精英家教网 > 初中英语 > 题目详情

A: Here is a photo of my family.  B:   ______1______.
A: OK. Here you are.      B: Is the man your father?
A: Yes, he is. And _____2______. B:  ________3________
A: They are my sisters. Who is the boy, can you guess?
B: He is your little brother.
A: ______4______. It’s me.
B: But it doesn’t look like (看起来像) you.
A: _______5________

科目:初中英语 来源:同步题 题型:补全对话,情景问答

(A-Alice  B-Bill  H-Helen  J-John  T-Tim)
A: 1. ______ me, Bill. Is this 2. ______watch?
B: No, it's his watch.
A: What's 3. ______ name?
B: David.
A: Helen, is this your ID card?         .
H: Yes, 4. ______is.
A: Here you 5. ______.
H:6. _____
A: What's this 7. ______ English, John?
J: 8. ______ a baseball.
A: Is it yours?
J: 9. ______, it's Tim's.
A: Hi, is this your baseball, Tim?
T: No, it 10.  ______ It's my brother's.  His name is Tom.
A: Let's go and ask him.


科目:初中英语 来源:同步题 题型:补全对话,情景问答

A: What are you reading , Kitty?
B: Oh, an 1. i_____ book, it's all about surprising things in the world.
A: Really? Is there anything on 2.a_____ in the book?
B: Yes, there is, it 3. s_____ that fish sleep with their eyes 4. o_____and goldfish can only
     remember things for 3 seconds.
A: How amazing! Does it mean that they don't know what 5. h_____ to them 3 seconds ago?
B: Yes, there are also many other things in the book.
A: What 6. e_____?
B: One of the smallest dinosaurs was only about one metre long and 7. w_____about three
    kilograms a long time ago.
A: What did they eat at that time?
B: Some 8. a_____ plants and 9. o_____ lived on meat. They all lived on land. By the way, it also
     talks about ghosts.
A: Please stop! I feel 10. f_____!
B: Haha!


科目:初中英语 来源:同步题 题型:补全对话,情景问答

A: Today is Sunday. Do you want to flay football?
B: Yes, I w______ (1) like to. But I don't know how to play.
A: Don't worry. It's e______ (2). And I can h______ (3) you.
B: You are v______ (4) nice. Thank you.
A: Now l______ (5) at me. Play football l______ (6) t______ (7). Now you begin and I w______ (8).
B: Oh, sorry. It's too hard.
A: Don't worry. Try it again.
B: Look! I c______ (9) do i______ (10) now. Great!
A: What about it?
B: Exciting!


科目:初中英语 来源:同步题 题型:补全对话,情景问答

A:Hi, you are a vegetarian (素食者). May I know w  1  ?
B:You know I'm a model. I have to be very c  2   with my appearance(外表).
A:What do you usually h  3   for meals?
B: Rice with vegetables, orange juice and some apples. They can give me enough energy f  4   the
whole day.
A:Do you drink water a lot?
B:Sure. There are no c  5   in water, so you can drink it without getting fat. By the way, I hear that
you are changing your diet now.
A:That's t  6  . I eat less than before and I am thinner. But I'm always feeling h  7   and always want
to eat something.
B:How do you like your new diet?
A:I think it's useful.  I love hamburgers but I don't eat them any more. I like d  8   Coke but now I
don't drink it. I d  9    vegetables but I often eat them now,
B:Do you exercise every day?
A: Yes, I play badminton these days. I feel much b  10  .
B:Good. If you want to keep fit, you should live with healthy food and enough exercise.
1.         2.          3.          4.         5.        
6.         7.          8.          9.         10.        


科目:初中英语 来源:同步题 题型:补全对话,情景问答

A: Good morning. Washington Press.
B:Good morning. May I 1. s_____to Mr. Kent,please?
A: 2. H_____the line,please.….I'm sorry Mr. Kent's occupied at present.I'll put
you 3. t_____ to his secretary.
B: Thank you.
C: HeIlo,Mr. Kent's secretary speaking. May I 4.h_____you?
B: Yes. This is Carol Sainsbury speaking. May I leave a 5. m_____for Mr.Kent?
C: Certainly,Miss Sainsbury. May I have your 6. n_____?
B: My number is 56321847.
C: 56321847,I'11 ask Mr. Kent to call you 7. b_____when he's free.
B: Thank you 8. v_____much.
C: You're welcome.

