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Which part is the most important?
My mother used to ask me what the most important part of the body is. When I was 1  .1 thought music and talking were the most important things, so I said: “My 2 Mommy.”
She said; "No. many people are deaf and can’t hear anything but they live normal lives. But you 3  thinking about my questions and I will ask you again soon. "
Several years passed before she asked me again. This time I told her:“Mommy.  4 is very important to   5  , so it must be our eyes. "
She looked at me and told me: "You are learning fast, but your  6  is not right because there are many people who are blind and who arc happy and healthy all the same.”
Then, last year, my grandpa   7 .
Everybody was crying. My mom asked me: “Do you know the most important body
pan now, my dear? The most important body part is your  8 .”
“Is it because it holds up (支撑)my head?” I asked.
"No, it is because it can hold a head of a friend or a loved one when they 9  ."
she answered. “ Everybody needs a shoulder to cry on sometime in life. I only hope that you have enough love and friends in your life. So, you will  10 have a shoulder to cry on when you need it."
小题1: A. older          B. younger          C. cleverer
小题2: A. ears               B. eyes             C. mouth
小题3: A. stop               B. begin            C. keep
小题4: A. mind               B. heart            C. sight
小题5: A. everybody      B. somebody         C. nobody
小题6: A. question          B. problem          C. answer
小题7: A. came               B. died             C. arrived
小题8: A. shoulder           B. foot            C. hand
小题9: A. laugh          B. dance            C. cry
小题10: A. never          B. always           C. seldom

小题1: B
小题2: A
小题3: C
小题4: C
小题5: A
小题6: C
小题7: B
小题8: A
小题9: C
小题10: B
小题1:细节推理题。根据下文提到的“Several years passed”得出答案。
小题2:细节推理题。根据妈妈的话“many people are deaf and can’t hear anything…”得出答案。
小题4:细节推理题。根据下文的句子“it must be our eyes”得出答案。
小题7:细节推理题。根据下文的句子“Everybody was crying.”看出答案。
小题8:细节理解题。根据这句话“Is it because it holds up (支撑)my head?”可知答案。
小题9:细节理解题。根据下文“Everybody needs a shoulder to cry on sometime in life.”可知答案。
小题10:细节推理题。根据“I only hope that you have enough love and friends in your life.”得出答案。

科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:完形填空

Dear Students,
I am very happy to be your guest speaker today. It is a great pleasure to visit your school and to meet all of you.
I would like to tell you about myself. I have been a news reporter for the past fifteen years. I __46__ this job so I could travel the world,but job has taught me many unforgettable lessons. The work is sometimes __47__. I have seen famines(饥荒),earthquakes,poorness and death. But I have __48__ seen courage,hope and happiness.
In India,I visited a city where there were many homeless children. Some were as young as four years old. They lived in the __49__ and depended on themselves by begging or stealing. But then a wonderful lady called Rosa opened a home for them. Within one year,she was __50__ two hundred children. She clothed them,fed them and taught them. She gave them __51__.
__52__ time,I was in Turkey after a terrible earthquake. In one place,I found an old lady whose house was destroyed. Her son was missing and rescue(救援) workers said there was no chance that he was still alive. But the old lady did not __53__ hope. For four days,she moved heavy stones one at a time by herself. She did not stop __54__ she found her son. He was alive.
Here in China,I met a young boy who was seriously ill. He had had twenty operationsand spent nearly his whole life in hospital. I thought he would be __55__,but when I met him,his smile was so warm and welcoming.
In life,we need good models that we can admire and learn from. When my life is difficult,I try to remember the courage and goodness of these three people.
A.foundB.had C.choseD.liked
A.neverB.also C.everD.already
A.looking overB.looking afterC.getting on well withD.paying for
A.moneyB.food C.medicineD.hope
A.OneB.AnotherC.The otherD.Other
A.give outB.give upC.give backD.give away
A.happyB.unluckyC.sad D.friendly


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

Not long ago, I opened an interesting e-mail from Jennifer, a friend of mine. “I’ve realized I want to be around people who make me happy,” she wrote, “I’ve been seeing how I feel after communicating with different people and making a mental list of who I feel good about. And you’re on my list.”
Then she invited me — and 11 other women— to a “Movie Night” to be held every six weeks at her house. We’d chat, eat, and watch feel-good movies. She made it clear in her invitation that there was no stress to show up to all or any movie nights. Wonderful! I e-mailed her back immediately. I was in.
Later, Jennifer told me she had some puzzled reactions to her invitation. Though all the women were willing to join, some said they didn’t see themselves as cheerful people. “I’ve told them they didn’t have to be cheerful around me all the time. I invited them because they made me feel happy,” she says.
Research shows that gatherings such as Jennifer’s make sense. In a US study, researchers measured(测量) the happiness of 4739 people at regular intervals (间隔) over 20 years. The study found that a person’s happiness depends on(取决于) the happiness of people they connect with. Amazingly, it also found that happiness spreads not only between direct friends, but also among friends of your friends’ friends! And those good feelings seem to be the most contagious (传染性的) among friends of the same sex.
“People with more supportive friends are less likely to develop sadness,” says Dr Toupey Luft, a psychologist in Penticyon, British Columbia. “Though you can’t choose your family or workmates, you do have control over friendships.” With a little effort, you can add more positive(乐观的) relationships to your social circle. Here’s how…
小题1:How many people did Jennifer invite?
A.1B.11 C.12D.13
小题2:What kind of things can you do on Jennifer’s movie night?
A.Gathering and measuring happiness among friends.
B.Chatting, eating and watching feel-good movies.
C.Being cheerful all the time.
D.Showing up stress.
小题3:What do the underlined words mean?
小题4:Which of the following is right?
A.Jennifer was puzzled with her invitation.
B.All the women who were invited are cheerful people.
C.Jennifer invited people who are cheerful around her all the time.
D.People with more supportive friends seem to be more positive than people who don’t.
小题5:Can you guess what will be talked about in the following passage?
A.Why it is important to pick friends who make you feel good.
B.How to make friends who make you feel good.
C.What kinds of friends you should not make.
D.How you can find your social circle.


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:完形填空

Granny Sarya lived outside Moscow. Her only son  16  to Afghanistan(阿富汗) and was killed in action there.Soon after that, her husband lost his job. The old man was always   17  food and clothes.And on a winter night he went out alone when Sarya was asleep. The next morning he was   18  dead in a cold lake. And his worn-out coat was   19  in a tree not far away. Sarya was so   20  that she nearly took her own life.
Things got worse and worse after that. She always lived in hunger and cold. She had hoped that the government(政府) could help her but she    21
It was a cold windy night. The old woman couldn't   22  asleep at all. She had to get up. She decided to write a letter to God(神), asking for  23 . She wished God to give her 100 rubles (卢布), so she could buy some food for herself. When she  24  writing it, she found she had no  25 . She had to put the  26  at a crossing.   27  the next morning a policeman found the letter. He read it to his comrades.They were all so   28  that they gathered some rubles and sent them to the poor old woman.
At first Granny Sarya was happy. But after she   29  the money, she became   30  and said, “I'm told that all things that are touched by the policeman will be only a half left!”
A.sentB.ran awayC.was sent D.escaped
A.worried aboutB.pleased withC.thinking aboutD.hearing of


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:完形填空

My mother often asked me, “what is the most important part of the body?” Through the years I would guess at   1  I thought was the correct answer. When I was younger, I thought sound was very important to us as humans, so I said, “My   2 , Mommy.”  She said, “No. Many people are deaf. But you   3  thinking about it and I will ask you again soon.”
Then last year, my Grandpa   4 . Everybody was hurt. Everybody was crying. My Mom looked at me when it was our   5  to say our final goodbye to grandpa. She asked me,  “Do you know the most important body part yet, my dear?”  I was shocked   6  she asked me this now. I always thought this was a game between her and me. She saw the confusion(迷惑) on my face and told me, “This   7  is very important. It shows that you have   8  lived your life”. I saw her eyes well up with tears. She said, “My dear, the most important body part is your shoulder.” I asked,  “Is it because it holds up your head?”
She replied, “No, it is because it can hold the head of a friend or loved one when they   9 . Everybody needs a shoulder to cry on sometime in life, my dear. I only hope that you have enough love and   10  that you will have a shoulder to cry on when you need it.”


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

"Can I see my baby?" asked the happy new mother. When the baby was in her arms, she couldn’t believe her eyes. The baby was born without ears.
Time proved(证明) that the baby’s hearing was very good though he had no ears. He got on well with his classmates. But one day, he said to his mother, tears in his eyes, "A big boy called me a freak (畸形的)."
  The boy’s father asked the family doctor. "Could nothing be done?"
  "I believe I could graft (植入) on a pair of outer ears if they could be got," the doctor said. They tried to find a person who was helpful for the young man.
  One day, his father said to the son, "You’re going to the hospital, son. Mother and I have someone who will donate the ears you need. But we must keep it a secret who the person is."
  The operation(手术) was a great success, and a new person appeared. His cleverness and hard work made him a very successful person. He married and lived a happy life.
  He once asked his father, "Who gave me the ears? I could do enough for him or her."
  "I do not believe you could, "said the father." The agreement was that you are not to know...not yet."
  For years they kept it a secret, but the day did come. He stood with his father over his mother’s body. Slowly, the father raised the thick, brown hair. To his surprise, the son found his mother had no outer ears.
  "Mother said she was glad she never needed to cut her hair," his father said in a low voice, "and nobody ever thought mother less beautiful, did they?”
小题1:The mother was surprised to see her baby for the first time because the baby__.
A.had no outer earsB.was born without hair
C.was in her armsD.could not hear her
小题2:The sentence"...a new person appeared." means"______."
A.a new baby was born in the hospitalB.a stranger came into the hospital
C.a new doctor took care of the boyD.the boy began to live a new life
小题3:Why did the boy’s mother never cut her hair?
A.Because she liked her thick, brown hair.
B.Because her work didn’t allow her to do that
C.Because the hair was good for her health
D.Because she wanted to keep the fact a secret
小题4:Which of the following is true according to the passage?
A.The boy couldn’t hear without ears at first.
B.The boy didn’t know the truth (真相) until his mother died.
C.His parents often encouraged him to work hard.
D.His classmates were always making fun of him.
小题5:Which is the best title for the passage?
A.A Clever BoyB.Kind ParentsC.Great LoveD.An Ear Operation


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

Walter owns three Italian  restaurants which are running very well in Rhode Island in America. Every day his restaurants welcome crowds of customers(顾客) all over the world.
He studied to be a cook, but he sees now that his success is the result of a lifetime education. When he opened his first restaurant, all of a sudden his schooling knowledge , the history of his family and his ethics(道德准则) of his father came into play  . It made him a person who studied and explored (探索)the secrets in the food business.
Walter’s learning never stops. He says “ The food business is one where you need to stay on top. Cooks should be trained. You have to keep on studying or you will be left behind.” So he spent more time in reading. Every time he gets new ideas from the book, he brings them into his work.
Walter also has a clear understanding about success. That is he would like to be remembered as a person who is creative, who believes in the Italian cooking culture in America. Food is like a bridge connecting to the past, to the family and to the country. He says “Success to me is not how much money I make, but if at the end of the day I am able to make fifteen or twenty customers happy, I’m a happy man.”
小题1:The underlined phrase “came into play” means                
A.played a joke on himB.needed to be used
C.gave him much helpD.began to be studied
小题2:The secret of Walter’s success is             .
A.building a bridge to the country
B.keeping on learning without any stops
C.getting new cooking ideas from his family
D.bringing the Italian cooking culture into America
小题3: From the last sentence of the passage, we can know that it is           .
A.happy to make a lot of money
B.exciting to have more and more customers
C.important to make the customers pleased
D.impossible to make 15 or 20 customers happy every day
小题4: We can learn from the passage that           .
A.the lifetime education is important
B.creative spirit always comes first
C.exploring the food business is difficult
D.new ideas are necessary in running a restaurant
小题5:The best title of this passage may be “          ”
A.Culture is Important for Cooks
B.A Cook and His Customers
C.The Story of Three Restaurants
D.A Winner is Made, not Born


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

Many years ago, there was an old man who had four sons. He wanted his sons to learn not to judge(判断) things too quickly. So he told them to go and look at a pear tree. It was far away from his home. The first son went in winter, the second in spring, the third in summer, and the youngest son in autumn.
When the sons came back, the old man asked them to say what they had seen.
The first son complained the tree was ugly. The second son said the tree was covered with buds and full of hope. The third son said the tree was full of green leaves. They looked so beautiful, and it was the most wonderful thing he had ever seen. The youngest son said that the tree was bowed down with heavy fruits. It was full of life and fulfillment(收获).
The man explained that all of his sons were right, but each of them had seen just one season of the tree. He told them that they couldn’t judge a tree or a person by only one season. "If you give up when it’s winter, you will miss the hope of your spring, the beauty of your summer, and the fulfillment of your autumn." said the old man
It is true that we shouldn’t let the hard season break the happiness of the other seasons. Never give up during the difficult days and better times are sure to come some day.
小题1:Why did the old man ask his sons to look at the pear tree?         
A.Because he liked. eating pears.
B.Because the tree was important to his family.
C.Because he wanted to teach them not to judge things too quickly.
D.Because his sons didn’t judge things quickly.
小题2:The fourth son went to see the tree in          .                     
小题3:The underlined word "buds" probably means        in Chinese.        
小题4:Which of the following is true?                                     
A.The pear tree was near his home.
B.The third son said the tree was beautiful.
C.The four sons all liked the tree.
D.Even you give up in winter, you can still get hope in other seasons
小题5:What’s the main idea of this passage?                              
A.Don’t judge a life by one difficult season.
B.Father’s love is great.
C.Every tree has four seasons.
D.Life is different for everyone.


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

“You know, these cups brings to my mind a story I heard,” Mary said to her students.
She poured some tea. There were four of them and there were four completely different cups on the tables.
“I heard there was a teacher who took all his students for tea. His students were surprised that all the cups on the table were different. They all took a cup and started drinking their tea, each looking at the cups of others. The teacher said, “Did you notice your behavior? You are all looking at each other’s tea cup and some of you even envy(羡慕)the finer cups of others.”
“I put the different cups here on purpose. I want to say life is like this tea. You all have the same thing in your cups——tea. And yet you cannot truly enjoy it in your envy of another’s cup. You forget to enjoy your own life when you envy someone else’s life. We all have the same thing——life. We should care more about the tastes of your own life. So now, taste your own tea. Does it matter from which cup it came from?” Mary finished telling her story and her students all sat in silence for a while, enjoying their tea. And it really did not matter a bit from which teacup they drank.
小题1: Which of the following statement is TRUE?
A.All of the students had the same kind of cups.
B.One of the cups is different from others.
C.All of the cups were filled with the same tea.
D.There was different tea in different cups.
小题2:What should we learn from the story?
A.Envy others and make progress.B.All the lives are the same.
C.Work hard and catch up with others.D.Try to enjoy your own life.
小题3: Which is the best title for the story?
A.More than tea in a cupB.The same cups, the same tea
C.The taste of the teaD.Different cups, different tea

