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New high school students in the US have more to worry about than their tests. Often, high schools are up to 10 times larger than middle schools! 1

In the past, American kids knew that high school would bring bullying( ) from older students. Young students felt lonely and down.

2Schools are creating “teams” to make students feel welcome. Teams are made up of a few students from each grade. Teachers choose team leaders to act as role models(榜样). Within a team, older, students protect and advise the younger students, who will do the same for others later. The teams stay together for all four years of school. Some teams even create their own flags! At orientation (新生训练), students get to know the members of their team. 3 During orientation, experts guide students through “trust games”. In one popular game, a student is blindfolded(蒙起眼睛的) and led by a partner through some obstacles (障碍物). In this game, students have to find out about the interests and hobbies of their teammates.

Students can go to their team members with questions, problems and even friendship. 4

A.This way, high school doesn’t seem so scary.

B.Students become small fish in a very big pond.

C.These activities help students get close to each other.

D.Orientation may go on for as long as one week.

E.Nowadays, things are improving.









根据“high schools are up to 10 times larger than middle schools”高中比初中大十倍;small fish in a very big pond表示大池塘里的一条小鱼,此处表示低年级的学生进高中会成为小人物。故选B


根据前文“In the past, American kids knew that high school would bring bullying from older students”以及后文“Schools are creating ‘teams’ to make students feel welcome”可知事情发生了变化,选择与improving有关的句子。故选E


根据前一句“At orientation, students get to know the members of their team”可知此处继续讲述和orientation有关的句子。故选D


文章结尾对文章进行总结,文章开始讲到了“In the past, American kids knew that high school would bring bullying from older students. Young students felt lonely and down”,后文讲到事情发生了变化,学校创造条件利用榜样的力量和新生训练让学生融入。选择与doesn’t seem so scary有关的句子。故选A


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

【题目】 When I was young I used to travel by air. My parents used to live in South America and I used to fly there from Europe in the holidays. An air hostess would take care of me and I never had an unpleasant experience. I am used to traveling by air and only once I ever felt terrified. After taking off, we were flying low over the city and slowly gaining height (逐步升高), when the plane suddenly turned round and flew back to the airport. While we were waiting to land, an air hostess told us to keep calm and to get off the plane quietly as soon as it had landed. Everybody was worried and we wanted to know what had happened. Later we learned that there was a very important person on the plane. The police had been told that a bomb (炸弹) had been put on the plane. After we had landed, the plane was searched thoroughly (被彻底搜查). Fortunately, nothing was found and five hours later we were able to take off again.


1The writer used to fly much when he was a boy.

2The writer’s parents used to live in South Africa.

3While they were waiting to land, an air hostess told them to be calm.

4Nine hours later they could take off again.

5There was really a bomb on the plane.


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

【题目】 Aleida Chavez, 69, is one of the thousands of Cubans who practice ancient Chinese martial arts to help them stay in shape and even maintain mental health, especially in times of hardship.

With partial lockdown of Cuba's capital Havana during the COVID-19 pandemic, Chavez practices her routines more often than ever. But instead of attending the Cuban School of Wushu and Qigong in the city's Chinatown, where she has gone for more than seven years, she practices at home.

"Chinese martial arts make me feel not only healthy but relaxed. I forget about the coronavirus and day-to-day problems for a while," Chavez said. "I am a senior citizen, but feel energetic. And I also encourage my relatives and close friends to join this exciting world." Chavez, who lives with her husband and daughter in a small apartment, has adapted (适应) her routines to the smaller quarters, since the government asked people to stay home and avoid public gatherings in order to stop the outbreak in a short time period.

According to Roberto Vargas Lee, the president of the school, with gyms and sports centers closed during the lockdown, more Cubans began to practice the Chinese martial arts. He thinks "Chinese martial arts are never forgotten. They allow people to remain in harmony with nature and take care of their bodies while strengthening their minds. "The world needs the spirit of Chinese martial arts to find balance," he added.

According to history, Chinese martial arts were introduced to Cuba following the arrival of the first Chinese emigrants (移民) in 1847, and were accepted and practiced by most of the Cubans in the early 20th century. Now, because of the outbreak of the virus, people can't take Wushu lessons and practice face to face, but they can take lessons by watching Chinese martial arts programs which will be aired on Cuban TV. Isis Betancourt, 45, a doctor and news anchor (主持人) on Cuban TV that specializes in health issues, said audiences would welcome the program. "Chinese martial arts are more than sports. They are, above all, related to a philosophy of life that has been passed down throughout history," Betancourt said.

As Cubans continue to stay at homes, these broadcasts of Chinese martial arts aim to help residents stay physically and mentally fit.

1Does Chavez practice Chinese martial arts at home or in the Cuban School of Wushu?


2What did more Cubans begin to do during the lockdown?


3When did Chinese martial arts become popular in Cuba?


4How will the Cubans take Chinese martial arts lessons?


5What's the main idea of the passage?



科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

【题目】 You know now that 5G network (网络) can give you a faster online experience. ____In fact, 5G can do much more than this.

Here are some of the major things that 5G can do.

Education. ____你需要在家上课吗? If you have 5G, you can have your classes outside your house. The class can go as smoothly as the ones you have inside your home.

Medical care. Xiaoming is at school. Suddenly he feels uncomfortable and falls down on the ground. An ambulance (救护车) comes. Doctors at the ambulance send his information to the hospital through 5G. Doctors at the hospital get the information. They can have a video call to diagnose (诊断) Xiaoming. Where there is 5G, future medical care can be like this. Also, ____When people are ill, they probably don't have to go to hospital. They can just see a doctor at home.

5G makes the Internet of things possible. ____It is a large network that connects everything to the Internet. Smart homes are part of it. For example, your toaster (吐司机) knows when you get up, it will make your breakfast. Imagine a day with 5G in the future. At 7 o'clock in the morning, your pillow gently shakes. The curtain opens it without your help. You wake up. After 7:10, smart wardrobes (衣橱) show you the weather forecast and it tells you what to wear. At 7:30, you go to school in a self-driving car. At 5 o'clock, smart fridge shows a dinner recipe for your parents to cook. At 7:30, you can enjoy a live concert. At 10, the lights turn off. ____是时候睡觉了。







科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

【题目】 假如你是李华,你身边有越来越多的同学需要佩戴近视眼镜。对此,你们班将开展"爱护眼睛"的主题班会。请你写一篇发言稿,谈谈眼睛健康的重要性,不爱护眼睛的后果,并就 关注眼睛健康、保护视力(eyesight) 提出你的建议。


(1) 80 词左右(开头已给出,不计入总词数)

(2) 可适当增加细节,以使行文连贯;

(3) 不得出现真实的人名和校名。

Dear Friends,

Please look around. Many of us are wearing glasses. We need to protect our eyes!



科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

【题目】阅读短文, 并按要求完成文后小题。

Teeth are a key part of your body. Strong, healthy teeth help you chew all kinds of foods that help you grow. They help you speak clearly. That's why it's necessary to take great care of your teeth. The following suggestions help you have healthy teeth for life.

One is to brush your teeth at least twice a day, more often if possible. You'd better brush your teeth after every meal, especially a sweet snack, which is the best way to protect against tooth disease(疾病). It's necessary to clean the front, back and top surfaces of all your teeth.

Another step you can take to protect your teeth is flossing. Floss is a thin thread(丝线)that moves between teeth to remove food that your toothbrush can't reach.

You should pay attention to what you eat. Eating foods that are high in sugar can lead to tooth disease. That's because bacteria that causes tooth disease loves sugar. You can eat fruits and vegetables instead, which are good for your body as well as your teeth.

Healthy teeth will always bring you happiness. Do you want to have white and healthy teeth? Please take care of your teeth!

1完成句子Strong, healthy teeth help you speak __________________________.

2完成句子There are ________________ suggestions on how to protect teeth.

3简略回答问题What kind of food can lead to tooth disease?



5将文中画线句子译成汉语。 ________________________________________________.


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

【题目】—Food safety is very important to us.

—So some laws must _________ to stop people from selling and eating wild animals

A.makeB.madeC.be made


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

【题目】 The last time I saw my best friend was about a year and a half ago. It was her 16th birthday, and I ______ hundreds of miles to see her. It was like a scene ______ a movie. She came into the room and I suddenly jumped out and screamed, "Happy Birthday!"

As someone who's had a lot of practice keeping a long-distance ______, I thought I'd share some tips with you.

Video chat

Talking to your friends often ______ the friendship going! It's a lot easier to pretend your best friend is there with you if you share the ______ information you would share in person. Sometimes friendship is about knowing that someone's on ______ line.

Be there for them

Here's the deal: Life happens. While you ______ won't be able to be there for your friend as much as you used to, it is worth it to ______ an hour of sleep when they need help.

Space is also OK

People need space, and that's fine. If the friendship is strong enough, going a little while without talking won't hurt.


This is a fun one and a must. It's always thethought that counts (有重要意义). It doesn't have to be a lot, but it will let them know you are ______ them.

Be ready for growth

Realize that people change and that your friends won't stay the same no matter ______ you want them to. Though your friend might start to seem more and more like a strangeperson, don't criticize (批评). You're changing too.



3A.eventB.phone callC.travelD.friendship



6A.othersB.anotherC.otherD.the other

7A.probablyB.mayC.possibleD.may be


9A.giving upB.thinking aboutC.listening toD.hearing from

10A.how soonB.how longC.how muchD.how many


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

【题目】 It was Mother's Day and I was shopping at the local supermarket with my five-year-old son, Tenyson. As we were leaving, we realized that only minutes earlier, an elderly woman had _________ the entrance and hit her head on the ground. Her _________ was with her, but there was blood everywhere and the woman was embarrassed and clearly in shock. _________, a lot of people stopped to help out.

While we were walking towards the scene (现场), Tenyson became very, worried about what had happened to the elderly couple. He said to me,“Mom, it's not much fun falling over in front of everyone.”Seeing that there was a flower stall (摊位)at the front of the supermarket, he added, "Why shouldn't we _________ the lady a flower? It will make her feel better.” I was amazed that he came up with this _________ idea. So we went over and told the flower seller what we wanted. “Just take it,” she replied. "I _________ take your money for such a wonderful action.”

Soon the medical staff _________ and operated on the injured woman. We gave the flower to the woman's husband and I told him it was _________ my son. At that moment, the old man started crying and said, "Thank you very much.” He then turned to me, "You have a _________ son. Happy Mother's Day to you.”

The man bent down and gave his wife the flower, telling her who it was from. In spite of(尽管)being badly hurt, the old lady looked up at Tenyson with _________ in her eyes and gave him a little smile.

1A.walked aroundB.passed byC.fallen over










