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(   ) 3.  She takes after her mother.

   A. looks after

   B. takes care of

   C. is similar to

   D. is the same as


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:




要求:60—70词,开头和结尾已给出,不计入总词数。 Dear Emily,

I’m sorry to hear that        




科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

 One night a man came to my house. He told me, “There is a family with eight 1      . They have not eaten for days. ” After I asked him where the family was,I took some 2        with me and left.

When I finally got to that family,I 3        those little children were too hungry to say 4      .  There was no sadness in their eyes,just the deep pain of hunger. I gave the food to the mother. She took half of it,and then 5      . When she returned,I asked her, “  6       did you go?” She gave me this simple

7       “To my neighbors—they are also 8      ! ”

I was not surprised that she gave food to others,because poor people are always very kind. But I was surprised that she knew her 9        were hungry. Usually,when we are in trouble,we always 10        ourselves first,and we have no time for others.

(   ) 1.  A. children   B. workers

   C. farmers   D. cooks

(   ) 2.  A. flowers   B. wine

   C. food   D. water

(   ) 3.  A. showed   B. watched

   C. looked I) ,  found

(   ) 4.  A. a sentence   B. a word

   C. it   D. nothing

(   ) 5.  A. went out   B. came back

   C. rushed in   D. hurried back

(   ) 6.  A. When   B. Where

   C. How   D. Why

(   ) 7.  A. question   B. decision

   C. answer   D. lie

(   ) 8.  A. ill   B. unhappy

   C. tired   D. hungry

(   ) 9.  A. people   B. neighbors

   C. family   D. children

(   ) 10. A. think of   B. talk about

   C. laugh at   D. look for


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:


put off,call”, up,set up,come up with,put up,take after,cheer ...up,run out of,fix... up,give out

1. The teacher came into the classroom and       the papers as quickly as possible.

2. The man was unlucky;he       his money and lived a hard life.

3. My bike is broken. I have to       it       today.

4. I want to       a club for stamp col lectors. I need to know more persons who like collecting stamps.

5. My friend Jane       me      ,but I were not at home.

6. She       the plan with the excuse that she had too much things to do.

7. He seems very sad. Let’s       him      .

8. The little boy thought and thought. At last he       a good idea.

9. Your daughter doesn’t       you in any way. You are quiet,but she is outgoing.

10. Don’t       pictures on the wall.


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

(   ) 5. Don’t       . It’s very important.

   A. put off it   B. put it off

   C. give up it   D. look it after


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

4. This book is very       (help) to me.


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

(   ) 3.  We can’t go ahead any more;we have       the gas (汽油) .

   A. run after   B. run back

   C. run out of   D. run out


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

(   ) 10. The boss in the factory often makes the workers       more than eight hours a day.

   A. work   B. to work

   C. working   D. worked


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

1. Can your brother speak        (曰语) well?

