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1. Our teacher is very s___with us.
2. The little boy is very interested in science (科学) . He wants to be a s___ in the future.
3. His father is a___(教授) in a famous university.
4. My sister studies in Yuhong___(初级的 ) School.
5. We should be f____ to our classmates.
1. strict   2. scientist   3. professor  4. Primary   5. friendly

科目:初中英语 来源:同步题 题型:填空题

1. My mother often makes d____ food,l like it very  much.
2. There are only 35 students in our classroom, so it is not c____.
3. The coat is 8 yuan. I think it is c____, so I will take it.
4. This summer, l will go to Ji'nan on v____. 
5. It  is          (晴朗的) . Let's play ping-pong ball
6. The clothes in this shop are very         (昂贵的)
7. Daming Lake is very          (美丽的)
8. After lunch, we went         (购物).
9. I didn't          (喜欢) the match.
10. You're the          (第一个)  student to come to school.


科目:初中英语 来源:山东省期中题 题型:填空题

1. —How's the weather in Beijing?
    —It's w________.
2. The panda is my favorite a________.
3. —How's the weather in Boston?
    —It is s________.
4. There is a big ________ (图书馆) in our city.
5. If you are h________,you can buy some food to eat.
6. There are many countries in the________ (世界).
7. A n________ works in a hospital, and she helps the doctors.
8. There is a house with a b________ garden.


科目:初中英语 来源:同步题 题型:填空题

1 . What does the word "jiaozi" m____?
2. China is a country with lots of _____ (传统).
3. Why do people p____ the doors and the windows red7
4. S____ food is not good for children's teeth.
5. Your hair is too long. You need to have a _____ (理发).
6. —Does e_____ in your family get up early?
    —No, only my mother does.
7. —What _____ (颜色)is your favourite?
    —Yellow. I think.
8. They are lighting (点燃) _____ (焰火)to celebrate Spring Festival.


科目:初中英语 来源:同步题 题型:填空题

1. —Would you m_______ turning off the CD player?  —Not at all.      
2. My watch doesn't w_______ There's something wrong with it.     
3. —Could you help me w_______ my English?   —Sure.      
4. As a student, we should obey the rules and mustn't b_______ the rules.
5. Jack bad a bad cold and he c_______ a lot.     
6. —What's h_______ there?    —An accident.      
7. The girl preferred swimming to s_______ (唱歌).      
8. Nothing is difficult in the world if you set your m_______ to do it.      
9. Please take a _______ the dirty clothes and bring me the clean coat.
10.Don't spit in p_______ It's impolite and isn't good for the environment. . 


科目:初中英语 来源:同步题 题型:填空题

1. I am writing a _        (明信片) to my friend.  
2. Many people are w        for the bus at the bus station.  
3. I want to give a cell phone to my mother,so she can  c       me at any time.  
4. It's warm. Let's e        _the sun.  
5. Don't _        (躺)in bed all the morning.

