精英家教网 > 初中英语 > 题目详情
A  Wrere are you?
B. What do you do?
C. How do you like your school?
D. where are you from?
E. What about you?
F. Do you speak English?
G..Where do you study?

  A: Hello, Li Lei.
  B: Hi, Jim, this is my friend, John.
  A: Hello, John. Nice to meet you.
  C: Nice to meet you, too.
  A: John,    l   
  C: I'm from Canada.    2  
  A: I'm from the United Kingdom.  3  
  C: Yes, I do. And I can speak a little Chinese, too.
  A:    4   
  C: I study in No. 9 Middle School.
  A:    5   
  C: It's great. Teacher and my classmates are good to me.
  1._  ___    2.              3._____      4.____      5._    __

科目:初中英语 来源:2012-2013学年甘肃省八年级上11月月考英语试卷(解析版) 题型:其他题


A.How about you?

B.What did you do?

C.I enjoyed it very much.

D.Was it interesting?

E.How was your weekend?

A: 1       

B:It was great!

A: 2      

B: I went to a movie with my parents.

A:That sounds good.3       

B:Yes, 4    ,  5      

A:I was busy, I helped my mother clean the house.



科目:初中英语 来源:同步题 题型:补全对话,情景问答

A. Can I help you?
B. What would you like?
C. Anything else?
D. Is that enough?
E. Are you full?
F. Would you like something to drink?
G. Would you like something to eat?
May: Joy, what time is it now?
Joy: It's about half past four.
May: Let's have a rest (休息一会儿).    1   .
Joy: Yes. I am thirsty now.
May:    2   .
Joy: I'd like a bottle of orange juice, please.
May:    3   .
Joy: No, thank you. I'm not hungry. What about you?
May: I'm hungry now.
WOMAN:    4   .
May: Yes. I'd like a hamburger, a bottle of orange juice, and a bottle of apple juice.
WOMAN:    5   .
May: No, that's all.
WOMAN: Here you are.


科目:初中英语 来源:同步题 题型:补全对话,情景问答

A. Thanks a lot, Miss Green.
B.I've just been to the English corner.
C. That is a bad excuse.
D. You have made a good start.
E. No, I'm not.
F. We all learn from mistake, dont we?
A: Good morning, Miss Smith.
B: Hi, Sandy. Where have you been?
A:     l___
B: Really'? That's great! Did you talk with Mark and Judy?
A: Yes, but only a few words.  And I'm not sure if they could understand me.
B:No problem.     2 __
A: But I'm afraid of making mistakes when I speak.
B:      3     You should believe in yourself.
A: But do you think they like to talk with us beginners?
B: Yes, unless they're busy.
A: Well, I'm still not so confident. You know my pronunciation is poor.
B:      4     Try to talk with them as much as you can.
A: All right.       5      


科目:初中英语 来源:同步题 题型:补全对话,情景问答

A. Yes, it is quite all right    
B. Which one would you like to choose
C.Could you please fill in this form    
D. Which .hotel do you want to live in
E. it's not expensive  
F. Yes , it's quite right
A: Morning! What can I do for you?
B: We'd like to make a trip for a weekend holiday, please.
A: There are many travel paths.  1. ______?
B: We'd like to choose Jinggang mountains.
A: It's really worth (值得) visiting.2.______?
B: We're not sure.  Which hotel do you think is comfortable?
A: The Holiday Home is very good.  What's more important,  3. ______
B: We don't want to live in an expensive hotel.  That's what we'll do.
A: 4.______ ?
B: OK.  I'll ask my wife to fill in this form.  By the way,is it all right if we pay by credit card?
A: 5. ______  Enjoy your weekend.
B: Thank you.


科目:初中英语 来源:同步题 题型:补全对话,情景问答

A: Dad, shall we go to the park tomorrow?
B: 1.______
A: But dad, look. at the sky. Things are not good. 2.______
B: Then we have to stay at home.
A: 3.______The number is 121.
B: OK.
Phone: Good morning, everyone ! 4.______
Today Beijing will be sunny. Tomorrow it will be better and the temperature is
23℃ to 28℃.
A: Great! We can go to the park tomorrow.
B: 5.______ Remember:study comes first.
A. What about making a phone call?
B. Here is the weather report for the coming two days.
C. Do you have a phone call?
D. But you must finish your homework first.
E. Sure, if it is fine.
F. When can we go?
G. There are so many clouds and it is windy.

