精英家教网 > 初中英语 > 题目详情

【题目】 Many years ago, I owned a service station and roadhouse on the main road between Melbourne and Adelaide.

One very cold, wet night at about 3:30 a.m., there was a______on the front door of our house. A young man, wet from _____to toe, explained that he had______out of petrol about 30 km up the road. He had left his wife and his two children ______at the car and said that he would hitchhike(搭便车) back. Once I had ______a can with petrol, I took him back to his car where his two-year-old and four-year-old children were both ______, saying that they were cold.

Once the car had started, I suggested that he could______me back. Before leaving, I had turned the heater______in the roadhouse, so that when we went in, it was nice and warm. While the little ones played and ran______, I prepared bread and butter for the children, and hot chocolate for the adult. It was about 5 a.m. before they_______.The young fellow asked me how much he should pay for and I told him that the petrol pump(加油泵) had ______ $15. He offered to pay “call-out fee”, but I wouldn’t accept it.

About a month later, I received a______from Interstate, a large bus company that we had been trying to get to stop off at our roadhouse for a long time. It______out that the young fellow I had helped was its general manager, the most______person in the company. In his letter, he_______me again and informed me that, from then on, all their buses would stop at my service station. In this case, a little bit kindness was rewarded with a huge prize.



































考查名词词义辨析。kick踢,hit打、击,beat击鼓声,knock敲门(或窗等)声,常与aton连用。由句中名词“the door”及介词“on”可知,此空选knocka knock on the door“敲门声”,固定词组。故选D


考查固定词组。根据句意及句子结构可知,此空选headfrom head to foot/toe从头到脚,遍布全身;固定词组。故选C


考查固定词组。根据句意及句子结构可知,此空选run,过去分词。run out of...用光,用尽,用完;固定词组。故选D


考查固定词组。根据句意及句子结构可知,此空选behindleave sth./sb. behind把……抛在后面,固定词组。故选B


考查动词词义辨析。fell落下,下落;fall的过去式。poured倾倒,倒出;pour的过去式。put放,放置;put过去式;filled(使)充满,装满,住满,填满,fill的过去式。根据句意及句子结构可知,此空选filled,常用结构:fill sth. with sth.把…装满…。故选D


考查动词词义辨析。sleeping睡觉,crying哭泣,quarrelling争吵,fighting打架。由下文“saying that they were cold”可知,“他两岁和四岁的孩子正在哭”。故选B




考查固定词组。由下文“so that when we went in, it was nice and warm”可知,上文句意为“离开前,我已经打开了旅馆的取暖器”。turn on打开,固定词组。故选A


考查副词词义辨析。around周围,inside在里面,nearby在附近、不远,along(与某人)一道、一起。根据句意及句子结构可知,此空选aroundrun around四处跑,动词短语。故选A






考查名词词义辨析。call电话,letter信件,check支票,notice通知。由下文“in his letter”可知,该句句意为“我收到一封州际信件”。故选B


考查固定句式。根据句意及句子结构可知,此空选turnedIt turned out that...是固定句式,意为“结果表明……”。故选B


考查形容词词义辨析。generous慷慨的,successful成功的,serious严肃的,powerful有权势的。由上文“... its general manager”可知,“总经理是公司里最有权势的人。”故选D


考查动词词义辨析。thanked感谢,complained抱怨,encouraged鼓励,supported支持。由上文“...the young fellow I had helped...”可知,“我曾帮助那个年轻人”,“他在信中再次感谢我”。故选A


在英语中,固定搭配不仅是完形填空题考查的重点,也是学习的难点。固定搭配形式较多,有名词短语搭配、动词短语搭配、介词短语搭配等。这些固定搭配都是语言在长期的发展和演变过程中形成的,是语言的精华,我们只有在平时的学习中认真积累,做题时才能得心应手。做这类题时不需要特别分析就能锁定正确答案。如:第一至第五小题皆是固定搭配/词组:a knock on the door敲门声,from head to foot/toe从头到脚、遍布全身,run out of...用光、用尽、用完,leave sth./sb. behind把……抛在后面,fill sth. with sth.把…装满…。


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

【题目】 The Tower of London is in the north bank of the River ThamesAccording to the historyKing Edward of England had promised to give the throne to WilliamDuke of NormandyBut at last he gave the throne to Harold Godwinsonhis English brother in law

William was quite angry that he was not the kingHe sent his army to fight against England and on October 141066the Duke’s Norman soldiers wonand laterWilliam became the kingAt the beginningthe new king thought the people of London did not obey rulesAnd the new king felt that he needed to protect himself and keep the wild people of London in lineSo he built the Tower of London soon

The tower was a changing project for the kings of EnglandKing after king built upon the Tower adding walls and smaller towers around itAround the year 1240 King Henry III made the Tower of London his homeHe whitewashed the towerwidened the grounds to include a churchand added a great hall and other buildingsThe Normans called the tower “La Tour BlancheWhite tower

As time went bythe addition of other smaller towersextra buildingswalls and walkwaysbecame the splendid example of castlefortressprisonpalace and finally museum that we enjoy today


1The underlined word“throne”probably means“

A.the position of being a kingB.the position of being a soldier

C.the right to use the powerD.the right to lead the army

2The Tower of London has a history of about

A.600 yearsB.700 yearsC.800 yearsD.1000 years

3Why did William fight against England according to the passage

A.King Edward didn’t keep his promiseB.William hated the people of London

C.King Edward died in EnglandD.William had the strongest army

4Who built the Tower of London first

A.Kind EdwardB.WilliamC.Harold GodwinsonD.King henry III

5What can we infer from the passage about the Tower of London

A.It has heen made bigger over the centuriesB.It is the biggest prison in the world

C.It is the tallest Building in the worldD.It is in the north of London


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

【题目】This is my beautiful school _______ is near the famous library.



科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

【题目】 "In this life, what did you miss?" The wife asked the husband when she was 25. Despondently(沮丧地), the husband replied, "I missed a new job chance."

When she was 35, the husband angrily told her that he had just missed the bus.

At 45, the husband sadly said, "I missed the opportunity seeing my close relative before his last breath."

At 55, the husband said disappointingly. "I missed a good chance to retire,"

At 65, the husband hurriedly replied, "I missed visiting my dentist."

At 75, the wife did not ask the husband anymore, the husband was kneeling in front of the very sick wife. Remembering the question the wife used to ask him, this time he asked the wife the same question. The wife, with a smile and peaceful look, replied, "In this life, I did not miss having you!"

The husband was full of tears. He always thought that they could be together forever. He was always busy with work and other things. So much so he had never been thoughtful to his wife. The husband hugged the wife tightly and said, "Over 50 years, how I had allowed myself to miss your deep love for me."


1Every time the wife asked the husband what he missed in his lifethe husband never thought of________.

A.his jobB.his retirementC.his relativeD.his wife

2From the passage, we know the wife was ________.

A.caring and happyB.nervous and serious

C.loving and patientD.outgoing and careless

3What did the husband realize at last?

A.His wife was too tired.B.His wife loved him very much.

C.His wife would die soon.D.He should ask his wife the same question.

4Which of the following is true according to the passage?

A.The husband didn't love his wife at all.

B.The husband's close relative died when he was 45.

C.The husband was always busy with his work and other things.

D.When people are gonetheir loved ones usually have nothing to feel sorry about.

5What does the writer want to tell us in the passage?

A.Doing many things for our family.

B.Treating every day as the best day of life.

C.Letting our loved ones know about our care and love.

D.Asking our family the question what they missed in their life.


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

【题目】— Can you tell us about our new teacher?

— Oh, I’m sorry. I know________ about him because I haven’t seen him before.



科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

【题目】—Bad luck! I lost my purse with my ID card and Union Pay card in it.


A.That’s too bad.B.Sounds great.C.What a mess!D.Never mind!


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:


1What does the man like best?

A.Pop music.B.Jazz.C.Painting.

2How often does the woman listen to the radio?

A.Often.B.Sometimes.C.Hardly ever.

3What kind of advice does the man give to the woman?

A.To practice more.B.To take some art lessons.C.To visit lots of art museums.


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:


A: Morning, Bill. You don’t look well.1?

B: Well, I have got a cold. But it’s not serious. Hey, Tim, did you see the movie last night?

A: No, I didn’t.2?

B: The Wandering Earth. It was so exciting. So, what were you doing at that time?

A:3. I’m not good at English, you know.

B: But English is not very hard to learn.4.

A: Thank you for your advice.5?

B: It’s nearly 7:40. Hurry up, or we’ll be late for school.


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:


We are happy to introduce our new show, On Broadway. This will be a night of the most entertaining, and thrilling Broadway Shows set on stage. We would like to honor some of these world class acts in our brilliant show. You will experience dramatic tangos (探戈), elegant waltzes (华尔兹), and much more. This show will attract you with its creative dancing, exciting music, and beautiful costumes.

Date: February 20—April 4, 4—6 p.m.

Admission: $20 presale/$25 on the door

Our unique and fun summer camp includes dancing, fitness, games and other activities. While having a good time, campers can improve their body coordination (协调), balance, posture (仪态), and physical condition. For the last day, we have planned a performance for family and friends to show everything we have learned during the camp.

Date: Monday July 9—Friday July 13, 9 a.m.—12:30 p.m.

Children Ages 5&Up

I am excited to invite you to attend the North Carolina Open, Charlotte’s first NDCA recognized dance competition. Located in the beautiful Ballantyne Resort, this is an event you won’t forget. Take part in an evening of dancing, then relax in the spa or get away for a round of golf. Enjoy a full day of dancing with world—class judges and scholarship (奖学金) opportunities.

Date: September 21

Admission: $30

Dance Center USA is turning 7 years old, so come and celebrate with us! Wine bar, starters, great music, and special performances by Dance Center students and professionals will be waiting for you. Also, an award ceremony will be held to recognize the outstanding achievement of our students in the past year.

Date: Friday April 29, 8—10 p.m.

Party Admission: $15


1How much do you have to pay for two tickets to On Broadway if you book in advance?


2How does the summer camp help the children?

A.It helps build up their bodies.B.It makes them to learn from famous dancers.

C.They get useful camping skills.D.They learn how to get on with their parents.

3Those who are invited to attend the North Carolina Open will ________.

A.be able to compete as dancers.B.enjoy a free spa with friends.

C.learn some golf skills.D.have a dinner with professionals.

4Who will be awarded at the celebration party in Dance Center USA?

A.Outstanding professionals.B.Excellent students.

C.Welcomed visitors.D.Special performers

5Which event is available in April at a good price?

A.On Broadway.B.Summer Camp.

C.North Carolina Open.D.The Celebration Party.

