精英家教网 > 初中英语 > 题目详情
A: Excuse me , 小题1:________________________________________________?
B; Sorry , I don’t know .
A: 小题2:_____________________________________ .(Then A walks to C)
A: Excuse me , could you tell me where the Yinhe cinema is ?
C: Of course . It’s the fifth floor of the Jiangzhou Mansion (大厦) .
A: 小题3:____________________________________________?
C: Walk along the street to the first crossing , then you will see a ten-floor building on your left . It’s the Jiangzhou Mansion . You can take the elevator to the fifth floor. And you will find the Yinhe cinema on it.
A: 小题4:____________________________________________?
C: About fifteen minutes .
A: 小题5:_________________ . Good-bye !
C: Bye-bye .

小题1:Could you tell me where the Yinhe cinema is ?
小题2:Thank you all the same .
小题3:How can I get there ?
小题4:How long does it take ?
小题5:Thank you .

小题1:联系后文And you will find the Yinhe cinema on it.你会发现银河影院就在五楼上,可知正在询问去银河影院的路。故填Could you tell me where the Yinhe cinema is ?
小题2:联系上文,在请求帮助时对方不能给予帮助,要说Thank you all the same .
小题3:联系下文的指路Walk along the street to the first crossing , then you will see a ten-floor可知,所以这里要填我怎样到那里。How can I get there ?
小题4:联系下文回答About fifteen minutes .大约四十五分钟,可知上文在询问花费多长时间,故填How long does it take ?。
小题5:请求帮助后,要表示感谢,故填Thank you .。

科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:填空题

小题1:___________, our planet, Earth is becoming more and more crowded.(sad)
小题2:Most of my classmates had gone to celebrate Mr. Wang’s_________(44) birthday when I got there.
小题3:Humans on Mars will have to wear special boots to make___________(they) heavier.
小题4:The dancer fell down while she______________(spin) on the stage.
小题5:At present, it may be difficult to imagine_______________(develop) the desert.
小题6:The big prize is for one of the most famous_____________(invent).
小题7:I don’t think man will have robots______________(control) computers in the future.
小题8:Are you certain meals in the form of pills are much___________(taste)?
小题9:How many___________( toy) trains does your brother have?
小题10:The Summer Palace is a famous Chinese-style garden___________(build) in a natural landscape.


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:填空题

Complete the sentences with the given words in their proper forms
小题1:It’s strange the two ________ took place at the same time on the same day. (robbery.
小题2:I have already checked the bag ________, but there is no sign of your glasses. (two.
小题3:Most students were encouraged by the headmaster’s ________ on the first day of school.  (speak.
小题4:Eating strong smell food on buses or the underground usually makes people ________. (happy.
小题5:________, all the money I lost on the train was returned to me. (lucky.
小题6:________ art festivals are organized every year around the world. (France.
小题7:Mathew wanted to build a ________ dog house for his pet dog, Snowball. (wood.
小题8:It’s necessary to ________ the narrow road to avoid traffic jam. (wide.


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:填空题


Dear Sally,
Thanks for your photo. It is a nice one. Here 小题1:   a photo of my   小题2:. You   小题3: see four people in the photo.   小题4:  are my parents, my sister and I. My father is   小题5:      English teacher. My mother works in a   小题6: , too, but she isn’t a teacher. The girl beside me is my sister.   小题7:  name is Alice. We are students. Alice is in Class One and I’m in Class   小题8: . We  have a pet dog. Coco is the   小题9:  of our dog.   小题10:  is it? It is in front of my mother.


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:填空题


Dear Sally,
Thanks for your photo. It is a nice one. Here 小题1:  a photo of my    小题2:. You    小题3:  see four people in the photo.    小题4:are my parents, my sister and I. My father is    小题5:   English teacher. My mother works in a    小题6:, too, but she isn’t a teacher. The girl beside me is my sister.
  小题7: name is Alice. We are students. Alice is in Class One and I’m in Class  小题8: . We have a pet dog. Coco is the    小题9:  of our dog.   小题10:  is it? It is in front of my mother.


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:填空题

小题1:What do you usually do on w______?    
小题2:I'm more o_____than my sister.
小题3:What do you  t_________  of  this TV show? _Too boring .
小题4:You should  a______ some salt to the soup.
小题5:Can you come to my  b__________  party?


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:填空题

He _______________________________ a few years later.
The weather in Yunnan ____________________________________________.
If we ____________________, wild animals will have no suitable homes.
Our ______________________________________________ wildlife.
We think  _____________________________________________________.
Many wild animals________________because of _____________________.


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:填空题

动词填空 用括号内所给动词的适当形式填空。
小题1:Jane is such a kind girl that she always             (reply) to anyone with a smile on her face.
小题2:By the end of the 20th century, the weather             (affect) people’s life a lot.
小题3:I’m surprised to find that the price of bread             (rise) by 15% recently.
小题4:Have you ever thought about devoting all your life to             (support) different charities?
小题5:It’s said that women in Kingdom of Saudi Arabia (沙特阿拉伯)             (not allow) to drive all
the time.
小题6:Though there’s enough time, I prefer          (complete) the task quickly first to spend more time on
my hobbies.
小题7:— Mary, could you help me?
— Wait a moment. I        (argue) about what colour to wear at tonight’s party with my elder sister.
小题8:The notice says that anyone who breaks the school rules             (punish) by our principal.


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:填空题

quiet,  leave ,   hundred,  health,  mean
小题1:Jim is never _________. He can’t stop talking.
小题2:What does this word ______in Chinese ? Let’s look it up in the dictionary .
小题3:Her daughter is __________ for Hong Kong next Tuesday.
小题4:There are about nine___________ students in our school.
小题5:I’m ______ than most of the kids in my class, because I run every morning .

