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Having a few days off always sounds so great. Everyone needs a   1 . And so does US President.US President Barack Obama went on holiday with his family in   2  in 2011. Where did they go and did the first family enjoy   3 ? Now, Obama is trying to   4  his experience (经历) with us. Let’s listen to him.
“We travelled to Honolulu, Hawaii, in December 2011 for   5 . Of course we went there by air. We spent 17 days there. Hawaii is my hometown. We had a wonderful time there. This was one of the   6  vacations in my life.
My wife Michelle and I visited US Marines (海军) and their families in Hawaii on Christmas Day. I   7  held the eight-month-old baby of a captain in my arms.
I also spent part of Christmas Eve playing golf with my old friends from Hawaii and some White House staff.
I went to Hanauma Bay Nature Park with my   8  daughters. That’s our favourite place. We dived there,   9  set four sea turtles free.
We all had a good time. And both my daughters said that they wanted to go there for a   10 time later.”
C.HalloweenD.Thanksgiving Day
A.tooB.stillC.evenD.as well


小题1:此题考查名词,根据上文day off的提示可知每个人都需要假期,故选D。
小题2:此题考查名词,根据下文in December 2011的提示可知12月份是冬天,故选A。
小题3:此题考查固定短语enjoy oneself表示玩的开心,过的愉快,根据语境可知选择B。因为奥巴马的一家人都去旅游。
小题4:此题考查动词短语share sth with sb表示与某人分享某件事情,故选C。
小题6:此题考查固定句型结构one of+形容词的最高级+名词的复数形式,根据语境可知奥巴马认为这是他最甜蜜的一次旅行,故选A。
小题8:此题考查基数词,根据下文both my daughters可知奥巴马有两个女儿,故选B。
小题10:此题考查固定表达方法a second time表示下一次,故选C。

科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

When Mr. Jones went to a restaurant one day, he left his coat near the door. There was nothing in the pockets of the coat when he left it, so he was very surprised when he took his coat after his meal and found the pockets full of jewelry(珠宝).There was a waiter near the door, so Mr. Jones said to him, “Somebody has made a mistake. He has put some jewelry in my coat. Take it, and when he comes back, give it to him.” The waiter took it and went away. Suddenly another man came in with a coat just like Mr. Jones’s. “I’m sorry ”,said this man. “but I made a mistake. I mistook your coat and you have got mine. Please give me my coat and jewelry .”Mr. Jones answered, “I gave the jewelry to the waiter. He will give it to you.” Mr. Jones called the manager of the restaurant at once, but the manager said, “We have no waiter here. We only have waitresses.” “You gave the jewelry to a thief !” Shouted the other man. “I shall call the police!” Mr. Jones was frightened and paid the man a lot of money for the jewelry.
小题1:Who took the jewelry?
A.The waiter.B.Mr. Jones. C.The manager. D.The thief.
小题2:Which of the following is the best title for the passage?
A.We have no waiters here. B.Mr. Jones.
C.Jewelry in Mr. Jones’ coat. D.A clever waiter.
小题3:Which of the following statements is right?
A.Mr. Jones had put some jewelry in his pocket.
B.Mr. Jones was an honest man.
C.The man who came later was the thief.
D.Mr. Jones was punished by the police.
小题4:Why was Mr. Jones frightened?
A.The man wanted to beat him.B.He was afraid of the police.
C.He had no money to pay.D.He was afraid of the manager.


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

Nothing beats sitting down in front of the TV with some delicious candy or tasty French fries.
Recently, an online list of favorite snacks in China became popular. It says that peanuts (花生), walnuts (核桃) and chocolate are good for our health, but jelly (果冻), potato chips and lollipops (棒棒糖) are “bad” for us.
Kids, though, hardly care if the snacks are good or bad for their health. They love them either way. Some snacks often have special importance in a certain country or culture.
Potato chips and French fries are very popular in the US. They are cheap and tasty. People don’t need to wait for a long time to eat it. Popcorn is another common snack. People love eating it when they are watching sports games or visiting the amusement park. Most cinemas sell it to attract customers.
In the UK, kids often sit down for snacks after school. They call this “afternoon tea”. A traditional afternoon tea includes biscuits (饼干) and tea. People also have scones (烤饼) with jam and cream, which is probably the most classic English snack.
In South Korea, Choco Pie is one of the most popular snacks. It’s also a favorite of soldiers. The sweet snack makes them happy and helps them get through hard times.
However, it is not just about what you eat as a snack – it’s how much you eat and when. Chips and French fries are high in calories(卡路里) and eating too much may make you fat. Sweet snacks like candy and chocolate are high in sugar and eating a lot may give you bad teeth.
小题1:From the passage, we can know popular snacks in different countries except_______.
小题2:The Chinese meaning of the phrase “get through” in this passage is probably________.
小题3:Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage?
A.The snacks including peanuts, walnuts and jelly are bad for our health.
B.People love to eat popcorn when they are watching movies.
C.A traditional afternoon tea includes pies and tea.
D.If you want to have good teeth, you can have more candy and chocolate.
小题4:According to the passage, we need to care about ____________
A. why we eat snacks                      B. where we eat snacks
D. who we eat snacks with                   D. how much snacks we eat


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

Some birthday customs are quite similar in many parts of the world---- birthday candles(蜡烛), birthday games,and birthday cakes. But some customs are more specific to certain countries. Here are some children talking about their customs.
Linda---I am fourteen. I come from Aruba. In our country,Children take something special to school for their classmates and all teachers. Each teacher gives the birthday child a small gift like a pencil, an eraser or a postcard. The birthday child is also allowed to wear special clothes instead of the school uniform.
Lucy---I am one year older than Linda. Denmark is my country. A flag is flown outside a window to show that someone who lives in that house is having a birthday. Presents are placed around the child's bed while they are sleeping so they will see them at once when they wake up.
Tom---I am as old as Linda. I am from Brazil. The birthday child receives a pull on the earlobe(耳垂) for each year in my country. The birthday person also gives the first slice of cake to his/her most special friend or relative, usually mom or dad.
        Special customs
Each teacher receives something special from 小题1:._________ and gives him or her a small gift.
If you see 小题3:________ flying outside a window, you may know someone in that house is having a birthday
小题5:_________ of the birthday cake is usually given to Mom or Dad.


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

Visitors to London often eat in restaurants. The owners(主人) and workers in them are all from other countries. The visitors say in these restaurants they don't feel they are in England. Most of English people eat at home as much as they can. Sometimes they themselves will think they are in another country when they are in restaurants. When an Englishman goes out of a restaurant, he may find that he doesn't understand why everything is written in French and Italian.
Most of English people think it is better to eat at home, because it is cheaper. They don't want to spend much money on food and they like cooking at home. They like fast food. But for Christmas, they will spend two or three weeks getting ready for it, because they want to have good food.
小题1:Visitors to London often eat in restaurants because_________.
A.they don't like the food at home
B.their homes are not in London
C.it's cheaper
D.restaurants are beautiful places
小题2:When English people eat in restaurants, they sometimes think __________.
A.they are in another country
B.they are in the country
C.they are themselves
D.they love their country
小题3:Some of English people don't know __________.
A.why everything comes from French and Italian
B.why people write everything in French and Italian
C.everything in restaurants
D.everyone in restaurants
小题4: English people eat at home because __________.
A.it is fast
B.the food is expensive at home
C.it is very good
D.the food is very cheap at home
小题5:_________ ,English people will spend much time for Christmas.
A.In order to(为了) get more food
B.In order to have much food
C.In order to get good food
D.In order to have enough food


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

Every country has its favorite food. Italians like to eat pizza. Indians like to eat hot food. Japanese like to eat fish. Often they don’t cook it.
In England, one of the most popular kinds of food is fish and chips. People usually buy it in a fish and chip shop. They put it in paper bags, and take it home, or to their workplace. Sometimes they eat it in the park or on the road. The world’s favorite food is American fast food. If you go to some important cities in the world, you can find people eating hamburgers and chips.
Fish and chips, and Chinese take-away food are very popular in England. But they are less popular in the USA, they eat take-away food, too, like chicken. But the most popular kind of take-away food is the hamburger. It looks like bread with meat in it. Ham(火腿) is a kind of pork, but the hamburger does not have any pork in it. The beef is inside a kind of cake hamburgers. They are delicious. They are also popular in England and Australia.
小题1:Italians like to eat ___________.
A. fish                B. pizza                    C. hot food
小题2: Fish and chips are very popular in ________.
A. England          B. Australia                C. the USA
小题3: In different countries people eat ________ food.
A. different                B. the same             C. hot
小题4: The hamburger does not have any _________ in it.
A. beef                 B. pork                C. chips
小题5: Hamburger is a kind of __________.
A.meat              B. drink                    C. food


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:完形填空

People all over the world enjoy sports, because sports can help them keep  1  and live long. Some sports or games go back  2    years, like running or jumping. Chinese boxing, for example, has a very long history. But basketball and volleyball are very new. People are inventing new sports or games all the time.
Many people like to watch  3 play sports or games. They don’t play themselves. They buy tickets or   4  their TVs to watch the games. Often they get very  5  and happy when “their” player or team  6   the match.
People play different games in different seasons. Swimming is fun in warm weather,   7  skating is good in winter.
Some sports are  8 interesting that people everywhere enjoy them. For example, basketball  9  by about 100 million people in more than 200 countries. People can play it in parks, schools, or factories.   10  fun it is to watch an NBA match!
A.thousandB.thousand ofC.thousands ofD.thousands
A.anotherB.the othersC.the otherD.others
A.turn onB.turn offC.turn downD.turn to
A.thoughB.soC.but D.and
A.playsB.is playedC.is playingD.played
A.What anB.What aC.HowD.How a


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:完形填空

Two brothers worked together on a farm. One was married and had a large  51 . The other had no wife yet. Although they lived in different houses, they shared everything they got from their farm.
One day, the single brother said to himself, “It’s not  52  that we share all the rice. I’m  53  and I need less than my brother.” So, every night he took a bag of rice from his store-room and  54  across the field  55  their houses, putting it into his brother’s store-room.
At the same time, the married brother thought, “It’s not fair to share all the rice. I’m married and I have my wife and children to  56  me when I am  57 . However, my brother has no one to take care of his  58 .” So, each night he also took a bag of rice and put it into his brother’s store-room.
Several months passed by. They found  59  strange that their rice never became less. Then, one dark night the two brothers ran into each other. Slowly they began to understand what was happening. Their bags fell onto the ground and tears  60  their eyes at once.
A.look afterB.look forC.look outD.look at


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

Reader’s Digest is a monthly magazine. Before the 1980s, it belonged to a privately held company, which was started in 1922 by Lila Bell Wallace and Dewitt Wallace. This magazine is small and easy to carry, just half the size of most American magazines, which caused a phrase in 2005, “America in your pocket.” It is the best selling magazine in the USA. At present, its circulation(发行量) in the USA has reached 10 million copies and the number of the readers there is 38 million. Its global circulation outside the USA has reached 40 million people throughout more than 70 countries in 21 languages.
This magazine’s focus(焦点) is not news but more of cultural views because the editors think people now can get timely news from somewhere else. They hope this magazine can give readers something that is about special personal experiences, something the readers can share with their families. In different countries, this magazine provides a window to the world for the local readers. Some parts of the magazine are about the local customs and interests of the local readers. The other parts give the local readers information from all over the world.
This magazine actually used to be a family business until the Wallaces died in the 1980s. Because they had no children, there was no one to take over the company. Sixteen years ago, this company went public and became a public company.
小题1:How often does Reader’s Digest come out in the USA?
A.Once a year.B.Once a month.C.Once a week.D.Once a day.
小题2:What’s the number of the readers of this magazine all over the world?
A.38 million.B.40 million.C.78 million.D.108 million.
小题3:This magazine’s focus includes the following topics except _________.
A.something about the timely news
B.some special personal experiences
C.some information from all over the world
D.the local customs and interests of the local readers

