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1. 让我们帮助准备食品吧。

   ____________________________________ prepare the food.

2. 为什么不在河边拍张照片呢?

  _______________________ take a photo _____________ the river?  

3. 我们一到那儿就给你写信。

We _____________write to you ________________ we get there.

4. 玛丽想在下个月休假三天

Mary wants to have _________________________________ next month.

5. 他年龄够大了,足以照顾自己了。

He is old enough _____________________________________________________.

6. 诺曼白求恩是中国最著名的英雄人物之一。

Norman Bethune is one of ____________________________________in China.

7. 无论做什么,她都不放弃。

___________she does,  She never ______________________________.

1. Let’s help  prepare the food.

2. Why  not  take a photo  by  the river?  

3. We  will write to you _as  soon  as_ we get there.

4. Mary wants to have  three days off  (/ a three-day holiday)  next month.

5. He is old enough  to take care of  (/ look  after)  himself_.

6. Norman Bethune is one of _the  most  famous  heroes _in China.

7. Whatever__ she does,  She never   gives  up___.


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

Many years ago, there was a family named Franklin. They lived in Boston. There were five girls and six boys in the family. On a January day in 1706 another baby boy was born. The boy’s mother and her husband gave the boy a name-Benjamin.

Benjamin was the brightest of all the children. He could read when he was five and he could write by the time he was seven. When he was eight, he was sent to school. In school, Benjamin had been good at reading and writing but not good at math. He read all his father’s books. And whenever he had a little money, he spent it on a book. He liked books. They told him how to do something. At that time he invented the paddles (桨形工具) for swimming.

(   ) 1. The Franklins lived in               .

A. England              B. America             C. France                     D. Australia

(   ) 2. There were                children in the family.

A. five                    B. six                    C. eleven            D. twelve

(   ) 3. Benjamin was born in the                   month of the year 1706.

A. first           B. sixth                 C. seventh            D. fifth

(   ) 4. Benjamin             math  when he was in school.

A. did well in          B. did well at          C. didn’t do well in D. didn’t do well at

(   ) 5. Benjamin             much money            books.

A. spent, on           B. cost, buying              C. took, buy           D. pay, off


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

To understand why the Earth is warming up , first of all, we need to understand why it is warm. Our planet is covered with atmosphere(大气) . Sunlight passes through the atmosphere and reaches the Earth. The Sun heats up the Earth’s surface. When the heat rises into the air, it is stopped by some special gases(气体) in the atmosphere like CO2 , the heat returns to the Earth and keeps it warm.

Power stations and cars release (释放) so many greenhouse gases every day. So we can help stop global(全球) warming by using less electric things such as turning off lights when we leave a room, asking our parents to turn down the heating in our house to save energy. We can also stop global warming by finding other ways of transportation. For example, ride a bicycle or walk instead of going by car. Another way to help stop global warming is to plant and care for trees. Because trees take in CO2 , they are our best friends when fighting against global warming.

The problem of global warming cannot be solved in a day. It may take a long time to find clean energy, such as wind energy. It may take a long time to plant the trees again we are cutting down. But every little thing each person can do to save energy and our forests will help. Think about our planet. Think about ways we can help make the Earth a safe and comfortable place for the future.

(   ) 1. The underlined word “it” means _______ in the first paragraph.

     A. the heat      B. the Earth       C. the sunlight      D. the atmosphere

(   ) 2. _______ ways are mentioned to stop global warming to the second paragraph.

     A. Two        B. Three          C. Four            D. Five

(   ) 3. Which of the following is NOT true?

     A. Everybody can help save energy and our forests.

     B. The problem of global warming can not be solved.

     C. To find clean enrgy will help solve the problem of global warming.

     D. The writer wants us to pay attention to the problem of global warming.

(   ) 4. Which is the best title of this passage?

     A. Why is the Earth warming up

     B. When can we stop the Earth from warming up

     C. How can we stop the Earth getting warmer

     D. How long will it take to stop the Earth getting warmer


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

I think he is one of ___________ players in the world.

   A. good        B. better        C. best           D. the best


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

Giraffes are the tallest animals of all. They have long legs and long necks. And a mother giraffe can grow to nearly five meters tall.

Giraffe skin is blotched(皮肤上的斑 ) in patterns(样式) of browns and yellows. No two have the same pattern.

They live in parts of Africa. Their necks are long so they can reach high into trees to eat the leaves. Leaves give giraffes most of the water they need so that they do not often have to drink water. A giraffe only drinks about once a day, Giraffes' long legs mean they take big steps when they walk or run. One step can be about 5 meters long. They can run very fast, A giraffe heart is the biggest of any animal's. Although giraffes are peaceful animals, they will protect themselves from lions.

1. A mother giraffe can grow to about______ tall.

A. four meters B. five meters

C. five meters and a half D. six meters

2. Why does a giraffe only drink once a day? Because ______.

A. he can drink enough at a time B. he doesn’t need much water

C. he has a stomach like a camel does D. leaves give him the rest of water

3. What is the passage mainly about?

A. Giraffe skin pattern. B. Protection (保护) of giraffes.

C. Some facts about giraffes. D. Giraffes and lions.


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

September 10th is ___ Day in China, isn’t it?

  A. Teacher’s B. Teachers’ C. Teacher D. Teacher of


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

What are you listening to, Jane? ____ or ____?

  A. a music; a news B. music; news C. music; news D. music; a news


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

Lucy put a lot of ____ in ____ of tea.

  A. sugar; the two cup B. sugars; the two cups

  C. sugar; the two cups D. sugars; two cups


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

 — My grandpa learns English for two hours every day,      he is over 70.

                — Really? We should learn from him.

        A. because       B. although           C. since       D. as

