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April 10 — Peony Garden

Each trip costs 15 yuan

Bus leaves from school at 7:30 a.m.


April 15 — Shuihu Town

Each trip costs 25 yuan

Bus leaves from school at 7:10 a.m.

Phone School Office (5555555) for more information.



Student’s name: Wang Ning

Trip to: (76)

Date: (77)

Trip Price: (78)

Bus leaves at: (79)

Parent’s phone number: (80)


科目:初中英语 来源:2015年初中毕业升学考试(浙江丽水卷)英语(解析版) 题型:阅读理解

1. Posted by: Monica, Canada April 24 10.41

Black bread with honey— A friend of mine stayed in a hotel in India and the manager gave this to her for stomachache. It really works. Just take a piece of bread and toast it until it’s black. Then put honey on the bread and eat it. It doesn’t look good, but it can really help. So if you get stomachache, try this remedy (治疗法).

2. Posted by: Norma, USA April 24 9.25

An onion—If you get a high temperature, use an onion. It sounds strange but it helps. Cut one large onion in half and tie the half an onion to the bottom of each of your feet. You shouldn’t wear socks of course! I use this on my kids and it works every time. The remedy came from a relative from down south.

3. Posted by: Hell, Australia April 23 18.03

A wet teabag—Here is my tip for toothache. You should put a wet teabag on the sore tooth. I always have a wet teabag in the fridge so it’s there when I need it.

4. Posted by: Lameed, England April 23 16. 15

Salt water—When I was a child, I got a lot of headaches and my grandmother always did this for me. Put a few drops of warm salt water in your ears. Don’t use really hot water. Do this three or four times for both ears. Then lie down and close your eyes for about ten minutes.

1.The topic of the postings (帖子) is _____.

A. school problems B. home remedies

C. food and drink D. outdoor sports

2._____ gave a tip for toothache.

A. Hell from Australia B. Norma ’s kids

C. A friend of Monica’s D. Lameed’s grandmother

3.According to the postings, you can _____ if you have a headache.

A. tie half an onion to your feet

B. put a wet teabag on your head

C. eat a piece of bread with honey

D. drop warm salt water in your ears


科目:初中英语 来源:2015年初中毕业升学考试(山东青岛卷)英语(解析版) 题型:单项填空

The traffic signs warn people after drinking.

A. to drive B. not to drive

C. driving D. don’t drive


科目:初中英语 来源:2015年初中毕业升学考试(山东济宁卷)英语(解析版) 题型:阅读理解

Do you still remember the great snacks in your childhood? Do they remind you of your happy childhood?

Sugar Figure(糖人)

In the old days, you could always find people making sugar figures at the school gate. First, the maker would take a little maltose(麦芽糖)with a small spoon, using

his hands to make a figure, such as the Monkey King, the White Dragonet, and so on. It was not expensive, only 1 yuan for one. If one child bought a sugar figure, many other children would crowd around and admire it.

Dada Bubble Gum(泡泡糖)

Almost every kid is fond of bubble gum. They often gather together to see who gets the largest bubble. I still remember my cousin once blew a big bubble and then it broke, covering her face with gum! It was cheap. I could get 2 for 1 yuan.

Baby Face Ice Cream

We prefer to call it snowman ice cream. It tastes very delicious. It was rather

expensive; I remember the price was 2 yuan for each piece, which was not easy for me to buy them those days. Each time I got one, the happiness would last for several days.

Malt Sugar Candy

Malt Sugar Candy is usually called Tangguar in northern China, and is offered during the days just before the Spring Festival. It’s delicious but cheap, and you could get five pieces for 1 yuan. My friends and I would get together to enjoy Tangguar. What happy time!

1.A child who wants a cartoon character should choose ____.

A.Sugar Figure B. Dada Bubble Gum

C. Baby Face Ice Cream D. Malt Sugar Candy

2.If you had 10 yuan, you could buy ____.

A.20 sugar figures

B. 10 dada bubble gums

C. 5 pieces of baby face ice cream

D. 25 pieces of Tangguar

3.Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage?

A.People made Sugar Figures mainly for boys.

B. Children usually enjoy blowing bubbles together.

C. The writer used to eat lots of baby face ice cream.

D. You can buy Malt Sugar Candy at any time.

4.What is the purpose of the passage?

A.To sell some popular snacks.

B. To tell some funny stories.

C. To remember the poor childhood.

D. To introduce some great snacks.


科目:初中英语 来源:2015年初中毕业升学考试(山东济宁卷)英语(解析版) 题型:单项填空

It is necessary for everyone to ____ a good habit of reading.

A. enjoy B. choose C. develop D. accept


科目:初中英语 来源:2015年初中毕业升学考试(山东菏泽卷)英语(解析版) 题型:阅读理解

Grandmother’s Favourite Doll (玩具娃娃)

A little girl had a doll. She loved it so much that she would treat it with great care, even though her friends would laugh at her for being so careful.

As time passed, the girl grew up, moved houses, became an adult, married, had children, and finally became a lovely little old woman with many grandchildren.

One day, she returned to her hometown, found her original house, and went in. Among hundreds of old things, the now-old little girl found her doll. It was as well looked after as before. She took it home with her and gave it to her granddaughter. Her granddaughter loved it.

Each time the old woman saw her granddaughter playing with the doll, tears (眼泪) of joy would roll down her cheeks (脸颊). She was so glad to see now it was in the hands of her granddaughter.

1.The little girl had a ________and she loved it so much.

A. dog B. doll C. toy car D. ball

2.The little girl’s friends laughed at her because she ________.

A. looked so thin and ugly

B. didn’t get on well with her friends

C. treated her doll so carefully

D. didn’t like to play games with them

3.What does the underlined word “original” mean in the third paragraph?

A. 豪华的 B. 原来的 C. 新建的 D. 木质的

4.When the old woman found her doll, ________.

A. it looked old and terrible

B. she threw it away

C. it was as well looked after as before

D. she took it home and kept it herself

5.Whenever she saw her granddaughter playing with the doll, she would ________.

A. feel very excited and joyful

B. think of her old friends

C. want to buy her granddaughter a new doll

D. wish to go back to her hometown again


科目:初中英语 来源:2015年初中毕业升学考试(山东菏泽卷)英语(解析版) 题型:单项填空

—________ will your brother come back?

—I’m not sure. Maybe in a week.

A. When B. How C. Whether


科目:初中英语 来源:2014-2015学年山东聊城文轩中学七年级下学期期中考试英语试卷(解析版) 题型:阅读理解

The White family moves (搬)to a new city, but Mrs. White’s son, Bob, is not happy, because he doesn’t have any friends to play with there. “Don’t worry!” says Mrs. White, “you’ll soon make friends here.”

One morning, there is a knock on the door. Mrs. White opens it and sees their neighbour(邻居) Mrs. Miller standing there. She comes to borrow(借) two eggs to make some cakes. Mrs. White gives her two eggs. In the afternoon, Mrs.Miller’s son, Jack comes to their home. He says to Mrs. White, “my mother asks me to give some cakes and two eggs to you.”

“Well, thank you,” says Mrs. White. “Come in and meet my son, Bob.” After Bob and Jack have the cakes, they go out to play football together.

Jack says, “I am glad you live next door.”

Bob says, “I must thank your mother for coming to borrow eggs.”

Jack laughs(大笑) and tells Bob, “My mother doesn’t need any eggs, but she wants to make friends with your mother.”

Bob says, “Oh, I see. That’s a clever way to make friends.”

1.Bob feels _____________when his family moves to a new city.

A. sad B. happy C. excited D. angry

2.Mrs. Miller comes to Mrs. White’s house to ____________one morning.

A. give Mrs. White some cakes

B. asks Bob to play with her son

C. borrow two eggs from Mrs. White

D. give Mrs. White two eggs

3.When Jack brings some cakes and two eggs to Mrs. White’s house, she_____________.

A. asks Jack to take them back home

B. doesn’t take the cakes or the eggs

C. gives Jack a football as a present

D. invites (邀请)Jack to play with his son

4.Which of the following is true according to the passage?

A. Mrs. Miller knows Mrs. White for a long time

B. Mrs. Miller wants to make friends with Mrs. White

C. Jack borrows two more eggs from Mrs. White

D. Bob invites Jack to his home that morning

5. Which of the following is the best title (标题)for the passage?

A. Life in a new city

B. A clever way to make friends

C. Friendly neighbours

D. Problems between neighbours


科目:初中英语 来源:2014-2015学年广东省汕头市龙湖区中考模拟考试英语试卷(解析版) 题型:单项填空

――Tomorrow is _______ Day.

――I suggest you buy your teachers some presents. What do you think?

A. Teacher B. Teachers

C. Teacher’s D. Teachers’

