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This little girl________ ________ ________ very________ .


________ you ________ ________ children?


I am ________ _______ ________.


Can you ________ me _______ my English?


______he _______ any help?

1. can play the violin well 2. Are good with 3. busy after school 4. help with 5. Does need 【解析】 1.拉小提琴play the violin;很好very well。this little girl是单数第三人称,动词需用三单形式;根据句意结构和中英文提示,可知填(1...

科目:初中英语 来源:牛津译林版7A 第五单元测试卷(含答案) 题型:单选题

There _______ two important meetings next week .

A. will have B. will be C. is going to have D. is going to be

B 【解析】 句意:下周将有两个重要的会议。本题考查there be 结构的将来时,有两种表达方式,there will be 或there is going to be。排除A/C。又因为two important meetings是复数,因此be用复数are。故选B。


科目:初中英语 来源:浙江省金华市2017-2018学年七年级第一学期期末测试英语试卷 题型:阅读单选

Everyone has a family name. But do you know how they come about? A British writer called David tell us something about the family names in his new book.

He shows that in Britain some family names come from places like Warwick, a town in Warwickshire. “Gatsby” comes from the village(村庄)Gaddesby in Leicestershire. “Hill” is also a place.

Some family names come from people’s jobs. For example. “Butcher” means someone who sells(卖)meat. “Farmer” is a man who has a farm.

Interestingly, some family names come from nickname(s

昵称). For example, my family name

is Black. Because of the different colours, some are called Black, some are called White, Green or Brown. It is said that long ago, few people lived long. There were few people with white hair. When people saw someone with white hair, they would call them “white head”

So, when you see a British man with a strange family name, don’t be surprised(意外). There

might be an interesting history.

1.According to(根据)the book, what does the butcher do??

A. Do farm work. B. Cook meals. C. Sell meat. D. Cut hair.

2.Which name comes from a place?

A. Hill. B. White. C. Butcher. D. Black.

3.How many family names are mentioned(提到)in this passage?

A. Eight. B. Nine. C. Ten. D. Eleven.

4.What does the story mainly(主要)talk about?

A. Most people lived long in the past(在过去).

B. “White head” is nickname.

C. Where family names come from.

D. Why there are different names.

1.C 2.A 3.B 4.C 【解析】 本文介绍了姓氏的来历。有的来自于地名,例如:Warwick;Gatsby;Hill;有的来自于职业,例如:Butcher和Farmer;有的来自于昵称,例如:Black, White, Green , Brown。说明了不同姓氏背后可能会一个很有趣的故事。 1.细节理解题。根据句子“Butcher” means some...


科目:初中英语 来源:江苏省2016-2017学年八年级3月调研测试英语试卷 题型:单选题

He decided ________ with us and have fun ________ climbing.

A. going, to go B. to go, go C. going, going D. to go, going

D 【解析】句意:他决定和我们一起去高兴的攀爬。decide to do sth决定做某事;have fun doing sth高兴做某事;故选D


科目:初中英语 来源:江苏省2016-2017学年八年级3月调研测试英语试卷 题型:单选题

— Where is your father?

— He Australia and he Sydney for two weeks.

A. has been to;has been in B. has gone to;has been in

C. has been in;has been to D. has gone to;has been to

B 【解析】 试题句意:-----你爸爸在哪?-----他已经去了澳大利亚而且已经在悉尼待了两周。has been to曾经去过某地(现在已经回来); has been in已经在某地待了…….时间了;B. has gone to已经去了某地(说明所提及的对象不在说话地点)。故答案选B。


科目:初中英语 来源:人教版新目标英语七年级下册 Unit 1 随堂练习 题型:看图识词

Bob can play ________ tennis but can’t play ________ violin.

A. the, the B. ×, × C. the, × D. × , the

D 【解析】 试题句意:鲍勃会打网球但是不会拉小提琴。play+球类名词,不加定冠词the;play+the+乐器。故选D。


科目:初中英语 来源:人教版英语九年级全册练习题:Unit 8 It must belong to Carla5 题型:句子/对话改错

On Saturday morning,John got up early to go to a sports club. On his way,he saw three of his schoolmates at the mall—Rie,Asuka and Yuki. They were always together because they were very good friends.

“I'm shopping for new shoes,” Rie told John. “But I have big feet so nothing fits! We have been shopping everywhere but I can't find any big shoes!”

“And we walk very slowly,” Yuki said,“because of Asuka…”

“I know,” John said,looking at Asuka.“I heard you hurt your knee in P.E. class yesterday. Does it hurt?”

“It's OK if I move very slowly,” Asuka told him. “We are going to eat ice?cream at Dairy Queen. Do you want to come?”

“Sorry,I can't. I'm going to meet Edward at the sports club. See you later!” said John.

John was walking past a coffee shop when he saw Ms. Kanda. She was looking at a new sidewalk(人行道).As John came closer he could see that Ms. Kanda was angry.“ Somebody jumped in the middle of the sidewalk when the cement(水泥) was still wet!” she said,pointing to two small footprints(脚印) in the new cement. “Now I can't go home because I have to fix the sidewalk!”

“Who did it?” asked John.

“A first?year student over there said that three girls were walking by just now.But he doesn't know which girl jumped in the cement!”

Three girls?“Small” footprints?Somebody “jumped”?“I know who did it!” said John.

1.Where did John meet his schoolmates?

A. In a classroom.

B. At the mall.

C. In an ice?cream shop.

D. At a sports club.

2.What happened to Asuka in yesterday's P.E class?

A. She hurt her knee.

B. She broke her shoes.

C. She hurt one of her feet.

D. She had a fight with her classmate.

3.Ms.Kanda was angry because ________.

A. she fell in the new cement

B. someone stole her car

C. she had to fix the sidewalk

D. someone drove on the sidewalk

4.The footprints in the cement were ________.

A. different B. similar

C. big D. small

5.Who might John think jumped in the cement?

A. Edward. B. Yuki.

C. Asuka. D. Rie.

1.B 2.A 3.C 4.D 5.B 【解析】 本文讲述了约翰在购物中心遇见了他的三个同学。他得知人行横道上新抹的水泥地上有两个小脚印,他猜测是他那三个同学中的一个踩上去的。 1.B 细节理解题。根据On his way,he saw three of his schoolmates at the mall—Rie,Asuka and Yuki.可...


科目:初中英语 来源:人教版七年级英语上册Unit8测试卷 题型:单选题

(题文)(2017. 长沙市长郡教育集团期末) -Can you come to my party tomorrow? It's my_____birthday.


A. the twelfth B. twelve C. twelfth

C 【解析】 句意:——明天你能来参加我的聚会吗?它是我第十二岁生日。——当然会来。 twelfth第十二,是序数词;twenty二十,是基数词;修饰birthday,表示第十二岁生日,故用序数词twelfth,因为前面有形容词性物主代词my修饰,因此序数词前不加定冠词the。故选C。


科目:初中英语 来源:人教版初三英语下册Unit 12 Life is full of the unexpected. 题型:单选题

He _______without saying goodbye.

A. went with B. went off C. went on D. went in

B 【解析】 句意:他没有告辞就离开了。考查动词短语。A. went with与…一起;B. went off离开,出发;C. went on继续;D. went in进入。根据句意他没有告辞就离开了,可知B选项符合题意,故答案选B。

