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—What beautiful shoes you’re wearing! They must be expensive. —No. they only 10 yuan.

A. spent B. took C. paid D. cost


科目:初中英语 来源:牛津译林版七年级英语上册Unit 3 Welcome to our school!单元测试卷 题型:单选题

There is a river________ my house and my sister is sitting________ the house.

A. in front of; in the front of

B. in front of; in front

C. in the front of; in front of

D. in the front of; in the front of


科目:初中英语 来源:人教新目标九上英语试卷 Unit8 It must belong to Carla 单元测试(无答案) 题型:单选题

—Whose notebook is this?

—It ____be Ning’s.It has her name on it.

A. need B. can C. must D. shall


科目:初中英语 来源:牛津译林版英语单元复习试卷(9B Unit 3-4) 题型:阅读单选

MARS— The Red Planet “MARS—The Red Planet!” is one of our Early Reader Space books. It has surprising facts and photos explaining all about Mars. Aiming mainly at kids aged 7—10, it’s an interesting way for readers to find out more about the red planet.

MARS— The Red Planet “MARS—The Red Planet!” is one of our Early Reader Space books. It has surprising facts and photos explaining all about Mars. Aiming mainly at kids aged 7—10, it’s an interesting way for readers to find out more about the red planet.

The Weather

“The Weather” is one of our Early Earth books for boys and girls aged 13—15. This is a fun and fantastic way for readers to find out more about the weather on our earth. It offers information in a fun way—mixing facts, photos, and even has a web page with video clips explaining more about the information in the book.

The Weather

“The Weather” is one of our Early Earth books for boys and girls aged 13—15. This is a fun and fantastic way for readers to find out more about the weather on our earth. It offers information in a fun way—mixing facts, photos, and even has a web page with video clips explaining more about the information in the book.


Kids Book of Fun Facts & Amazing Pictures on Animals in Nature — A Perfect Horse Book for Kids Aged 5—8.

The book written by Kate describes the most noble animal on the planet for early readers. The book is packed with beautiful and clear pictures that help your child to understand the (fun) facts about this animal. It also includes anatomy(解剖) of horses.


Kids Book of Fun Facts & Amazing Pictures on Animals in Nature — A Perfect Horse Book for Kids Aged 5—8.

The book written by Kate describes the most noble animal on the planet for early readers. The book is packed with beautiful and clear pictures that help your child to understand the (fun) facts about this animal. It also includes anatomy(解剖) of horses.

1.If your sister wants to know more about the space, she can choose ________.

A. MARS —The Red Planet! B. The Weather

C. Horses D. The Earth

2.“The Weather” is one of our Early Earth books for boys and girls aged ________.

A. 5—8 B. 13—15 C. 7—10 D. 8—13

3.“Horses” is about ________.

A. the most noble animal on the planet

B. the weather on our earth

C. the red planet

D. a web page with video clips

4.Which is true according to the ads(广告) above?

A. The Weather is about the Moon.

B. Horses was written by Kate.

C. MARS—The Red Planet! is about the most noble animal.

D. Horses is a perfect book for kids aged 7—10.

5.The subject of the three books is on ________.

A. history B. geography C. science D. math


科目:初中英语 来源:人教新目标英语九年级上册Unit5 What are the shirts made of 知识点加单元检测 题型:单选题

—Are you feeling_______? --Yes I'm fine now.

A. any well B. any better C. quite good D. quite better


科目:初中英语 来源:人教新目标英语九年级上册Unit5 What are the shirts made of 知识点加单元检测 题型:单选题

This kind of car __________ in Japan.

A. makes B. made C. is making D. is made


科目:初中英语 来源:人教新目标英语九年级上册Unit5 What are the shirts made of 知识点加单元检测 题型:单选题

—You don' t look very______. Are you ill ?--No I'm just a bit tired.

A. good B. well C. strong D. healthy


科目:初中英语 来源:牛津译林版英语单元复习试卷(8A Unit 3) 题型:单选题


--- It's about 3 , 000 metres long and 50 metres wide. It looks like a rainbow(彩虹).

A. What does the bridge like B. How is the bridge like

C. How does the bridge like D. What is the bridge like


科目:初中英语 来源:牛津译林版英语(8A Unit 2)单元复习试卷 题型:完型填空

New Technology Revolutionizes(变革) Learning

More and more people believe that technologies are great for learning. Today, such teaching tools as iPads are used in a lot of courses, including language, history and science.

Many teachers are supporters of using iPads in language learning. They say that students now have much more time for discussion in the classroom. Instead of spending valuable class time listening to texts or watching teaching videos, students can do this on their own and come to class prepared for discussion.

The teachers also say that iPads allow students to learn at their own pace. Some students might listen to a dialogue only once and understand it, so they can save time for doing other things. Other students, however, might need to listen to the same dialogue again and again to understand it. Using iPads is especially helpful to students who are learning a language at different paces.

The students who are using the new tool in some courses are also happy. They believe that using iPads is a more enjoyable way to learn (such as listening to stories and watching movies). The class has become much more interesting and creative.

There are other advantages for students. By using iPads, they can pay more attention to the material and learn more. Teaching notes are stored in their iPads and are easy to find .Some students spend more time studying now.“I can listen to my language material or watch teaching videos on the bus, instead of having to wait until I get home,” a student explained.

Many adults complain that technologies such as iPads are doing harm to students. They worry that students might use iPads to download teaching notes and use them to cheat during exams. Some believe that iPads may separate students from each other. If a student spends more time watching videos on an iPad, he will have fewer opportunities to have face-to-face communication with others.

However, technologies are already a part of most students’ day-to-day lives. As for cheating, teachers can ask students to hand in their iPads when they take exams. Education needs to make changes with the times as technology is playing an important part. We should look forward to a wonderful future when iPads and other technologies can add a lot to the classroom.

1.What does the expression“at their own pace” in Paragraph 3 probably mean?

A. According to their own timetable. B. Without their teachers’ help.

C. Because of their wonderful goals. D. Against their parents’ hope.

2.From the passage we can learn that____.

A. students with iPads have less discussion in class

B. students get more fun from learning with iPads

C. iPads help students save time waiting for buses

D. iPads prevent students from cheating in exams

3.The writer probably agrees that____.

A. teachers can take control of students’ learning

B. exam results depend a lot on now technology

C. technology in education has a bright future

D. note-taking is as helpful as video-watching

