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My mother is a doctor. works in a hospital near our house.

A. I B. She C. He D. They

B 【解析】句意:我妈妈是一名医生。她在我们家附近的一家医院工作。考查代词辨析题。本句缺主语,需用人称代词;my mother是单数第三人称,可用she代替。根据句意语境,可知选B。

科目:初中英语 来源:2018年徐州市中考总复习八下 阶段复习综合测试 题型:完型填空

In a small town lives an old man. He has a nice house_______ a large garden. The old man takes care of his flowers every day. The garden is_______ beautiful that every passer-by will stop to have a good look.

One day, a young painter went by the old man's garden. He looked at the garden, thinking how happy he would be _______he lived in such a beautiful place. Then suddenly he found the old gardener was blind. The painter was ______ and went to the old man. He asked, "You can't see the flowers. Why are you making them so beautiful?"

The blind gardener smiled, "I can tell you four______ . First, I was a gardener when I was young. Although I become ______ now, I am still good at gardening. Second, although I can't see these flowers, I can touch them. Third, I can ______ the sweetness of them. At last, that's you. It's ______ that I don't know you. But I know many people will stop by the garden and the beauty of my garden will make them happy. It also gives me a chance to ______ with you here and enjoy these flowers together."

Every flower has eyes. With the eyes they can see the kindness of the old man. The blind man also grows flowers in his _____ . Failing to see the beautiful flowers come out, but he surely can hear the sound of them.

1.A. between B. on C. with D. over

2.A. very B. so C. such D. too

3.A. if B. when C. before D. until

4.A. excited B. relaxed C. surprised D. frightened

5.A. stories B. decisions C. suggestions D. reasons

6.A. free B. lonely C. blind D. deaf

7.A. feel B. hear C. see D. smell

8.A. true B. helpful C. important D. impossible

9.A. live B. talk C. fight D. argue

10.A. house B. yard C. eyes D. heart

1.C 2.B 3.A 4.C 5.D 6.C 7.D 8.A 9.B 10.D 【解析】本文主要介绍了一个盲人花匠的故事。他有一幢漂亮的房子,有一个大花园。这位老人每天照料他的花。花园太美了,每个过路人都会停下来好好看看。一天,一个年轻的画家走过老人的花园。他看着花园,想着如果他住在这样一个美丽的地方,他会多么高兴。突然他发现老园丁瞎了...


科目:初中英语 来源:北京市城六区2018届初三一模英语分类汇编之完形填空 题型:完型填空

Lyle’s Second Go

In 1982,when I was coaching the Raiders, the owner of the team talked with me about a possible trade for Lyle Alzado. After watching him on tape,I didn’t think he was that good, but the owner felt we could make Lyle better by creating the right environment lor him. We made the _____.

That summer at training camp,Lyle was having a hard time. He had that look in his eyes that many young players and some old players get when things aren’t going __. One morning Lyle came into my office and he looked like he hadn’t slept. Here was a huge man, with his head about as ___as it could go. We talked, or rather, I listened. The main point was that Lyle felt his career (职业生涯)was over and it would be best for him and for the team if he retired (退役).He apologized for___ us since we had just traded for him.

Lyle was always an emotional person. This is one of the reasons he was a good player. He___ all that emotional energy with him, ready to lire out at the snap of the ball (开球).Now he was in front of me, almost crying. I thought for a moment, realizing we had to keep that ___going. Then I went through my reasons why he should not retire. At the end of our talk, I said,“You go out and play your very best, and let us____if you still have it. Personally, I think you do.”

In January 1984. Tampa Bay Stadium. Super Bowl XVIII. With less than two minutes remaining, we were leading 38-9. We were the world champions of professional football. I saw Lyle,crying like a baby. I had to turn away quickly,or I would have joined him in ___.

I remembered that morning in my office, and what Lyle, and what the Raiders, had achieved since he came to us. If Lyle hadn’t given his career another shot, he wouldn’t have had this victory. Maybe the Raiders wouldn’t have had this victory. During that moment, I felt one of the greatest satisfactions of my coaching career.

1.A. deal B. plan C. argument D. mistake

2.A. away B. over C. well D. fast

3.A. low B. cool C. clear D. heavy

4.A. pushing B. refusing C. cheating D. disappointing

5.A. faced B. carried C. received D. imagined

6.A. ball B. fire C. time D. talk

7.A. guess B. wonder C. decide D. predict

8.A. cheers B. pain C. peace D. tears

1.A 2.C 3.A 4.D 5.B 6.B 7.C 8.D 【解析】文章讲述了篮球运动员Lyle重新振作起来的故事。 1.句意:我们签了协议。A. deal 协议; B. plan计划; C. argument 争吵; D. mistake错误;根据but the owner felt we could make Lyle better b...


科目:初中英语 来源:北京市城六区2018届初三一模英语分类汇编之语基Word含答案 题型:单选题

Tom is a big boy now. This coat is too short on _ .

A. her B. him C. it D. them

B 【解析】句意:汤姆现在是个大男孩了。这件外套他穿太短了。考查代词辨析题。介词on后接名词或(宾格)代词构成“介宾结构”。Tom是单数第三人称,需用him代替。根据句意语境,可知选B。


科目:初中英语 来源:北京市城六区2018届初三一模英语分类汇编之语基Word含答案 题型:单选题

— What’s your father doing now?

— He ______the room.

A. cleaned B. cleansC. is cleaningD. has cleaned

C 【解析】 试题分析:句意:--你的父亲正在做什么?--他正在清整房间。根据上句提问的是正在进行时,故选C。


科目:初中英语 来源:北京市城六区2018届初三一模英语分类汇编之语基Word含答案 题型:单选题

—What did Mr. Brown do before he came to China?

—He in a car factory.

A. works B. worked C. is working D. will work

B 【解析】句意:——布朗先生来中国之前做什么?——他在一家汽车厂工作。考查动词时态辨析题。根据问句What did Mr. Brown do before he came to China?,before在以前,可知需用一般过去时,动词需用过去式。worked是work的过去式,故选B。


科目:初中英语 来源:北京市城六区2018届初三一模英语分类汇编之语基Word含答案 题型:单选题

My father is a teacher. works in No. 5 Middle School.

A. I B. He C. She D. You

B 【解析】句意:我父亲是一名教师,他在五中工作。考查代词辨析题。本句缺主语,需用人称代词;my father是单数第三人称,可用he代替。根据句意语境,可知选B。


科目:初中英语 来源:北京市城六区2018届初三一模英语分类汇编之语基Word含答案 题型:单选题

They _ their holidays in Paris last summer

A. spend B. spent C. will spend D. are spending

B 【解析】句意:去年,他们在巴黎度假了。本题考查动词的时态A. spend 花费,度过,是动词原形 B. spent 度过,是动词的过去式 C. will spend 将要度过,是将来时态 D. are spending。正在度过,是现在进行时。根据题意,去年度过的。故选B。


科目:初中英语 来源:2018年秋九年级英语外研版上册:Module 10过关测试 题型:完成句子



________ ________the weather report, the rain will last for another three days.


Are you ready?________ ________ ________.


Can you work out the math problem________ ________ ________?


His classmates_______ _______ ________his strange behaviour in the classroom yesterday.


________the chickens________ ________the corn.

1.According to 2.Here we go 3.in different ways 4.were surprisedat 5.Keepaway from 【解析】 1.根据according to;根据句意结构和中英文提示,可知填(1). According (2). to。 2.我们开始吧here we go,固定表达。根据句意结构和中英文提...

