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    Expo'99 Kunming hosted by the Chinese Government between May 1, and October 31,1999 was the last
of same kind of international expositions (博览会) in the 20th Century. The theme (主题) of the exposition
was "Man and Nature-Marching into the 21th Century".
    Expo'99 Kunming contained mainly five halls, such as the Hall of Man and Nature, the Hall of Science and
Technology, the International Hall, the Greenhouse Hall and the China Hall. There were also six gardens in the
venue, including the Trees Garden, the Herbal Plants Garden, the Potted Landscaping Garden, the Vegetable
and Fruits Garden, the Bamboo Garden and the Tea Garden.
    Shanghai is hosting Expo 2010. It is from May 1 to October 31. It's the 4th exposition in the 21th Century.
The theme of the Expo 2010 is "Better City, Better Life."
    The site (位置) of Expo'10 Shanghai is along both sides of the Huangpu river, in the center of the city. It
contains mainly six halls, such as Theme Pavilions (场馆), Urbanian Pavilions, Pavilion of Citybeing, Pavilion
of Urban (城市的) Planet, Pavilion of Footprint, Pavilion of Future. We attract about 200 nations and
international organisations to take part in the exhibition as well as 70 million visitors from home and abroad.
Expo'99 1._________ The theme is "Man and
Nature-Marching into the
21th Century".
The 3.________
Exposition in the
20th Century.
It contains
mainly five
Expo'10 In Shanghai. The theme is 2. _________ The 4th exposition
in the 21th
It contains
4. ________ halls.
1. In Nanjing  2. Better City, Better Life.  3. last  4. six / 6

科目:初中英语 来源:2008年江苏省连云港市初中毕业升学统一考试、英语试卷 题型:001


A.情景识图与情景应答 听句子或问题,从ABC三个选项中,找出与所听内容相吻合的图片或正确的应答语。(每句听一遍)

5ABusy. BSunday. CSunny

6ASorry, I'm not free. BWith pleasure. CNot at all

7AGreen. BOrange. CWhite

8AYes, I am. BYes, who are you? CYes, speaking

9AI am sure. BI don't like. CYes, please

10AYes, I will. BNo, I won't. CThanks, I will


11ADecember 24th. BDecember 25th. CDecember 26th

12AThe second floor. BThe third floor. CThe fourth floor

13AAt 620. BAt 630. CAt 640

14AIn a museum. BIn a library. CIn a bookshop

15ABy bus. BBy bike. COn foot


16MrsBrown has a lovely ________ as a pet

Adog Bcat Cmouse

17After disappearing, the cat comes back ________

Abefore lunch Bat lunch Cafter lunch

18The cat rushes into the room with ________ mice

Atwo Bthree Cfour

19Before anyone stops the cat, it puts the mice ________

Ainto the boxes Binto the chairs Cinto the plates

20From the story, we know there is a close friendship between ________

AMrBrown and the cat

BMrsBrown and the cat

CMrand MrsBrown


科目:初中英语 来源:江苏省东台市2012届九年级下学期第一次阶段检测英语试题 题型:001


第一部分 听句子选择图片或对话回答问题:







5.What time is it now?




6.What would the woman like to drink?

A.Coffee with cream.

B.Black coffee.

C.Coffee with sugar.

7.When does the conversation take place?

A.In the morning.

B.In the afternoon.

C.In the evening.

8.How many people can the man's car hold?

A.4 people.

B.5 people.

C.6 people.

9.Does Betty like sweets?

A.Yes, she does.

B.Yes, but now she gave up.

C.No, she doesn't.

10.Where will Sun Yanzi hold a concert?

A.In America.

B.In China.

C.In Singapore.

第二部分 听对话和短文答题



11.Where does the conversation probably happen?

A.In a library.

B.In an office.

C.At an airport.

12.What will Mr.Lee do as soon as he gets to London?

A.Have a meeting.

B.Go to the hotel.

C.Visit a friend.


13.A.the underground

B.a taxi

C.a train

14.A.visits other companies

B.writes reports

C.has meetings

15.A.at 11.30 p.m.

B.before 11 p.m.

C.later than 11.30 p.m.


16.Which festival is coming?

A.The Spring Festival.


C.Thanksgiving Day.

17.How soon will Mary be with her parents?

A.In a week.

B.In a month.

C.In two days.

18.Where is Mary now?

A.In France.

B.In England.

C.In America.

19.When will Mary arrive in Paris?

A.On Thursday.

B.On Wednesday.

C.On Friday.

20.Why does Mary ask her parents to meet her at the station?

A.Because she has been ill.

B.Because she will take a lot of things.

C.Because she has no money.


科目:初中英语 来源:同步题 题型:阅读理解

     A man goes to a fast-food restaurant for lunch. "Hi," a worker says, "May I help you? "
     "I'd like a hamburger, large fries, and a medium Coke. "the man says.
     "Anything else? "the worker asks.
     "No. "the man answers, "That's it. "
     "Is that for here or to go? "the worker asks.
     "To go. "the man says.
     The man pays for his lunch. The worker puts the man's lunch in a bag. The man takes the bag.
(     )1. A man goes
(     )2. He says,
(     )3. A worker puts
(     )4. The man takes the bag and walks
(     )5. He opens the bag and finds
a. to a park.
b. a lot of money.
c. the man's lunch in a bag.
d. "I'd like a hamburger, large fries, and a medium Coke."
e. to a fast-food restaurant for lunch.
6. Where does the man go for lunch? 
    He goes to a fast-food _____.
7. What does the man want to eat?
    He wants a hamburger, large _____, and a _____ Coke.
8. Where does the worker put the man's lunch?
    The worker puts it in a _____.
9. What is in the bag?
    There is _____ in the bag.
10. Who puts the money in the bag? 
    The _____ of the restaurant puts the money in the bag.


科目:初中英语 来源:同步题 题型:阅读理解

A man goes to a fast-food restaurant for lunch. "Hi," a worker says, "May I help you? "
  "I'd like a hamburger, large fries, and a medium Coke. "the man says.
  "Anything else? "the worker asks.
  "No. "the man answers, "That's it. "
  "Is that for here or to go? "the worker asks.
  "To go. "the man says.
  The man pays for his lunch. The worker puts the man's lunch in a bag. The man takes the bag.
a. to a park. 
b. a lot of money.
c. the man's lunch in a bag.
d. "I'd like a hamburger, large fries, and a medium Coke. "
e. to a fast-food restaurant for lunch.
1. A man goes ________
2. He says, ________
3. A worker puts ________
4. The man takes the bag and walks ________
5. He opens the bag and finds ________
6. Where does the man go for lunch?
    He goes to a fast-food ________.
7. What does the man want to eat?
    He wants a hamburger, large ________, and a ________ Coke.
8. Where does the worker put the man's lunch?
    The worker puts it in a ________.
9. What is in the bag?
    There is ________ in the bag.
10. Who puts the money in the bag?
    The ________ of the restaurant puts the money in the bag.

