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(C1 Rewrite the sentences below with to-infinitives.

1. The policemen ran so fast that they caught the thief.

The policemen ran fast enough

2. Wendy has saved a lot of money so that she can buy a new computer.

Wendy has saved a lot of money in order

3. He was so tired that he did not watch TV yesterday evening.

He was too tired 

4. Mrs Li goes jogging every day so that she can keep fit.

Mrs Li goes jogging every day in order .

5. He was so generous that he donated 10 ,000 yUan to Project Hope.

He was generous enough 

6. The box is so heavy that Andy cannot move it.

The box is too heavy for Andy

(C2,Rewrite the sentences below with adverbial clauses.

1 He is tall enough to reach the book on the fridge.

2 In order to pass the English exam,Charles is working hard these days.

3 This big house is too expensive for her to afford.

4 Tom watched many films in order to write a report on the development of films.

5 The trousers are too long to fit him.

6 The water is warm enough for you to have a shower now.

1 .to catch the thief

2 .tu buy a new computer

3 .to watch TV yesterday evening

4. to keep fit

5 .to donate 10. 000 yuan to project Hoper

6 .to move

1. He is so tall that he can reach the book on the fridge.

2. Charlft is working hard these days so thal he cart pass the English exam.

3 .This big bouse is so expensive that she cannot arford it.

4.Tom watched many films so that ho could write a report on the development of films

5. The trousers are so long that they do not Ht him.

6. The water is so warm that you can have a shower now.

题目来源:2016年译林英语初中补充习题九年级下册 > Unit3


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:


                      Learning How to Learn $ 22 

      Children who read this book show great interest in study. Many pictures will help them understand it easily and quickly.

                         Basic Study Guide book $ 36 

Read this book and learn:

What the three barriers (障碍) to study are and what to do about them.

What to do if you are tired of a subject.

Children read it to improve the ability (能力) to study.

      How to Use a Dictionary (Picture Book for Children) $ 35 

Read this book and learn:

How to look up words in a dictionary.

What the different marks in a dictionary mean.

How to use a dictionary to pronounce words correctly.

Buy this book and help children unlock their education.

What's more you will just pay 60% for it before December 20.

() 1. “” can tell you what to do if you are tired of a subject.

   A. Study skills for life   B. beaming How to Learn

   C. Basic Study Guidebook   D. How to Use a Dictionary

() 2. According to the ads (广告) ,the three books are for .

   A. the old   B. parents   C. children   D. men

() 3. If you buy the three books on December 20 ,you will just pay for them.

   A. $93   B. $71   C. $80   D. $79

() 4. If you want to know how to use a dictionary,you should buy.

   A. Study Skills for Li fe   B. Learning How to Learn

   C. Basic Study Guidebook   D. How to Use a Dictionary

() 5. Which books may not have many pictures?

   A. Study Skills for Life   B. Learning How to Learn

   C. Basic Study Guidebook   D. How to Use a Dictionary


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

(C2 h Sandy and Amy are talking about their history projects. Complete their conversation. Use the correct tenses of the verbs in brackets.

you (do) your history project,Amy?

I  (3) (be) to North Hill in Sunshine Town.

I (4) (collect) enough infornnati’on about it. Ill write about North Hill.

Daniel and Simon (8) (finish) their projects already. They (9) (work) together yesterday at Simon 's home.

No,but I (2) (decide) what to write about.

I want to write about the changes in Moonlight Tbwn. What about you,Sandy?

I  (5) (interview) an old man in Moonlight

Town last Sunday. He (6) (live) in the

area since he was born. He (7)(tell) me

a lot about the area.

oh they're really quick. I'll start to work on it

tomorrow. I think I (10) (get)

enough information to start.


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

Mr Wu has found an advertisement for robots in a magazine. He is calling the robot shop to find out more details. Complete the conversation with the correct forms of the words in the box.

battery     customer   iron    order    properly

quality   regret   satisfied   satisfy   virus

Shopkeeper: Hello,New Star Robot Shop. May I help you?

Mr Wu: Hi,I saw your advertisement in a magazine and Tm thinking of

a robot.

Shopkeeper: What do you need your robot to do?

Mr Wu: I need one that can clean my flat,  (2) clothes and

cook meals.

Shopkeeper: I see. What else?

Mr Wu: I need it to be able to listen to me and talk with me.

Shopkeeper: So you need one with a speaker.

Mr Wu: Right. I hope my robot will be able to do the things ⑶ according to my instructions.

Shopkeeper: OK. We'll try to (4) your needs.

Mr Wu: By the way,how many (5) do your robots use?

Shopkeeper: Most of our robots use two. They can last for 200 hours.

Mr Wu: Oh,I don't want my robot to catch any (6)

Shopkeeper: Don’t worry. The (7) of our robots is up to standard.

Mm,I think Model II will be suitable for you. All the

(8) who have bought this model are (9) with it. You could give it a try and Tm sure you won't (10) it. Would you like to come to our shop and have a look?

Mr Wu: OK.


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

Mr Wu is writing an article about robots on his blog. Complete his article with the correct forms of the words in the box.

be satisfied with     do whatever    explore outer space

have brains         how many coins    in a complete mess

iron a business suit   post the letter    regret inventing them 

Nowadays,robots can help people in many ways. For example,they can tidy up a flat that is ⑴ . They can (2) before you

go to work. They can (3) for you after you have written it. Most people (4) such kind of robots.

Robots also help people in science and technology. Scientists use robots to (5) Doctors use robots to do complicated operations. Some countries even use robots in modern wars.

I think robots will be much smarter in the future. They might even (6) . They could know (7) they should prepare

for you if you are going to take the bus. They could understand your moods and thoughts. They could (8)hey are asked to do.

Would robots fight a war with human beings? I hope not.

If it happened,scientists would (9). In my opinion,robots should help people do things instead of getting us into trouble.


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

2 She began to learn French when she was 12 years old. (at the age of)


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

A Noun + ’S 

A1.Complete the answers with noun + 's.

1 Q: Whose book is this?

A: It's (Tommy) book.

2 Q: Whose car is that?

A: It's (Mr Wang) car.

3 Q: Is this your watch?

A: No. It's (Steven) new watch.

4 Q: Who's Jane?

A: She's (Emily) new friend.

5 Q: Whose toys are those?

A: They're the (children) toys.

6 Q: Are these glasses yours?

A: No. They're (Grandma) glasses.

7 Q: Is that Tommy's shirt?

A: No,ifs not It's (David) .

8 Q: Are these the students' books?

A: No,they aren't. They're (Miss Luo) .


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

6. What your cousin at the moment,David?

a .is; writing     b. does; write     c .is; writes


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

Reading comprehension

A Wonderful houses 

A1. Amy is reading articles about houses in a magazine. Here are two of the articles.

My name is Will. I am a manager of a computer company. This is my house in Beijing. There are two living rooms,a dining room and a kitchen on the ground floor. There are three bedrooms and two bathrooms on the first floor. My son has a big bedroom and he always invites his friends to stay with him at the weekend. My favourite place is the living room. I can sit on the sofa and watch TV there. I need this after a hard day's work!

I am Jack. I am a fashion designer. I have many houses around the world,but I like the one in California best. The house is on the beach. I can see the sea from the house. I often sit and relax on the balcony. I also play with my dog there. In the evening,I take my dog for a walk on the beach. The house has a large garden. There are hundreds of beautiful flowers in it. I have a dining room,but I often eat in the garden. I can smell the flowers and hear the birds there.

