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【题目】 Why do children need to read at least 20 minutes a day? Read it and you’ll know.

Reading is “brain food”

Reading will improve many of the areas of the brain. Your eyes look at the words on the page. Your memory connects the words with what you already know about the story. Reading provides one of the most complex(复杂的) brain activities in life.

Reading improves listening skills

The experience of being read to helps children develop good listening skills. Through reading they can know how to pronounce(发音) and learn new words to add to their vocabularies and connect written words to the things in their real world.

Reading prepares children for school

In this way children are expected to come into school with high scores. There is a strong relationship(关系) between a child’s ability to read and her scores, because the result of our studying depends on our abilities to read, children must have strong reading skills to get success in school.

Reading improves relationships in your family

Because we are busy, it is difficult to have enough time with our family. 20 minutes’ reading together each day provides this important time. There is nothing more wonderful than having the whole family together while reading wonderful books.

The 1 for Reading Books

Reading is the 2 of your brain

When you read, your brain will be improved by 3 the words you see with your knowledge about the 4

Reading improves 5 skills

You can learn pronunciation and vocabulary.

Reading gets children 6 for school

Your score also 7 on your reading ability. Reading can make children 8 at school.

Reading improves relationships in your family

Family members are difficult to get 9 because we are busy. So, it’s important to 10 20 minutes reading with family members every day.














1根据文中Why do children need to read at least 20 minutes a day? Read it and you’ll know. 为什么孩子们每天至少要读20分钟?读一读你就会知道。可知文章介绍的是孩子们每天至少要阅读20分钟的原因,英语中“原因”是reason,而文中指出的很多个原因,所以这里应该填复数形式,故答案为reasons

2根据文中列举的好处的第一条Reading is “brain food” 读书是“脑粮”可知读书时补脑食品,所以这里缺的是food,故答案为food

3根据文中Your eyes look at the words on the page. Your memory connects the words with what you already know about the story. 你的眼睛看着纸上的字。你的记忆把这些单词和你已经知道的故事联系起来。可知在你阅读的时候,大脑会把你看到的是文字和记忆中已经知道的事联系起来,英语中“联系”是connect,空格是放在介词by后面,所以这里应该用ing形式,故答案为connecting

4根据文中Your memory connects the words with what you already know about the story. 你的记忆把这些单词和你已经知道的故事联系起来。可知这里是会把和你已经知道的故事连起来,所以这里应该填“故事”,英语是story,故答案为story

5根据文中列举的好处二Reading improves listening skills阅读提高听力。可知读书可以改善听力,英语中“听力”是listening,故答案为listening

6根据文中Reading prepares children for school读书使孩子们为上学做好准备可知,读书可以为儿童入学打下基础,get ready for= prepare for表示“为……做好准备”,所以这里应该填的是ready,故答案为ready

7根据文中because the result of our studying depends on our abilities to read因为我们学习的结果取决于我们的阅读能力。可知学习在很大程度上取决于自己的阅读能力,所以说你的成绩取决于你的阅读能力,“依靠”是depend on,而句中主语是Your score单数名词,所以动词要用三单形式,故答案为depends

8根据文中children must have strong reading skills to get success in school. 孩子们必须有很强的阅读能力才能在学校取得成功。可知想要在学习上取得好成绩,孩子必须要有很强的阅读能力,也就是说阅读可以让孩子在学习方面很成功,英语中“成功的”是successful,这里是结构“使某人……”,英语结构是make sb+adj,所以这里直接用形容词,故答案为successful

9根据文中Because we are busy, it is difficult to have enough time with our family. 因为我们很忙,很难有足够的时间和家人在一起。可知因为忙碌,家人很难相聚,所以这里缺的是“在一起”,英语是get together,故答案为together

10根据文中20 minutes’ reading together each day provides this important time. 每天在一起读20分钟的书可以提供这个重要的时机。可知家人每天一起阅读20分钟是很重要的,空格前是to,所以这里直接用动词原形,故答案为spend


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

Tom is an eight-year-old student in Grade three. He is not interested in his lessons. He spends most of his time playing basketball. At night, he doesn't sleep until very late in order to play. In the morning, he usually gets up late and hurries to school. Sometimes he sleeps in class.
Tom's father is worried about his poor schoolwork. He tried to make him work harder. One day, his father said to him, "My boy, if you get one hundred marks in the exam, I'll buy a new basketball for you." The boy was very happy to hear that.
The next day Tom came running home. "Oh, Dad, I got one hundred." He shouted, "I got forty in English this morning and sixty in Chinese this afternoon!"
(1)Tom spends most of his time playing basketball.
(2)Tom sometimes sleeps in class.
(3)Tom's father tries to make him work harder.
(4)Tom got one hundred marks in the English exam.
(5)Tom got a new basketball from his father.


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

【题目】阅读下面短文,根据短文内容完成下列各题。Everyone Can Change the World
What can we do to help protect the environment? It seems useless to just pick up a piece of trash, but what will happen if you keep doing it every day? Tommy Kleyn, an ordinary man from the Netherlands, may give you the answer.
Tommy Kleyn walked past a polluted river on his way to work every day. It used to be a beautiful view, but the trash on the bank made it dirty and smelly. So Tommy decided to pick up the trash along the river a little bit at a time after work. "It took me about 30 minutes to fill one garbage bag with trash, but one garbage bag didn't seem helpful in a place as polluted as this. I decided to fill one bag of trash each day as I passed by," Tommy said. Every day, Tommy took pictures of the river and shared them on his Facebook page. To his surprise, in just six days, he had made great progress with his cleanup effort. He felt happy and kept doing it. Gradually, more and more people knew about Tommy's story. Other people in the community began following in his footsteps and cleaning up trash on their way home, too.
"The idea is to encourage people to fill one garbage bag with litter each day. It only takes 30 minutes, but it really makes a difference and you will be amazed at how good you feel afterwards," he said.
People from all over the world have been moved and inspired by Tommy's story. No effort is useless if we keep doing it every day. Ordinary people like you and me can also make a difference to the world we live in if we take actions right now.
(1)Did Tommy Kleyn walk past a polluted river on his way to work every day?
(2)What did Tommy decide to do after work?
(3)Where did Tommy share the pictures of the river that he took?
(4)Who began following in Tommy's footsteps and cleaning up trash?
(5)What can you learn from the story?


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

【题目】 The first place I can remember well was a pleasant field with a pond of clear water in it. Trees made shadows over the pond. At the top of our field were tall trees, and at the bottom was a fast-running stream.

While I was young, I l1 on my mother’s milk, but as soon as I was old enough to eat grass, my mother went out to work d2 the day and came back in the evening.

There were six other young horses in the field. Although they were older than I was, we all galloped(驰骋) together around the f3 and had great fun. But sometimes the others would kick and bite.

“They are young farm horses and haven’t learned how to behave(举止得体).” My mother told me. “You are d4. Your father is well known, and your grandfather twice won the most important race at Newmarket. Your grandmother was quiet and g5, and you have never seen me kick or bite, h6 you? I hope you will grow up to be gentle and a willing worker, and n7 bite or kick.”

I have never forgotten my mother’s a8. She was a clever and sensible(明智的) old horse. Her name was Duchess, but our master u9 called her Pet. He was a good, kind man, and my mother loved him very much. Whenever she saw him at the gate, she trotted(小跑) across. He u10 to pat her and say, “Well, old Pet, and how is your little Darkie?” I was a dull black colour, so he called me Darkie. He sometimes brought me a piece of bread, or a carrot for my mother. And I think we were his favourites.


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:



After school, our classroom is________ _________ ________a mess.


This sofa ________ ________ too much space.


We'd better ________ ________ the room before Mum arrives.


You have collected ________ ________ tickets. May I ________ ________ ________?


Tom has ________ ________ to tell us.


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

【题目】阅读下面短文,根据短文内容完成下列各题。Thumbs Down to Texting (屈指发短信)
Do you have a mobile phone? Do you send text messages to your friends and family?
Text messaging or “texting” is becoming very popular. But, scientists have discovered that texting can give us problems with our hands. Be careful! Too much texting can cause swelling in our thumbs. Our thumbs were not made for pushing small buttons, over and over. Scientists call this problem RSI. We spoke to a doctor called Harriet Wilson, who treats many sick people with RSI. She says we need to see how much time we are spending in typing text messages. If we are spending more than 10-15 minutes at once, we could have problems in the future.
As mobile phones develop, they are getting smaller with buttons closer together. Texting with a smaller phone is worse than using a larger phone with bigger buttons. Using a computer keyboard and playing video games can cause the same problem. So more and more people could find themselves with RSI. Among them, most are university students and teenagers, as they do not know the risks of spending so much time using computer, video games and mobile phones. If we don't do something about this, too many young people could grow up in terrible pain.
(1)What is becoming very popular now?
(2)Does the word “once” mean “one time” in the second passage?
(3)What kind of people are easier to have the problem of RSI?
(4)What can also cause RSI except texting?
(5)Which is easier to cause the problem of RSI, using smaller mobile phones or larger ones?


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

注意:1. 每处错误及其修改均仅限一词,
Students these days often have a lot of worry. Sometimes they have problems with
their schoolwork, and sometimes with their friends. How can they deal these problems?
Laura Mills, the teenager from London, says,
“I think talking to someone help a lot. If we talk to someone, we'll certainly feel
better than we don't.”
Laura once loses her wallet, and worried for days. She was afraid to tell her parents
about it for several days. In the end, she talked to her parents and we were really
understanding. They got her a new wallet and asked her to be most more careful.
“I will always remember share my problems in the future!"Laura says.
Robert Hunt advises students about common problems. He thinks the first step is to
find someone you trust to talk to. In English, we say that sharing a problem is like cut it
in half. So you're halfway to solve a problem just by talking to someone about it.


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

【题目】—I don't think we can win the match without our teamwork. — That's true. _____________

A.He who has never been to the Great Wall is not a true man.
B.The friendship between gentlemen is like a cup of tea.
C.One tree can't make a forest.


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:


cut, wait, with, other, polite, happy, stand, rule, happen, feel

Nowadays, we are in a modern society. Everybody should be polite in public. But sometimes some people like to in line when they buy tickets or get on the bus or subway. They take places as well as time when they are in line, so it is . I can't that. Sometimes, I even get mad when I see them cut in line.
When this , I often say, "Would you mind in line?" But sometimes some of them are angry me and they say, "It's none of your business." So I angrier. Then I only tell it to the people who sell the tickets. At last the people who are breaking the of etiquette(礼数) don't get their tickets. So I am happy and the people who cut in line are

