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     Look at the p __1__ . It's a picture o__2__ a classroom. W__3__ can you see i __4__ the
 classroom? I can see a b__5__ desk in the front of the classroom. Some books are o __6__ the desk.
 What other things can you see on the teacher's desk? I can see two white b__7__ . There is some chalk
  i __8__ them. Where a __9__ the brooms? They are b __10__ the door.
1. picture  2. of   3. What   4. in  5. black  6. on  7. boxes  8. in   9. are  10. behind

科目:初中英语 来源:2013年初中毕业升学考试(福建福州卷)英语(解析版) 题型:其他题




     When we got to the hospital, we found Dad still coughed a lot, but his smile was as sure as ever. It was another attack of pneumonia(肺炎). My husband and I stayed with him for the weekend, but we had to go back to our jobs on Monday. Local relatives would help Dad get home from the hospital and look after him. But I wanted to let him know that we also cared about him. even when we weren't with him.

     Then I remembered a family tradition when our children were small. Before leaving their grandparents' home after a visit, each child would write a love note to their grandparents. For days, their grandparents would smile as they read these notes of love.

     So when I cleaned Dad's kitchen and made the bed for him, I wrote some notes. Some were like this, "Dad, I put the food in the fridge. " Some expressed my love, "Dad, I hope you will sleep well in your new bed. " Most notes were put downstairs where he would stay for several weeks when he was ill. But I put one note upstairs under his pillow(枕头), "Dad, if yon have found this note, you must be feeling better. We are so glad!"

    "These notes helped improve his health. Several weeks later, in one of our regular phone calls, I asked Dad how he was doing. He said, "Pretty good. I just found your note under my pillow upstairs!

1.The writer's father was         and was sent to ____________.

2.The writer            to her job after she stayed with her father for the __________.

3.It was a family                for the children to write love           to their grandparents.

4.The writer did the         thing as her children to         about her father.

5.A few weeks later, when the writer heard her father's        , she knew he felt much _________.



科目:初中英语 来源:期中题 题型:阅读理解


                                                              The Soccer Twins
     Many people think that twins are exactly the same. But they're not! Ali and Ahmet arc twin brothers.
They look the same and in some ways they are the same. But in other ways they are very different. Ali
and Ahmet are both very athletic. Ali and Ahmet both like soccer. But Ali plays every clay, Ahmet plays
only on weekends. Ahmet likes watching soccer games on TV but Ali only likes lo play the game, not to
watch it. Ali and Ahmet are both outgoing and funny, but Ahmet is a little more outgoing than Ali.  
Ahmet is also a little more serious about schoolwork. Ali and Ahmet are very popular at school, and
they both have a lot of friends.
1.              plays more soccer than _______.
2.              is a little more outgoing than             .
3.               is more serious about schoolwork than            .
4. They              in some ways but they _           in other ways.
5. Ali and Ahmet both like              .


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

Everyone dreams of changing the world.But can teenagers really make a difference? And how can they go about it?

Michael Norton’s book 365 Ways to Change the World is a good starting point.The book gives an idea or a task for every single day of the year.The tasks include volunteering at a local homeless shelter(避难所)and hugging(拥抱)a tree.

    The book says that one simple act, no matter how small,call help someone in need.It may even influence other teens to do something.

    Nathan Anthony, a junior student at Enoch’s High School in Modesto,California, US agrees.”It is impossible to get anything in life without giving something to someone or making an effort at school or work, ”Anthony said.

    Another Enoch’s junior, Arianne Mote,has the same opinion.”Giving is our way of repaying those who help us,”she said。”Whether it is a helping hand or a donation(捐赠):we should help others to improve their lives.”

But how often do teens see peers helping a stranger or doing something? According to Anthony, not a lot. Mote and he both believe this needs lo change.

"Humor is also a great tool," Anthony' said. "It can help us a lot when we face some  embarrassment (尴尬) and it is a good way to solve some problems."

So whether you're helping to find a cure for cancer or simply smiling at a stranger, do something every day to help change the world for the better.  


1.The book 365 Ways to Change the World was written by                           

2.The tasks like                                   are included in the book.

3.The word"                     "means teens (teenagers) of the same age.

4.The writer wrote the book to tell teenagers               

5.Write out Anthony and Mote's opinions in two words (词语):   ______ and____________


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

“My son had always considered me a hero,” Li Guolin,a policeman,told Wuhan Evening News,“I am rather proud of that.”

True to his son's expectations,Li has become a savior(救星)for students,teachers and the earthquake victims at Beichuan Middle School.Li's 15-year-old son was trapped together with other schoolmates under the rubble(废墟)of the fallen-down school building after Monday's quake.“I asked the rescuers救援者to start from the ones who were easier to be saved than my son,” the 43-year-old Li said,holding back his tears.His call saved many lives,but his own son did not survive.

Beichuan County is one of the hardest-hit areas in the deadly quake that struck Sichuan Province.Li said he was at a meeting in his office when the quake struck on Monday.Together with seven others,Li started leaving the building.可是,他们还没来得及跑出去,大楼就倒塌了。Thanks to his survival training he learned when he was a soldier,Li protected his head and hid in the corner of a toilet.He managed to escape with only slight injuries in his head,hands and ears.Then he began to look for people who were still living,he found only three people,heavily injured.Their three-story office building was completely destroyed.At the same time his son,Liwang Ziguo,was still at school.When he finally reached his son's school,he first saw students crying on the playground.

“Liwang Ziguo! Where are you?” the father cried out.

“Dad! I am here,come and help me!” the boy answered.

At last Li found out his son's position among the broken pieces.but without rescue equipments(救援设备),Li and other rescuers could only dig at the rubble with their bare hands(徒手).Li's son lay more than lo meters deep under the rubble.At that moment,there was still hope of saving the boy's life if Li started digging.But Li had to give it up because there were some others lying under the rubble and they were much easier to reach.Liwang Ziguo's cries for help disappeared as soon came near on Tuesday.When the boy was finally dug out early Wednesday morning,he had already stopped breathing.But his heroic father had rescued more than 30 people.







3.How did Li protect himself and survive the earthquake?

4.Why could the rescuers only dig at the rubble with their bare hands?

5.What can you do to show your love for the people in Beichuan?


科目:初中英语 来源:同步题 题型:阅读理解

     Much meaning can be carried clearly with our eyes, so it is often said that eyes can speak.
     Do you have such kind of eyes? In a bus. you may look at a stranger, but not too long. And if he
finds that he is being looked at, he may feel uncomfortable. The same in daily life,  if you are looked at
for more than necessary, you will look at yourself up and down, to see if there is something wrong with
you. If nothing goes wrong, you will feel angry toward the person who is looking at you that way. Eyes
do speak, right?
     Looking too long at someone may seem to be impolite.  But sometimes things are different.  If a man
looks at a woman for more than lo seconds, it may mean that he wishes to attract her attention,  to make
her understand that he loves her.  When two people are in a conversation, the speaker will only look at
the listener from time to time, in order to make sure that the listener does pay attention to what he or she
is speaking. Lovers will enjoy looking at each other or being looked at for a long time,  to show
something that words can't express.
     Clearly, eyes contact should be done according to the relationship between two people and the place
where you stay.
1. From the passage, we can know our            can carry much meaning clearly.
2. If a         _ looks at you for too long time in a bus, you will feel uncomfortable.
3. If someone looks at you for more than necessary, you will first look at yourself to            if there is
    something wrong.
4.  It is            to look at someone too long.
5. We can use our eyes to _          some meaning but we must pay attention to the relationship between
    two people and the place where you stay.

