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小题1:这些绿色的短裤出售,每条25美元。These green shorts are______ ______ for$25.
小题2:她以合理的价格买下了这座房子。She buys the house ______a ______  ______
小题3:你可以负担得起我们的价格You can.______ ______ ______
小题4:我们有各种颜色的T恤衫。We have T—shirts_____ _____ _____.
小题5:你需要运动包吗?Do you ______ bags______.______sports?

小题1:on sale; each
小题2:at; good price
小题3:afford our prices
小题4:in all colors
小题5:need; for

小题1:考查固定短语。on sale“出售,促销”;each“每一个”。故填on sale; each。
小题2:考查固定搭配。at a ...price“以......样的价格”。故填at; good price。
小题3:考查动词的用法。afford“负担得起,买得起”,常与can连用。故填afford our prices。
小题4:考查固定短语。in...color“是......颜色”。故填in all colors。
小题5:考查固定用法。need“需要”;for sports“运动专用的”。故填need; for。

科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:听力题

There is an old saying, ‘East or west, home is ____小题1:___(最好).’ It means that nothing can take the place of family.
In my family, there is always____小题2:____(充满)of happiness. My parents seldom help me to finish my homework, but they ____小题3:____(教) me what I should do. For ____小题4:___ (例如), they always tell me that happiness is the ____小题5:___(重要) thing in the world. When I ____小题6:____(失败)in my tests, I always think of it, and then I am not ____小题7:____(伤心) at all. Sometimes, they also tell me not to be so careless . I feel sorry to them because I always make them ___小题8:____(担忧).
In a word, every family has its __小题9:___(自己的) happiness, and I __小题10:___(相信) that wherever I go ,my family will be always behind me.


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:单选题

--- Mum, have you seen my mobile phone?   
---_______you bought last week? I’m sorry I haven’t seen _______.
A.One ; itB.One ; oneC.The one ; itD.The one ; one


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:听力题

These years, with the development of society(社会), more and more teenagers have suffered from stress. Some of the problems can make them feel very w  小题1:  and unhappy all day. Who can help them? A teacher from a college tried his best to help them. He thought of a lot of w小题2:  to help them. On Monday and Thursday, you can c 小题3:  his hotline. Here are some ideas how to keep the young men healthier in every way.
F 小题4: , it is very important to keep healthy. To get e 小题5:  sleep every day is also necessary. Try to have a healthy d  小题6:   every day. Secondly, maybe you are not the top student. It doesn’t m   小题7:. The most important thing is to work hard. If you try your best, your teachers and parents will understand you. If you have some problems, you should be a 小题8:   to talk with your teachers and parents. They can help you. Remember to s  小题9: your happiness and s 小题10:  with your good friends. Sometimes you can go out for a walk.
In a word, you can try to make you happy by yourselves. I’m sure you can be happy every day.


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:听力题

小题1:--Dave, turn off the TV  _____ no one is watching it.
--But it has been turned off already!  The music is from the radio.
小题2:--Why didn’t you go surfing last Sunday?
-- _____ I had a bad headache.
小题3:Don’t get off it __ the bus stops. It’s dangerous.
小题4:--Where is the comic book?
--I brought it to you __ you were in the reading room yesterday.
小题5:Jack, there is someone in the office __ would like to speak to you.
小题6:--What kind of music do you like?
--I like music __ I can sing along with.
小题7:The old man wants to live in a house _____  door is broken.
小题8:The film ____ we saw the day before yesterday is very interesting.
小题9:Do you know the student __ was praised at the meeting?
小题10:They work in a factory __ makes radio parts.


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:听力题

小题1:Look! Tony and Andy are under the tree. These are my          (friend)
小题2:His          (parent) are teachers.
小题3:--Are          (that) Helen’s pens? --Yes, they are.
小题4:Here          (be) my watches.
小题5:The          (picture) are very good.


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:单选题

一Is this man your friend?
A.it isB.it isn’tC.he isD.he isn’t


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:听力题

小题1:The boy left the room with_________(眼泪) in his eyes.
小题2:It’s________(浪费) to throw away glass, paper and metal.
小题3:Tony sits_________(在……之间) Lucy and Lily.
小题4:You’d better speak_______(大声). I can’t hear a word from the back.
小题5:Tom will hear from his parents this__________(星期二)。
小题6:My English teacher always________(鼓励) me to speak more English in class.
小题7:My daughter is looking forward to___________(收集) more stamps.


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:听力题

小题1:Could you give me a h________? I can’t stand up.
小题2:James, there is only one minute l________, so we need to hurry up.
小题3:Are you good at spoken English or w_______ English?
小题4:One c___________ is equal to one hundred years.
小题5:I w___________ go to his party unless I am invited.
小题6:John came to China last year. He has b______ to learn speaking Chinese.
小题7:Aunt Lucy used to be a f__________. She went fishing almost every day.
小题8:Tomorrow is D__________ forty-fifth birthday. He looks older than Mum.
小题9:Remember that it is not a _________ to use mobile phone in class.
小题10:The teacher asked the boy many questions, but he only a_________ some of them.

