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Though the ride was long and tough£¬they went all the way in high spiritsËäÈ»³µ³ÌÂþ³¤£¬Â·Í¾¼èÐÁ£¬µ«ÊÇËûÃÇһ·ÉϾ«Éñ¸ß°º
They were proud of what they had doneËûÃÇΪ×Ô¼ºËù×öµÄÊÂÇé¸Ðµ½×ÔºÀ£®
what they had done±öÓï´Ó¾ä£¬×÷ΪofµÄ±öÓ
½â´ð A Charity Bicycle Trip
Not long ago£¬eight young people from Yangzhou made a charity bicycle trip along the Grand Canal£®
The purpose of their trip was to raise money for Project Hope£®The Project Hope will build a school to help the poor students go back to school£®£¨Ä¿µÄ£©They left Yangzhou on May 20 and arrived in Beijing on June 5£®£¨Ê±¼ä£©Though the ride was long and tough£¬they went all the way in high spirits¡¾¸ß·Ö¾äÐÍÒ»¡¿£®With the help of the people£¬they raised more than 50£¬000 yuan£®They gave all the money away to Project Hope£¨¼ò¿ö£©After the long trip£¬they were tired£¬but they were happy£®They were proud of what they had done£®¡¾¸ß·Ö¾äÐͶþ¡¿
It is an unusual experience that they will never forget£®I was moved by them and I think I will take part in this kind of charity activities£®£¨ÆäËü£©
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A£® | No£¬I don't£® | B£® | That sounds interesting£® | ||
C£® | OK!It's boring£® | D£® | Yes£¬I don't£® |
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International English Summer Camp Volunteer Wanted We organize international English summer camp every year£¬and we hope the campers£¨Â¶ÓªÕߣ© could learn to live together£®This summer we are going to camp in Mount Wuyi£®We need several volunteers to help take care of the campers£®The following is some information about it£® •Activities£ºlive together£¬study English£¬and travel •Campers£ºstudents from different countries •Time£ºJuly 26¡«August 9 •The volunteer should be£ºover 14£» with a good knowledge of English£» outgoing£» working well with children between 7¡«12 If you are interested in this job£¬please email to info@eiluk£®org£®You'd better introduce yourself and tell us why you are interested in this job and what you can do for it£® |
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46£®A£®on | B£®in | C£®from |
47£®A£®before | B£®until | C£®though |
48£®A£®gave up | B£®looked up | C£®picked up |
49£®A£®someone | B£®anyone | C£®none |
50£®A£®or | B£®but | C£®and |
51£®A£®his | B£®her | C£®my |
52£®A£®Quickly | B£®Luckily | C£®However |
53£®A£®waiting | B£®wait | C£®waited |
54£®A£®box | B£®raincoat | C£®phone |
55£®A£®blue | B£®red | C£®green£® |
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