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Jim came into the room ______ Millie sat down on the chair last night.

A. as                      B. while                      C. when                    D. since





试题分析: 句意:昨晚靡丽坐在椅子上时,吉姆进了房间。as当……时,    

从句瞬间性动词,主从句同时发生; while当……的时候,从句为进行时,


为瞬间和延续性动词,时或先后发生;since自从。came into与sat down为





科目:初中英语 来源:期末题 题型:填空题

1. Even a child knows S______ is the last day of the week.
2. If everyone makes a contribution to p_______ the environment, the world will become more beautiful.
3. My sister works as a l_______ in a university library.
4. The disasters in the coal mines must be s_______ from happening again.
5. The Spiderman is an interesting film, so it's well w______ seeing.
6. We all went hiking yesterday e______ Tom.
7. I want to learn how to eat to keep me             (健康).
8. English is ______ (广泛) used by all over the world.
9. Just then , Jim came ______ (跑) along with laughing and singing.
10. Now people in the world realized that they must learn to care for their ______ (生活) environment.
11. We are all excited that our country has ______ (成功) sent Shenzhou VI.
12. My brother is studying ______ (国外).


科目:初中英语 来源:同步题 题型:填空题

1  . His parents were born in Germany. They are _________(German).
2  . September is the _________(nine) month of the year.
3  . Chinese people have built a new Great Green Wall across the ____  (north)
part of country.
4  . If everyone makes a contribution to ___________(protect) the environment,
the worldwill become more and more beautiful.
5  . He did __________(good) this term than last term.
6  . His children are not old enough to take care of _____________(they).
7  . He _____________(teach) in the school since he came in 1989.
8  . Could you run as __________(fast) as Jim?
9  . I'm sure it ___________(be) a good day tomorrow.
10. Can you ask her __________(give) us a talk?


科目:初中英语 来源:同步题 题型:填空题

1. Jim came to China several years ago. Now he can _____ (sing) Beijing Opera very well.
2. He likes _____ (play) the trumpet.
3. Would you like _____ (join) our art club?
4. I need some _____ (help) to carry this heavy bag.
5. He can't _____ (swim) across the river. He is too young.
6. Beijing Opera _____ (be) very beautiful, and people can learn about Chinese history by listening to it.
7. She wants _____ (talk) to you for some information about the English corner (角).
8. Tom's little brother always _____ (ask) some questions.
9. Don't _____ (call) me at night.
10. We must _____ (arrive) at school at 6:30 every morning.


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

One day, there was a teacher - parent meeting in Jim' s school. Jim felt   1    .He didn't want his classmates and teacher to meet his   2    because there was a scar(伤疤) on his mother' s    3    . He didn’t want to know about the scar and his mother never told him about it.

At the meeting Jim sat in the back row, but he could still    4     the teacher talking with his mother. The teacher asked    5    , "How did you get the scar on your face?" The mother replied, "When my son was a baby, his room caught fire. Everyone was too    6     to go in. I rushed in. As I was running to his bed, I saw a long piece of    7     coming down and I threw    8     over my son, trying to protect him. I was knocked on the face, but my son was      9  ." She pointed to her face. "This scar will be lasting, but to this day, I have never felt sorry about what I did."

At this time, Jim came    10    . He ran to his mother with tears in his eyes. Now he felt his mother was the most beautiful woman.

l. A. happy              B. pleased             C. worried            D. glad

2 A. mother             B. father               C. brother             D. friends

3. A. foot               B. hand               C. leg                D. face

4. A. hear               B. like                 C. agree              D. stop

5. A. luckily               B. carefully              C. hardly               D. badly

6. A. interested           B. weak               C. frightened           D. busy

7. A. bread             B. paper              C. wood              D. glasses

8. A. her                B. him                C. myself             D. it

9. A. died              B. saved              C. sleeping           D. broken

10. A. out              B. down               C. from              D. back


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

One day, there was a teacher--parent meeting in Jim's school. Jim felt   1  . He didn't want his classmates and teacher to meet his   2  because there was a scar(疤痕)on his mother's        . He didn't want to know about the scar and his mother never told him about it.

      At the meeting Jim sat in the back row, but he could still  4  the teacher talking with his mother. The teacher asked   5   , "How did you get the scar on your face?" The mother replied, "When my son was a baby, his room caught fire. Everyone was too  6  to go in. I rushed in. As I was running to his bed, I saw a long piece of   7   coming down and I threw  8   over my son, trying to protect him. I was knocked on the face, but my son was  9   " She pointed to her face. "This scar will be lasting, but to this day, I have never felt sorry about what I did. "

     At this time, Jim came out. He ran   10  his mother with tears in his eyes. Now he felt his mother was the most beautiful woman.

     1. A. happy '        B. pleased         C. worried        D. glad

     2. A. mother        B. father          C. brother         D. friends

     3. A. foot           B. hand          C. leg             D. face

     4. A. hear           B. like           C. agree           D. stop

     5. A. luckily         B. carefully       C. hardly          D. badly

     6. A. interested       B. weak          C. frightened       D. busy

7. A. bread          B. paper          C. wood           D. glasses

8. A. her            B. him            C. myself         D. it

9. A. died           B. saved          C. sleeping        D. broken

10. A. to             B. down          C. from           D. out

