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 请画出你的家谱,并以“My Family”为题介绍你的家庭成员,不少于50个词。

My Family Tree

My Family

Please come and meet my family.


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

 An Ordinary Man with a Great Contribution

  In a poor village, a young man with glasses is giving a class to his students. He is Xu Benyu. He has been teaching in this poor village in Guizhou for nearly two years. In 2004, he gave a talk in his university. He said the life there was very hard and he felt lonely. But he went back to the poor village again.

  Xu comes from a poor family in Shandong. When he was a college student, he didn't even have a coat to keep him from the cold. The mother of one of his roommates gave him a coat. This was the first time that he had felt kindness from others. He thought he must help others who need help because someone helped him when he needed help.

  When he was in the fourth grade at the university, he came to a poor village. He told the children there much about the outside world. When he left, every child cried. One of them asked, "Dear brother, will you come back to us?" He cried and nodded. He didn't tell them he was working hard to become a postgraduate(研究生).When he got high marks(分数)in the postgraduate exam,he thought of the children. He couldn't sleep for many nights. At last,he decided to go back to the village to teach. When he told his father about this,his father cried and said, "We agree with you. Just follow your dream.”

  Then Xu went back to the poor village again. He wanted to open his students' mind to the outside world and give them a good start in life. He also gave some of his money to help his poor students. He hoped that more people could help the poor children, and more people would teach in the poor places.


1)    Xu Benyu c         from a poor family.

2)    His life in the poor v        was very hard.

3)    He felt 1        there.

4)    He didn't tell the children he was working hard to become a p        .

5)    He wanted to open his students' m        to the outside world and give them a good start in life.


(   ) 1) Xu Benyu has been teaching in this poor village in Guangzhou for two years.

(   ) 2) Xu Benyu comes from a poor family. When he was a college student, he didn't

get help from others. 

(   ) 3) When he left the school in the poor village, every child cried. 

(   ) 4) His parents agreed to let him go to the poor village school.

(   ) 5) Xu went back to the poor village again in order to open his students' mind to the outside world and give them a good start in life.


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

 A man was selling medicine at a market. At first he sold medicine for colds for just a dollar one bottle. Many people wanted to buy it and the man's young assistant moved quickly through the crowd collecting(收集) money and giving out medicine.

  Then,when there were more and more people,the man,holding up(举起) a bottle of medicine, said, "And now,ladies and gentlemen, I am not going to charge you $ 100 a bottle for this medicine. I am not going to charge you $50 a bottle, either. Now,ladies and gentlemen!I am going to charge you just $ 10, and you can live forever after taking this medicine.”

  Most of the people did not believe this.

  One person shouted, "If it can make people live forever, why don't you drink it yourself?" Then another man cried, " Yes, you look as if you are at least sixty years old." "Thank you,sir," the man answered. "I am so glad you said that. My real(真正的) age is 329.”

The people laughed at this but there were still some people who wanted to buy the medicine. One of them spoke to the man's assistant as she passed by, "Is that true?" he asked. "Is he 329?" "Don't ask me," the assistant said. "I have only worked for him for 150 years." 

(   ) 1. The man sold        at first.

     A. medicine for colds    B. bottles

    C. shoes    D. food

(   ) 2. The people didn't believe his medicine could make people live forever because

     A.     the medicine was too cheap

    B.     the medicine was too expensive

    C.     he looked quite old himself

    D.     he didn't look honest(诚实的)

(   ) 3. The word "charge" means "        ”in Chinese.

A.变化    B.付钱    C.还债    D.收费

(   ) 4. The man wanted people to give him    for a bottle of the medicine that

could make them live forever.

     A. one dollar      B. twenty-five dollars

    C. ten dollars    D. fifty dollars

(   ) 5. We can learn that        .

    A.     the medicine that could make people live forever is very useful

    B.     the two people selling medicine aren't honest

    C.     the cheaper the medicine is,the more people will buy

    D.     the two people selling medicine are very honest


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

A: Excuse me. Where is the Children’s Bookshop?

B : Walk along this street,turn left at the first crossing. You can see a park on the right. Then walk on until (直到) you get to the traffic lights (交通灯) . Turn left again. There is a hospital on the right side of the street and a school on the left. Keep walking then turn left and you are in another street. The Children’s Bookshop is on the right. There is a fruit shop next to it.

A: Thank you very much.

(   ) 1. Take the first crossing on the         .

A. right    B. left    C. middle    D. back

(   ) 2. You can see         on the right.

A. a park    B. traffic lights    C. a school    D. a street

(   ) 3. You can see a hospital         .

A. on the right    B. on the left    C. next to    D. behind

(   ) 4. First,walk on,then turn         .  Second,walk on,then turn         .  At

last,keep walking,then turn         .

A. right,right,right    B. left,left,left

C. right,left,left    D. left,right,right

(   ) 5. The Children’s Bookshop is next to         .

A. a park    B. a fruit shop

C. a school    D. a bookshop


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

Li Jun: Excuse me,An Dong. Is this your bag?

An Dong: No,it isn’t. My bag is here. You can ask that girl. I think it’s hers.

Li Jun: OK.

Li Jun: Excuse me. Is this your bag?

Sun Fang: Oh,yes.

Li Jun: Here you are.

Sun Fang : Thank you very much.

Li Jun: That’s all right. Oh,what’s your name,please?

Sun Fang: My name is Sun Fang.

Li Jun: Are you in Class Two?

Sun Fang: No. I’m in Class Eight. And what’s your name?

Li Jun: Ah,it’s a secret (秘密) . Goodbye.

Sun Fang : Er—Bye.

(   ) 1. This dialogue happens        .

A. in a car    B. in An Dong’s  home

    C. at school    D. at home

(   ) 2. That bag is        .

A. the boy’s    B. Sun Fang’s    C. An Dong’s    D. Li Jun’s

(   ) 3. Sun Fang is        .

A. a girl    B. a boy    C. a man    D. a woman

(   ) 4. Sun Fang        in  Class  Two.

A. and Li Jun are    B. and An Dong are

    C. is    D. is not

(   ) 5. Sun Fang        .

    A. wants to know     the boy’s name    B. knows the boy’s name

    C. is the boy’s classmate    D. gets angry (生气了)


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

This is a picture of Li Lei’s bedroom. It has a door and a window. A football is under the bed. There are some trousers (裤子) on the bed. You can see a chair and a desk in the room,too. On the desk there are some books and flowers. He puts his English books in his backpack. The backpack is behind the chair.


1) U       Li Lei’s bed there is a football.

2) Li Lei’s trousers are on his b       .

3) 1 think there are two m        on  the  wall  in  the  room.

4) Li Lei’s books a       on his desk.

5) Behind the chair there is a b       .


(   ) 6) There is a        under  the  bed.

A. door    B. window    C. football    D. chair

(   ) 7) There are        on  the desk.

    A. some trousers    B. some books

    C. football    D. English books

(   ) 8) You can’t see        in  the  room.

    A. trousers    B. books

    C. a football    D. birds

(   ) 9)        puts  the  English  books  in  his  backpack.

     A. Li Lei    B. Li Lei’s mother

    C. Li Lei’s father    D. Li Lei’s friend

(   ) 10)        are  on  the bed.

    A. The flowers    B. The trousers

    C. The books    D. The maps


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

Here are the twins,Jim and Jack. They are in No. 1 Middle School. They are new in Mr Hu’s class. They’re American. They are twelve. Their parents are Mr and Mrs Green. They are teachers. They work in No. 3 Middle School. They live(居住) near a river. This is the twins’ bedroom. It’s a nice room. The two beds look the same. A desk and two chairs are in the room. They have a new computer on the desk. Their coats are on the beds. We can’t see their shoes. They are under their beds.

The twins have two schoolbags. They are behind the chairs. What are in the schoolbags? We can’t see. I think there are some books and two pencil-boxes.

(   ) 1. Who’s the twins’ teacher?

A. Mr Hu    B. Jim.    C. Jack.    D. Their     parents.

(   ) 2. How many people are there in the family?

A. One.    B. Three.    C. Five.    D. Four.

(   ) 3. Are their coats on the beds or under  the  beds?

A. On the beds.    B. Under the beds.

    C. Neither.    D. Both.

(   ) 4. Where are their schoolbags?

A. On the chairs.    B. Behind the chairs.

    C. Near the chairs.    D. Under the chairs.

(   ) 5. Are Jim and Jack in the same class?

A. Yes,they are.    B. No,they aren’t.

    C. They aren’t at  school.    D. We don’t know.


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

Jack: Oh,my pen isn’t in my pencil case. 1     ?

Ann : Is this your pen,Jack ?

Jack: No,it isn’t. 2      is black. I think it’s Jim’s.

Ann:  Hello,Jim? 3     

Jim:  Thank you. But I have a  blue pen in  my pencil  case.  Whose(谁的) is it?

Jack: It’s my pen. 4      puts it in your pencil case?

Jim:  5     ,I don’t know.

Jack :  6     ,what are those?

Ann: They’re birds,I think.

Jim:  Are  they 7      the tree?

Ann:  No,they 8     . They’re  in the box.  There are  four birds in  9    .

Jack:  A man is under the tree.  Maybe (可能) they’re  10  birds.

(   ) 1. A. What is this    B. Where  is  it

    C. Do you know    D. Which  one

(   ) 2. A. My    B. My  pencil case    C. My pencil    D. It

(   ) 3. A. Here is it    B. Here you are

    C. Here’s your pen    D. Give you the pencil case

(   ) 4. A. Who    B. Who,s    C. Where    D. Whose

(   ) 5. A.  Sorry    B. Excuse me    C. Hello    D. Hi

(   ) 6. A.  Know    B. See    C. Look    D. Look at

(   ) 7. A.  next to    B. on    C. between    D. in

(   ) 8. A.  aren't    B. can’t    C. don’t    D. isn’t

(   ) 9. A.  one    B. the one    C. tree    D. it

(   ) 10. A. their    B. her    C. its    D. his


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

 At s 1     ,I like English,history and music. I don’t 1 2      math. It’s difficult. I like basketball and soccer. I d 3      like volleyball. It’s not interesting. I don’t like tennis but I like table t 4      . A 5      home,I like watching TV and p 6      computer g 7      . I don’t like doing housework(家务活) . I like hamburgers,fruit and chicken for m 8      breakfast. I like rice,vegetables and fish for 1 9      .1 like noodles and chicken for s 10      .

1.          2.          3.      4.       5.         

6.          7.          8.      9.       10.         

