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on     holiday, move to ,at the age of, decide to ,be famous for          

答案:is famous for;moved to;on holiday;At the age of;decided to



科目:初中英语 来源:2007年界首初中中考英语模拟测试[下学期] 题型:053


The world of the out-of-door is full of secrets.There are so many secrets, and they are so interesting that   1   of men and women, boys and girls are busy   2   them.Birds, animals, trees, and flowers are all   3   us.That facts about how they live and grow   4   interesting.

Do you know that once one of the greatest presidents of the USA   5   hours and hours studying birds? A businessman lives near New York City.He became so   6   in insects that he began to collect them.He now has over one thousand different kinds of them.They are all   7   in glass boxes.

Now come with me, and I will help you find some of   8   secrets.Let us go quietly   9   the forest and fields.Here we shall find how a hare tells the other hare where there is   10  .We shall follow a mother bear and her young ones   11   they try to look for food and get ready for   12   long winter sleep.We should watch bees dancing in the air to tell the other bees where they can find food.I’ll show you many other interesting things, but the   13   thing I can tell you is to keep your eyes and ears   14   when you go out of the door.Nature tells secrets to people only when they look and listen   15  


科目:初中英语 来源:江苏省盐城市2011年高中阶段教育招生统一考试英语试题 题型:053


  Good morning, ladies and gentlemen.I'm here today to share a good lesson with you.It is a true story about an overseas student   1   in Germany.

  After years of hard work, this student graduated with amazing achievements.Everyone thought he was going to get a good   2   easily and have a bright future.But to his disappointment, he was not even given the   3   for an interview! The third time he was refused, he couldn't help telephoning the company to ask.  4   they didn't want him.The answer was simple."We don't offer jobs to   5   people in Germany."

  What was wrong, you might wonder? The truth is ,shortly after he arrived in Germany, this clever student found that it was   6   to skip buying subway tickets.So   7   save money, he often went without a ticket.As a result, he had been caught without a ticker in the subway   8   times.

  From this story, we leam that we may get short-term benefits in dishonest ways, but the truth will   9   sooner or later and the cost is high.So remember:honesty is the   10   rule.

  That’s all for my speech.Thank you!


科目:初中英语 来源:浙江省杭州市萧山区金山学校2012届九年级上学期期中质量检测英语试题 题型:053



  Faced with rising childhood obesity(肥胖), Italian schools have increased sports hours   1   students in order to help them keep healthy lifestyles.According to data from the Health Ministry, 23.6% of Italian kids are overweight   2   12.3% are obese.That means over one   3   Italian kids aged 6-11 face health problems and the number is rising.

  In order to   4   down the trend, Italian schools have introduced lunch menus mainly based on fresh   5  , fruit and more “physical education” hours.They're also raising   6   lifestyles.A lot has been   7   in Italian schools to develop a sports culture among pupils against childhood obesity.The national schedule includes at   8   2 to 6 hours a week of physical education.The extra hours are for different sports.The most popular sports taught are football, handball, volleyball and basketball.

  Luckily,   9   of students said they were very pleased both with the food quality and sports education in school.Today, Italian children more and more realize the danger of childhood obesity and regard physical education   10   an important part of their schedule.


科目:初中英语 来源:英语教研室 题型:059

Do you have a pet? Have you seen a hamster? Do you like to keep a pet hamster?

  I have a very cute hamster named Barter. Barter has a dark cream-colored body (米色的身体), and a short tail. He has four tiny feet with sharp claws (尖尖的指甲)and tiny long teeth. He also has a pocketon each side of his mouth, for storing food.

  Barter loves food. His favorite is corn (玉米). If I give him a bowl of corn, he will eat every bit in a few hours.

  Barter is quite lovely. He's just over six months old and loves to play. He plays in the hamster wheel every night. When he plays around, he runs here and there, his body looking like a ball of fur(绒毛)rolling about (滚动). He gets very upset if someone bothers (打搅)him.

  I like my little pet Barter very much. He's brought me so many laughs and joys.

A. 词语释义

( )1. upset                         A. more than

( )2. name                         B. some, but not many

( )3. store                          C. annoyed

( )4. a few                         D. call

( )5. over                           E. keep

B. 用所给的词的正确形式填空

over  name  store  a few  upset

1. That old man is walking so slowly. He must be ________ seventy years old.

2. Many, many years ago, people didn't have fridges in their homes. They could not ________ food.

3. When I asked Linda, my friend, not to copy my homework, she got very ________.

4. The students were having an English class when a boy ________ Thomas, ran into the room.

5. ________ seconds later, he looked up and said slowly,Good morning, sir !

C. 按每小题要求做

1. 从文中找出作者描写小仓鼠活泼可爱的两个词

________ ________

2. 从下面的方框中选出你认为能描述仓鼠的词汇和短语

not big enough, easy to take care of, too boring, good company, very funny, too hairy, not friendly enough, short hair, noisy, dirty

________ ________ ________

D. 从下面的方框中选出一种你愿意养的宠物并从四个方面说明你喜欢的原因(4分)

snake, pig, spider, turtle, elephant, chick, giraffe, dog, monkey, horse, goldfish, bird, hamster, rabbit










E. 从原文中找出最能体现作者对仓鼠喜爱的一句话,抄在横线上



