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1 It was snowy yesterday afternoon.

2 It is 27 November today.

3 It is about eight kilometres from his company to his home.

4 It is 10:30 p.m. Timmy is sleeping.

5 It is warm all year round in this city.

6 It is three miles to the railway station.

7 It is a quarter past nine. I have to go now.

8 It is 23 March today. It is my father's birthday.

9 Is it still raining now?

10 It is four years since I last saw him.

11 It is 29 February tomorrow. It is very special.

12 Is it a long way from Sunshine Park to Star Shopping Mall?

Rewrite the sentences below with it

1 They arrived in Hong Kong in the afternoon. 

 when they arrived in Hong Kong.

2 Garden Town is more than 230 kilometres from Water Town. 

 from Garden Town to Water Town.

3 Today is 2 January. Simon went to a concert with his parents.

today. Simon went to a concert with his


4 Autumn is very cool.

in autumn.

5 Chengdu is far from Hangzhou.

from Hangzhou to Chengdu.

6 He finished his homework at 8 p.m.

when he finished his homework.

7. Tomorrow is 16 September. He is going to attend his cousin's wedding.

tomorrow. He is going to attend his cousin's wedding.

8 They went fishing on a sunny day last month.

when they went fishing last month.

9 The temperature is only 5°C today. Put on your coat. 

 today. Put on your coat.

10 Spring is very windy.

in spring.

(B5  Rewrite the sentences below without it.

1 It is about 300 kilometres from Nanjing to Shanghai.

2 In winter,it is very cold in Shenyang.

3 It is 6P.m When I have dinner

4 It is 26 June today.

5 It will be a fine day tomorrow.

6 It is on Sunday afternoon when he often goes to Sunshine Library.

7 It is not far from the park to the post office.

8 Is it 31 December the day after tomorrow?

9 It is 39°C today. I feel very hot.

10 It was 7:30 a.m. when she got to the airport.

1. It was in the afternoon

2 .It is more than 230 kiloinetres

3 .Tl is 2 January

4. It is very cool

5. It is fat

6. It was 8 p.m.

7. It is 16 September

8 .It was a sunny day/It was sunny

9 .It is only 5°C 

10 .It is very  wiruiy 

1. Nanjing is about 300 kilometres Iiom Shanghai.

2 .Winter is very cold in ShenvMng./SlK-nyang Is very cold in winter.

3. I have dinner at 6 p.m.

4 .Today is 26 June.

5 .Tomorrow will be a fine day.

6. He often goes to Sunshine I ibrary on Sunday atternoon.

7 .The park is not far from the post office

8 .Is the day atter tomorrow 31 December?

9 .Today is 39°C. I feel very hot.

10 She got to the airport at 7:30 a.m.

题目来源:2016年译林英语初中补充习题九年级下册 > Unit1


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:


      We are all busy talking about using the Internet,but how many of us know the history of the Internet?

      Many people are 1 when they find that the Internet was set up in the 1960s. At that time,computers 2 large and expensive. Computer networks didn't work well. If one computer in the network 3 down,the whole network stopped. 4 a new network system (系统) had to be set up. It should be 5 to be used by many different computers. If part of the network was not working, 6 could be sent through another part. In this way computer network system would keep on 7all the time.

      At first the Internet was only used by the government,but in the early 1970s,universities,hospitals and banks were allowed to use it too. However,computers were still very expensive and the Internet was difficult to use. By the start of the 1990s? computers became cheaper and 8 to use. Scientists had also developed software that made “surfing”(浏览) the Internet more convenient.

      Today it is easy to get online and it is said that millions of people use the Internet every day. 9 e-mail is more and more popular among students. The Internet has now become one of 10 parts of people's life.

() 1. A. surprise   B. surprising   C. surprised   D. surprises

() 2. A. is   B. are   C. was   D. were

() 3. A. break   B. breaks   C. broke   D. would break

() 4. A. Because   B. So   C. But   D. However

() 5. A. good enough   B. well enough   C. enough good   D. enough well

() 6. A. information   B. informations   C. an information   D. the informations

() 7. A. work   B. to work   C. working   D. worked

() 8. A. easy   B. easily   C. more easily   D. easier

() 9. A. Send   B. Sending   C. To be sent   D. Sent

() 10. A. important   B. more important

            C. most important   D. the most important


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:


                      Learning How to Learn $ 22 

      Children who read this book show great interest in study. Many pictures will help them understand it easily and quickly.

                         Basic Study Guide book $ 36 

Read this book and learn:

What the three barriers (障碍) to study are and what to do about them.

What to do if you are tired of a subject.

Children read it to improve the ability (能力) to study.

      How to Use a Dictionary (Picture Book for Children) $ 35 

Read this book and learn:

How to look up words in a dictionary.

What the different marks in a dictionary mean.

How to use a dictionary to pronounce words correctly.

Buy this book and help children unlock their education.

What's more you will just pay 60% for it before December 20.

() 1. “” can tell you what to do if you are tired of a subject.

   A. Study skills for life   B. beaming How to Learn

   C. Basic Study Guidebook   D. How to Use a Dictionary

() 2. According to the ads (广告) ,the three books are for .

   A. the old   B. parents   C. children   D. men

() 3. If you buy the three books on December 20 ,you will just pay for them.

   A. $93   B. $71   C. $80   D. $79

() 4. If you want to know how to use a dictionary,you should buy.

   A. Study Skills for Li fe   B. Learning How to Learn

   C. Basic Study Guidebook   D. How to Use a Dictionary

() 5. Which books may not have many pictures?

   A. Study Skills for Life   B. Learning How to Learn

   C. Basic Study Guidebook   D. How to Use a Dictionary


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:


        In Britain,people often invite friends for a meal,a party or just coffee. People who know each other very well may visit each other's  houses without an invitation (邀请),but if we invite new friends,usually an invitation is needed. When people invite someone to their homes,they often say ,“Would you like to come for dinner on Saturday?” Answers are ,“Thanks,we ,d love to. What time?” or “I'm sorry. We’d love to,but we have tickets for the concert. ” However,it is not polite to say, “No,we wouldn’t. ”

        Sometimes,the British use expressions that sound like invitations but which are not invitations. For example, “You must come over for a drink sometime. ” or “Let's go out for a meal one of these days. These are usually just polite ways of ending a talk. They are not real invitations because they don't mention an exact time or day. They just show that the person is trying to be friendly and the answers are , “Yes,that would be nice. ” or “OK,yes,thanks. ” 

        So next time you hear what sounds like an invitation,listen carefully. Is it a real invitation or is the person just being friendly?

() 1. It's always necessary for to visit each other's houses with an invitation.

   A. close friends   B. family members   C. neighbours   D. new friends

() 2. It is not polite to answer the real invitation by saying “”.

   A. Sorry. We’d love to,but we have tickets for the concert.

   B. Thanks. We'd love to,what time?

   C. Sure. We'd like to. Thanks a lot.

   D. No,we wouldn’t!

(3. If the British just want to end a talk politely,they may say,“”.

   A. Would you like to come for dinner on Saturday?

   H. Let's go out for a meal one of these days.

   C. Let's go out for a meal on Saturday.

   D. Shall we go for a drink this afternoon.

(4. The British often use“” to answer the invitations that are not real.

   A. Yes,what time?

   B. No,that's not a real invitation.

   C. OK,yes,thanks.

   D. No,you just want to be friendly.

() 5. Which is the best title for the passage?

   A. Britain               B. Invitation

   C. A Talk with Friends   D. A Letter to Friends


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

(B5  Millie has printed out some photos of japan from the Internet. Complete the descriptions under the photos.

  1. The highest mountain in Japan is

  2. Japanese gardens are known for

their beautiful .

3.During some , Japanese people wear traditional tcostumes and go to temples to


4.This train is called Shinkansen orthe "" .because it runs at a very high speed


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

(B1  One of Millie's favourite British writers is jane Austen. She wonts to find out more about the writer. She has found this article on the Internet. Read it with her.

       Jane Austen—a great British writer 

Jane Austen is one of Britain's greatest female writers. She was born on 16 December 1775. She was the seventh of eight children and never lived apart from her family. To entertain themselves,the children wrote and performed plays. Even as a little girl,Jane was encouraged to write.

As a young woman,Jane enjoyed dancing,and she went to many parties that were held in the great houses of the neighbourhood. She loved the country and enjoyed long country walks.

At the age of 14 ,Jane Austen wrote her first novel,Love and Friendship. In her early twenties she began to write her most famous novels—Sense and Sensibility,Pride and Prejudice and Northanger Abbey. Yet these books were not published until many years later. Northanger Abbey was not published until 1818 —a year after her death.

Sadly,Jane became very ill while she was still young. She died in her sister's arms on 18 July 1817. None of the books that were published in Jane Austen's lifetime had her name on them—they were described as being written "by a lady” .

As a result,Jane Austen was not very famous in her lifetime,and her books only became popular after her death. Her books are now some of the most read and studied books in the world.

(B2 Millie is making a card about Jane Austen. Help her complete the card.

  female writer from ⑴

. born on 16 December (2)

. was encouraged to (3) even as a little girl

. enjoyed dancing and (4) as a young woman

. Love and Friendship—her (5) novel

. (6) ; (7) and Northanger Abbey—her most famous novels

. died on 18July (8)

(B3 Simon has learnt about jane Austen from Millie. He is telling Annie about the writer,but he has made some mistakes. Underline the mistakes and write the correct sentences in the blanks.

1 Jane was the seventh of eight children and often lived apart from her family.

2 Jane enjoyed dancing but did not like long country walks.

3 Jane began to write her most famous novels in her early thirties.

4 Northanger Abbey was published when Jane was 14.

5 Jane became ill and died when she was an old woman.

6 Jane was very famous in her lifetime. However,not many people read her books now.


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

(C2 h Sandy and Amy are talking about their history projects. Complete their conversation. Use the correct tenses of the verbs in brackets.

you (do) your history project,Amy?

I  (3) (be) to North Hill in Sunshine Town.

I (4) (collect) enough infornnati’on about it. Ill write about North Hill.

Daniel and Simon (8) (finish) their projects already. They (9) (work) together yesterday at Simon 's home.

No,but I (2) (decide) what to write about.

I want to write about the changes in Moonlight Tbwn. What about you,Sandy?

I  (5) (interview) an old man in Moonlight

Town last Sunday. He (6) (live) in the

area since he was born. He (7)(tell) me

a lot about the area.

oh they're really quick. I'll start to work on it

tomorrow. I think I (10) (get)

enough information to start.


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

6. What your cousin at the moment,David?

a .is; writing     b. does; write     c .is; writes


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

Reading comprehension

A Wonderful houses 

A1. Amy is reading articles about houses in a magazine. Here are two of the articles.

My name is Will. I am a manager of a computer company. This is my house in Beijing. There are two living rooms,a dining room and a kitchen on the ground floor. There are three bedrooms and two bathrooms on the first floor. My son has a big bedroom and he always invites his friends to stay with him at the weekend. My favourite place is the living room. I can sit on the sofa and watch TV there. I need this after a hard day's work!

I am Jack. I am a fashion designer. I have many houses around the world,but I like the one in California best. The house is on the beach. I can see the sea from the house. I often sit and relax on the balcony. I also play with my dog there. In the evening,I take my dog for a walk on the beach. The house has a large garden. There are hundreds of beautiful flowers in it. I have a dining room,but I often eat in the garden. I can smell the flowers and hear the birds there.

