精英家教网 > 初中英语 > 题目详情
    Reading for pleasure is the    1   way to become a better reader in English. It's also the most important 
   2  .
    Some students say they don't want to read for pleasure. They say they want to use their    3   to learn
the rules of the language and new words. They say that pleasure reading is too easy.
    Many experts say pleasure reading is very important for    4   English. Dr, Stephen Krashen, a famous
expert   5   learning languages, says that pleasure reading helps you learn many important things about
English. Students learn more grammar and more words when they read for pleasure. They also learn    6  
 about writing.
    Dr Krashen tells us that pleasure reading helps each student in a    7   way. Each student needs to learn
something different. Pleasure reading makes    8   possible for each student to learn    9   he or she needs.
Reading for pleasure is not the same as studying. When you read for pleasure, you choose your own books,
and you don't have to remember everything. There are no tests on your pleasure reading books. Pleasure
reading will help you   10  follows.
   ·learn how English speakers use English.
   ·read faster in English
   ·find examples of good writing in English
   ·learn new words
   ·learn about the cultures of English speakers
(     )1. A. easy  
(     )2. A. way  
(     )3. A. school
(     )4. A. learn 
(     )5. A. in   
(     )6. A. less 
(     )7. A. some  
(     )8. A. them  
(     )9. A. that  
(     )10. A. like  
B. difficult 
B. road    
B. class    
B. teaching  
B. at     
B. much       
B. different 
B. it     
B. which   
B. in     
C. easiest 
C. subject  
C. time    
C. learning  
C. with        
C. more     
C. easy   
C. 不填    
C. why    
C. with   
D. fast   
D. teacher  
D. computer     
D. knowing  
D. on         
D. most                      
D. good     
D. as         
D. what       
D. as         
1-5: C A C C D     6-10: C B B D D

科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

A: Hi, Frank.
B:  【小题1】  , Peter.
B:  【小题2】  that?
A: It is my   【小题3】   photo.
B: Oh,   【小题4】   are you? I    【小题5】  not find (找到) you.
A: I am   【小题6】 the table with my dog (狗).
B: What’s the    【小题7】  of your dog?
A: It is Wangwang.
B: Who’s the girl on the sofa?
B:  【小题8】  my sister.
A: 【小题9】  these your parents?
B:Yes, you’re right.
A:Then those must be (一定是) your grandparents.
B:Yes.    【小题10】  are teachers (教师).
A.OK B.HelloC.ByeD.Thank you
A.Where isB.What’s C.What D.How is
A.friend B.parentC.class D.family
A.am B.doC.canD.be
A.nameB.colour C.ageD.name’s
A.IsB.What’sC.AreD.What are


科目:初中英语 来源:2013届甘肃省武威第五中学九年级上学期期末考试英语试卷(带解析) 题型:完型填空

Water is the "life blood" of our earth.Like air and sunshine, it is very important  1  living things.Without water, there can be   2 life on the earth.All animals and plants need water.Man also needs water.We need water to drink, to cook and to clean   3  .It even   4   the greater part of our bodies.Water is almost everywhere.Even in the  5   places of the world, there is water in the air.However, we can drink not seawater but fresh water.To make things even   6 , people often   7  to keep the water clean.They throw rubbish into rivers, lakes or seas.So not all the fresh water is   8 for us to drink.We're short   9 water.Something must be   10 to stop this.

A.himselfB.our C.usD.ourselves
A.made ofB.makeC.makes upD.made in
A.clean enough B.enough cleanC.enough goodD.dirty enough


科目:初中英语 来源:2010-2011年度江苏省镇江市实验初中八年级下学期期中考试英语试卷 题型:完型填空

Once there was a rich man in a village. He never gave anything to help   42 . The villagers didn’t like him. One day he said to them, “I know you don’t like me. I will give everything I have    43  you when I die. Then everyone will be happy.”
But nobody   44  him. The rich man couldn’t understand why they didn’t believe him. One day he went for a walk by a lake. Under a big tree he happened to hear a pig and a cow   45.   The pig   46  to the cow, “Why everyone likes you and nobody likes me? After I die. I provide people with pork, ham, etc. I give three or four things to them. But you give    47  one thing—milk. Why do people like you all the time and not me?”
The cow said, “Look, I give them milk while I’m   48 . They see that I’m generous(慷慨的) with what I have. But you don’t give them anything before you die. You give them ham, pork and so on only after you’re dead. People don’t believe in the   49 ; they believe in the present. If you give something   50 you are living, people will like you. It is quite simple.”
From that moment on, the rich man did his  51  to help the poor.

A.otherB.othersC.the otherD.another
A.believesB.believeC.believes inD.believed
A.sangB.told C.askedD.said
A.more thanB.onlyC.less thanD.but
A.livesB.live C.livedD.alive
A.while B.where C.whatD.how


科目:初中英语 来源:2015届河南省项城市八年级英语第二次月考英语试卷(解析版) 题型:完型填空


What will our life be like in the future?Each family will have a __ __in the future. You can ask it to do everything__ __you. It will serve you__ __hours a day. The robot will__ __like a human. It can talk with you when you are __ __. You won't know whether it is a human__ __ a robot when you meet it on the street.

 People will have__ __time to work and more time to travel. The vehicles 交通工具in the future will fly freely in the sky because every vehicle will have wings with it. They will__ __ you to any place you want to visit. You can go to__ __during your travel when you feel tired. All vehicles will be__ __because they're driven by robots.

1.A. rocket  B. Robot      C. car          D. computer

2.A. on           B. About      C. around       D. for

3.A. eight    B. Twenty     C. twenty­four   D. forty­eight

4.A. sound       B. Live       C. look           D. take

5.A. happy       B. Alone      C. comfortable   D. ill

6.A. so              B. And        C. or           D. but

7.A. less           B. Few        C. more        D. most

8.A. make        B. Take        C. let          D. turn

9.A. school      B. Work       C. parks       D. sleep

10.A. safe    B. Dangerous   C. unpleasant    D. Impossible



科目:初中英语 来源:2012-2013学年浙江建德李家镇初级中学九年级上学期期末综合考试(二)英语试卷(解析版) 题型:完型填空



When I was about twelve years old. I had an enemy (敌人),a girl who liked to tell me about my shortcomings. She always   1 me that I was very short, and I wasn’t a good student, I talked too much, and so on. I tried to stand all of these as long as I could. Finally, I became very   2 . I ran to my father with tears in my eyes.

He listened to me   3 , and then asked, “Are the things that she said true or not? Jane, have you ever   4 what you’re really like? Now you have that girl’s   5 . Go and make a list of everything she said and find out if that are   6 . Pay no attention to the things that are not true.”

I did   7  he told me. To my great surprise, I found that about half of the things were true. Some of them I couldn’t    8 , like being very short, but a good number of them I could. I wanted to change the bad things in me, and for the   9  time I knew something about myself in a very clear way.

I brought the list back to my father. He   10  to take it. “That’s only just for you,” he said, “You know better than   11  else the truths about yourself, but sometimes others’ opinions are also important, so you have to learn how to  12 , and not just close your ears in anger and feel hurt. When something   13 is said about you is true, you’ll find that it will be of help to you. Our world is full of people who think that they know you. Don’t shut your ears. Listen to all of them.

  14  hear the truth and do what you think is the right thing to do.”

I have remembered my father’s   15  at many important moments. I have never had a better piece of advice in my whole life.

1.                A.reminded       B.said            C.shouted  D.laughed


2.                A.dull            B.brave          C.angry D.happy


3.                A.quietly         B.carelessly       C.casually   D.differently


4.                A.came out       B.dealt with       C.got over  D.thought about


5.                A.strategies       B.ideas           C.photos   D.books


6.                A.crazy          B.true           C.strict D.simple


7.                A.as             B.against         C.since D.for


8.                A.produce        B.check          C.borrow   D.next


9.                A.decided        B.liked           C.wanted   D.refused


10.               A.everything      B.anyone         C.nothing   D.anything


11.               A.shout          B.teach          C.listen D.read


12.               A.that           B.why           C.where D.who


13.               A.so             B.or             C.for   D.but


14.               A.features        B.excuse         C.advice D.promises



