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小题1:We can read the above material mostly______.
A.on TVB.in the newspaper
C.in a school reportD.in the bike factory
小题2:From the reading we know the shop sells______.
A.only bikesB.only the parts of bikes
C.bikes and other itemsD.only car parts besides bikes
小题3:It’s clear that‘WILCO’ refers to (指) ______;
A.the boss of the main shopB.the main shops
C.the brand of the bikeD.the summer sale
小题4:If you go to any of WILCO shops on Sundays, you have to______.
A.call number 012223 414825
B.pay more than &69.99 for one bike
C.visit www. wilcomall@ wilco-fastlift. co. uk
D.arrive at it before 4:00 p. m.
小题5:In this advertisement we cannot know______.
A.the information about bikes
B.the e-mail address of the main shop
C.the time the shops open on weekdays
D.whether customers can easily park at all WILCO shops


小题1:主旨大意题。题干表面上问我们在哪里可以看到这个材料,实际是要求我们判断该材料的体裁,A选项的关键词是TV(电视),B选项的关键词是newspaper(报纸),C选项的关键词是school report(学校报告),D选项的关键词是bike factory(自行车厂)。结合该材料的目的:给自行车做广告。得出答案B.
小题2:细节理解题。题干考查商店经营的业务种类,即卖什么东西。定位到图片中的信息“car parts and accessories, bikes for street and trail, tools and equipment”可以得出,这家商店不仅卖自行车,还卖与自行车相关的附件,因此ABD三个选项中的only都太过于绝对化,可以直接排出。所以选C.
小题3:推理判断题。题干问WILCO是指什么,通过筛选图片所给的信息,我们发现WILCO这个标志出现的位置下面是一些网站,邮箱,地址以及开业时间,所以A项中的boss显然不符合文章环境,排除;同理排除C项;通过第一题我们已经得知此图片信息是关于自行车售卖的广告,根据广告的构成要素,D项的”the summer sale” 这样的概括性文字,应该出现在文章的开头,故排除;广告一定会有电话和地址,所以B项最符合。若学生能够先读题再看文章,其实【4】的题干已经给出了【3】的答案,即If you go to any of WILCO shops on Sundays,我们可以很容易的知道WILCO指的是商店。因此选B.
小题4:细节理解题。A项中的数字比文章中给的数字多了一个2,所以排除;B项中的more than是文章所没有提到的,故排除;C项是文章中网址和邮箱的合并版,显然错误,故排除;因此选D.
小题5:推理判断题。本题考查学生文中的细节信息的整合理解能力,主要看学生的细心程度。尤其要注意题干”In this advertisement we cannot know”中的not,并没有大写或加粗,要特别小心。广告的中间部分都是关于自行车的介绍,故A项正确,不选;wilcomall@ wilco-fastlift. co. Uk正是文章中出现的主要商店的邮件地址,故B项正确,不选;D项是对文章中用大写标出的”EASY PARKING AT ALL BRABCHES”的解释,故D正确,不选;文章中用大写标出OPEN SUNDAYS,即工作日不营业,C项正好相反,但是本题的正确答案。得出答案C.

科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

A white bag with some English books and an ID card in it.
Come to Room 402 in the afternoon.
Call Jim Green at 3411364.
Cleaner Wanted
Can you make a large house clean and tidy? If you want to get $25 at once, call us between 18:00-20:00  Tel: 8228539.
Fashion Show
3:00p.m.-5:00 p.m. every Sunday
Happy Shopping Center
Tel: 7410876
There will be fashion models, beautiful clothes and a surprising show.
Don’t miss it!
Models Wanted
Age: between 16 to 28
Height: from 1.70m to 1.80m
Look: good looking
Apply(申请)to: the Model Center, Shenzhen
Tel: 3334578
小题1:.If you’re an 18-year-old girl and want to become a model, you can call _______.
A.3411364 B.3334578
小题2:.If Jane is the owner of the bag, she can go to _______.
A.the Model CenterB.Happy Shopping Center
C.a large houseD.Room 402 in the afternoon
小题3:.You can watch the fashion show _______ this Sunday.
A.in the morningB.in the afternoon
C.in the eveningD.at night
小题4:.If the owner of the large house asks a cleaner to clean his house twice a week, the cleaner will make about ________ a month.
小题5:.Which of the following is NOT true?
A.There is a fashion show every Sunday.
B.If you want to get your lost bag, you can call 3411364.
C.If you want to be a cleaner, you can call 8228539 anytime.
D.If you want to be a model, you must think about your age, height and look.


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

The round trip will cost at least $4.800 in all. Some more fees(费用)may also need to be spent. I hope you will have a good trip.
Leave the USA for China. Your flight will include meals. drinks. and in-flight entertainment(娱乐)for your journey.
Arrive and check in at your hotel: Beijing Hotel. You will only need to pay¥560 (70% "discounts(折扣)off) per night for a single room.
In the morning we will go by subway to the Olympic Green and see the Bird's Nest.  In the afternoon. we will visit the Water Cube.
Enjoy a full-day tour to the Forbidden City. the Temple of Heaven and the Confucius Temple. We will begin at Tiananmen Square and then walk to the Forbidden City. In the afternoon. we will visit the Temple of Heaven and the Confucius Temple:
We will visit Beijing Zoo and the Summer Palace. First stop: Beijing Zoo. You have a chance to see China's most cherished(珍贵) native animal. panda. After lunch. we will take the bus to the Summer Palace.
We will go to the Great Wall and the Ming Tombs.
Take off from Beijing Capital International Airport.
小题1:How much money will they spend?
A.$4. 800.B.NearlyS4. 800.C.Less than $4.800.D.More than $4.800.
小题2:How long will the trip be?
A.Five days.B.Six daysC. A week.D.A month.
小题3:How much does a single room at the Beijing Hotel for one night cost without a discount?
小题4:Which of the following places will you NOT see on Day 4?
A.The Forbidden City.B.The Summer Palace.
C.The Temple of Heaven.D.The Confucius Temple.
小题5:Which will be the route on Day 3 and Day 4?
A.The Olympic Green-- the Forbidden City-- the Temple of Heaven-- the Confucius Temple.
B.The Temple of Heaven--the Confucius Temple-- Beijing Zoo--the Olympic Green.
C.Beijing Hotel-- the Bird's Nest-- the Water Cube-- the Forbidden City.
D.Beijing Zoo-- the Summer Palace-- the Temple of Heaven-- the Forbidden City.


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

New books this month
The Long Night
This is David Reilly’s first book. David became a writer after teaching English for several years.
Maha is a nurse in northern Australia. She works in a hospital. One day a baby is so ill that Maha has to drive all night to get her to the nearest big city. They have a lot of problems getting there and… 
Hard Work
Hard Work is about Sombat. He works with his father, a carpenter, in Thailand. They work long, hard hours making tables and chairs, but they do not have any money. Then one day a man dressed all in black buys the most beautiful table in the shop…
Hospital or Cinema
Marcie Jacome, who studies English in London, wrote this story earlier this year.
Tina is a young Indian woman whose dream is to become a doctor. She goes to London to study English and medicine, but one day, she meets a man who asks her to go to the USA with him to become a film star…What will Tina do?
小题1:The Long Night was written by_____.
A.David ReillyB.MahaC.JoannaD.Marcie Jacome
小题2:The story of Hard Work happened in ___________.
小题3:From the passage we can see Tina is_______.
A.a doctorB.a film starC.a writerD.a student
小题4:________ is about a difficult journey.
A.Hospital or CinemaB.Hard WorkC.The Long NightD.Harry Potter
小题5:The passage above is _______.
A.an ad.(广告)B.a storyC.a novelD.a diary


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

小题1:Tom is a 12-year-old boy. If he has a headache, he should take __________ a day.
A.tabletB.1 tabletC.2 tabletsD.3 tablets
小题2:The Public Library is closed at __________.
A.5:00 p.m.B.9:00 a.m.C.4:00 p.m.D.12:00 a.m.
小题3:Lin and his father want to go to the Hamilton Zoo, they should pay __________.
A.$ 15B.$ 30C.$ 45D.$ 10


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

Sun Painting club
Kids can learn Chinese painting here. They can learn how to draw plants and fruit. Their teacher is Yang Yong. His English name is Jeff. His phone number is 223-6665.
Fee(费用):300 yuan
Ages of kids:6-13
Blue Sports Club
You can learn ping pong, soccer and baseball here. The soccer teacher is Alan Green. He is from Canada. The baseball teacher is Rose Jones. She is English.
Time: July 8-18(baseball); July19-28(soccer); August1-10(baseball)
Fee:260 yuan for each sports
Ages of kids: 10-18
E-mail address: bluesports2014@163.com
小题1:Yang Yong’s English name is ___.
小题2:Mr. Miller may teach kids ____ .
A.baseballB.soccerC.ping pongD.painting
小题3:Miss Jones is from  ____ .
A.EnglandB.Canada C.AmericaD.China.
小题4:Sally is seven years old, She can learn  ____ .
A.soccerB.baseballC.Chinese paintingD.ping pong
小题5:Mr. Black’s son wants to learn Chinese painting and baseball.
He needs ____.
A.360 yuan.B.560 yuan. C.760 yuan .D.520 yuan.


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解


小题1:What time is the soccer tournament(锦标赛)?
A. At 2 pm.               B. At 10 am.               C. At 9 pm.
小题2:If Lily wants to buy a present for her mother on March 8th, she may pay attention to the advertisement of         .
A. Soccer Tournament      B. Traditional Rodeo         C. Big Sale
小题3: People who want to go to BIG SALE can go to the shop       .
A. on Sunday             B. on Saturday              C. on Friday
小题4: Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage?
A. If you want to know more about Soccer Tournament, you can send e-mails to them.
B. Traditional Rodeo is only on Sunday.
C. If you buy a thing whose normal price is $10, you need to pay $6-8 on Women’s Day.
小题5:After reading the passage, we can’t get the information about        .
A. the telephone number of Soccer Tournament            
B. the price of Big Sale             
C. the price of the film tickets


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

Tiger  and horse performance
You can see the terrible tigers and gentle horses at Fuzhou Zoo. Keep away from the tigers . Sometimes they aren’t friendly enough .You can ride the horse and take photos .
Time :Feb .1—Feb .3         Tel : 87324568
Adult :   60¥              Child :   30¥
Bear and lion performance
You can see fat black bears and scary 可怕的 lions at Chengdu Zoo.  They will perform many activities. If you are not brave enough , you shouldn’t come to see them . (children under 6 aren’t allowed to come )
Time ;Feb。2_----Feb . 5   Tel : 85897043
Adult : ¥50               Child :¥25
Dolphin performance
You can see lovely dolphins at Dalian Zoo . The dolphins will jump out of the water and give you a performance . If you can swim , you are also allowed to come into the water and play with them with the help of the trainers .
Time : Feb .4____Feb.8      Tel: 83126094
Adult :¥80             Child :¥4o
小题1:If you are travelling in Dalian , you  can see the _______-
A.tiger performanceB.bear performance
C.dolphin performanceD. lion performance
小题2:The last day for seeing the horse performance at Fuzhou Zoo is  ___,
A. Feb.1B.Feb .3C.Feb. 5D.Feb. 8
小题3:Meimei wants to be a trainer of lions , so she can go to _____Zoo to experience .
小题4:If the 8-year-old twins go to see the tiger performance with their mother , they should pay ________。
小题5:Which of the following is NOT  true ?
A.The price of the bear and lion performance is the lowest of the three,
B.If you want to know about African animals ,you can go to Chengdu zoo.
C.Wang Hua can see three kinds of animal performance on Feb.7.
D.TOM is three years old , so he can’t go to see the tiger and horse performance .


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

Lots of people get money from ATMs before going shopping. If you don’t know how to use an ATM, read the following instructions(说明) carefully.
●Put your card into the machine(机器).
●Look at the screen. Input(输入) your password into the machine.
●Input how much money you want on the screen of the machine. Then press OK.
●Get the money from the machine. If you want, you can also get a receipt(收据).
●Take back your card.
Remember these rules:
●Don’t write your password on your card.
●Don’t let other people know your password.
●If you lose your card, tell the bank at once.
小题1:What does the underlined word “password” mean in Chinese?
小题2:These are the instructions of the ATM. Put these things into right order.
①Get the money from the machine.
②Input the password into the machine.
③Take back your card.
④Put your card into the machine.
⑤Input how much money you want on the screen and press OK.
小题3: If you want, you can get ______ from the ATM.
A.a passwordB.a receiptC.a cardD.a present
小题4: According to the passage, you _______ .
A.shouldn’t write your password on the card.
B.can let your best friend know your password.
C.shouldn’t tell the bank that you lose your card.
D.shouldn’t use the ATM to get your money.
小题5:The passage is about ______ .
A.where to get the moneyB.how to have a bank card
C.how to use an ATMD.when to use an ATM

