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17.In the opinion of many people,the twoparent family is the correct way to raise children.Traditionally,this has been as the most natural way,but singleparent families have had to face prejudices(偏见) against their lifestyle.However,the singleparent family is the fastest growing type of family.In the United States,a national survey showed that at least 50% of children will be members of a singleparent family.So we think it is important to throw prejudices away and to see the advantages of singleparent families.
When compared to twoparent families,singleparent families are usually at a disadvantage in some ways.They are often in short of money,and children receive less attention.What's more,single parents can find themselves under too much pressure of both work and home.Despite(尽管) these disadvantages,it is possible for singleparent families to look for support from friends,schools,communities or other organizations.They need to remember that nobody can do it alone.
Surprisingly,singleparent families also have some advantages over twoparent families.Single parents have greater flexibility(灵活性) in spending time with children,because they don't have to consider the needs of a husband or wife.So they can develop closer relationships with their children.Another advantage comes from the fact that single parents often work together with their children to solve problems,which makes children feel more needed and valued(尊重的).
It's important to remember that singleparent families have,until now suffered(受到)prejudices from some people.They think that it's easier for the children in singleparent families to drop out of school in teens,and to be jobless in their early twenties.But,with the support from friends,schools and communities,singleparent families become more accepted by society,and this situation is certain to improve.In the future we will probably see these prejudices disappear.

71.What does the author mainly tell us in Paragraph 1?A
A.People shouldn't have prejudices against singleparent families.
B.The singleparent family is not good for raising children.
C.The twoparent family is the correct way to raise children.
D.50% of children will be members of a singleparent family in the USA.
72.Which disadvantage of singleparent families is NOT mentioned in Paragraph 2?C
A.They are often in short of money.
B.Children may receive less attention.
C.Children also suffer from the prejudice.
D.Parents are under pressure of both work and home.
73.How can single parents make their children feel more needed and valued?D
A.Don't consider the needs of others.
B.Pay more attention to their children.
C.Develop closer relationships with their children.
D.Discuss and solve problems together with their children.
74.Why does author believe that the situation of singleparent families will improve?A
A.Singleparent families will be more accepted by society.
B.There will be fewer and fewer singleparent families.
C.Single parents will try best to protect and control their children.
D.People will understand that there are difficulties in singleparent families.
75.Which of the following may be the best title for this passage?B
A.Advantages and Disadvantages
B.Changing Views on Singleparent Families
C.Best Lifestyle for Children
D.Comparing Two Types of Family.

分析 本文主要向我们介绍了人们对单亲家庭的偏见,单亲家庭的弊端.作者相信,在朋友,学校和社区的支持下,单亲家庭越来越被社会所接受,这种情况一定会改善.在未来,我们很可能会看到这些偏见的消失.

解答 71.A 归纳理解题;根据文章第一段we think it is important to throw prejudices away and to see the advantages of singleparent families.我们认为抛弃偏见很重要,而看到单亲家庭的优势.可知答案为A.
72.C 细节理解题:根据文章第二段They are often in short of money,and children receive less attention.What's more,single parents can find themselves under too much pressure of both work and home他们往往缺少钱,孩子们也很少受到关注,而且单亲父母发现他们自己处于工作和家庭的很多压力下.可知答案为C.
73.D 细节理解题:根据文章第三段Another advantage comes from the fact that single parents often work together with their children to solve problems,which makes children feel more needed and valued.另一个来自于单亲家长的优势是他们经常和孩子一起解决问题,这让孩子感到更需要和更珍惜. 可知答案为D.
74.A 细节理解题:根据文章最后一段with the support from friends,schools and communities,singleparent families become more accepted by society,and this situation is certain to improve在朋友,学校和社区的支持下,单亲家庭越来越被社会所接受,这种情况一定会改善.可知答案为A.
75.B 标题理解题:根据文章第一段we think it is important to throw prejudices away and to see the advantages of singleparent families.我们认为抛弃偏见很重要,而看到单亲家庭的优势;文章最后一段with the support from friends,schools and communities,singleparent families become more accepted by society,and this situation is certain to improve在朋友,学校和社区的支持下,单亲家庭越来越被社会所接受,这种情况一定会改善.可知答案为B.

点评 首先对原文材料迅速浏览,掌握全文的主旨大意.因为阅读理解题一般没有标题,所以,速读全文,抓住中心主旨很有必要,在速读的过程中,应尽可能多地捕获信息材料. 其次,细读题材,各个击破.掌握全文的大意之后,细细阅读每篇材料后的问题,弄清每题要求后,带着问题,再回到原文中去寻找、捕获有关信息. 要善于抓住每段的主题句,阅读时,要有较强的针对性.对于捕获到的信息,要做认真分析,仔细推敲,理解透彻,只有这样,针对题目要求,才能做到稳、准.


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:填空题

His fatheris a hotel manager.


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:填空题

6.hardly ever几乎不.


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:阅读表达

5.回答问题 阅读短文,然后根据短文内容简要回答问题.
   Zong Zi is a traditional food in China which is eaten on Duanwu Festival to honor Qu Yuan-one of the greatest poets(诗人) in ancient China.
   Qu Yuan threw himself into the Miluo River on May 5th according to the Chinese calendar.It was said that people jumped from boats into the river and tried to save him.But it was too late.They were very sad and then dropped Zong Zi into the river to keep fish away from Qu Yuan's body.In order to remember Qu Yuan,people named the day Duanwu Festival or Dragon Boat Festival.Also people have dragon-boat races and eat Zong Zi that day every year.
   In the past,Zong Zi was made only once a year on Duanwu Festival,but now it is quite different.Zong Zi is now not only made for Duanwu Festival.People can eat Zong Zi at any time of the year,Also,different areas have developed different styles.Some types of Zong Zi are made with meat or egg yolds(蛋黄).
66.Was Qu Yuan a poet in ancient China?
67.Why did people drop Zong Zi into rivers?
68.When is Dragon Boat Festival?
69.What do people do on Dragon Boat Festival?
70.Can people eat Zong Zi at any time of the year now?


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:补全对话

12.W:Hello,this is Sally speaking.
M:Hello,this is Bob.
M:Reading a book.
W:(62)D   we can watch a video.
W:Go along Peace Street.When you get to the second traffic lights,turn left.At the end of the street,you'll see a new hotel.
M:Oh,OK.I know where that is.(64)B
W:Yes.My house is across from the supermarket.
A.How can I get to your house?
B.There's a small supermarket next to thehotel.
C.It's on the right.
D.Do you want to come over to my house?
E.What do you do?
F.What are you doing?
G.I'll see you at two thirty.


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

2.More than 85% of respondents (调查对象)to a survey about the Chinese Lunar New Year said they expect the festival's traditions to be continued,survey re sults have sho wn.
The survey,done online by the China Youth Daily Social Investigation Center on 7,012 people,showed that 88%of respondents consider reuniting with family to be the most important part of the festival.According to the survey,78.6% of respondents see the festival as an opportunity to visit relatives as many people live far from their hometowns.
Wan Jianzhong,a professor of Beijing Normal University,said that Lunar New Year traditions,including visiting the elderly,holding family get-togethere and setting off firecrackers (放鞭炮),have mostly been preserved (保持),but some others are disappearing.
"During the Spring Festival,people woricing outside their hometowns hurry to get home and reunite with their families. This causes a great national migration (迁徙),because the tradition of family get-togethers on Chinese New Years Eve is rooted in the hearts of the Chinese,"Wan said.
According to the survey,over 5960 respondents expect Lunar New Year traditions to be continued.
57.How many people were surveyed about the Chinese Lunar New Year?
58.Where was the survey done?
59.Was holding family get-togethers a Lunar New Year tradition?


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

9.Usually at the beginning of school,there was much noise which could be heard from the street.But this morning was different from usual.Everything was quiet like a Sunday morning.I was late again.But there was no need to be afraid.Mr Hamel looked at me with no sign of anger and said gently,"Go to your seat,my little Frantz.We are going to begin."Hamel walked back to his platform and said in a gentle and serious voice:
"My children,this is the last time I can teach you.In the schools of Alsace,the order to teach only German has come from Berlin.The new teacher will come tomorrow.This is the last class in French,so I want you to listen carefully to what I say."Those words surprised me and then angered me.This would be my last lesson in French.
I still didn't know how to write it.I was a very lazy boy in language classes.But now,there would be no more lessons in French.How angry I was with myself!I didn't make good use of the time to learn.I often ran away from school.My French grammar book and French history book had seemed very boring to me.I had to say goodbye to them and to Mr Hamel,too.The thought that he was going away and that I would never see him again made me forget the punishment I had got from him.

61.Why did Frantz feel that morning was different from usual?A
A.Because everything was quiet that morning.
B.Because it was a Sunday morning.
C.Because he went to school very early that morning.
D.Because he went the wrong way.
62.What kind of boy was Frantz?B
A.A lazy boy who didn't love his country at all.
B.A boy who was not very serious about school.
C.A boy who loved to learn German better than French.
D.A boy who hated his teacher.
63.How did Frantz feel when he knew he couldn't learn French any more?D
A.He was too excited to believe it was true.
B.He thought it was OK because language classes were all boring.
C.He cared about nothing because he didn't like French at all.
D.He was very sorry for what he had done before.
64.What may the best title for this passage be?C
A.A boring French lesson.
B.A lazy boy.
C.The last lesson.
D.How to learn French well?
65.Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage?D
A.All the students in Alsace loved German better than French.
B.There were many volunteers(志愿者) from Berlin who wanted to help children in Alsace.
C.Mr Hamel didn't care what language his students would learn.
D.Frantz thought he would never see Mr Hamel again.


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:完形填空

6.You can tell a lot about your friends by what they carry in their schoolbags:what they like reading,and(21)Bthings they like to do out of school.In the bags of middle-school age boys in the UK,you find hand-held computer games,football magazines and packs of playing cards.
Girls usually have a(22)Din their bag (maybe a romantic (浪漫的;爱情的) novel) and some make-up (化妆品) and hair clips (发夹).
Girls and boys(23)Boften have an iPod,a mobile phone and of course,last night's(24)B!
By (25)Ca friend's bag you can tell what kind of person they are.A clean and tidy bag without trash shows an (26)A person.A bag full of textbooks and pens belongs to someone who works (27)D.British middle school-age children also have a locker (锁柜) at school.They(28)Btheir books or sports things,such as a football or tennis racket there.They use pictures to make the inside of their lockers (29)A.Maybe they have pictures of their favorite music or sports star,or photos of their friends.So just like their bag,their locker says a lot about the(30)C.

21.A. anotherB. otherC. othersD. the others
22.A. magazineB. test paperC. newspaperD. book
23.A. eitherB. bothC. allD. each
24.A. houseworkB. homeworkC. dreamD. dinner
25.A. looking forB. looking afterC. looking inD. looking out
26.A. organizedB. outgoingC. funnyD. intelligent
27.A. slowlyB. quicklyC. easilyD. hard
28.A. buyB. storeC. saveD. read
29.A. beautifulB. uglyC. cleanD. expensive
30.A. boyB. girlC. personD. teacher.


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:选择题

7.---What ____Lucy____?
---She is tall and she has blond hair.(  )
A.do; look likeB.does; look likeC.is; looks like

