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something,  write, when, gift, understand, member,          
birthday,  lucky,  easy, like,  different,  secret.            
If your birthday is coming, what presents will your parents buy for you? It's not    小题1:  for Chinese parents to choose a birthday present for their children. Many American parents also have the same problem .But    小题2:   they have got American girl—an American company. It is famous for its beautiful dolls. Though there are many famous dolls in the world. American girl dolls are becoming one of the most popular birthday    小题3:   for girls.
What makes American girl dolls so popular among girls ? The    小题4:   is in her matching (相配的)hair, skin, eye color, clothing and so on. That is to say, there are    小题5:   kinds of dolls for buyers to choose and the dolls look   小题6:  their owners. The company hopes their dolls can make girls   小题7:  that it is OK to be different from others.
The company gives each American girl doll her own name and special background. They also invite writers to    小题8:  books about her. The stories in the books are mainly about different periods of American history. So    小题9:   the girls are playing with their dolls, they can get a lot of fun and they can learn    小题10:  about history, too. "


小题6:结合前后文,此句为:而且这些娃娃和他们的主人看起来很像。Look like看起来像。
小题8:结合前后文,此句为:他们也会邀请作家来写他们关于它们的书。Write写,动词。Invite sb. to do sth.邀请某人做某事。

科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:填空题

小题1: 我每天不得不早早起床赶头班车。
I have to ____________________early every day to catch the first bus.
They were ____________________in Hainan last winter.
We do some cleaning to ____________________ bad luck before Spring Festival.
小题4: 你周日经常和母亲去购物吗?
Do you often ____________________with your mother on Sundays?
Why don’t you ____________________the correct spelling next to the mistake?


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:填空题

Just _____________________, you will see the supermarket.
Could you _______________all kinds of vacations in Yichang?
I like to have friends _____________________.
In order not to offend people, _______________________is very important for us.
They’ve had a few songs ___________________, but they really hope to have a number one hit some day.


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:填空题


Electricity is of great  小题1: to our life. What would life be like without electricity? “That’s terrible!” most people would say. But it’s life in Ethiopia.
When I was in that country, the power went off  小题2:every few days. This happened not only in small towns, 小题3:even in the capital.
One day when I went to the airport, the power was  小题4:. I didn’t know which flight to take. At the same time, the Internet was of course  小题5: The weather was very hot. To my 小题6:, restaurants only served warm drinks. Time after the sunset, between 6:00 p.m. and 8:30 p.m., was  小题7:. Without any light, I stayed in my room, walking or  小题8: in bed. How boring!
I wondered what 小题9: I would get into if there was no power in America. So I had a try. At 8:30 a.m., I turned off the power. Then I 小题10: nothing but rest at home. Things were not so difficult because it was summer and the sun didn’t set until 8:00 p.m. I’ll try this again in winter, and I hope to learn what I can do without electricity.


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

A Frenchman went to a small Italian town and was staying with his wife at the best hotel there. One night, he went out for a walk alone. It was late.        . Suddenly he felt someone behind him. He turned his head and saw an Italian young man who quickly walked past him. The man was nearly out of sight when the Frenchman suddenly found that his watch was gone. He thought that it must be the Italian who had taken his watch.         because he wanted to get back the watch.
  Soon the Frenchman caught up with the Italian. Neither of them understood the other’s language. The Frenchman shook his   fist(拳头) in the Italian’s face and pointed at the watch.         . In the end he gave up his watch to the Frenchman.
When he returned to the hotel, the Frenchman told his wife what had happened. He was greatly surprised when his wife pointed to the watch on the table. Now he realized that by mistake he had robbed(抢劫) the Italian.         .
A.The Italian was afraid
B.It was the Italian’s watch
C.He decided to follow him
D.The Frenchman got excited
E. The street was dark and quiet 


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:填空题

We should____                       toour behavior at school.
1t is impolite to__      __              others.
         our         ,Tom became the winner of the singing competition.
China is                      a poor country.
                       many college students have got their driving licence.


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:填空题

Shop worker:Hello, 小题1:, madam?
Susan:I’d like to choose a T-shirt for my husband.
Shop worker:小题2:_ does your husband like?
Shop worker:How about this blue one?
Susan:It’s nice, but I’m afraid it’s too 小题3:__
Shop worker:What size does he take?
Susan:Size XXL.
Shop worker:This blue one is Size XXL.
Susan:How much is it?
Shop worker:It’s fifty –eight dollars, but there is a sale on today, everything is 小题4:,so you only need to pay twenty-nine dollars for it.
Susan:I’ll 小题5:__ it.
Shop worker: Thank you.


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:填空题

A: Hi, Mary. You were not at school yesterday.       小题1:
B: Oh, I had a headache and I had to ask for a sick leave.
A: I’m sorry to hear that.       小题2:
B: Yes,my mother took me to the hospital. The doctor looked me over and said I had caught a cold.
A:        小题3:
B: Yes,a little.The doctor told me to take medicine three times a day and drink more water.
A:       小题4:
B: Yes, much better.
A:       小题5:
B: I will. Thanks a lot.
A.   Was it serious?
B.   How are you feeling now?
C.   Take more exercise and keep healthy.
D.   Did you see the doctor?
E.   What was the matter?
F.   What did the doctor say?
G.   Are you feeling better now?


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:填空题

A: That sounds great.
B. We obey them for ourselves!
C. It taught me a good lesson.
D. There are few cars at this time on the road.
E.Believe me,I’m an excellent driver.
F. And there are no policemen around.
G. But the seat belt is for your safety.
L:Hello, Pan Wei. Is this your new car? How nice!
P:Hi, Lisa. Would you like to go for a ride with me?
P:Well, you don’t have to wear the seat belt(安全带).  小题1:.
L:I’m sure you are. You know, not all drivers are as good as you.
P: 小题2: . No one will stop us right now.
L:Oh; no, no. We don’t obey traffic rules for the police.  小题3: 
P:I agree, but I feel uncomfortable wearing a seat belt.
L:So do I, a little.  小题4: You would go flying if your car was hit while you are not wearing a seat belt.
P:小题5:I am wearing it. Do you know who invented the seat belt? The man should be remembered.
L:I don’t know. But Volvo, a famous Swedish car maker, was the first to use seat belts in 1849.

