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Cindy: I’m going to Canada as an exchange student. Could you tell me something about Canada?

Harry: Sure. You know my uncle lives there.

Cindy: 1?

Harry: Mostly English and French.

Cindy: 2?

Harry: The food is not so good. There is always western food. You can go to Chinese restaurants.

Cindy: I see. 3 the Great Lakes? Someone told me to go there.

Harry: Yes, I have. It is so beautiful that one can almost forget the time.

Cindy: I can’t wait to go there!

Harry: By the way, 4?

Cindy: My plane is on Wednesday afternoon.

Harry: Have a good trip.

Cindy: 5.


1What language do people use there?

2Tell me something about the food.

3Have you been to

4When does your plane take off?

5Thank you.



1句意:人们在那里使用什么语言?考查细节理解。根据下文Mostly English and French.(主要是英语和法语。)可知上文是“人们在那里使用什么语言?”结合句意可知答案是What language do people use there?

2句意:告诉我一些关于食物的事。考查细节理解。根据下文The food is not so good. There is always western food. You can go to Chinese restaurants.(食物不太好。西餐总是有的。你可以去中国餐馆。)可知上文是“告诉我一些关于食物的事。”结合句意可知答案是Tell me something about the food.

3句意:你去过五大湖吗?考查细节理解。根据下文Harry: Yes, I have. It is so beautiful that one can almost forget the time.(哈利:是的,我已经去过。它是如此美丽以至于人们几乎可以忘记时间。)可知问句是现在完成时,问句是“你去过五大湖吗?”结合句意可知答案是Have you been to

4句意:顺便问一下,你的飞机什么时候起飞?考查细节理解。根据下文My plane is on Wednesday afternoon.(我的飞机在星期三下午。)可知问句是“顺便问一下,你的飞机什么时候起飞?”结合句意可知答案是When does your plane take off?

5句意:谢谢你。考查细节理解。根据上文Have a good trip.(祝您旅途愉快。)可知对于别人的祝福应说“谢谢你。”结合句意可知答案是Thank you.


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

Friday, April 28th
You can join one group. As a member of the group, you will take part in at least ONE of the following activities.
1) Compete in an Olympic event. Remember there is only small space for each event, so don't be late.
Hercules Throw. Throw a football through a hoop(圈) 20 feet away.
Three Headed Race Three people line up with touching legs tied. Then they run 100 metres in the playground.
Toga Barrow Race This is like a wheelbarrow race. (Runners take hold of partners feet while partners walk on hands.)
2) Make Greek or Roman food. Mrs Jones has a list of recipes(菜谱) from ancient(古代的) Greece and Rome. You may make American food, but be sure to give it a special, mythological(神话的) name. For example, call your chocolate cake “Zeus's Delight.” This is a great way to practice your skills in the kitchen.
3) Create a work of art for the museum. Be sure your artwork shows ancient Greek or Roman culture. Artworks may include sculptures, paintings, mosaics, drawings or models. The museum is a great place to show off your artistic talent.
4) Perform a new short performance, song or dance for the talent show. Rewrite your favorite Greek myth(神话) by using modern language, or change the words of a popular song to tell a Greek or Roman story. Send your creative ideas to your English teacher for agreement. You must first perform for a group of teachers. The teachers choose the BEST performance groups for the talent show, so be sure your group has prepared for it.
This timetable will help groups know when each event will take place and where to go.
Group Number1:00-1:251:30-1:552:00-2:252:30-3:30ⅠOlympics/
Playground Museum/Library Food Court/
Dining Hall ⅡFood Court/
Dining Hall Olympics/
Playground Museum/Library ⅢMuseum/Library Food Court/
Dining Hall Olympics/
Playground Talent Show/
School Theatre
(1)Which of the following is true according to the passage?
A.Each student is made to take part in at least one Olympic event.
B.Greek myths or the songs that will be performed are rewritten by the teachers.
C.Greek or Roman names must be used for American food the students may cook.
D.Artworks shown in the museum are collected or made by the students themselves.
(2)What do Group Ⅲ do right after watching the artworks?
A.Watch the talent show.
B.Prepare for a performance.
C.Taste food that students make.
D.Compete in the Olympic events.
(3)For what purpose is the festival most probably held?
A.To improve students' artistic talent.
B.To make students more physically strong.
C.To make students more creative in making foods or performing.
D.To help students learn about ancient Greek and Roman cultures.


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

The twenty first century is really fast and forces us to move faster with the pace(步伐) of it. The smartest way to shop nowadays is online shopping.
Online shopping saves our precious time. It frees us from unpleasant visits to the shops. We don't need to travel long distances under the hot sun or the pouring rain. Just turn on our personal computers and a simple click will bring us into a magic world.
It is very convenient(方便的) way of shopping because we can choose the product from a large range(范围) and we get to know the new products. We can see almost all products that we need online. There is food for people and pets, clothes, tools, books and magazines, electronic equipment, souvenirs and many others.
Things in online stores are cheaper than those in big stores. There are always sales and special offers. With so many stores on line, we can take our time to make a comparison(比较) and choose the lowest price. There is also a possibility to pay by check or credit card(信用卡).
Besides shopping on line, we can conduct(经营) our sales on line too. Is your family considering(考虑) replacing the old television that does not fit in your new home setting? Then why don' t you try to sell through Internet? Yes, even you can sell your products or un-wanted things through online shopping. You don't need to have your own personal e-commerce site. You can sell it through free ad posting sites. You will find plenty.
With the latest technology, we have the best chance to shop online and feel the pleasure. You haven't tried it yet? Go and get a true online shopping experience now!
(1)Is online shopping the smartest way today?

(2)Why is online shopping convenient?

(3)In which store are things more expensive, online stores or big stories?

(4)What can we sell through online shopping?

(5)What's the advantage of online shopping?


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

【题目】 Recently, several unhappy things happened to Gina. One afternoon she called a friend to talk about them. After hearing her words, the friend invited her to her home for tea and said, “All trouble will disappear after tasting tea.”

Gina couldn't believe her, but she still decided to go for relaxation. At the friend's home, her friend took out a square box and said, “I asked someone to buy the tea from China. It's said that there are five tastes.” Then, her friend opened the box slowly, took out a spoon of tea carefully, put it into a teapot(茶壶)gingerly, and then poured in boiled water softly.

Only one minute later, the friend poured out a cup of tea and asked Gina to taste it. Gina drank it but nearly puked()it out. She shouted, “Is this tea? It tastes like medicine!”

The friend just smiled. She re-poured boiled water into the teapot. After a minute, the friend poured out another cup and asked Gina to try the second one. Gina took a drink and found it was not as terrible as the first one but still bitter(苦的). This time she didn't shout. When Gina drank the fifth cup, a sunny smile shone on her face. She said, “It tastes good! I've never tasted such a wonderful flavor(味道).”

The friend said, “Life is just like this! Only when we taste it patiently can we feel happy.”

1One afternoon Gina called her friend to talk about her ________.


2Gina's friend asked someone to buy the tea from ________.


3The underlined word “gingerly” means ________.

A.carelessly and bravelyB.secretly and angrily

C.suddenly and impolitelyD.carefully and slowly

4Gina thought the first cup of tea was ________.


5What's the main idea of the passage?

A.Unhappy things always happened to Gina.B.Gina was invited to her friend's home for tea.

C.When we taste life patiently, we can feel happy.D.Whenever we have trouble, we should drink tea.


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

【题目】There are a lot of places which ______ by visitors here. They are the Great Wall, the Summer Palace, the Forbidden City and so on.
A.must not miss
B.shouldn't miss
C.shouldn't be missed
D.can't miss


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:


1Where does Li Lei live ?

A.In a big house.B.In a small house.C.In a garden.

2What does Li Lei’s mother grow in the garden ?

A.Vegetables and flowers.B.Rice and wheat.C.Apples and peas

3Where is the park ?

A.Near Li Lei’s house.B.Near the center of the town.C.Near the bus stop.

4How does Li Lei go to town ?

A.By carB.By bikeC.By taxi

5What does Li Lei like doing in summer ?

A.Going shoppingB.Going fishingC.Going swimming


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:


lie, live, beauty, clear, tall

(1)What a place Mount Tai is!
(2)West Lake which in Hangzhou is very beautiful.
(3)The singer can't sing the song (clear).
(4)Of all her sisters, Wang Ping is (tall).
(5)The Blacks in London since 2,000.


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

It is reported that some of the main causes(原因) of death in the United States, such as heart disease(疾病) and cancer(癌症) can often be prevented by improving personal health habits. Good habits can help you to stay healthy, such as eating properly, staying active and not smoking.
Eating the right food and the right amount(数量) of food can help you live a longer and healthier life. Getting the nutrients(营养物) that you need and keeping your weight under control can also help. Try to balance the calories[卡(热量)] that you get from food with the calories you use through physical(科学的,自然的) activity.
You should eat different kinds of foods, especially low-fat(低脂的) foods, such as vegetables, fruit, fish and milk.
Weighing too much or too little can lead to health problems. After the age of 45, many people become overweight. You can control your weight by eating healthy foods and being active.
Physical exercise can help to prevent at least six diseases. It will also help you feel better and stay at a healthy weight. So you should spend time on physical exercise. If the weather is bad, try an exercise show on TV, watch on exercise tape(磁带) at home or walk around the shopping center.
(1)If one eats properly, he or she will become healthier.
(2)If you are forty years old, it is too late for you to control the amount of food you eat every day.
(3)Fish doesn't belong to low-fat foods.
(4)People who are too thin may have health problems.
(5)Physical exercise can help to prevent at most six diseases.


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

Welcome to the most friendly museum in London. In most museums, there is no shouting and no running, and you must not touch anything. It is noisy! People talk about what they can see and do here, and there are some very noisy machines as well. If you want answers to all your questions about science, this is the right place for you.
You can learn about communications and the environment as well as math, physics and chemistry. For example, you can find out how people dig coal (煤) from the ground and use it to create energy. And in one room they even explain how X-rays let you see inside your body.
The Launchpad on the third floor is the most popular room. For example, if you want to fill a bag with sand, you have to control a kind of truck (卡车) on wheels and move it into the correct place. You can also find out how people travel into space and back again.
Now, we arrive at the fourth and fifth floors. If you compare the medicine of the past with the medicine of today, you will feel very lucky next time you visit a doctor.
The Science Museum is interesting for people of all ages. You can always find something new and have a wonderful time there. The museum is free to enter. It is open daily from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. So if you ever go to London, make sure you visit the Science Museum. It is my favorite museum in the whole world.

A. It is my favorite too because there are lots of physics experiments.
B. There are five floors in all in the museum.
C. But the Science Museum is just different.
D. So you can go in for a few minutes or stay all day.
E. I like to visit the rooms on the second and third floors.
F. There you can learn about what medicine was like in the past.

