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(   ) 2. —Who's the man over there? Is it Mr. Black?

―It       be him. He's much taller.

   A. may not   B. can't

   C.  will not   D. mustn't


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:


The customer thought the        were not                       


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

Some etiquette(礼仪) in modern life Do you often use a cellphone? Do you take the subway to school every day? These items make our modern life easier. But do you know how we should be?have properly while using them? The following sugges?tions might be helpful. For cellphone users

? Keep your voice down when you make a phone call in public.

Shouting on the phone may make others feel uncomfortable. And you'd better not use it during an appointmentC约会) .

?Stop sending messages or playing games with your cellphone at a dinner or a party. It's a good time to communicate(交流) with your family and friends.

?Don't make or answer a call while driving. It is not only very dangerous for both you and your passen?gers but also against the law. For subway passengers

?You are supposed to wait in line while buying tickets and getting on the subway.

?You're not allowed to eat,drink or smoke on the subway train. The smell and noise may trouble others. It's our duty to keep the train clean and tidy. Besides,smoking is bad for health.

?You can't take pets on the train. As we all know,animals may spread diseases(传播疾病) and get the train dirty.

?You'd better not lie across the subway seats even if the train isn't crowded. Offering your seat to someone who needs it is regarded as good manners.


Title: Some etiquette in modern life




Cellphone users

Keep your

1.       down

in public

games at a dinner

or a party.

. Don't make or

answer 2      .

while driving.


參Wait in line . Keep the train 4.      

秦Offer your seat to someone who needs it.

.      Don't eat,drink or smoke on the train.

參 5.       on

the train.

.      Don't lie across the subway seats.


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

How quickly can you count from one to ten? Do you use ten different words to do it? Can you do it in English,or do you have to use your first language? Do you count on your fingers? Many people think that numbers and math are the same all over the world. But scientists have discovered that it is not true.

People in different parts of the world use different ways to count on their fingers. In the United States, people begin counting with their first finger,which they extend or stick out. They then extend the rest of their fingers and finally the thumb(姆指) to count to five. Then they repeat this with the other hand to get to ten. In China,people count by using different finger positions. In this way,a Chinese person can easily count to ten on only one hand.

Besides ways of finger counting, scientists have found that cultures and languages are also different when it comes to numbers. Some languages have only a few words for numbers,and others have no words for numbers. A group of scientists studied aboriginal(土著的) people in Australia. These people don't have hand movements to stand for numbers. They don't even have words for numbers. However,they are still able to understand different ideas about numbers.

In a similar study,researchers from the Massa?chusetts Institute of Technology discovered that people of the Pi r a ha tribe(部落) in northwestern Brazil don't have words for numbers such as ** one" or " three". They are not able to say "five trees" or "ten trees" but can say "some trees", "more trees"? or "many trees". Professor Edward Gibson said that most people believe that everyone knows how to count, " but here is a group that does not count. They could learn,but it's not useful in their culture, so they've never picked it up.”Although all humans are able to understand quan- tities(数量) ,not all languages have numbers and not all people use counting. Number words in a certain lan- guage are a result of people needing numbers in their daily lives. Now we know that people have different ideas about numbers and math,too. 

(   ) 1. The writer begins with the four questions in order to    

   A. make a survey   B. interest readers   C. tell a story   D. solve math problems

(   ) 2. What do we learn from the difference in fin?ger counting between the U. S. and China?

   A.People from China count much faster than people from the U. S.

   B.People from China need two hands to count from one to ten.

   C.People of different cultures may use dif?ferent ways of finger counting.

   D.People of different cultures use the same way of finger counting.

(   ) 3. Which of the following is TRUE about abo?riginal Australians?

   A.They have only a few words for numbers.

   B.They have hand movements to stand for numbers.

   C.They can only count to five on their fingers.

   D.They can understand different ideas about numbers.

(   ) 4. The study of the Piraha tribe shows that

   A.people all over the world know how to count

   B.people of the tribe have words for numbers

   C.some groups of people are not smart enough to count

   D.counting is not useful in the culture of the tribe

(   ) 5. What is the main idea of the passage?

   A.People from different cultures have dif?ferent ideas about numbers and math.

   B.Chinese people can count more easily on their fingers than Americans.

   C.In some aboriginal cultures,people don't even know how to count.

   D.Some languages don't have number words because people don't need numbers.


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

5.Children's       (safe) is the most important. We should look after them very well.


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

2.It's necessary for me       (attend) the meeting.


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

2.I know the girl who        (play) the piano well.


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

8.It's the most interesting book       I've read.


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:


What his parents said him        just      now.

