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How did you make him_____the housework _____ you ?

A. to do; for B. do; for

C. doing; for D. do; of



试题分析:句意:你怎么让他为你做作业?make sb do sth,使某人做某事。For,为了······。结合句意,故选B。



科目:初中英语 来源:2014-2015学年山东博兴县兴福镇一中七年级上期中英语试卷(解析版) 题型:阅读理解

The children often play football in the garden and sometimes break(打破) Mr. Black’s windows. One afternoon Mr. Black is at home and reads a book. In a minute he closes his eyes and goes to sleep. At that time a little boy knocks at the door. Mr. Black opens the door and asks, “Do you break my window again(再一次)?”“Oh, no”says the boy, “Your window is open this time and our football is in your room. May I get it please?”

1.The children often play football _________.

A. in the street(街道) B. in the garden

C. in the zoo(动物园) D. at school

2.Sometimes the children break _______ windows.

A. Mrs. White B. Mrs. Black’s

C. Mr. Black’s D. Mr. White

3.Who knocks at Mr. Black’s door?

A. A girl B. A boy C. A man D.A woman

4.The children’s football is _______ Mr. Black’s room.

A. in B. on C. behind D.before

5.Do the children break Mr. Black’s window again?

A. Yes, they do. B. No, they don’t.

C. Yes, we do. D. No, we don’t.


科目:初中英语 来源:2014-2015学年江苏扬州江都市八年级上期末英语试卷(解析版) 题型:单项填空

--- What were you and your cousin doing at this time yesterday?

--- He was reading a magazine ________ I was writing an e-mail.

A. as B. while C. when D. after


科目:初中英语 来源:2014-2015学年江苏盐城盐都区八年级上期末英语试卷(解析版) 题型:阅读理解

Thousands of years ago much of our earth was covered with blocks(块)of ice.These ice blocks were as tall as high buildings in modern cities.Most of the ice was in the northern part of the world. Then the ice blocks started to move south.Cold and rain came with the ice.Animals and people had to move. At last, the ice began to melt (融化).After half a million years, most of it had melted.More than half of the earth became covered with water.The climate became much warmer.Things began to grow.The earth began to look the way it looks today.

1.Thousands of years ago our earth was very ________.

A.warm B.hot C.cool D.cold

2.What did animals and people try to do when the ice blocks moved south?

A.They tried to stop them moving.

B.They tried to melt them.

C.They tried to move behind them.

D.They tried to stay ahead of them.

3.The melting ice may help to form___________.

A.mountains and valleys B.the sun,the moon and the earth

C.cities and countries D.seas,lakes and rivers

4.The underlined word "climate" means ________.

A.the freezing ice

B.the weather of the year

C.the moving of the ice blocks

D.a plant or an animal

5.Which of these things maybe happened because the Ice Age ended?

a.Forests grew

b.Food became harder to find

c.Fishing became easier

d.The temperature dropped.

A.a; b B.b; d C.c; d D.a; c


科目:初中英语 来源:2014-2015学年江苏盐城盐都区八年级上期末英语试卷(解析版) 题型:单项填空

You’d better_____ like that, or the teacher will be angry .

A. do B. doing C. not do D. not doing


科目:初中英语 来源:2014-2015学年江苏盐城盐都区八年级上期末英语试卷(解析版) 题型:单项填空

Gu Run, ______ Grade 9 student from Yancheng Middle School, is_____ winner of Who’s Still Standing (《一站到底》)on December 11, 2014.

A. a; an B. a; the C. an; the D. a; a


科目:初中英语 来源:2014-2015学年江苏兴化顾庄等三校七年级上期末英语试卷(解析版) 题型:阅读理解

If you go to visit London,you will see a lot of buses and cars on the road,you will also see a lot of bikes because more people travel by bike.Why?

There are a lot of reasons for this.First,it’s very cheap to buy a bike,and riding bikes is quick, too.You often need to wait for a bus for half an hour.When the bus comes,there are so many other buses and cars on the roads so the bus moves very slowly.The underground train(地铁)is quick but very expensive.

I travel to work by bus for about four years.I often arrive at work late and feel tired.Then one day , a friend of mine says, “I go to work by bike,why don’t we travel together?”“Because my bike’s old,”I answer,“and there are so many buses and cars on the road.I feel afraid…”“Don’t be afraid!”says my friend,“If you follow me and we ride slowly,you will be fine.”

Two days later I buy a new bike.We go slowly, but we arrive at work quickly. I spend 40 minutes going by bus, but only half an hour by bike! Now I love riding a bike. And I feel healthy. Many people think my idea is good and maybe you’ll see more bikes on the road in the future.

Many people think in the same way as I do.That’s why you see a lot of bikes on the road.Who knows,perhaps in the future we’ll have roads for bicycles only.I hope so!

1.There are ___________ people travelling by bike now in London.

A.no B.fewer C.more D.a lot

2. I travel to work by bus for ___________.

A.a few months B.about four years

C.two years D.one year

3. Which is NOT mentioned(提到) about the good things of riding a bike in the passage?

A.we can have more time.

B.we don’t need to pay much money.

C.we can keep healthy.

D.we can keep the air clean.

4. Which of the following is TRUE?

A.I begin to ride a bike to work because I had no bus to take.

B.The bus moves slowly because there are so many people in it.

C.Buses,cars and bikes run on the road in London.

D.I spend 40 minutes going by bike.

5. Maybe you’ll see more _________ on the road in the future.

A.cars B.buses C.vans(货车) D.bicycles


科目:初中英语 来源:2014-2015学年江苏兴化顾庄等三校七年级上期末英语试卷(解析版) 题型:单项填空

— What’s that man in a black shirt?

— _____________.

A. He’s my uncle. B. He’s a policeman.

C. He’s John. D. He is a good father.


科目:初中英语 来源:2014-2015学年江苏南新初级中学七年级上第二次独立作业英语试卷(解析版) 题型:单词拼写


1.Thank you for ___________(计划) a trip for me.

2.I have some ____________(蔬菜) for lunch.

3.Young people like wearing different __________(风格) of clothes.

4.I don’t have enough time to collect ___________(邮票).

5.How many ___________(月份) are there in a year?

6.I can see some ___________(sheep) on the hill.

7.The round glasses make him ___________(look) cool.

8.It’s good for everybody ____________(exercise) every day.

9.I often go to the supermarket ____________(do) some shopping.

10.The fish tastes ____________(well).

11.It takes the poor children much time___________( walk) to school.

12.I am thinking about___________ (buy) a new car.

13.Look! The flowers____________ (look) so beautiful.

14.I don’t know what_____________(wear) his afternoon.

15.Health is wealth. Everyone in the world wants to be _________(health).

