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Every day cars kill or hurt many people in the roads. Sometimes the drivers drive too fast or do not drive carefully enough. Some of them _________ the traffic rules and cause accidents.

According to some researches, it is usually the pedestrians(行人)who cause the accidents. A lot of road users are very _________. They walk or run across the roads _________the cars. They walk in the roads but not on the walkways. They get into or out of cars in the middle of the road. Some do not take the trouble to _________ the green lights and simply cross the roads against the red lights.

Many people think accidents often happen in_________ roads in large cities, but this is not always true._________, Tokyo is one of the world's largest cities and probably one of the busiest cities, however, there are_________accidents to pedestrians. The reason is that the police there are very _________and the pedestrians are very careful. Pedestrians never cross against a red light and they _________ follow traffic rules.

Do you know alcohol(酒精)is another main cause of traffic accidents? It delays(拖延)people's response. Those who have drunk alcohol are____________in making decisions. They need a few more seconds to react(反应). Alcohol drinking is especially dangerous for motor car drivers. It is not only drivers who may have accidents after drinking. Drunken pedestrians may put their lives in danger as well.

1.A.make B.break C.follow D.remember

2.A.tired B.cheerful C.careless D.frightened

3.A.at the end of B.in the center of C.on top of D.in front of

4.A.care for B.wait for C.search for D.look for

5.A.busy B.wide C.clean D.new

6.A.In fact B.By the way C.For example D.In other words

7.A.very few B.so many C.only some D.plenty of

8.A.kind B.polite C.patient D.strict

9.A.even B.never C.hardly D.always

10.A.slow B.active C.excited D.lazy


科目:初中英语 来源:2020年北京市通州区中考一模英语试卷 题型:回答问题

Germs are very small living things. They are so small that we cannot see them unless we use a microscope. They are found in all kinds of places, all over the world. There are four main types of germs that they can invade (侵入) plants, animals and people, and sometimes they can make us sick.

Bacteria (细菌) live just about everywhere on earth. Not all bacteria are bad. Some of them are good for our bodies. They help us keep things in balance. Good bacteria live in our bodies and help us use the nutrients in the food we eat and make waste from what's left over. We couldn't make the most of a healthy meal without these important helper germs! On the other hand, there are several types of bad bacteria, including those that cause sore throats.

Viruses (病毒) need a host to keep living. They need to be inside a place of a living plant or animal, including humans, or even inside a bacterium! Whatever a virus lives in is called its host. Once a virus finds the perfect host, the goal is to reproduce and spread. Viruses are pretty tricky because they can change quickly to fit a new environment. When viruses get inside people's bodies, they can spread and make people sick.

Fungi (真菌) are kind of like plants. Unlike other plants, fungi cannot make their own food from soil, water, and air. Fungi love warm and wet places. Most fungi are harmless. The kind that can grow on your skin can be treated. It probably won't hurt you. But it really makes you uncomfortable!

Protozoa (原生动物) are extremely small. Most of them live in water. Some protozoa actually eat bacteria and they are good because they also eat the waste of other small living things. Some protozoa are bad, and they live off of other living things, sometimes humans. For example, if a person drinks unclean water, protozoa may cause health problems.

1.Are germs small?


2.How many germs are mentioned in the passage?


3.Why can viruses change quickly?


4.Where do fungi love to stay?


5.What does the passage mainly talk about?



科目:初中英语 来源:2020年北京市石景山区中考一模英语试卷 题型:阅读单选

The Stressed-out Generation

Each generation has its own set of values and characters, but one thing common to all generations is that they are suffering (遭受) from stress. In a recent survey by the American Psychological Association (APA), all age groups now report higher levels of stress than in the past. However, survey results show that stress levels for Millennials (born roughly between 1981 and 2004) are clearly above average (均值). So, what’s worrying the Millennials?

Millennials are the first generation to grow up with computers in the home and the classroom. They are receiving information from everywhere all the time because of the rise of modern technology and social media. Over time, this information overload can become too much to handle and can result in continual stress, which in turn can cause serious physical and emotional problems. Another cause, according to writer Michael D. Hais, is that many Millennials have lived easy lives because of overprotective parents. These young adults are short of problem-solving skills and may have trouble dealing with fear of failure once they leave home.

However, the survey results may be a bit misleading as they don’t take into account public attitudes toward stress and mental illness. Ronald Kessler of Harvard Medical School, points out that changes in social attitudes have helped lessen the shame related to mental illness over the years. For example, the creation of health-related television programming and specialty magazines such as Psychology Today has drawn people’s attention to mental health problems. It’s possible that younger people now are more willing to admit (承认) to being stressed than in the past.

Despite the high levels of stress reported by Millennials in the APA survey, there is reason for happiness. Many happiness and well-being surveys show that happiness generally increases as people grow older. As Millennials get more life experience and develop better problem-solving skills over time, they should become better at dealing with stress.

Moreover, with deeper understanding of mental health issues today, the shame related to seeing a psychologist (心理医生) has lessened. This means that people are more likely to look

for professional help to lower their stress levels. There are now many kinds of stress management skills such as exercise and meditation (冥想). Millennials must develop these skills to deal with stress in order to be productive members of their community. Once they do, they will be able to look back with satisfaction on the world they helped create.

1.What does the survey by APA show? ( )

A.Millennials are more stressed than most generations.

B.Millennials are worried about their own characters.

C.It’s normal for many Millennials to feel stressed.

D.Stress levels differ because of different values.

2.What is Paragraph 2 mainly about? ( )

A.The problems caused by Millennials’ overprotective parents.

B.The results of receiving a great amount of information.

C.The ways Millennials deal with modern technology.

D.The causes of Millennials suffering more stress.

3.According to the passage, what are people like today compared to the past? ( )

A.They are more likely to become psychologists.

B.They are more talented in using modern technology.

C.They are more willing to look for professional help with stress.

D.They are more independent and have good problem-solving skills.

4.What is the writer’s main purpose in writing this passage? ( )

A.To draw parents’ attention to Millennials’ emotional problems.

B.To remind us of the importance of getting more life experience.

C.To offer some right ways of developing problem-solving skills.

D.To encourage Millennials to deal with stress in proper ways.


科目:初中英语 来源:2020年天津市毕业生学业考试模拟(一模)英语试卷 题型:材料作文

假如你是光明中学的李霞, 你有一个好朋友叫韩彤, 她的弟弟叫韩林, 今年他12岁。你有写英文日记的好习惯。请根据以下汉语提示写一篇英文日记, 并表达自己的看法。上周日上午你去韩彤家帮她学习英语, 恰巧她的父母不在家, 只有韩彤和她的奶奶、弟弟在家, 到她家时, 你发现:

1. 奶奶感到身体不适, 看起来很痛苦, 躺在床上, 而她弟弟韩林却在开心玩着电脑游戏

2. 韩彤询问奶奶病情、测体温, 给父母打电话, 并向网上医生求助;

3. 奶奶在韩彤帮助下服用合适的药物之后, 身体状况好转;

4. 你认为:……(至少两点)


痛苦的 painful 网上医生 online doctor 中华传统美德 traditional Chinese virtues



(2)日记格式和开头已给出, 不计入总数

(3)要点齐全, 行文连贯, 可适当发挥


In the morning, I went to Han Tong's home to help her with her English. When I got there, I found________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________


科目:初中英语 来源:2020年天津市毕业生学业考试模拟(一模)英语试卷 题型:完成句子


There are six buildings in our school: a library, an office building, a teaching building, a_________ __________, a sports hall and a science building.


科目:初中英语 来源:2020年天津市毕业生学业考试模拟(一模)英语试卷 题型:单选题

Ken was_________ late for school. The bell rang right after he entered the classroom.

A. still B. always C. already D. almost


科目:初中英语 来源:2020年天津市毕业生学业考试模拟(一模)英语试卷 题型:单选题

He’s hit his head and his leg hurts, I think he ___________ his leg.

A.breaks B.broke C.has broken D.is broken


科目:初中英语 来源:2020年北京市燕山区中考一模英语试卷 题型:单选题

I often ________ dishes after supper in summer and winter vacation.

A.wash B.washed C.am washing D.have washed


科目:初中英语 来源:湖南省长沙市集团2019-2020学年七年级下学期期中英语试卷 题型:单选题

— Where is Jimmy? I can’t find him.

— He _______ soccer on the playground with other students.

A.play B.plays C.is playing

