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There is an old tiger in the forest (森林). He doesn’t want to look for (寻找) food now. He often lets other animals get him some food to eat.
One day, he sees a monkey (猴子) and says,“I am hungry, monkey. Go and get me something to eat.”“I can’t do that now, tiger.” the monkey says,“There is another tiger over there(那边). He doesn’t let me get anything for you to eat. I am afraid of (害怕) him.” “What?” says the old tiger. “Take me to the tiger. I want to talk to him.” The monkey and the tiger go to the bridge(桥) over the river(河). “Now look down at the water.” says the monkey. “Do you see the tiger?” “Yes, I do.” says the old tiger. “Let me eat him.” Then the tiger jumps(跳) into the river.
小题1:How many tigers and monkeys are there in the story?
A.Two tigers and two monkeys.
B.Two tigers and one monkey.
C.One tiger and two monkeys.
D.One tiger and one monkey.
小题2:Why do other animals get food for the tiger?
A.Because they are afraid of him.
B.Because only they can find some food.
C.Because they are his friends.
D.Because they like to do that.
小题3:The monkey ________.
A.goes to get something to eat
B.goes to the bridge with the tiger
C.knows there is another tiger
D.tells the tiger to jump into the water
小题4:Which of the following is right(正确的)?
A.The tiger is very clever.
B.The monkey eats the tiger.
C.The tiger eats another tiger.
D.The tiger jumps into the water.


小题3:根据第二段The monkey and the tiger go to the bridge(桥) over the river(河). 描述,可知选B。
小题4:根据Then the tiger jumps(跳) into the river.描述,可知选D。

科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

What will you do if you get five million(百万)? Different people give different answers.  Sally  If I get five million, I want to do business. I will do a lot of things for my family. For me nothing is more important than my family. I will buy a new house for them and travel around the world.
Joe   If I have five million, I will use the money to do everything I like. First, I will use two million to open my own shop. And I will use another two million to buy some new houses. In the future, the houses which I buy will become more expensive, and I will sell them to other people. Finally, I will use one million to buy some presents for my family and my best friends.
Anna   If I have five million, I will put three million in the bank and spend two million. I will visit Paris, London and New York. I will eat delicious food, play games, and build a house with a swimming pool.
Jack  I will buy an island if I have five million. Then I will be the king of the island. I will invite my friends to my island.
小题1:Who will do business if he / she gets five million?
A.Sally.B.Jack.C.Anna.D.We don’t know.
小题2:What will Anna do if she gets five million?
A.Do business. B.Open a shop.
C.Buy an island.D.Put three million in the bank and spend two million.
小题3:What will Joe do with the last one million if he gets five million?
A.He will buy some new houses.
B.He will open his own shop.
C.He will buy some presents for his family and his best friends.
D.He will build a house.
小题4:Where will Anna visit if she gets five million?
A.China and Japan.B.London, Paris and New York.
C.London, Paris and Belgium.D.Angola, Cuba and India.
小题5:What does the passage talk about?
A.If one loses money, what will he / she do?
B.If one borrows five million, what will he / she do?
C.If one gets five million, what will he / she do?
D.If one builds a big house


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:完形填空

One day, a teacher was speaking to a group of students about how to manage time. He gave such an interesting example that his students would never   1  .
He put a wide-mouth jar (罐子) on the table. Then he    2  some rocks and carefully placed them into the jar, one at a time. When  3  rocks would fit inside, he   4  , “Is this jar full?”
Everyone in class shouted, “Yes.” “Really?” The teacher pulled out a bag of small stones. He put   5  small stones in and shook the jar. The small stones went   6  into the spaces between the big rocks. He then asked the group   7  , “Is this jar full?”
“Probably not,” one of them answered. “Good!” the teacher replied. He brought out a box of sand and   8  some sand into the jar and it went between the rocks and small stones. Again he asked the   9  question, “Is this jar full?
“No,” the class shouted. Once more the teacher said, “Good.” He poured a cup of water into the jar   10  it was full. The he asked, “What is the point here?” One student   11  his hand and said, “The point is that if you try really hard, you can   12  put more things in.”
“No,” the teacher replied, “that’s not the  13  . What I want to tell you is that if you don’t put the big rocks in first, you will never get others in at all.   14  are the ‘big rocks’ in your life? Time with your friends, your education or your dreams? Remember to put the  15  in first, or you’ll never get others in at all.?”
A.handed inB.took outC.gave awayD.put away
A.no moreB.not moreC.no manyD.not many
A.no moreB.againC.a third time D.a fourth time
A.sandB.small stonesC.big rocksD.water


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:完形填空

Our English teacher was like a friend to us,and we all liked her.One day she came into the
classroom and shouted.“Who did this?”She held up a piece of broken glass and asked,“Who
__1__ the window?”She seldom became angry, __2__ this time she was.
I broke the window.I had done __3__ by throwing a baseball.I didn’t want to admit(承认)
It __4__ I didn’t have enough money to pay for a big window like that.“My father will be __5__,”I thought.At first I didn’t _6_ my hand,but later something strong in my heart
suddenly made me stand up.“I did it,”I said __7_.How difficult it was for me to say that!
My teacher __8__ a book from one of our book shelves and then began walking __9_ my desk. I was afraid that she was going to punish(惩罚)me.
“I know you like collecting __10__ very much,”she said,looking down at my __11__ face.
“Here is the hook about collecting stamps that you are looking for.Now,the book is__12__ and I shall not punish you.Remember,it’s because you _13_ the truth.”
I couldn’t believe it ! My teacher wasn’t punishing me.I didn’t _14_ to pay for the broken window. And I got my favorite book!
As time goes, the book is _15_,so is my wonderful teacher.But I will never forget the lesson the teacher gave me that day.
A.put onB.put upC.put outD.put away
小题9:A. towards         B. opposite         C, against           D. behind


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

Snooker(台球)is a big sport in China.It is said that there are 300 million snooker players in China, so it's not surprised that some of the world's best players come from China.Ding Junhui is one of them.
When Ding Junhui was eight years old, there were not many snooker clubs.His father often played with his friends on a table in the street,and one day Ding Junhui played with one of his father friends and beat him.His father,a shoe salesman,discovered that his son was talented at snooker.He then took Ding Junhui to China's nation snooker training center in Dongguan,Guangdong Province.There.they lived in a room of five square meters.When they ran out of money.Ding's father phoned his wife and told her to sell their house.
After years of hard training,Ding turned professional in 2003 and became China's No.1.In 2005.more than 100 million people watched Ding Junhui win the 2005 World Snooker China Open.Since then, snooker has become more and more popular in China.
“When I was a small boy, snooker was not in the top 10 favorite sports in China,”Ding says.“Table tennis was top, followed by soccer, basketball and badminton.Now,basketball is top,but snooker is surely in the top five.”
小题1:Ding Junhui’s father usually played snooker  ---When Ding Junhui was young.
A.in a clubB.in the streetC.at home D.in a training center
小题2:Ding Junhui became the best snooker player in China          
A.in 2003B.in 2005C.when he was 6 D.when he was 8
小题3:Ding Junhui and his father lived a_____ life when he was training in Dongguan.
A.rich B.colorfulC.hard D.modern
小题4:According to Ding Junhui’s words,_________ is the top sport in China now.
A.ping-pongB.soccerC.snooker D.basketball
小题5:The passage mainly tells us  ____ 
A.how to be a top player in snooker
B.what is the most popular sport in China
C.snooker player Ding Junhui's story
D.the history of snooker in China


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:完形填空

Several years ago, I became very sad. There was something 1_____ with my left eye. At last, the doctors told me that I could never see from that eye again. This was the saddest 2_____ for me.
At the time, I 3 ____so lonely. So I went to my boss and asked for some help. He told me to go back to work.
One night I was waiting for the train. I wanted to jump in front of it. Then a man came and sat down 4_____ to me. He turned to me and 5_____ ,then he said, “You look like you need a 6_____ to talk to.” We sat there for hours just talking like old friends. His 7_____ were so kind. Then he gave me a wonderful hug(拥抱). I will never 8_____ it. Then he went to get on the train. He gave me another of his big smiles and said, “Remember, when you smile, it is because the angels are lifting the corners of your mouth up heaven(天堂).
I never saw him again. But he will be in my memories forever.
A smile can 9_____ doors and tear down(拆开) walls, You can smile at 10 _____ in the street. He will smile back and you will be filled with happiness, too.
小题1:A. wrong   B. strange   C. different
小题2:A. thing B. news C. result
小题3:A. feel  B. felt  C. fell
小题4:A. near   B. next   C. beside
小题5:A. silent   B. smiled   C. talked
小题6:A. friend   B. chance   C. way
小题7:A. heart   B. smile  C. words
小题8:A. remember   B. forget   C. miss
小题9:A. close   B. open   C. break
小题10:A. people   B. friend   C. stranger


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

The Beets were a new couple (夫妇). The things in their rooms, such as the television, the computer, the fridge, furniture and so on, were all left by their parents. They only paid some money for their food and clothes. But they tried their best to save money. If they had something important to tell their friends, they always visited them instead of calling them.
One day, it was a quarter past nine. Mr. Beet didn’t come back. His wife was a little worried. The supper was cold and she had waited for two hours. She was sitting by the table in the dark room.
Suddenly the woman heard someone coming upstairs. It was her husband’s step. She hurried to open the door. In the dark she could hear his deep breathing(呼吸). As soon as he sat down, she turned on the light and found he looked very tired.
“Why do you come back so late, dear?” asked the woman. “Haven’t you caught a bus?”
“Yes, but I didn’t take it.” “Why not?”
“I ran after it so that I saved two dollars this evening.”
“That’s great!” the woman said happily. “Run after a taxi next time and you’ll save both more time and money.”
小题1:The supper was ready at       .
小题2:Mrs. Beet sat in the dark because         .
A.she wanted to save money.
B.she didn’t like the bright light.
C.she was afraid to be seen.
D.she wanted to have a good rest.
小题3:Mr. Beet went back          .
A.by taxi B.by busC.on footD.by bike
小题4:When Mr. Beet got home that evening,               .
A.his wife was angry with him
B.he was very tired
C.he was too hungry to say a word
D.his wife felt sorry
小题5:Mrs. Beet hoped          .
A.her husband went home by bus the next time.
B.her husband could keep on doing exercise.
C.her husband could be stronger and stronger.
D.her husband could save more money and time.


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:完形填空

My twin brother is called Daniel, and he is four_1__younger than me. Our birthdays are __2__ on the 5th of January. We have the same eyes and noses. Most people say we __3__ the same, but Daniel looks a little __4__than me. We aren’t in the same class at school, __5__ my parents want us to be a bit different. We often ___6__ the same way, but we choose different___7___ .I like red and he likes blue. I think we are very___8___ .He is really, really active, and he__9___ every day. He also plays computer games a lot but I don’t.  At school I always come top, but he hardly ever does well___40__ the exams. So teachers often say we are very different .
A.studyB.playC.wearD.put on


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:完形填空

Once there was a poor little girl living near a forest. She had no family and no one to love her. So she often   1  sad and lonely.
One day, when she was walking in the forest, she found that a small   2  was trapped unluckily in a bush. The butterfly tried to fly away   3  failed. The kind little girl saved the butterfly with great care. Instead of flying away, the butterfly turned   4  a beautiful fairy (仙女). The little girl was very   5 .
“Thank you for   6  me. You are so kind. I will make any of your dreams come true.” said the fairy.
The little girl thought for a moment and then said, “I want to be  7 !”
The fairy said, “Very well. I will help you.” And she said something in the little girl’s ear. Then the fairy disappeared.
As the kind little girl grew up, she was   8  ready to help people in need and was popular among the villagers. No one in the village was as happy as she was. Everyone asked her the   9  of ther happiness. She always smiled and   10 , “The secret of my happiness is that I listened to a kind   11  when I was a little girl.”
When the kind girl became a very old woman and was dying, the neighbours in the   12  all gathered (聚拢) around her bed because they were   13  that her secret of happiness would die with her. They asked, “Please tell us what the kind fairy said.”
The lovely old woman still   14  and said, “She told me that everyone needed me, no matter how safe they seemed, no matter how rich or poor, no matter how old or   15 . She said that helping others would make me happy all my life.”
A.onB.upC.into D.down

