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Liu Qiang’s Time Table

Morning: school
Afternoon: basketball training
Evening: do homework
Morning: school
Afternoon: visit Uncle Chen
Evening: study for the English test tomorrow
Morning: school
Afternoon: guitar lesson
Evening: help parents do housework
Morning: school
Afternoon: baby-sit (照看) my brother
Evening: free
Morning: school
Afternoon: free
Evening: Lu Gang’s birthday party
             SaturdayMorning: do the homework
Afternoon: go to the bicycle club   
Morning: make up the missed lessons
Afternoon: rent videos
【小题1】From the time table, we know Liu Qiang likes ___________.
A. playing basketball          B. swimming            C. playing soccer
【小题2】What will Liu Qiang do on Tuesday afternoon?
A. Take the guitar lesson.  B. Visit Uncle Chen.  C. Go to Lu Gang’s birthday party.
【小题3】Liu Qiang will be free___________.
A. on Monday afternoon and Thursday evening
B. on Friday afternoon and Thursday evening
C. on Saturday and Sunday
【小题4】What will be Liu Qiang not do on weekends?
A. Make up the missed lessons   B. Rent videos    C. Baby-sit his brother
【小题5】. Which of the following is TRUE?
A. Liu Qiang goes to school every day.
B. Liu Qiang has an English test on Wednesday.
C. Liu Qiang likes playing the piano.


【小题1】细节理解题。根据文中内容Afternoon: basketball training篮球训练,可知他喜欢打篮球,B游泳;C踢足球,文中都没相关信息,故选A。
【小题2】细节理解题。根据文中内容Tuesday   Morning: school  Afternoon: visit Uncle Chen 周二早上:上学 下午:拜访陈叔叔,故选B。
【小题3】细节理解题。根据文中内容Thursday Evening: free周四晚上:空闲;Friday Afternoon: free
【小题5】判断推理题。根据文中内容得知Tuesday Evening: study for the English test tomorrow周二晚上:为明天的英语测试而复习。从而判断他周三有英语测试,故B正确。


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

Chinese Restaurant
We specialize in banquets and parties. Authentic(正宗) Chinese food. Special lunchtime dishes.
licensed and BYO(bring your own)

Situated in Smithfield Shopping centre.
Tel: 361 9042
Place: 589 Walkley Road, Smithfield
Hamburger Joe’s
Dine in or take away 7 days a week.
Friendly, polite waitress service.
Pleasant, informal and air-conditioned surroundings.
Time:  Mon. Noon—10pm
Tues. Noon—11pm
Wed.—Sat. Noon—Midnight
Sun. Noon—9pm
Place:  14 Jetty Road, Glenelg
Tel:    295 7783   
The Seafood Inn

Licensed Café
We offer lunch and dinner in a relaxed atmosphere(气氛)with indoor or outdoor seating. We have an interesting wine list and freshly prepared foods.
Time:  Tuesday to Friday
12:00—3:00 pm  6:30—11:30 pm
Tel:    306 2481
Place:  482 Spring Street, Carlton
Peppi’s Italian Restaurant

Pasta just like Mama used to make Italian or Australian wines or BYO
Time: Open 7 days for lunch and dinner
Car parking available
Tel:    224 1086
Place:  28 O’Connell ST CITV
    Pizza Palace
Pizza ·Beer ·Wine
Fully Licensed
Full take-away service
Special children’s menu
Everard Park, Glenelg City
【小题1】 If you’d like to order some dim sum, you should dial ______________.
A.361 9042B.306 2481 C.224 1086D.295 7783
【小题2】 Pizza Palace is the best place for children to eat because ______________.
A.the waitress service is friendly and polite
B.there is a special children’s menu
C.there are indoor or outdoor seats
D.it’s close to Smithfield Shopping centre
【小题3】 How many hours a day is the Seafood Inn open from Tuesday to Friday?
【小题4】The address of Hamburger Joe’s is ______________.
A.589 Walkley Road, SmithfieldB.14 Jetty Road, Glenelg
C.28 O’Connell ST CITVD.482 Spring Street, Carlton
【小题5】Which statement is wrong?.
A.Peppi’s Italian Restaurant allows you to bring your own drinks
B.You can’t buy breakfast at Hamburger Joe’s
C.You can enjoy authentic Chinese food in Chinese Restaurant
D.You can dine in or take away from Pizza Palace


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

Medusa Disco
The best dance music in town!
Every night 8:00 p.m. ~ 4:00 a.m.
$ 10.00
Houston Theatre
Shakespeare (莎士比亚) ---- Macbeth
Houston Theatre and Dance School
Thursday ---- Friday 8:00 p.m.
Saturday 5:00 p.m. and 11:00 p.m.
Students $ 3.00, and adults(成年人) $ 8.00
Foreign Film Festival
This Monday ---- Friday
See theatre lists for titles, theatres and times
$ 5.00 at all theatres
“The Band” in Concert
Mason Park Stadium
Thursday, Friday, 8:30 p.m.
Tickets: $ 25~ $ 50
Mamma Mia- The real Italian Restaurant
Perfect pasta and pizza
Live music 9:00 p.m. ~ 11:00 p.m.
Open Tuesday 11:00 a.m.~ 1:00 p.m.
Football Matches
League Stadium
Saturday and Sunday
Games start at 1:00 p.m.
Tickets: $ 2.00
【小题1】What day can you watch sports?
A.Tuesday and Sunday. B.Tuesday and Friday.
C.Friday and Saturday. D.Saturday and Sunday.
【小题2】What time are “The Band” playing?
A.5:00 p.m. B.8:00 p.m. C.8:30 p.m. D.11:30 p.m.
【小题3】If a student go to see Macbeth with his parents, how much will they pay?
A.$ 9.00. B.$ 10.00. C.$ 19.00. D.$ 16.00.
【小题4】What can you have in Mamma Mia?
A.League Stadium. B.Pasta and pizza. C.Best dance music. D.Macbeth
【小题5】Where can you enjoy music?
A.Medusa Disco, Mason Park Stadium and Mamma Mia.
B.Medusa Disco, Mason Park Stadium and Houston Theatre.
C.Mason Park Stadium, Mamma Mia and League Stadium.
D.Medusa Disco, Mason Park Stadium and League Stadium.


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

What sport do you like best?
Daniel: I like basketball best. I often watch NBA. I play basketball every day. I am short, but I am strong. I am a good basketball player in our school.
Lucy: Ping-ping is my favourite sport. I am a Chinese and Chinese ping-pong players are the best in the world. I want to be a good ping-pong player too. I often play it every afternoon.
Tom: I am tall and strong. I like football best. My father is a football player. I often watch my father play football. My father often teaches me to play football. I play with my father and others in the park every day.
【小题1】What sport does Daniel like?

A.Football B.Basketball C.Ping-pong D.Swimming 
【小题2】Who likes football best?
A.Daniel B.Tom C.Lucy D.Nobody 
【小题3】What does Tom’s father do?
A.A teacher. B.A doctor. C.A policeman. D.A football player. 
【小题4】When does Lucy often play ping-pong?
A.Every morning. B.Every afternoon. 
C.Every evening. D.At the weekend. 
【小题5】Which of the following is RIGHT?
A.Daniel is tall. 
B.Lucy wants to be a doctor. 
C.Tom is thin. 
D.The passage(文章) is about favourite sports. 


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

Born as the only child in the family, I am the “king” of the family. My parents are both businessmen and they come home every two weeks. Because they don’t spend much time with me, they always feel guilty* and will buy me many expensive things and let me do whatever I want. My grandparents never let me do any chores because they want me to do my schoolwork.
I used to take everything for granted*. I never said “thank you” to people. As time went by, I found that my classmates didn’t like me and my best friends left me. one day, I asked Leo, who used to be one of my best friends. He said that I was selfish, rude* and bad-tempered*. “No one wants to make friends with a person who always receives but never gives anything!” he said. I was shocked* at his words. “Oh, no! Please don’t leave me. I need friends! I will be lonely and unhappy without friends!” I locked myself up in the room and cried. “I want my friends back. But how?”
Then I noticed that all the popular kids in the class friendly to others. They always smile and say “thank you” to others. They do whatever they can to help when others are in trouble. Other kids like them and always play with them. “I need to change! I will get my friends back,” I said to myself. From then on, I started to change myself. I learned to say “thank you” to others. I smiled and volunteered to help other kids. I tried to be as nice as I could. Gradually, I found that other kids liked to talk with me and they would ask me to play with them and even told me their secrets. My friends came back to me again.
Now I have more friends than I used to do and I am happier than I used to be.
【小题1】What’s the boy’s life like at home?

A.His parents spend much time with him.
B.He has to do lots of housework.
C.He can do what he wants to do.
D.He does much more homework than other kids.
【小题2】What did the boy do to change himself?
A.He learned to say “thank you”.
B.He always smiled at others.
C.He helped others as much as he could.
D.All of the above.
【小题3】The underlined word “gradually” means ___________.
A.To begin withB.SometimesC.In a wordD.Slowly
【小题4】What can we infer(推断)from the passage?
A.To make more friends, you need to try to please them.
B.A person who always received but never gives can still have many friends.
C.The boy lost his friends at first because he didn’t like them.
D.To be a nicer and better person, we need to make some changes.


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

Hello, I’m Tommy Smith. This is my room. Look! My schoolbag is on the desk. My Chinese book is on the bed. My baseball is under the sofa. And my CDs are in the bookcase.
My name is Sally Hand. I’m a schoolgirl. English is my favorite subject. I like it because it’s interesting. Anna is our English teacher. We all like her very much.
I’m a schoolboy. I’m Dave Clark. I like basketball. My friends and I play basketball after school. It’s relaxing.
Hi, my name is Bill Hall. Where is my jacket? Please call me if(如果) you find it. My phone number is 5283595. Thanks.
【小题1】Where is Tommy’s Chinese book?

A.Under the sofa.B.On the desk.
C.On the bed.D.In the bookcase.
【小题2】What’s Sally’s favorite subject?
【小题3】Who does Dave play basketball with after school?
A.His parentsB.His brothersC.His classmatesD.His friends
【小题4】__________ lost a jacket.
A.TommyB.BillC.Dave D.Sally
【小题5】Which of the following is TRUE?
A.Tommy’s CDs are on the desk.
B.Sally likes Anna, her English teacher.
C.Dave plays baseball after school.
D.Bill finds his jacket.


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

Zhang Li lies in bed sadly. The 24-year-old young man lost his right leg because of a blood disease (血液病). The doctor said that his 10 years of smoking had caused the disease.
“I first smoked a cigarette when I was in Junior 3. It made me feel like a man and I thought it looked cool. Now I know I was really wrong,” said Zhang.
According to the 2008 China Tobacco Control report (中国烟草控制报告), 130 million young people who are under 18 years old have tried smoking. Fifteen million of them are addicted (上瘾的).
The report came out on May 31, World No-Smoking Day. It also found that nearly 68% of teenage smokers smoked their first cigarette before the age of 13. Those living in big cities started even earlier.
“Some tobacco companies try to make cigarettes cool and attractive. It’s just to make money,” said Yang Gonghuan, a doctor. In fact, smoking is one of the top killers in China. Each year 1 million people die from smoking-related (与吸烟有关的) diseases. Smoking causes illnesses like lung cancer and heart disease.
Doctors say that the younger a person starts smoking, the worse it will be. If a person starts smoking as a teenager, he or she may live twenty-two years less than non-smokers. 
【小题1】What caused Zhang Li’s disease?
【小题2】When did he first smoke a cigarette?
【小题3】How many people die from smoking-related diseases each year in China?
【小题4】If someone smokes too much, what diseases can he develop?
【小题5】Why do many teenagers smoke at first? (请自拟一句话作答,最好用文中句子改写)


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

Every school has notice boards. Let’s see what is on the notice board of an American school.

School Rules
Fighting, saying bad words and all other bad behavior will not be allowed.
Do not throw rocks, snowballs or sticks on the school grounds.
Hand in a note or telephone to school if your child will be absent for the day.
Parents and visitors need to check in at the office when entering the school.
             Report Card
Report card about your school life and work will be given to your parents. Look at the marking key for your school work.
●Goes beyond grade level standards    4
●Meets grade level standards          3
●Does not meet grade level standards, but
Making progress                   2
●Does not meet grade level standards   1
        Class Announcement(通知)
Testing Dates:
The math test is on June 12~13.
The science test is on June 15
Parents Meeting:
The next parents meeting is at 7:00pm on Friday, June 22 in the meeting hall.
Please check the Homework Board at the school homepage to find your homework.
After-school Program
The after-school programs will continue for the year 2013.  The programs will be open from 3:30 to 6:00pm every day.
3:30~4:30 Homework& Reading
4:30~6:00 Activities
If you have any questions, feel free to call the school at 524-9752
【小题1】According to School Rules, visitors have to _________ when entering the school.
A.hand in a noteB.call at 524-9752
C.check in at the officeD.telephone to the school
【小题2】From _________, parents can get information on the parents meeting
A.School RulesB.Report Card
C.After- school ProgramD.Class Announcement
【小题3】 Report Card shows parents_____________.
A.certain school rulesB.after-school activities
C.plans for classes and testsD.children’s school life and work
【小题4】Suppose Tony doesn’t do well at school but makes progresses, he will get_____ on the Report Card
【小题5】Students do their homework and read books___________.
A.from 3:30 to 4:30B.from 3:30 to 6:00
C.from 4:30 to 6:00D.from 6:00 to 7:00


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

There are three people in my family.They are my mother,my father and me.My father is a teacher.He teaches(教)English.My mother is a teacher, too.She teaches Chinese.I am a student.I'm in Class Two.I like my father and my mother and my parents likes me very much. (非常)
【小题1】.How many people are there in my family?
A.Two     B.Three        C .Four
【小题2】What is my father? 
A.Chinese      B.English      C.teacher 
【小题3】In Chinese,"people"is________. 
A.人       B学生       C.中国人
【小题4】What does my mother teach(教)?
A.Chinese       B.English      C.teacher 
【小题5】Does my mother like me?
A..Yes,she does.    B.No,She doesn't    C.Yes,she doesn’t.

