say a lot more research has to be done before making any final conclusions.
63.From th e passage we know that the Earth's temperatureD,
A.always stays the same             B.is becoming lower
C.will rise by 10°C                     D.is becoming higher
64.What do you know about Sifrhippus?D
A.It s the biggest horse.B.It's the smallest horse.
C.It's a kind of modern horse.D.It's the earliest horse.
65.The study has shown that SifrhippusA.
A.changed it s size with climate changes
B.always had the same size
C.grew bigger in hotter environment
D.couldn't have enough food to eat
66.Which of the following would be the best title for the passage?D
A.A conclusion about horse       B.Why did the horse shrink?
C.How a horse became smaller   D.Will global warming make us shorter?

分析 本文是介绍伯格曼定律,动物在温暖的气候下长的没有在寒冷的气候下大,动物的大小与地球的温度有关,文中提到了科学家研究始祖马得出的结果,认为气候暖和,动物很难获取足够的食物,那么人们也很有可能会变小.

解答 63.D.细节题.结合It suggests that humans could shrink(缩小)if the Earth continues its warmer steps可知地球温度变的更高,故选D.
64.D.细节题,结合Scientists studied Sifrhippus,a 56-million-year-old ancestor of the modern-day horse可知是现代马的始祖,也就是最早的马,故选D.
65.A.细节题,结合Its funny change in size was well connected with the great changes of the Earth's temperature可知始祖马随着气候的变化改变了身体的大小,故选A.
66.D.标题判断.结合It suggests that humans could shrink(缩小)if the Earth continues its warmer steps可知本文是在探讨地球变暖会不会让我们变小变矮,故选D.

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科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

17.The sun lights the earth's sky during the day.The moon appears to light our sky at night.But the sun sandy the moon are more than just big lamps(灯)!
Unlike the earth,the sun is not a planet.It is a star.The sun is made up of hot gases.The burning gases give heat and light.The moon is mostly rock (岩石)and lava (熔岩).Even though it seems to give light to the earth,the moon in a dark sky,we see the side of the moon that receives light from the sun.
The sun and the moon might appear to be the same size.But the sun is much bigger.Let's put it another way:the sun is more than 100 times the size of the earth and it is about 400 times the size of the moon.The moon might seem bigger because it is so close to the earth.A trip to the moon is still a big trip,though.The moon is 238000 miles away!People have made many trips to the moon.No one has ever visited the sun.One reason is thatC.It is over 93 million miles from the earth.No rocket could carry enough fuel to go to the sun.Another reason is that the sun is too hot,Inside the sun is even hotter.Even if a rocket could fly to the sun,it would burn up long before it arrived.

66.What's the sun made up of?D
67.According to the passage,the sun isA the earth.
A.bigger than     
B.as big as    
C.as small as    
D.smaller than
68.Which of the following can be put inC?
A.the sun travels a lot     
B.people haven't invented the rocket.
C.the sun is too far away   
D.people are not interested in the sun.
69.What's the BEST title of the passage?D
A.The sun      
B.The earth      
C.The moon     
D.The sun and the moon
70.Who would be most interested in the passage?C
A.Linda,a dog owner     
B.Mr.White,a bus driver    
C.Luke,a geography student    
D.Mrs.Brown,a family doctor.


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:填空题

eat     noisy     tell     decide    happy
71.The hungry monkey couldn't helpeating when it saw the delicious food in front of him.
72.Thenoise in the street made him angry.It was hard for him to fall asleep.
73.My dear daughter,I have some exciting newsto tell you.
74.I think this is a wrongdecision,so don't plan to do it.
75.The children are playinghappily on the playground.


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:选择题

15.Which word of the following has a different stress from the others?(  )


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:填空题

66.We want three goodmusicians for our rock band.
67.Li Lei is a good boy and hebrushes teeth twice a day.
68.We also have to bequiet in the library.
69.Your dog isreally cute,Peter!
70.You mustfollowthe rules.


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

10.There are many dolphins living in the sea near Qinzhou.Because of the dolphin,the small city becomes famous.Qinzhou is called the home of Dolphin.Do you want to know more about dolphins?
Scientists agree that the dolphin is a very smartanimal.It communicates well and learns quickly and easily.
The dolphins live in all the oceans of the world but are found most often in the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans.They are best known for living in the salt-water oceans.But they have been known to live in some fresh-water rivers,especially the Amazon in South America.They make their home in water but have to come to the surface to breathe.They have a slender body and a long,rounded nose.There is a hole on the top of their head that they use for breathing.As we all know,they are often shown on TV as blue,but I'm actually more of a gray color with a white belly(肚子).They can be many different weights,from almost 150pounds(about 65kilograms)to almost 1,500pounds(about 650kilograms)!They eat a lot of fish and squid(鱿鱼)each day,up to one-third of their body weight!They are very fast and powerful swimmer.They communicate and find their way around in the water using clicking sounds and whistles(口哨).
56.The underlined word"smart"meansC in Chinese.
A.可爱的       B.凶猛的     C.聪明的      D.温顺的
57.The dolphins have been known to live inD.
A.the Atlantic Ocean           B.the Pacific Ocean
C.the Amazon River             D.the salt-water oceans and some fresh-water rivers
58.The color of the dolphins is actuallyC.
A.blue        B.grey       C.grey and white          D.blue and white
59.The dolphins mainly live onD.
A.salt water        B.fresh water        C.fish       D.fish and squid
60.Which of the following is TRUE?A
A.The dolphin uses the hole on its head for breathing.
B.The dolphin eats thousands of pounds of fish each day.
C.The dolphin can only breathe in water.
D.The dolphin can't communicate with each other.


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

17.A kind of little cars may be seen in the streets in the future.People will like this kind of small cars better than the big ones.The car is as small as a bike.But it can carry two people in it.Everybody can drive it easily,just like riding a bike.Even children and old people can drive them to schools or parks.
If everyone drives such cars in the future,there will be less pollution in the air.
There will be more space for all the cars in cities,and there will also be more space for people to walk in the streets.
The little cars of the future will cost less money to buy and to drive.These little cars can go only 65kilometers an hour,so driving will be safer.The cars of the future will be fine for going around the city,but they will not be useful for a long trip.
This kind of cars can save a lot of gas.They will go 450kilometers,then they have to stop for more gas.They are nice cars,aren't they?

46.If you drive this kind of little cars for four hours,you can probably goAat most.
A.260kilometers      B.65kilometers        C.450kilometers       D.130kilometers
47.Why do these little cars have to stop after going 450kilometers?B
A.For more water.   B.For more gas.     C.To have a rest.   D.To charge (充电)
48.Which of the following statements is NOT true?C
A.Driving big cars can make the air dirtier.
B.The little cars can make more space for other cars and people.
C.These little cars will be useful for a long trip.
D.This kind of cars can save much gas.


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

14.More than one million children are homeless in the United States.To help them,the 12-year-old Zach Bonner walked hundreds of kilometers from his home city of Tampa to Washington.D.C.
"There are still so many children who don't have homes in this country.It's terrible."Zach explained,"And it is also surprising that most people know little about the problem."Zach said,"Because of the economic (经济) problem,people are losing their jobs.That's a reason why they become homeless."
It took him three years to finish his walk,which he began when he was only eight years old.He walked 20kilometers a day.He also took books with him to go on with his study by teaching himself.
Zach had a long history of helping others.Six years ago a strong storm hit Zach's home city.He went around his neighborhood with a little red wagon(小车),asking for water and other things to help others.
He called his work"From My House to the White House."He got tens of thousands of dollars for those homeless children.That also made Zach the youngest helper of America.
51.Zach Bonner walked to Washington in order to help those children whoB.
A.could not go to school
B.lost their homes
C.got bad illnesses
D.were blind or deaf
52.Why did so many children lose their homes according to Zach's words?A
A.Parents cannot afford to raise them.
B.Schools cannot offer enough help.
C.Children like making a living alone.
D.People dislike those naughty children.
53.How did Zach go on with his study during the walk to Washington?C
A.A teacher followed him.
B.He studied in schools nearby.
C.He taught himself.
D.He read books on line.
54.At what age did Zach start his work of helping others?A
A.Six.   B.Seven.   C.Nine.   D.Twelve
55.Which is TRUE in America according to the passage?D
A.Most Americans enjoy the life without children.
B.Few Americans want to help homeless children.
C.Some Americans dislike the idea of Zach Bonner.
D.Many people don't know many children are homeless.


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:选择题

15.The colour of blue ____________the feeling of _______________.(  )

