精英家教网 > 初中英语 > 题目详情

If you go into the forest with your friends, stay with them. If you don't,you may get lost. What should you do if you really get lost? You should sit down and stay where you are. You mustn't try to find your friends. Let them find you. If you want your friends to find you, you need to stay in one place. You can also shout three times. Then stop. Then shout three times again. Keep up shouting. Always three times together. When people hear you? they ill know that you need help and where you are.

If you don't think that you can get help before night comes 9 you should make a little house with some small trees and branches (树枝)or something else. And make yourself a bed with leaves and grass.

When you need some water and you have to leave
your little house to look for it, don't just walk away.
Leave small branches or something else on the way
and then you can find your way back easily.
(   ) 36. If you get lost in the forest,you should    

A.  try to find your friends

B.   stay where you are

C.  walk around the forest

D.  try to find a house

(   ) 37. What should you do if nobody helps you be?fore night?

A.  Shout loudly.

B.   Look for friends everywhere. 

C.  Go to bed.

D.  Make a house with something.

(   ) 38. When people hear the shouts, they will know that___________ •

A.  someone needs help

B.   a bear is coming 

C.  someone gets injured

D.  something terrible will happen

(   ) 39. When you want to look for some water, you
need to    

A.  cut down some trees

B.   make another house 

C.  use branches to make a bed

D.  leave branches on the way

(   ) 40. What's the best title for the passage?

A.  Travel in the Forest.

B.   Spend a Night in the Forest. 

C.  What to Do When Lost in the Forest.

D.  What to Do If We Want to Get Some Water.


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

Dear Joe,

  Last week, I received your letter and you wanted to know what the world used to be like when I was young. Now let me tell you. Life used to be very different then. When we wanted to keep in touch with our friends far away,we had to write letters. Because we didn't have cellphones or e-mails. When we traveled from town to town,we used to walk,ride horses or take a cart(马车).Later,we had buses but very few people had cars. Air travel was a luxury(奢侈品)and we used to dream of traveling on an airplane,but now people do. It's so common.

Food is another big difference. There wasn't any supermarket so we used to grow our own food. We would sell our things and buy the things we didn't have. We didn't have a fridge so we kept things cool in a special room downstairs.

  But the biggest difference is electricity (电).We didn't have any in our town!At night, we used to light candles when we wanted light and we burned coal(煤)or wood to keep warm. We didn't have televisions. In summer, we used to go swimming in the river.

  Life used to be very difficult, but we were happy at that time.

                                     Love, Grandpa


(   ) 1. When the writer was young, ______________ .

A.    cars were not common

B.     there were no horses or trains

C.    cellphones were quite common

D.    air travel was so common
(   ) 2. The writer no longer      

A.   hates carrots

B.    has to grow his own food

C.    buys food from the supermarket

D.   has a fridge

(   ) 3. As there wasn't any electricity when the writer was young, .

A.   he couldn't keep warm

B.    he went swimming

C.    he went to his friend's house to watch television

D.   he used to light candles

(   ) 4. The writer used to swim .

A.   in the city swimming pool

B.    in the ocean

C.    in the river

D.   in his own swimming pool

(   ) 5. Hie letter talks mostly about what ,

A.  the world used to be like

B.    the writer wants to do in the future

C.    the boy should do differently

D.   the boy has not done recently


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

22.   I'll be late if I take a bus.(对画线部分提问)
________ ___________ __________  if you take a bus?


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

6.   向某人道歉________________

7.   为英语考试而学习________________

8.   计划做某事________________

9.   环游世界________________ 

10.   接受教育________________


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

19.   你认为下个暑假我们应该去哪儿度假呢?

Where_________ ____________ _______ we should go for next summer vacation?


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

1. 今天的报纸介绍了许多学习英语的方法,我从中学到了许多。

There are many English learning methods in today's newspaper,so I've      a lot




科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

15.   - Why did you t     him? Because he did lots of things for us.


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:


1.  Betty always runs away from her problems and tells nobody.

I think______________________________________________



科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

4.   老师对我的答案很生气。

My teacher ___________  _________  _________    my answer.

