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World Expo 2010 will be held in Shanghai. It will last from May 1st to October 31st, 2010. The Expo site covers a to­tal area of 5.28 km2.It spans(横跨) both sides of the HuangpuRiver, with 3.93 km2 in Pudong and 135 km2 in Puxi. There are five functional zones markedA B C D andE. Each of them has different functions.
Zone A will host the na­tional pavilions(国家馆) of Asian countries except southeast Asian ones.
Zone B will be home to the China Pavilion(中国馆) and Oceanian(大洋洲的) countries, Pavilions for International Orga­nizations, Theme Pavilions(主题馆), Expo Centre,and Perfor­mance Centre etc.
Zone C will host the national pavilions of European, American and African countries. A large public amusement park will be built at the entrance of this zone.
Zone D is home to Corpo­rate Pavilions(企业馆), the land is one of the original places of modern China’s na­tional industry. So some of the old industrial buildings will be kept and renovated(修复) into Expo pavilions.
Zone E will host stand­alone(独立的) Corporate Pavil­ions, Urban Civilization Pavilion (城市文明馆), and Urban Best Practices Area.
6.  How long will World Expo 2010 last?
A.About four months.     B.About five months  C. About half a year  D. About a year
7. Which of the following is not true according to the passage?
A. The Expo site covers the area of 5.28 km2.
B. The Expo site spans both sides of HuangpuRiver.
C. There are five functionalzones marked A, B, C, D, and E.
D. All of the five’ zones have the Same functions.
8.Which zone will be home to the China Pavilion?
A. Zone A.      B. Zone B.     C. Zone C.     D. Zone D.
9. They will build       at the entrance of Zone C.
A.a large museum       B. a large public amusement park
C.  a theme pavilions     D. a large garden
10. If you visit Zone D,        .
A. you can visit Urban Best Practices Area
B.you can know some information of American national industry
C. you can find some Corporate Pavilions 
D.you can have the chance to get to know some Oceanian countries.


6.C 根据It will last from May 1st to October 31st, 2010可知从五月1日到10月31日,大约有六个月的样子,故为约半年,选C。
7.D 根据Each of them has different functions可知每个区域都有不同的功能,故D错。
8.B 根据Zone B will be home to the China Pavilion可知是B区域。
9.B 定位到C区域的信息,根据A large public amusement park will be built at the entrance of this zone可知将建设一个大的公共娱乐公园,故选B。
10.C定位到D区域的信息,根据Zone D is home to Corpo­rate Pavilions可知里面有一些企业馆,故C正确。

科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

It’s important to learn about protecting our environment. Here is a 5R rule for us:
1.  Reduce
If you want to reduce waste, you should use things wisely. Millions of trees are being cut down to make paper. If everyone uses a little paper carelessly and throw it out, soon we would not have any trees left. Other things are also being wasted, and people don’t know what to do with the waste in big cities. So it is necessary to reduce the waste
2.  Reuse
You should always think of reusing the usable things before throwing them out. Give your clothes you do not use or the ones which are too small to the poor. With a family, you may pass on such clothes to younger brothers or sisters.
3.  Recycle
Bottles, cans and paper can easily be recycled. By doing so, we save lots of time and money. For example, coke cans are sent to a factory, where they are smashed flat(压平)and melted (融化) and the melted things are made for new coke cans.
4.  Recover
When you buy a box of apples, there may be a few rotten(腐烂的)apples. You have two choices: one is to throw the whole apple away, or you could cut off the rotten parts and eat the good parts. In this way, you are recovering the eatable parts of food.
5.  Repair
If one of the legs of your table is broken, you can repair it instead of throwing it away. If you want to change for better ones, It is better for you to sell the old things or give them to other people who can use them after doing some repair. It is true that North America is a “throw-away” society(社会). But the time has come to change our way of life so that we can protect our environment. Every one of us should try our best.
小题1:_______ can be recycled.
A.Only hard thingsB.Many thingsC.Few soft thingsD.All things
小题2:The “recover” rule mainly requires us _______.
A.to throw waste things awayB.to cover waste things with earth
C.to get back the useful partsD.to throw the whole things away
小题3:We can infer(推断) that the writer of this passage may live in _______.
小题4:Which of the following is true?
A.We will have no resources(资源) of nature unless we can do with the waste.
B.Recycling is the best way to save resources.
C.If we waste less, we can save more resources of nature.
D.More things are wasted in developed countries than in developing ones.


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

New York is one of the last large American cities to have some of its policemen on horseback. The New York police have 170 horses working in certain parts of the city. The horses are expensive to feed, but it is even more expensive to look after them. Because the horses must walk on the streets, they need special horseshoes. In fact , they need more than 8,000 of them each year. Every police horse in New York gets new shoes every month. Keeping these shoes in good repair is the job of six blacksmiths. There are only about thirty-five of these blacksmiths in the whole United States.
The cost of shoing a horse is between twenty dollars and thirty-five dollars, and it takes a good blacksmith two or three hours to do the job.
A blacksmith’s job is not an easy one. He must be able to shape a shoe from a piece of metal and then fit it to the horse’s foot. The blacksmith must bend over all the time when he is fitting the shoe and must hold the weight of the horse’s leg while he works. Clearly, a blacksmith must be very storng. But even more important, he must be able to deal with horses---for before the blacksmith can begin his work, he has to get the horse to lift its leg.
One of the blacksmiths in New York is James Corbin. He came to the country from Ireland in 1948. He not only makes horseshoes for the police but also works for a group of horse owners near the city. Corbin became interested in blacksmithing because his father did it, and,as the puts it, “It’s a good way to make a living.”
小题1:According to the reading passage, a blacksmith must be likely a______ man.
小题2:James Corbin became a blacksmith because he__________.
A.was interested in horsesB.was needed by the policemen
C.drew a picture of the horseshoeD.had a make a living
小题3:In the reading passage “to shape a shoe” is to__________.
A.fit it on the horse’s foot
B.use it for two or three hours
C.make the from of a horseshoe from a piece of metal
D.draw a picture of the shoe
小题4:The best title for the passage is “__________”.
A.Policemen on HorsebackB.Blacksmiths and Horseshoeing
C.James Corbin, a BlacksmithD.Horseshoeing is a Good Way to Make a Living
小题5:Which of the following is true?
A.Only a few large American cities have some policemen on horseback.
B.New York is the only city in America to have some policemen on horseback.
C.Policemen on horseback enjoy travelling around the United States.
D.Policemen on horseback are less expensive than those in cars.


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

The size and shape(外形)of your ears show your character(性格)more than any other part of the face. Other parts of the face change shapes as we get older,but ears do not change their shapes. They only change in size.
Reading people’s character from their ears is a very old science. In the past people thought that a person’s ears with colour was dangerous. They also thought that the shape of the ears showed if a person was musical or not. Today,too,many people believe that the size and shape of the ears help you know if a person is musical.
Ears are all different,and each different thing has a meaning. Next time you look at a person,see if his or her ears are large,medium-size,or small. Look at the lobes(耳垂).Do they stick to the face? Ears that are always red mean that a person may get angry easily. Ears that are always cold and  nearly white colour mean that a person has a nervous(神经质)character.
1. Reading people’s character from their ears is____________ .
A.only for music      B.an old idea   C.very new     D.a good way to talk with others
2. When a baby is born,___________ .
A.his / her ears are red               B.his / her ears will not change all the life
C.his / her ears will not change in shape  D.he / she will get large ears
3. When one’s ears are red,it means_____________ .
A.he is a kind man                B.he is very happy
C.he may get angry easily             D.he drinks too much
4. Which may be the best title of the article?___________.
A.Looking at a person in the right way.    B.Ears and colours.
C.The change of ears.                   D.Ears and characters
5.If you look at someone’s ears,the right way is____________  .
A.to look at his face,ears and nose     
B.to look at the size,colour,and shape
C.to look at his mouth,eyes and nose                
D.to look at the hair,eyes and colour[


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

Shanghai’s Maglev Train(磁悬浮列车) runs from Longyang to Pudong International Airport(国际机场). The whole trip takes about 8 minutes.
First train
Longyang Road station
Airport Station
Last train
Longyang Road Station
Airport Station
Economy Class(普通座)
Single Trip(单程旅行)
50 yuan
100 yuan
Round Trip(往返旅行)
80 yuan
160 yuan
Children at or under 120 cm tall don’t need to buy tickets to take the train, but they cannot take the train by themselves. Children above 124 cm must buy a full-price ticket.
If you buy a round ticket, you can get on the train at Longyang Road Station or Pudong Airport Station, and get off at the other station. The return part of the ticket must be used on the same day.
小题1:How long does it take to travel from Longyang Road Station to Pudong International Airport by Shanghai Maglev Train?
A.About five minutes.B.About six minutes.
C.About eight minutes.D.About nine minutes.
小题2:Mr Wang will buy an Economy class ticket to Pudong International Airport with his 120 cm tall son. He should pay___________ for the trip.
A.50 yuanB.100 yuanC.150 yuanD.200 yuan
小题3:The first train from Airport Station to Longyang Road Station leaves__________.
A.6:30B.6: 45 C.7:02D.7:20
小题4:A passage( 乘客) who buys a round trip ticket__________.
A.can take the train three times
B.must take the train back on the same day
C.can only get on the train at Longyang Road Station
D.can only get off the train at Pudong Airport Station
小题5:A boy who is 130 cm tall__________.
A.can take Shanghai Maglev Train by himself
B.doesn’t need a ticket to take the train
C.has to take the train with his parents
D.can take the train with a half-price ticket


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

Long ago, Bluebird’s feathers were the colour of dust. She did not like her ugly colour. She was attracted by the colour of the lake near her home. It was as blue as the sky after a storm. Bluebird wanted to be the colour of that beautiful lake very much. Flapping her wings one morning, Bluebird flew from her tree to the blue lake. Then she bathed in the water three times. After each bath, she sang, “Blue water. Still water. I went in. I am blue.” Bluebird repeated this every morning. On the third day, she came out of the lake with beautiful blue feathers.
Now Coyote was a trickster(骗子)—and hungry too. He stayed behind Bluebird’s tree for a long time every day and watched her go to the lake. He pretended(伪装) to be interested in everything she did. He wanted Bluebird for lunch, but he was afraid of the blue water. On the third morning, Coyote saw Bluebird come out of the lake with beautiful blue feathers. Impressed, he sat next to Bluebird’s tree and waited for her. When she returned, he asked, “How did you get blue feathers? I want to be blue like the mountains too.” Bluebird didn’t believe Coyote, but she taught him how to bathe three times each morning and how to sing her song. Coyote did what she said, and after three days of bathing in the lake, his white fur turned deep blue.
Convinced(确信的) that blue fur was even more beautiful than blue feathers, Coyote forgot all about being hungry. He ran as fast as he could to the top of the hill. Standing on his back legs, he raised his front legs off the ground and howled. But Coyote slipped(滑倒) and rolled down the hill. He couldn’t stop himself, and the dust and dirt covered his new blue fur. He rolled and rolled until he hit into Bluebird’s tree heavily. No matter how much he tried, foolish Coyote could not shake the dust from his fur. And so the fur of all coyotes had the dull colour of dust to this very day.
小题1:How many times did Bluebird bathe every morning before she had beautiful blue feathers?
A.Three times.B.Four times.C.Five times.D.Six times.
小题2:Why was Coyote a trickster?
A.He wanted to fly like Bluebird near the mountains.
B.He wanted to eat Bluebird but pretended to be curious.
C.He wanted to swim in the lake but was afraid of the water.
D.He wanted to sing Bluebird’s song but didn’t know the words.
小题3:Where did Coyote go after his fur turned blue?
A.To the lake.B.To the tree.C.To the cave.D.To the hill.
小题4:Why did Coyote forget all about being hungry?
A.Because his fur had the dull colour of dust.
B.Because the dust and dirt covered his new blue fur.
C.Because he thought blue fur was much more beautiful.
D.Because he hit into Bluebird’s tree and hurt himself.
小题5:What words does the writer use to help you imagine the colour blue?
A.sky, lake, mountains
B.bird, coyote, storm
C.flapped, climbed, bathed
D.fur, feathers, dust


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

Bamboo (竹子) is one of nature’s (自然) most surprising plants. Many people call this plant a tree, but it is a kind of grass.
Like other kinds of grass, a bamboo plant may be cut very low to the ground, but it will grow back very quickly. A Japanese scientist reported one bamboo plant which grew 1. 5 metres(4 feet) in 24 hours! Bamboo grows almost everywhere in the world except Europe. There are more than 1, 000 kinds of bamboo.
Not all bamboo looks the same. Some bamboo plants are very thin. They may only grow to be a few centimetres wide while others may grow to more than 30 centimetres (1 foot) across. This plant also comes in different colours, from yellow to black to green.
Bamboo has been used to make many things such as hats and kitchen tools( 厨房用具). Because it is strong, bamboo is also used to build buildings.
Many Asian countries have used bamboo for hundreds of years. They often use bamboo for buildings and supporting (支撑) new buildings and bridges while they are being built.
In Africa, poor farmers are taught how to find water using bamboo. These African countries need cheap way to find water because they have no money, and their fields often die from no rain and no water. Bamboo pipes( 管子) help poor farmers bring water to their thirsty fields without spending a lot of money.
小题1: How is bamboo like grass?
A.It grows quickly.B.It’s wood. `C.it is easy to cut.D.It is very thin.
小题2: Though you can see bamboo everywhere, it doesn’t grow       .
A.in ChinaB.in EuropeC.on mountainsD.in Africa
小题3: Why is bamboo used by African poor farmers? Because        .
A.it is cheapB.it has different colours
C.it is strongD.it has been used by Asians
小题4: Bamboo pipes can       .
A.make moneyB.be treesC.grow quicklyD.carry water
小题5: In Asia, bamboo has been used for       .
A.a short time
B.many thousands of years
C.many hundreds of years
D.about 100 years


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

Every year thousands of people get hurt or die when they are crossing the road. Most of these people are old people and children. Old people often get hurt or die because they can’t see or hear very well. Children usually meet with accidents because of their carelessness. They forgot to look and listen before they cross the road.
How can we lessen (减少) traffic accidents? All of us must obey the traffic rules. For the drivers, they shouldn’t drive too fast. If they drive too fast, it will be very difficult to stop the cars in a very short time. For the pedestrians (行人), it’s very important to be careful when they are walking on the road. Therefore, when we walk across the road, we must try to walk along the pavements(人行道). We must stop and look both ways before crossing the road. Look left first, next look right, then look left again. Only when we are sure that the road is clear, we can cross it. The right way to cross the road is to walk quickly. It’s not safe to run. If people run across the road, they may fall down. Teens(青少年) should try to help children, old people or blind people to cross the road, and never play in the street.
小题1:Thousands of people get hurt or die when they are crossing the road every year, most of them are ______.
A.children and driversB.old people and children
C.old people and blind peopleD.teens and drivers
小题2:To lessen traffic accidents, we shouldn’t ______.
A.run quickly
B.walk quickly
C.be sure that the road is clear
D.look left, look right and look left again
小题3: According to the passage, we know that ______ will be safe.
A.driving too fastB.running across the road
C.walking alone the pavementsD.playing in the street
小题4: Why do old people often get hurt or die when they are crossing the road?
A.Because they don’t look and listen.
B.Because they walk too fast.
C.Because they are not careful.
D.Because they can’t see or hear very well.
小题5: What is the main idea of this passage?
A.Never play in the street.
B.Being safe in the street.
C.Look and listen before we cross the road
D..Stop and look both ways before crossing the road.


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

Read how Sofia writes a composition.

1.The weekend before she has to give it to the teacher, she sits on her own in the kitchen. First, she looks at the title and thinks a lot.
2.Then she writes a few ideas onto a piece of paper, in no particular order. She looks up a couple of words in the dictionary and writes those down.
3.Then she has a sandwich and goes to watch TV.
4.The next day she looks at what she wrote. She adds some more ideas. Then she decides how to order her ideas. She starts to write.

5.There are some words she’s not sure about so she looks them up in her dictionary.
6.When she has finished writing, she reads carefully through her composition. She crosses some things out and changes one or two sentences.
7.Then she looks back at her notes from other written work. She makes sure she hasn’t made any of the same mistakes.
8.Finally, she writes out her composition onto a clean piece of paper and puts it in her bag.
小题1:What does Sofia do first before she writes the composition?
A.She looks at the title and thinks a lot.
B.She has a sandwich and goes to watch TV.
C.She writes a few ideas onto a piece of paper.
D.She looks up a couple of words in the dictionary.
小题2:When she meets some words she’s not sure,        .
A.she writes them downB.she looks back at her notes
C.she crosses some things outD.she looks them up in the dictionary
小题3:From the passage we can know Sofia is a        .

