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阅读短文,掌握其大意,然后用方框内所给的词 的适当形式填空,每个词限用一次。

someone joke




any  fool




April Fools’ Day is a day to play jokes on others. No one knows 1.      this    holiday began but people think it first started in France.

In the 16th century, people 2.      New Year’s Day on April 1. In the middle of 1560s King Charles IX changed it from April 1 to January 1. But some people still celebrated in on April 1, 3.      others called them April Fools.

Each country celebrates April Fools’ Day 4.      .    In    France,    people  call    the    April Fools “April Fish”. They glue a paper fish to their friends’ backs to 5.       them.    When    he or she finds this, they shout “ April Fish! ”

In England, people play 6     only in the morning. You are a “ noodle ” if 7.

     fools    you.    In    Scotland, April Fools’ Day is 48 hours long. They call an April Fool “ April Gowk”. Gowk is another 8.       for a cuckoo bird.

In America, people play small jokes on their friends and 9.       other people on the

first of April. They 10.      point    down    to your shoes and say, “Your shoelace is untied. ”If you believe them and look down to see, you are an April Fool then.

 1.  how 2. celebrated 3. so      4. differently    5.    fool

6. jokes 7.    someone  8. name    9.    any    10.    may

题目来源:一课一练创新练习九年级英语全一册人教版 > Unit 12 Life is full of the unexpected.


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

(   ) 2. The skirt        is    made of silk is very expensive. I can’t afford it.

A. what    B. /

C. it    D. that


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

柠檬       球门;目标       教练     

踢;踹       勇敢;勇气       拉;拖      

点头        同意          过失;缺点     


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

5. So far I       (make) quite a few friends here.


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:


(J = Jane, M = Mike)

 J: Hi, Mike. It was one of my luckiest days yesterday.

M Oh, really, Jane? 1.     

J Many good things. When I woke up, one of my old friends called and said she would come to visit me.

M That was good. 2.     

J I haven’t seen her for about ten years. So I was looking forward to seeing her.

M Oh, then what did you do with your friend?


J No, nothing special. I hanged out with my friend on the street. When we walked past a book store, I bought a novel. And I found it was written by me.

M 4.     

J : I felt too excited and surprised. It was unbelievable!

M That sounds cool! 5.     

J That day ended with a big happy dinner. My old friend and my new novel brought me so much happiness.


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:


Their travel plan __ because of the bad weather.


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

(   ) 4. —Mr. Wang, you always speak loudly in class.

—I have to make myself      by all my students.

A. hear    B. to hear

C. heard    D. hearing


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

(   ) 3. —I think sometimes life is difficult for famous stars.

—Yes, they are always afraid of      

by others.

A. joining    B. be joined

C. following    D. being followed


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

 1. She has been taking exercises to lose w     

from day to day.

