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—Shall we take a car?

—No, we .It's only five minutes' walk.

A. can't B. mustn't C. needn’t D. couldn’t

C 【解析】试题分析:句意:--我们乘车吗?--不,没有必要,仅仅5分钟的步行。A. can't不能; B. mustn't禁止;C. needn't不必; D. couldn't不能。根据It's only five minutes' walk.可知,5分钟的步行是没有必要乘车的,故选C。

科目:初中英语 来源:四川省成都市2017年青羊区初三年级二诊英语 题型:单选题

Jimmy’s father loves to help people. Jimmy takes after his father. He is always ready to help others.

A. looks after B. is similar to C. is different

B 【解析】句意:吉米的父亲喜欢帮助别人。吉米性格像他父亲。他总是乐于助人。考查同义短语辨析题。A. looks after照顾;B. is similar to相似的;C. is different不一样的。take after性格类似于,固定短语。根据句意语境,可知is similar to符合词义,故选B。


科目:初中英语 来源:广东中考考前提分冲刺50天(考前英语押题第一天)2018年中考语法选择题(冠词) 题型:单选题

I think English is useful language, and it’s also important language.

A. an, a B. a, an C. an, the D. a, the

B 【解析】试题分析:句意:我认为英语是一个有用的语言,并且它也是一门重要的语言。分析:考查冠词的用法,只是指其中的一个,因此用不定冠词a/an, useful是以辅音音标开头的单词,用不定冠词a; important是以元音音标开头的单词,因此用不定冠词an.故选B


科目:初中英语 来源:安徽省教育联盟2018届九年级中考模拟英语试卷 题型:阅读单选

A poor boy lived in a small town. He sold goods from door to door to pay for school. One day, he had only one cent left, and he was hungry. He decided that he would ask for a meal at the next house. However, when a young woman opened the door, the boy was shy, so he just asked for some water. The woman knew he was hungry, so she brought him a large glass of milk. He drank it slowly, and then asked, "How much should I pay for it?" "You won't pay for it. My mother has told me that it is good to help the people who are in trouble," she replied. The boy said, "Then I thank you from my heart." As the boy left that house, he felt stronger. He knew he had many things to do.

Many years later, the young woman became ill. The local doctors couldn't save her. People had to send her to a big city. When the doctor knew who the woman was, he was excited and tried his best to save her life. He succeeded. The woman needed to pay for the medical bill. The doctor learned that she couldn't afford it. So he wrote something down on the medical bill. The woman read the bill, "You have paid it with a glass of milk."

1.The poor boy sold goods from door to door because

A. he had no money left

B. he needed money to buy some food

C. he wanted to raise money for Project Hope

D. he had to make money for his school

2.Why was the young woman sent to a hospital in a big city?

A. Because she was seriously ill.

B. Because she had lots of money.

C. Because she wanted to visit the doctor.

D. Because she knew the poor boy worked there.

3.From the passage we can know the doctor( the poor boy) .

A. let the young woman pay for the bill

B. was always thankful for the young woman's kindness

C. didn' t remember the young woman

D. failed to save the young woman' s life

4.Which of the following sentences is true?

A. The young woman had a bad mother.

B. The poor boy asked for some money.

C. The young woman and her mother were both kind to others.

D. The poor boy became a famous engineer when he grew up.

5.What's the best title(标题) for the article?

A. A Kind Mother B. A Lovely Young Woman

C. A Poor Boy D. A Glass of Milk

1.D 2.A 3.B 4.C 5.D 【解析】试题分析:本文讲述了一个小男孩为了回报那个年轻妇女当年给他的一杯牛奶,救了他,并且帮她支付了医疗费用的故事。 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.


科目:初中英语 来源:安徽省教育联盟2018届九年级中考模拟英语试卷 题型:单选题

to smile at your life when you are in trouble, and you will soon be happy again.

A. Try B. To try C. Trying D. Tried

A 【解析】句意:当你遇到困难的时候,试着对你的生活微笑,那么你很快就会快乐起来。句型:祈使句+and/or+陈述句,祈使句部分,表示一种建议,告诫,条件,and/or 后面部分表示会发生的结果,and翻译成那么,or翻译成否则;例如,1.Take more exercise and you'll feel healthy.多锻炼身体,那么你就会感到身体健康。2.Hurry up, or y...


科目:初中英语 来源:江苏省苏州市毕业暨升学考试英语模拟试卷(含答案) 题型:阅读单选

Margeaux Wolberg was sitting with the other 12-year-olds in her class when one of the girls turned to her and asked, "Is your mom dead?"

She never came to school like the other mothers to volunteer in the library or help the teachers. It was always Margeaux's dad who did that.

Margeaux reached for her computer, typed a few words into Google and showed her classmate a list of information with her mother's name and job titles, from CEO at Salesforce.com to her present role as vice-president of technology business operations at PayPal. "See, my mom's not dead," she said. "My mom's famous."

Kirsten Wolberg, 45, tells this story with pride. She is not trapped by an uneasy feeling these days when she has to miss a school play. Instead she is glad that her two daughters are growing up with such a strong role model: a woman in a high-powered job in Silicon Valley.

Long before neither of her kids was born, Wolberg and her future husband Michael had a talk about how they would divide household and childcare duties. "I said, 'Listen, one of the things that's really important to me is to have a parent at home full time, '" she remembers. "'And it can't be me.'"

Michael Wolberg, 43, worked for years for a medicine company. But when Margeaux was born, he offered to give up his job and became a stay-at-home dad. And he has never felt sorry for himself. Spending 12 hours a day alone with a child suits his personality better than an office, he says, and much better than it would ever suit his wife.

"She's spent many, many years trying to get to the place where she is and even further," he says, "and this lifestyle of cleaning the floor and changing diapers(尿片)and all kinds of other things are not for her."

1.From the first three paragraphs we know that Margeaux felt .

A. sorry for her mother B. proud of her mother

C. hurt by her classmates D. thankful to her mother

2.According to the passage, Kirsten .

A. finds it hard to get her kids' understanding B. is as successful in her career as her husband

C. feels sorry for not helping in her kids' school D. is glad to have set a good example to her kids

3.Why did Michael choose to be a stay-at-home dad?

A. He was tired of his job.

B. He was forced to leave the job.

C. He is more suitable by nature to stay at home.

D. He and his wife reached an agreement after the kids' birth.

4.From the passage we can learn that .

A. Kirsten can achieve greater success in her career

B. Kirsten is neither a good wife nor a qualified mother

C. Michael loves his kids better than his wife does

D. Michael regrets making the decision to stay at home

1.B 2.D 3.C 4.A 【解析】本文介绍了Margeaux的妈妈Kirsten是一名硅谷的高层工作女性,在Salesforce.com 担任技术运营的副总裁,而Margeaux的爸爸Michael选择做全职爸爸。她的爸爸认为自己的性格更适合做全职爸爸,而她的妈妈不适合在家里。 1.B 推理判断题。根据第三段的her mother's name and j...


科目:初中英语 来源:江苏省苏州市毕业暨升学考试英语模拟试卷(含答案) 题型:单选题

一The pen writes well though it is only worth fifteen yuan.

一Let me have a try. So .

A. it is B. it does C. is it D. does it

B 【解析】句意:——那支钢笔写起来非常好,尽管它只值15元。——让我试试吧。的确是。So+主语+助动词,表示“的确,确实”;so+助动词+主语,表示“也”。根据Let me have a try.可知我尝试过后,认为对方说的对,故表示的确是,前一句的谓语writes,故此处代指这个动词用do的各种形式,主语it是第三人称单数,用助动词does,故为So it does。故选B。 ...


科目:初中英语 来源:江苏中考英语语法考点专项训练--代词和数词 题型:单选题

(2013•扬州市)They have provided several ways to solve the problem. We can choose ________ to start with.

A. it B. that C. one D. each

C 【解析】句意:他们已经提供了几种解决问题的方法。我们可以选择一种方法开始。one:指代前边提过的同一类但不同一个的东西。it: 指上文提到的同一事物,与前面名词是同一个,表特指.即the/所有格/that/this+单数可数名词.that:指代远处的事物、指代前边提到的东西、也用于比较句型中指代前边提到的有定冠词the修饰的名词,that也可指代不可数名词。each表示每一个。此处代指前...


科目:初中英语 来源:2018年江苏省苏州园区初三英语一模测试卷(含答案) 题型:单选题

―Peter, please send us postcards we'll know where you have visited.

―No problem.

A. but B. or C. for D. so

D 【解析】句意:——彼得,请给我们及明星片,这样我们将会知道你参观过哪里。——没问题。but但是,表示转折关系;or或者,表示选择;for为了,表示原因;so所以,表示结果。结合句意,前半句让彼得给我们及明信片,后半句知道彼得到哪里参观了,后一句是前一句的结果,故用连词so。故选D。

