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【题目】I________dumplings________hamburger while my sister would rather________some snacks for lunch.

A.would rather; than; havingB.prefer; to; have

C.would rather; than; haveD.prefer; to; to have




考查固定搭配。prefer A to B,与B相比更喜欢AAB为名词或者动名词;would rather do than do宁愿做某事也不愿做某事。dumplingshamburger都是名词,would rather 后加动词原形,故选B


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:


1Sallylearnedto whenshewasyoung.


2Sallythinksthelyricsofwesternmusicare .


3Sallydislikes music.


4SallyoftenlistenstoherradioorMP3player .


5Sallywatches onTVwhenshegetshome.



科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:


1According to the survey in Russia, about 70% of the Russians hope Putin will be still the next_________ (总统).

2He ________(后悔) putting her through and caused a lot of problems.

3Who do you think is the best at _________(化学) in your class? Of course Tom.

4My mother is a lot _________(严格) with me in my study than my father. I call them “Tiger Mom Cat Dad” at home sometimes.

5Next Saturday is Jim’s mother’s ________(第四十九) birthday, their family are going to have a party to celebrate it.


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

【题目】 John Sumner and his bird friend "Chirpy" have developed a special connection since they started spending so many cold days playing together on the________. Sumner first met Chirpy when the bird had a broken leg. The seagull was________. Sumner helped to ________ him back to health.

“I saw him crying and shouting________ my head in pain and I did not know what to do,” recalled 80-year-old Sumner. "The next day he came around me again and tried to _________. He was still shouting in pain. I didn't think he would live, his leg was ________ broken.”

To help the bird, Sumner fed it dog biscuits that he had originated_________ along to the beach for his pet dog Jack. With Sumner's help, Chirpy' s leg got well and it now shares a special ________ with Sumner.

"He comes right up to me, he gets so_________. He won't go to anybody else but me, I think _________he has got some kind of relationship with me, " says Sumner. "Because in March, he will go off and do his natural thing ________then in September, he is back with me ________they have finished making their home.”

Chirpy is believed to be around 20 years old. It won't be close to anybody else on the beach, but the bird will fly straight over to Sumner__________ he arrives. There are about 20 black-headed birds on the beach. Chirpy is the__________one that comes close to summer.

“People are surprised when I tell them about it. They can't believe a seagull would come back like that. It makes you __________ what kind of world we actually are ---- do they know more than we think they know?”



3A.take afterB.look afterC.take careD.look for










13A.as long asB.as soon asC.as far asD.as well as




科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:


Britons are well known for the amount of tea that they drink. The average (平均) person in the UK consumes (消费) around 1.9 kg of tea every year. That’s around 876 cups of tea. Tea is drunk by all sections of society. But tea is not native to Britain. Most tea is grown in India and China. So, how did it become an important part of British culture?

Tea arrived in London in the 1600s. At this time, British ships were exploring the world and came across the drink in China. It was not long before green tea was available to buy. However, this was only available to the richer sections of society.

At the beginning of the 1700s, the amount of tea arriving in Britain increased gradually. Black tea arrived at this time. At first, people drank this tea exactly as it was in China. They soon discovered that it mixed really well with a little milk and sugar, giving the drink a special British characteristic (特色).

In the 1800s tea was still a product enjoyed only by people with money. At this time, they began to have “afternoon tea”. This involves (包含) drinking tea with a snack around 4 pm to avoid feeling hungry between lunch and dinner. It is a tradition that is still going today.

In the late 1800s, the price of tea decreased sharply as more tea began to arrive on ships from India and China. It was no longer a drink just for rich people. Tearooms started to appear across the country. People enjoyed drinking tea and socializing in these places. At the start of the 20th century, Britons began to make tea in their homes whenever they felt like it.

1How many cups of tea does average person drink each year in the UK?

2What should be mixed with tea to make it a special British characteristic?

3Why do British people have afternoon tea?

4Could most people in Britain afford tea in the late 1800s?

5Where did Britons enjoy drinking tea and socializing?


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

【题目】 We are already familiar with the 12 animal signs of the Chinese horoscope(占星术). Some people think they can describe your characteristics and foretell future events in your life. A person’s animal sign d1 on his birth year. Each animal has a d2 type of character.

It is well k3 that people in the West have 12 star signs. The astrology(占星学) is the study of the r 4 between the movements of the stars or planets and how they a5 people and events. The horoscope is a description of your character and the things that will h6to you, based on the position of the stars or planets at the time of your birth.

In the West, the horoscope is a kind of culture, like an art. Many people loved it and studied it. It is several thousand years old and based on long study. It is used to foretell feelings and future e7. People can often see it in newspapers, m8and websites. But it is not t9. It is just a tool and some people may not believe it.

The horoscope is so popular in China. People in China like to learn about it just for f10.


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

【题目】C. 请根据句意从方框中选择合适的动词,并用其适当时态填空,使句子通顺。

take ride rain eat give

1Mr. Li _____________ a report on how to use the Internet in the hall this evening, isn’t he?

2Lucy often _____________ to school on her own when she was in the middle school.

3Helen and Sandy ___________ up all the food, but they still feel hungry.

4He __________ an interest in collecting stamps, but I don’t.

5— Did you go to see the film?

— Yes, though it _____________ hard at that time.


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

【题目】 When you speak to foreigners, what will you do if you can’t understand their languages? Will you use your body language to help you, or just say sorry to them and then go away? Learning spoken language is very important, but learning local gestures (手势) is also very necessary.

I often use gestures to communicate with someone whose language I don’t know. We use our hands to talk with each other. Although we don’t understand the other’s words, our hand movements make our conversation more necessary.

However, gestures aren’t always clear. Different gestures may have different meanings in different countries and cultures.

In many countries, people move their hands at someone to call him to come near. In the United States, people usually move hands at someone with their palms (手掌) up and sometimes move just one finger. But in many countries in Asia, hand movements like that would be impolite. In Asia, many people move hands at someone with their palms down using all fingers.

Do you use your thumb, your thick short finger to make gestures? In western countries, “thumbs-up” means agreement. But it is very rude in parts of Africa.

If you want to say “OK” in America, you can make a circle () with the thumb and the second finger. But in France, it means “zero”, and it is very rude in many other countries.

You can use your second finger to point at something but not at somebody in the United States. However, in some parts of Europe, Asia and Africa, pointing at something with one’s second finger is not polite.

“V” form is often used when people take photos. But using two fingers to make up the “V” shape means “peace” in the West.

The last example is that people in parts of Asia point to their noses to mean themselves, but people in western countries usually point to their chests.

Gestures are important, but also have different meanings.

1The writer begins with the questions in order to________.

A.tell a storyB.solve some problems

C.catch readers’ attentionD.introduce some gestures

2It’s OK to________ to call someone to come near by moving just one finger.


3According to the passage, we can learn that________.

A.pointing one finger at someone in the United States is sometimes allowedB.using “thumbs-up” as your body language is very rude in parts of Africa

C.making a circle with the thumb and the next finger means “0” in AmericaD.using two fingers to make up the “V” shape means “success” in the West.

4The best title of this passage can be “_______”.

A.Work hard to Learn Different Cultures around the WorldB.Talk to Other People with Spoken Language Successfully C.Different Gestures Are Difficult to Understand and Learn

D.Making Sure Your Gestures Are Saying What You Want to Say


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

【题目】 假设你是王红,你的美国笔友Bill来邮件询问你平时体育锻炼及今年中考体育的考试情况,请阅读Bill写给你的邮件,根据邮件内容,结合自身情况进行英文回复。

To: wanghong@168. cn

From: billjackson.gmail. com

Subject: PE at the Senior High Entrance Examination

Dear Wang Hong,

How do you do? In your last mail, you told me that P. E. has become an important part of Senior High School Entrance Examination. The scores of P. E. have been raised. I feel really interested. Would you please tell me more about it?

What do you think of this reform(改革)?How will the scores of P. E. influence the students?

How did you exercise in the past?

Do you have any new exercise plan in the future? Would you please tell me about it?

I'm looking forward to your reply.

Best wishes,






Dear Bill,

Thanks for your last e-mail. I'm glad to tell you that the scores of P. E. has added up to 50 at the Senior High School Entrance Examination. As a result,___________________________________

I'm looking forward to your e-mail.


Wang Hong

