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【小题1】 We can see this ad _________.

A.at a cafe B.at a libraryC.at schoolD.at home
【小题2】 We can go for lunch at _________on Monday.
【小题3】 Mrs. Zhou will spend _________ if she goes for dinner on Friday.
A.$ 6 B.$ 7C.$ 11D.$ 12
【小题4】Mr. Brown and his 8-year-old son had to pay _________ for dinner last Sunday.
A.$ 7 B.$ 11C.$ 12D.$ 17
【小题5】 You can _________ according to the ad.
A.take away the food in one box for $ 8B.enjoy all you can eat and barbecue
C.get a free bottle of wine with your friendD.call the Chinese Cafe at 9651 4655




科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

As prices and building costs keep rising , the “do-it-yourself”(DIY) trend(趋势)in the USA continues to grow .
“We needed furniture for our living rooms ,” says John Ross , “and we just didn’t have enough money to buy it . So we decided to try making a few tables and chairs .” John got married six months ago , and like many young people these days , they are struggling to make a home at a time when the cost of living is very high .The Rosses took a 2-week course for $280 at a night school .Now they make all their furniture and repairs around the house .
Jim Hatfield has three boys and his wife has died .He has a full-time job at home as well as in a shoe making factory .Last month, he received a car repair bill for $420 . “I was deeply upset about it .Now I’ve finished a car repair course .I should be able to fix the car by myself .”
John and Jim are not unusual people .Most families in the country are doing everything they can to save money so they can fight the high cost of living. If you want to become a “do-it-yourself”, you can go to DIY classes .And for those who don’t have time to take a course, there are books that tell them how they can do things themselves.
【小题1】We can learn from the passage that many newly married people ______ .
A.take DIY courses run by the government
B.have to learn to make their own furniture
C.find it hard to pay for what they need
D.seldom go to a supermarket to buy things
【小题2】John and his wife went to evening classes to learn how to _______ .
A.run a DIY shopB.save time and money
C.make or repair thingsD.improve their life
【小题3】 When the writer says that Jim has a full-time job at home ,he means Jim___ .
A.makes shoes in his homeB.does extra work at night
C.repairs his own car at homeD.keeps house and looks after his children
【小题4】 Jim Hatfield decided to become a do-it-yourself when he found _____ .
A.his car repairs cost too much
B.the car repair class was not helpful
C.he could not possibly do two jobs
D.he had to raise the children all by himself


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

Biodiversity(生物多样性), or biological diversity, is a wide-ranging concept that covers all the different kinds of plant and animal species present on earth. Environmentalists believe that many millions of species exist. As all these living organisms are dependent on each other in some way, biodiversity is desirable. Any loss to the planet is actually a loss for mankind as well, and it is our responsibility to try and save Earth’s biodiversity.
Biodiversity has a vital role to play in the evolution(演变)of species. Species become extinct, but new species evolve, and this is how a balance is maintained. This may sound pretty simple, but it takes millions of years for changes to take place.
Biodiversity is also very important to the stability of food webs. Damage to them can mean disaster for an entire ecosystem. The extinction of a single animal species can put huge pressure on the numerous other species dependent on it.
Biodiversity also has an important role to play in human society. Apart from being the most intelligent species on earth, human beings are also the most dependent. We depend on nature to meet our basic needs. When we change the balance of nature to create our cities and bring about our technical advances, we knowing or unknowing cause great damage to the ecosystem. This must be understood, and the damages must be reversed(颠倒)in any way they can to ensure that the balance of the ecosystem is maintained.
【小题1】We learn from the first paragraph that_________.
A biodiversity can be seen
B all living species are found on earth.
C people everywhere are aware of the importance of biodiversity
D the loss of any species can affect humans
【小题2】Why can change in food webs lead to disaster?
A Because it can make people suffer from disease
B Because it can put huge pressure on some species
C Because it takes a long time for such changes to take place
D Because it will damage ninety-nine percent of species
【小题3】What does the underlined word probably mean?
A Immovability  B Peace  C Strength  D Variety
【小题4】We learn from the last paragraph that __________.
A humans are as independent as they are intelligent
B the balance of the ecosystem is easily maintained
C nature has given us a lot
D nature is taking revenge on us
【小题5】Which of the following may be the best title for this passage?
A Food Webs are Closely Related to Biodiversity.
B Biodiversity Plays a Very Important Role in Evolution
C How Biodiversity Affects Human Society.
D Understanding Biodiversity and Its Importance.


科目:初中英语 来源:2013届山东省宁津县实验中学九年级第一次月考英语试卷(带解析) 题型:阅读理解

Green tea is the best choice for office workers.
People who always work in places with air conditioning may face skin problems such as easily dry skin. Among all the drinks, green tea is the best choice. Because there are important things in green tea and they are often called catechins(儿茶酚). Moreover, drinking more green tea can prevent computer radiation(辐射).
Winter is the season to drink black tea.
Chinese medicine believes that different people should drink different tea based on the different characteristics and tastes of each kind of tea. Black tea can warm the stomach and quicken digestion(消化). Therefore, drinking warm black tea in the cold winter is a most suitable choice.
Do not drink strong tea.
Strong tea may make the body far too excited and can badly affect the cardiovascular(心血管的) as well as the nervous system(神经系统). For a person who has problem with these parts, to drink overly (过度地) strong tea may cause heart and blood pressure illness, or even make the old illnesses much worse.
Do not drink too much tea when you are eating.
Drinking too much tea or strong thick tea may not be good for taking in many constant elements and trace elements(常量元素和微量元素). Also, people should not drink tea with milk or other milky food.
【小题1】We can read the article in ________.

A.Life and HealthB.Chinese Culture
C.Fashion TimesD.Sports and Health
【小题2】If you always work with computer, what kind of tea should you drink?
A.Green teaB.Black teaC.Strong teaD.Hot tea
【小题3】What does the underlined word “suitable” mean in this passage?
【小题4】Too much thick tea may cause ________.
A.skin problemsB.heart diseaseC.headacheD.stomachache
【小题5】Which of the following is NOT true?
A.If you have a stomachache, you should drink black tea.
B.Strong tea may make the body far too excited.
C.When we choose tea, we should know the characteristic and tastes of each kind of tea.
D.At tables, we should drink tea as much as possible because it’s good for our health.


科目:初中英语 来源:2011年北京市海淀区中考二模英语试卷 题型:阅读理解

【小题1】We need ________ kinds of things to make an ALL ABOUT ME box.

【小题2】What should we do first to make an ALL ABOUT ME box?  
A.Color the inside of the box.B.Turn the box on its side.
C.Put the name inside the box.D.Make a list of favorite foods.
【小题3】An ALL ABOUT ME box tells about ________.
A.a toyB.a bookC.a personD.a picture


科目:初中英语 来源:人教新目标初一上册第七单元专项训练英语试卷(带解析) 题型:单词拼写


Come and buy clothes at Mr. Cool’s Store!  For g__【小题1】,we have sweaters in red, green and w__【小题2】 at a very good price--only $20!  The black s       【小题3】 are only $22!For boys, we have T__【小题4】 in black, blue and red for only $13! You can also b     【小题5】 socks for only $3!  Do you n     【小题6】 bags for sports? We also have great bags for 0__【小题7】 $5! Do you like s       【小题8】? They are on great sale, too, only $12.
Come and s      【小题9】 for yourself at Mr. Cool’s C       【小题10】Store.

