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Most people want to be happy, but few know how to find happiness. Money and success alone do not bring lasting happiness. Aristotle, a Greek thinker, said, "Happiness depends upon ourselves." In other words, we make our own happiness. Here are a few suggestions to help you be happier.
The first secret of happiness is to enjoy the simple things in life. Too often, we spend so much time thinking about the future, for example, getting into college or getting a good job -that we fail to enjoy the present. You should enjoy life's simple pleasures, such as reading a good book, listening to your favorite music, or spending time with close friends. People who have several close friends often live happier and healthier lives.
Another secret to living a happy life is to be active, and have hobbies where you forget your problems and time. Many people experience this dancing, or playing a sport, such as swimming. You can forget about your problems, and only think about the activity. Finally, many people find happiness in helping others. Studies show that people feel good when they spend their time helping others. If you want to feel happier, do good things for someone. You can help a friend with his or her studies, go shopping to buy food for an elderly person, or simply help out around the house by washing the dishes.
小题1:The best title of the passage is      .
A.Money Makes You Happy
B.The Secrets of Happiness
C.Ideas for Helping Other People to Be Happy
D.Good Friends Make You Happy
小题2:The second paragraph tells us that      .
A.the more friends you have, the happier you will be
B.we shouldn't think about our future
C.happiness is to enjoy the simple things in life
D.some people fail to live a happy life
小题3:The passage gives us       pieces of advice on happiness.
小题4: The writer thinks that      .
A.everyone knows how to live a happier life
B.it's wrong to spend time on work
C.hobbies take up too much time
D.doing good things for someone can make you happier
小题5: Which of the following is not mentioned in the passage?
A.Reading a good book.
B.Traveling to a foreign country.
C.Playing a sport.
D.Spending time with close friends.


小题2:细节题,由第二段:”The first secret of happiness is to enjoy the simple things in life.”可知,正确答案为C。
小题3:细节题,第二段的第一句:”The first secret of …”,第二段的首句” Another
secret to …”和第四句” Finally, many people find happiness …”可知,共有三条建议。故答案选C
小题4:细节题,由第三段第四,五和六句:”Finally, many people find happiness in
helping others. Studies show that people feel good when they spend their time
helping others. If you want to feel happier, do good things for someone.”可知,D符合题意。
小题5:细节题,根据第二、三段的内容:”such as reading a good book,”,“People
who have several close friends often live happier and healthier lives.” & “or playing a sport,”可知,只有B选项没有提到,故选B。

科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:补充句子

【小题1】—How long does it take you to cook these potatoes?
—It ________________(取决于) the size of them. (depend)
【小题2】—Where were you at four o’clock yesterday afternoon?
—We ____________(正在听) music at Linda’s house. (listen)
【小题3】—I wish to study chess and now I’ve got it!
—Oh, it’s wonderful! Your dream ____________(实现了) . (come)
【小题4】 —It’s important for us students to develop good habits.
—And we should also learn ________________(如何对付) the bad ones. (deal)
【小题5】—Look! I’ve chosen so many things here.
—Do you know all these should _____________(付款) in US dollars? (pay)


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:完形填空

Have you been back to the place    your ancestors lived, worked, studied and
played?  Robert Qian , a Chinese Canadian, already has. Now in China, he has found
that his family   like a tall tree with long roots.
Robert is just one young overseas Chinese who    to visit his ancestors’
homeland, as part of the In Search of Roots summer camp program. The program      by the local government of Guangdong Province. This program started in 1980, and so far has brought    overseas Chinese students to China to look for their families’ roots. The young people are usually between 16 and 25 years old. Most, like Robert, can hardly   any Chinese and have never been to China before.
The students mainly visit parts of Guangdong Province in southern China. During the     camp, they study Chinese culture, see changes that have happened in that area, and visit interesting sights. Going to their ancestors’ village is often        part of the trip.The students feel that they are part of the village, and    village life. They drink from the village well, go for walks    the countryside, and watch the villagers do their daily activities.
Cathy Qian, a young American student, had this to say, “    In Search of Roots, I am beginning to understand my Chinese roots and who I am. It has been a great trip, and I have     memories of China to take with me .”
The program leaders believe      in the program and say that the purpose of it is to give young overseas Chinese the chance to learn more about  . “I’ve really enjoyed the trip so far,” says Robert.“This has been a big step for me, and I’m looking forward to   more about my roots during my time here.
A.has comeB.have comeC.will comeD.are coming
A.can be organizedB.is organizingC.organizesD.is organized
A.thousandsB.thousands of C.thousandD.thousand of
A.two-weekB.two weeksC.two-weeks D.two week
A.the most surprisingB.the most boringC.more excitingD.the most exciting
A.Thanks for B.Thanks toC.ThanksD.Thanks a lot
A.much tooB.too muchC.too manyD.so much
A.finding out B.find outC.helping outD.help out


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

Mr. Smith is one of my friends. He can run very fast and he is always ready to show(显示) how fast he can run.
One day a thief(小偷) breaks into(闯入)his house,takes some things of his and runs off as fast as he can. Mr. Smith runs after him and shouts(喊):“Stop! Stop! Don't you know you can't run away from me?”
But the thief only runs faster. Mr. Smith gets angry. He tries his best to run. He is soon a few miles away from his house. He doesn't see anything or anybody and is still rushing(冲) alone(单独地) when he runs into(撞到) me.
“Why are you in such a hurry?”
“I'm trying to catch a thief.”
“But where is the thief?” I ask.
“Far, far behind me,” says Mr. Smith with a smile on his face.
“He thinks he can run faster than me,but you see he is wrong.”
小题1:Mr. Smith wants everybody to know he is good at ______.
小题2:Someone takes some of his things from his house and ______.
A.hides(藏) behind his houseB.runs away quickly
C.flies awayD.is caught(被抓住)
小题3:Mr. Smith gets angry because the thief ______.
A.stops B.runs away
C.doesn't stopD.runs into him
小题4:Mr. Smith is very glad that ________.
A.he is very tired  B.he runs very fast
C.the thief runs awayD.he runs faster than the thief
小题5:At last the thief _________.
A.runs awayB.is very tired 
C.is caughtD.is after Mr. Smith


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

It was the first day of second grade, and Sarah had been looking forward to this moment. The night before,she laid out her favorite clothes: a white coat and a bright yellow shirt.
When having breakfast, Sarah dropped some food on her shirt, so she had to change into her second-best clothes, blue jeans and a Jonas Brothers T-shirt.
After breakfast Sarah rushed to catch the school bus and when she was just reaching the door the bus driver opened it. The door hit right in Sarah’s face and blood dripped from her nose. The driver wanted to send her home, but she refused, "It is the most important day of the year! I can’t miss it!"
Before classes, Sarah went to her favorite swing(秋千). When rising high, she saw her best friend little Jack. She let go of the swing and waved to him with one hand. Unfortunately, she flew out of the swing and landed hard on the sand, breaking a leg and an arm. As she lay in the sand, she noticed a shiny thing on the ground beside her. With her good hand she took it.
When Sarah’ mother rushed into the ward she was surprised by what she saw: her girl was lying in bed with an arm and a leg in the splint (夹板), a broken nose, and blood stains on her second-best clothes. Expecting to see her child crying, she was confused when she saw a big, bright smile on Sarah’s face. 
"Sarah, look at you!" her mother cried. "You were hurt so badly and why are you smiling?"                "Look, Mommy, I found a diamond!" Sarah laughed. 
Life can be like that. It can be tough, even painful sometimes. But there are always treasures that make the pain worth suffering.
小题1:When Sarah went to school, she was wearing ________________.
A.a white coat and a Jonas Brothers T-shirt
B.blue jeans and a yellow shirt
C.a white coat and a yellow shirt
D.blue jeans and a Jonas Brothers T-shirt
小题2:Sarah fell off the swing because _____________.
A.she seldom played swing
B.she rose too high
C.she waved one hand to her friend
D.she was pulled down by her friend
小题3:When Sarah’s mother saw her in the ward she felt _______________.
小题4:Which of the following can be used to describe Sarah’s story?
A.Every cloud has a silver lining.(衬里)
B.Nothing is impossible to a willing mind.
C.First think, then act.
D.No pains, no gains.


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

As a boy, Tim Green had two dreams: becoming a football player and becoming a writer. Both of the dreams have come true.
After studying at Syracuse University, Tim began to play football in the NFL (国家橄榄球联盟). He was a great player in the NFL for eight years.
While Tim played in the NFL, he began writing. His first book came out before he stopped playing football.
After writing many books for adults, Tim began writing books for young readers. Many stories in his books happened in a world of sports. Tim got the inspiration (灵感) for writing from his own experiences as a football player. At the same time, Tim visited over 700 schools and talked to more than 400,000 students across the United States about the importance of education and the joys of reading!
Tim is also a TV broadcaster (节目主持人). His TV shows include FOX NFL Sunday, Battlebots, Good Morning America, Court TV, and most recently, Find My Family.
Do you like sports? Do you love reading? If your answer is “Yes”, you can try Tim Green’s books.
小题1:What were Tim Green’s dreams when he was young?
小题2: How long did Tim Green play in the NFL?
小题3:Where did Tim Green’s inspiration for writing come from?
小题4:What did Tim Green talk about to the students when he visited the school across the US?
小题5: How many jobs of Tim Green’s does the passage talk about?


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

One day a young girl was driving with her father and it started to rain. “What should I do?” the girl asked. “Keep driving,” her father said. Cars began to pull over (靠 …. 停车) to the side of the road. “What should I do?” the young girl asked. “小题1:____” her father said. “But don’t stop.”
A few feet up the road, she noticed that even more drivers were also pulling over. “小题2:_____Everyone else is pulling over!” she told her father. “Don’t give up, just keep driving!” her father told her.
The rain continued, but she never stopped driving and soon she could see a little more clearly. After a few miles she was again on dry land and the sun came out.
“小题3:____” her father said.
“But why now?” the girl asked.
“When you get out, look back at all the people that gave up and are still in the rain.
小题4:  ” said her father.


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

The first day of school, our professor introduced an old lady Rose to us.
“Why are you in college at such an age?” I asked her. She replied, “I always dreamed of having a college education and now I’m getting one!” We became friends quickly.
At the end of the term I invited Rose to make a speech to our football team. I’ll never forget what she taught us. She said, “There are some secrets of staying young and being happy. You have to laugh and find humor every day. You must have a dream. When you lose your dreams, you will die. There is a huge difference between growing old and growing up. Anybody can grow older. That doesn’t need any talent or ability. To grow up, you must always find the opportunity in change. Have no regrets. The people who are afraid of death are those with regrets.”
At the end of the year, Rose finished her college. One week after graduation, Rose died peacefully in her sleep. We would always remember the great woman.
小题1:From the passage, we can learn that Rose ________.
A.went to college at an old age
B.became a professor later
C.once worked in a hospital
D.died before college graduation
小题2:At the end of the term the writer invited Rose to ________.
A.go to a partyB.play football
C.make a speechD.write a book
小题3:The underlined word “talent” in the third paragraph means “________” in Chinese.
小题4: If you want to stay young and be happy, ________, according to Rose.
A.never grow up
B.don’t be afraid of death
C.have a dream and never lose it
D.don’t find the opportunity in change
小题5:What is the best title of the passage?
A.Laughing every day
B.Never too old to learn
C.Growing old and growing up
D.How to stay young and being happy


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

Before I started school, people felt that I was not going to be successful.At the age of four I started speech lessons because I could not speak well enough for anyone to understand me.
The first grade was a struggle (挣扎).I had difficulty speaking, I also couldn’t learn to read.The second grade was not much better.I still struggled with the inability to read.In the third grade a new school was built. It was near my home. I went there with my parents and helped to get the school ready so that we could move to the new one. However, things didn’t get better for the next two years.
It was in the fifth grade.Mrs.Wakefield was my teacher, and she was a good teacher.She did not make me feel unconfident. Instead, she did her best to let me know that I could be whatever I wanted to be.And that is just what I did.
For the past 22 years, I have been a fifth grade teacher.Because of Mrs.Wakefield's influence on my life, I am now encouraging students who have had difficulties in their lives to believe that they can deal with any difficulty successfully and become someone.I have won many awards(奖项) up to now, such as Teacher of the Year.I think I should thank my fifth grade teacher. She believed in me and helped me to be all that I could be.
小题1:The writer started speech lessons at the age of four because_________.
A.he could not speak wellB.he could not read
C.he wanted to be a good teacherD.he wanted to go to a new school
小题2: The writer ______ when he was in the third grade.
A.did better in readingB.met a good teacher
C.received a high awardD.went to a new school
小题3:We can know that the writer ______.
A.has taught speech lessons
B.thinks teaching is a good job
C.is a very successful teacher now
D.works in the same school with Mrs. Wakefield

