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  Thousands of people were in the stadium to watch the China-Italy match. It was an e ___1___ football match. Both teams were trying their b __2____ to win. Then something h ___3___ Wang Yonglin kicked the ball high into the air. Two of the Italian p ___4___ started running to get it. There were b ___5__ looking up in tile air at the ball and didn't see each other. The other players shouted to them to stop, but the n ____6___ in the stadium was very loud, and the two players didn't h ___7__ them. At the last moment, they saw each other. They t ____8__ to stop, but it was too late. They crashed into each other. Both fell. N ___9___ of them could move. The team doctors took them to the h ____10___ at once.


(1) exciting;(2) best;(3) happened;(4) players;(5) both;(6) noise;(7) hear;

(8) tried;(9) Neither;(10) hospital


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:053


  When Mr. Lorry left university, he got a j_______ in a big company, but after he had been there for a few years, he decided that he would like a c_____ He also wanted to get a more i_____ position, so that he could get more money, and maybe also do more interesting w______, so he put an advertisement(广告)i_____ several newspapers, saying what experience he had had.

  O______ of the answers he received was from another man who was looking for a job too. This man w_____ to him,Dear Sir, when you g_______ a new job, please be kind e_______ to give my name and my address to your present boss, as l have been trying to find a position like y_______ for a long time.


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:053


  Children and adults enjoy playing w(1) kites. There are a lot of kite festivals and competitions in China, Japan and m(2) other countries. But kites are not just play things. They can be used in many o(3) ways.

  Kite flying has been p(4) in China for more than two t(5) years. Scientists have u(6) kites for a long time. They used them for studying w(7) and for testing new kinds of flying machines. Recently scientists have developed many new kinds of kites. Some of them can pull boats, or lift a man easily. Some can f(8) like a plane.

  Some kites are really beautiful works of art. People are i(9) in kites, because kite flying is an art and a science and also it is f(10) .


科目:初中英语 来源:101网校同步练习 初二英语 外研版课标本 外研版课标本 题型:053


  It is interesting to visit another country, but there are sometimes problems when we d  1   know the language very well.It may be difficult to talk with the people there.We may not know h  2   to use the telephone.We may not know how to do shopping.

  In a foreign country we might not know w  3   to eat or order in a restaurant.It is not easy to d  4   to tip(付小费)waiters or taxi drivers.When we n  5   help, we might not know how to ask for help.It is not pleasant to have an experience l  6   that.A  7   a short time, then we learn what to do a  8   what to say.We learn to e  9   life in another country, and we may be sorry to l  10  


科目:初中英语 来源:101网校同步练习 初二英语 外研版课标本 外研版课标本 题型:053


  If you do not use your arms and legs for some time, they will become weak.When you start u  1   them again, they slowly become strong again.Everybody knows that.Yet many people do not seem to know that memory works in the s  2   way.

  When someone says that he has a good memory, he really means that he keeps his m  3   in practice by using it.When someone says that his memory is poor, he really means that he does not give enough c  4   to become strong.

  If a friend says that his arms and legs are weak, we know that it is his own fault(过错).But if he tells us that he has a p  5   memory, many of us think his parents may be blamed, and f  6   of us know that it is his own fault.Have you even f  7   that some people can not read or write but usually they have b  8   memories?This is because they can’t read or write and they have to remember things.They can not write t  9   in a small notebook.They have to remember days, names, songs, and stories, s  10   their memory is always being exercised.

  So if you want to have a good memory, practice remembering things in a way as other people do.


科目:初中英语 来源:101网校同步练习 初二英语 外研版课标本 外研版课标本 题型:053


  What do you usually use mobile phones for?Sending text messages for fun?Playing games?Well, mobile phone can do f  1   more than that.D  2   this year’s Asian tsunami(海啸),mobile phones saved many l  3  .More than 10000 international phones were w  4   when the tsunami hit.Police sent text messages to them and found more than 2000.But how?People f  5   the signal and found out w  6   the tourists were.So, how can s  7   so small be so smart?Well, here’s how!When you turn the phone on, it tries to find a signal.This signal.This signal comes from the telephone network.

  If you have a signal you can see it on the phone’s screen.Sometimes, if the signal is weak, i  8   can be difficult to make a phone call.When the phone is finding a signal, it also sends a m  9   to the telephone network.This message tells the station where the phone is.When you start to make a phone call, the telephone network tells telecommunication offices where you are.The office will find out who you’re calling then put you t  10   to your friend!

